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Obligatory Book Thread


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What do you lot read?


Me? I just finished re-reading Scott R. Bakker's "The Darkness That Comes Before", the first book of his Prince of Nothing series. It's a great read, though I've only managed to get my hands on the first book (but my birthday is coming up and I might be getting a load of books). I'm currently reading Pratchett's "Guards! Guards!", which, of course, is a damned brilliant read.


Some of my favorite books include Dune ( Frank Herbert ), Cryptonomicon ( Neal Stephenson ), A Game of Thrones ( George R.R. Martin ), and anything by R.A. Salvatore.

Fantasy is the celebration of what we no longer are: individuals certain of our meaningfulness in a meaningful world. The wish-fulfillment that distinguishes fantasy from other genres is not to be the all-conquering hero, but to live in a meaningful world. The fact that such worlds are enchanted worlds, worlds steeped in magic, simply demonstrates the severity of our contemporary crisis.
Scott R. Bakker, Why Fantasy and Why Now?

RPG Codex - Putting the 'Role' back in RPG.

The Age of Decadence - A game everyone should look forward to.

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I've read a ton of books :)


Ones I remember:


Lord of the Rings (trilogy),

Dune (only the first one so far but I want to get around to the others)

Various Start Wars

Various Start Trek

Bloodstone Chronicles


And Currently re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia


When I was younger and with no job :) I use to grab ~7 books from the library for 2wks and read..... sometimes extended for another 2 -4 weeks to complete them.


Worse book I remember reading was one from the Barf-O-Rama series .... and while in the car at that...

Very childish book ...snot filled water balloons was the level of humor.



According to wikipedia its a very rare series:



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Just finished a Robin Hobbs book. One of my favourite authors.


The Tawny Man trilogy by the above author was one of my all time favourite reads along with Lord of the Rings, the Secret Lemonade Drinker and many others.


If it has words, I will read it!!!


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Good thread.


It's nice to get suggestions for good books/authors. My favourite author was David Gemmel who sadly died recently.


His wife is gonna take up where her husband left off, and she will probably do a good job, as she used to be involved a lot in his writing.


I'll check out the stuff above. Sounds good.

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I've read a ton of books :)


Ones I remember:


Lord of the Rings (trilogy),

Dune (only the first one so far but I want to get around to the others)

Various Start Wars

Various Start Trek

Bloodstone Chronicles


If you really liked Dune, I can only suggest reading up to God Emperor. After that, it has a different feel.


And Currently re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia


That's actually one book I've never read. Lewis, ain't it? I think I'll be checking if the local library has it.


When I was younger and with no job :) I use to grab ~7 books from the library for 2wks and read..... sometimes extended for another 2 -4 weeks to complete them.


I still do that =X


Worse book I remember reading was one from the Barf-O-Rama series .... and while in the car at that...

Very childish book ...snot filled water balloons was the level of humor.



According to wikipedia its a very rare series:



Snot-filled water balloons is the epitome of high-class humor!


Just finished a Robin Hobbs book. One of my favourite authors.


The Tawny Man trilogy by the above author was one of my all time favourite reads along with Lord of the Rings, the Secret Lemonade Drinker and many others.


If it has words, I will read it!!!


Robin Hobbs is brilliant, but I've only read the first book of her Farseer trilogy, Assassin's Apprentice. It was so good. Tawny Man, iirc, looks like the series I'd enjoy the best, given that my favorite character from the book I've read was the Fool.


Good thread.


It's nice to get suggestions for good books/authors.




My favourite author was David Gemmel who sadly died recently.


His wife is gonna take up where her husband left off, and she will probably do a good job, as she used to be involved a lot in his writing.


I'll check out the stuff above. Sounds good.


I've never read David's work, but I'll be giving it a look. Any recommendations on any specific titles of his?

Fantasy is the celebration of what we no longer are: individuals certain of our meaningfulness in a meaningful world. The wish-fulfillment that distinguishes fantasy from other genres is not to be the all-conquering hero, but to live in a meaningful world. The fact that such worlds are enchanted worlds, worlds steeped in magic, simply demonstrates the severity of our contemporary crisis.
Scott R. Bakker, Why Fantasy and Why Now?

RPG Codex - Putting the 'Role' back in RPG.

The Age of Decadence - A game everyone should look forward to.

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With David Gemmel, you really have to start at the beginning. A novel called "Legend".


He wrote his Heroic Fantasy stories in "Series", so you obviously need to read through each series in order. I'm confident once you've read "Legend", you'll eventually become a member of the "I've read everything he's written" club. :)



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Hmm, I a fan of most things fantasy (except Twilight, not because I'm a guy but because I like vampires and the Cullen family is a family of pixies. Also, the movie was awful.) I was actually writing my own book and got about..9 chapters in and then my harddrive crapped out on me last september. Aw well, I guess I still have the first 7 pages :/


I like Dan Brown's books like Deception Point and Digital Fortress, Anne Sages septimus heap series and of course Eion Colfer's Artemis Fowl series :lol: cant get enough of that rich, but genius angsty kid.

