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Long time no see....


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Hey everybody. Been a while since I was around. Had lots going on. You all knew we had to move, and we did. April 18th was the big day. The place is nice, neighborhood is quiet and the neighbors are friendly. But it seems to be that with all good things that come, something bad follows shortly after.


Just this past week, not even a month after moving, my father had to be taken to the hospital. He went down hill very quickly and on Friday, he took his last breath. He was 69 years old, with a birthday just a month and a half away. He'd gone into acute liver failure, followed quickly by kidney failure. It turned out that he had liver cancer (no active liver tissue left at all), a small 2.5cm tumor on his left lung and possibly had colon cancer. Mom is having him autopsied to get a full report...why did he show no signs of anything till a week before dying, exactly what kind of cancer was it, etc. I offered up every organ I could possibly give him, but the doctors said that there was just no way to save him. So he left peacefully just after 6pm on Friday, surrounded by his family. Even my two best friends came to say goodbye to him. He was a good man who is loved by many. He'll definitely be missed.


So now mom and I are trying to pick up the pieces, so to speak. My brothers and my cousin are still here, so that's helping. But it's definitely not easy. I can't imagine what it's going to be like when they leave and it's just me and mom.


But anyway, I just wanted to give you all and update and let you know what's been going on since I had so many PM's waiting for me in my inbox.

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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So sorry for your loss, Lulu. Its a big adjustment, throws you off balance for a long time, but you can get through it. Once someone has been in your heart, they never really leave.


edit...Words seem inadequate, but its the best I can do.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Lulu, so very very sorry to hear about your Dad. Life sure is not fair at times!

Like login123 said, any words seem so inadequate at times of deep sorrow like yours.

I wish you and your Mom the best in years to come.

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So you did not notice anything peculiar about your dad before his health had failed???? Maybe that is because he did not want you to be worried. A bad fortune I see but I guess like all things must pass, things have to move on. Sorry to hear about that, just a few months ago, you had trouble moving and looking for a job now this. Just do your best to hold on for now and God will do the rest.

I love computer maintenance tasks.

Some of my favorite programs:

Wordpad -basic word processing

Notepad - temporary clipboard and basic scripting module

Windows Media Player 12- video, music and online radio player

Windows Media Center - live TV, local FM radio

CCleaner- handy computer maintenance tool


If something fails to work after using the registry cleaner, use SYSTEM RESTORE.

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It's good to hear from you, but I'm sorry it's on such a somber note. I lost my great grandmother last year, and my great uncle just passed this year. I can't imagine losing my father, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this tough time.



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Thanks everyone. It's definitely been rough. And like I said, just when everything is going great, something goes and blows it all to hell. I swear, I don't know why this family is cursed.


CT - It's definitely hard to lose family. My grandmother (who lived with us and who I took care of for 11 or so years) passed away in October of 2008. Now my dad. It's not fair, that's for sure.


Ishi - no, my dad had NO problems at all until a couple of days before we sent him to the hospital. He complained of some back pain, but that was nothing out of the ordinary for him since he'd done some major damage to his back in his younger years, not to mention having polio and not being able to get around so much. But then he started turning yellow (jaundice) and that was when mom and I decided we needed to get him to the ER as soon as possible. He was ok Monday while he was there, and he was fine Tuesday morning when we saw him but then we left because they were supposed to take him for a liver biopsy. Just before they took him, that's when he started going downhill. His blood work was all over the charts, his breathing was becoming labored and his vitals were up and down. They rushed him to ICU instead of doing the biopsy and from there they intebated him (put him on a breathing machine) and ended up having to put him a dialysis machine because he went into renal failure and his body had gone septic (blood poisoning). The day after, we found out that his cancer was terminal and that due to being in liver failure, there wasn't even a remote chance of saving him. So mom left him on the life support machines so my brothers could get here and two days later, we had to say goodbye. It was very hard to watch him go. But at least we were with him and we were able to say goodbye.


And to be honest with you, even if he had symptoms early on, he never would have gone through any kind of treatment. He wouldn't put us or himself through that, especially if the end result would be the same (meaning terminal cancer). So he would have just lived until it was time for him to go. He always told me he never wanted to know if anything was wrong with him. I can sort of understand why now.

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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Hey, I had begun to wonder where is LuLu? Even though I'm not THAT active over here, your absence really did make a difference!


Life can be really hard, yeah... but you did us proud by being so courageous through out. I wish you the best, and your father will be in my prayers tonight :)

Simplicity is hard.

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You are still lucky that you have grown up with both your parents, I assume. I lost my mom when I was only 8 years old because of multiple organ cancer, I think, but it still went through a 14-month struggle.God bless you and your family.

I love computer maintenance tasks.

Some of my favorite programs:

Wordpad -basic word processing

Notepad - temporary clipboard and basic scripting module

Windows Media Player 12- video, music and online radio player

Windows Media Center - live TV, local FM radio

CCleaner- handy computer maintenance tool


If something fails to work after using the registry cleaner, use SYSTEM RESTORE.

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Welcome back LuLu! I had wondered for sometime where's LuLu since you're a regular on here.


I'm glad your move went alright, and I'm very sorry to hear of the bad news about your father. Hopefully he didn't suffer, since there's nothing worse than that.

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I've been away for a few days LuLu, and was saddened to read this on returning today.


Best wishes to you and your Mum, and it's a blessing that your Dad didn't have a long drawn out illness. My Dad succumbed to cancer many years ago, and he suffered for far too long before he passed away.


I'm pleased your new home has turned out to be OK, and it's sad that it hasn't been a totally happy experience. These things are sent to test us I think, and I'm sure you and your Mum will pull through this together.


Again, sincere condolences.

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So sorry to hear about your loss Lulu. I lost my dad to cancer last year so do know how it feels, it's not easy but you will get through it. My sincere condolences to you, your mum and your family.

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It`s not easy being in grief you have to prepare to go through the loss again in waves,

sometimes nothing makes sense and nothing seems fair,

one way of giving something to the one you`ve lossed is to live your life more intensely on their behalf


what about posting a picture of your Dad that you like to show us so we can all help in thinking of you and him....

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Thanks everyone. You all are too good to me. :)


Dennis - you're right. These things are done to test us. The only problem is mom and I are getting really tired of all these damn tests! I'm still convinced we're just cursed.


Andavari - nope he didn't suffer. He went quickly and quietly and that's a blessing right there. But I still say he was too young to go. He had so much more living to do.


Fluffy suggested posting a pic of my dad, so I'll do that shortly.

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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Sorry to hear about your loss LuLu, hang in there and take it one day at a time.


It will get a bit better over time, you'll always have the great memories.


I lost my dad in 2001 and a brother in 2008, always remembered.

Take care....Michael "mjp"

I love sports, premium cigars, among other things....GO BROWNS, INDIANS (yeah I'm a die hard), BUCKEYES, YSU, NAVY.....and ND.

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mjp - I'm sorry to hear about your dad and brother. But like you said, there are great memories so I'm sure that helps.


Fluffy and Dennis - My dad was awesome, and definitely a kind man. Even the nurses taking care of him said he was such a sweetheart. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it and would help whomever and however he could regardless of his disability. And he supported every one of my crazy ideas and even wanted in on some of them. My two best friends were treated as though they were his own, and they even called him daddy. That's something that doesn't happen everyday. He was loved by many, that's for sure. He truly was (still is) a good man.

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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He looks like such a kind person. God bless his soul. :)


He definitely was. Everyone loved him.


I'm sure you're just as nice as him, Lulu!


I try. Sometimes I just don't have his patience. lol

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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