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Winapp2.ini additions


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Revised Entry

Add: %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.ScreenSketch_*\AC\INet*|*.*|RECURSE

[Snip & Sketch *]
Detect=HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\Microsoft.ScreenSketch_8wekyb3d8bbwe

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1 hour ago, SMalik said:

I think you misunderstood. Xbox One Smart Glass is a separate app. Also, Game bar is a separate app. ...

I know, I just wanted to show that using "\Microsoft.Xbox*_*\" is not possible without affecting the two separate apps.

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Revised Entry

Added: RegKey3 & RegKey4

[Notifications *]

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I suggest that the following be moved to Winapp3.ini.  I do not think most users of Winapp2.ini want it to reset all the web page icons in Chrome and/or Edge.   And it can cause users to have to do their own investigating as to why CCleaner is clearing out these icons....should they forget to uncheck these items.  Plus if you are like me and assist less "computer literate" users in why and how to use CCleaner with Winapp2.ini, it takes a personal explanation as to why these should be unchecked when Winapp2.ini is installed/updated.  

[Bookmark Icons *]

[Microsoft Edge Favorites Icons *]

Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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Just my humble opinion: Normally the entries that are moved to Winapp3.ini are dangerous, because they could break a function or delete very important data. The entries for the icons do not break anything, because the bookmarks itself are still working after deleting the icons. Also, the entries have clearly understandable names and warnings and are disabled by default, like all Winapp2.ini entries. (As far as I know, the intention of the icon entries is to remove traces, since the browsers never delete the icons of removed bookmarks.) If we judge by "what most users want", we have to move many entries to Winapp3.ini (e.g. most entries with a warning or all entries for backups). But let's see what the others think.

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7 hours ago, APMichael said:

Just my humble opinion: Normally the entries that are moved to Winapp3.ini are dangerous, because they could break a function or delete very important data. The entries for the icons do not break anything, because the bookmarks itself are still working after deleting the icons. Also, the entries have clearly understandable names and warnings and are disabled by default, like all Winapp2.ini entries. (As far as I know, the intention of the icon entries is to remove traces, since the browsers never delete the icons of removed bookmarks.) If we judge by "what most users want", we have to move many entries to Winapp3.ini (e.g. most entries with a warning or all entries for backups). But let's see what the others think.

Icons of deleted favorites/bookmarks stay there. It is a privacy concern. These entries should stay in Winapp2.ini without any warning.

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These entries should be removed.

[ShareX Backup *]

[ShareX Screenshots *]
Warning=This will delete all Screenshots captured by ShareX.

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Revised Entry

Changed Detect from HKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio
Changed |REMOVESELF to |RECURSE in FileKey3&4

[MS Visual Studio *]
FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Microsoft Visual Studio *\*\Logs|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey4=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio *\*\Logs|*.*|RECURSE

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Revised Entries

Changed DetectOS=6.2| to DetectOS=|6.2

[ScreenShot Index *]
Warning=This resets screenshot naming back to "Screenshot (1).png".

[Sharing MFU *]
Warning=This will remove the frequently shared list. This does not remove the apps listed under sharing.

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Revised Entry

Added DetectOS=|6.1

[Action Center *]
RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Action Center\Providers\EventLog
RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Security and Maintenance\Providers\EventLog

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Revised Entry

Removed Detect2=HKLM\Software\Intel
It points to something else

[Intel Installation Logs *]
FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Intel\InfInst|*.*|REMOVESELF

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12 hours ago, SMalik said:

Revised Entry

Added DetectOS=|6.1

[Action Center *]
RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Action Center\Providers\EventLog
RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Security and Maintenance\Providers\EventLog

This change prevents [Action Center *] from showing up on Windows 10x64 Pro




Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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12 hours ago, SMalik said:

Revised Entries

Changed DetectOS=6.2| to DetectOS=|6.2

[ScreenShot Index *]
Warning=This resets screenshot naming back to "Screenshot (1).png".

[Sharing MFU *]
Warning=This will remove the frequently shared list. This does not remove the apps listed under sharing.

These changes prevent [ScreenShot Index *] and [Sharing MFU *] from displaying on Windows 10x64 Pro.  

Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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There is Action Center in Windows 10 and I have the folder ActionCenterCache ( FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\ActionCenterCache|*.*|RECURSE ) on all my Windows 10 systems.



Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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1 hour ago, siliconman01 said:

There is Action Center in Windows 10 and I have the folder ActionCenterCache ( FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\ActionCenterCache|*.*|RECURSE ) on all my Windows 10 systems.



There is no Action Center in Windows 10. Please read the description in the link you posted. In Windows 10 it is Notifications and we already have an entry for that.

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3 hours ago, SMalik said:

[Action Center *] is a part of Windows 7 only.

[ScreenShot Index *] and [Sharing MFU *] are a part of Windows 8 only.

Sorry, but that doesn't seem right:

Microsoft no longer calls it "Action Center", but the "ActionCenterCache" folder (check the modification date) and the registry key "...\Security and Maintenance\Providers\EventLog " are still used by Windows 10.


From the description of Microsoft: "The old action center is still here; it's been renamed Security and Maintenance."


Also "ScreenShot Index" is still there. Please try it yourself: Just take a screenshot using WIN+Print and the registry value appears. "Sharing MFU" still seems to be used by some apps, e.g. the "Camera" app.


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15 hours ago, SMalik said:

Revised Entry

Removed Detect2=HKLM\Software\Intel
It points to something else

This may be on your system, but many Intel drivers do not create a registry key under HKCU. Therefore the Detect with HKLM should stay.


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16 hours ago, SMalik said:

These entries should be removed.

[ShareX Backup *] ... [ShareX Screenshots *] ...

I understand why you want to remove it, but please always try to give a reason if you want to remove entries. Thank you very much.

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8 hours ago, APMichael said:

I understand why you want to remove it, but please always try to give a reason if you want to remove entries. Thank you very much.

I think [ShareX Backup *] and [ShareX Screenshots *] entries explain themselves. Who would want their screenshots and captured videos deleted?

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Lets restrict [Action Center *]  to Windows 7 and make another entry with the proper name, which is Security and Maintenance. Move "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\ActionCenterCache|*.*|RECURSE" and "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Security and Maintenance\Providers\EventLog" to this entry from the [Action Center *].

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