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I'll read anything by Stephen King. I love horror stories.


But on the same note, I'll read just about anything. I'm re-starting Son of a Witch and soon hope to get my hands on the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Series books. I love the show True Blood on HBO so I'm quite curious about the differences in the books (and I know there's lots).

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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I'll read anything by Stephen King. I love horror stories.


But on the same note, I'll read just about anything. I'm re-starting Son of a Witch and soon hope to get my hands on the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Series books. I love the show True Blood on HBO so I'm quite curious about the differences in the books (and I know there's lots).


Stephen King's best work, imho : The Stand, It, On Writing (I've reread this book too many times) and the Dark Tower series.


He also does a lot of stuff I didn't like (ie - Dreamcatcher and the stuff he did with Straub). It's give-and-take with his sort of stuff.


Hmm, I a fan of most things fantasy (except Twilight, not because I'm a guy but because I like vampires and the Cullen family is a family of pixies. Also, the movie was awful.) I was actually writing my own book and got about..9 chapters in and then my harddrive crapped out on me last september. Aw well, I guess I still have the first 7 pages :/


I haven't read Twilight, but my girlfriend made me buy a copy. I won't let her read it, though, until she finishes the second book of Song of Fire and Ice. B)


I like Dan Brown's books like Deception Point and Digital Fortress

Dan Brown is great. I read both Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code in single nights. A rare feat, given I like to read a chapter, think on it, and wait until the next day to read the next chapter. But they were just too much fun.


With David Gemmel, you really have to start at the beginning. A novel called "Legend".


I'll find myself a copy. :)


Currently reading Kabuki then going onto an Albert Camus book soon enough.


That Kabuki sounds like a really interesting read!

Fantasy is the celebration of what we no longer are: individuals certain of our meaningfulness in a meaningful world. The wish-fulfillment that distinguishes fantasy from other genres is not to be the all-conquering hero, but to live in a meaningful world. The fact that such worlds are enchanted worlds, worlds steeped in magic, simply demonstrates the severity of our contemporary crisis.
Scott R. Bakker, Why Fantasy and Why Now?

RPG Codex - Putting the 'Role' back in RPG.

The Age of Decadence - A game everyone should look forward to.

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I'm a huge reading fanatic (I think I might have forgotten to include that in my profile page). Read so many books that I can't even remember most of them. My favorite books of all time would be the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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I'm a huge reading fanatic (I think I might have forgotten to include that in my profile page). Read so many books that I can't even remember most of them. My favorite books of all time would be the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


See, I read LotR and loved it the first time. My second read, I was more 'meh' about it. Maybe that's because I read Martin's massive Song of Fire and Ice (which, thankfully, is unfinished), but maybe it's just because so much fantasy is based off of Tolkien's writing that after a time, the shine begins to fade.


I think there are some good articles in Larry Flynts writings...






I'm probably going to get my hands on Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen soon, because I heard it's comparable to Martin's epic style. Anyone read any of his books? (And by 'him' I mean Erikson)

Fantasy is the celebration of what we no longer are: individuals certain of our meaningfulness in a meaningful world. The wish-fulfillment that distinguishes fantasy from other genres is not to be the all-conquering hero, but to live in a meaningful world. The fact that such worlds are enchanted worlds, worlds steeped in magic, simply demonstrates the severity of our contemporary crisis.
Scott R. Bakker, Why Fantasy and Why Now?

RPG Codex - Putting the 'Role' back in RPG.

The Age of Decadence - A game everyone should look forward to.

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And a few more from the back of my memory (well actually I used this site to jog my memory:



Prydain Chronicles aka The Chronicles of Prydain (Lloyd Alexander)

Obernewtyn Chronicles (Isobelle Carmody) (haven't read the latest book it wasn't out when i was reading them from the library)

The Gathering (Isobelle Carmody)

Tripod series (Samuel Youd aka John Christopher)

Day of the Triffods (John Wyndham)


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Hmm, I a fan of most things fantasy (except Twilight, not because I'm a guy but because I like vampires and the Cullen family is a family of pixies. Also, the movie was awful.) I was actually writing my own book and got about..9 chapters in and then my harddrive crapped out on me last september. Aw well, I guess I still have the first 7 pages :/


I like Dan Brown's books like Deception Point and Digital Fortress, Anne Sages septimus heap series and of course Eion Colfer's Artemis Fowl series :lol: cant get enough of that rich, but genius angsty kid.


Have you tried Percy Jackson?

..or Harry Potter :lol:



I loove fantasy too.


Big fan of Dan Brown :)


Try the Inheritance Series by Christopher Paolini! It's awesome.

Simplicity is hard.

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