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Microsoft vs. McAfee


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How effective is free antivirus software?


I have often wondered about the above question as I not only use "Free" antivirus software but also put my hand in my pocket for "Paid for" antivirus SW and I found this report an interesting read.

MSE Vs McAfee


Also interesting as I have now scaled my business activities down considerably and now count my $$$$.


Mind you I am not saying that the report is the gospel truth, it is just one side of the argument, food for thought. B)

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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MSE has earned critical acclaim recently, and from all I've seen about it, with good reason.


makes sense MS could make something that detects exploits in.. its own operation system :lol:

Well said to both Winapp2.ini :D

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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We're just lucky there's so many good free alternatives nowadays. Looking back some ten or so years there was a huge void in freeware av with little to choose from, and most of it being CLI or DOS-based.


Yes, and fortunate that the Piri owners allow this forum to discuss them. Great Source of information.

Many people I know don't know whats available free, and many think that if it's free, it can't be much good.

Thanks Tasgandy. :)

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Not one I would choose



Timely response Hazelnut and let us hope that many computer users, visitor's and forum members read your link.

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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