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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I very rarely get a trojan, and half that time it's a false positive. I still gotta say I've gotten way less junk since I've installed & used CCleaner regularly. Maybe it's the way I have it set up, which is nothing special. Also NoScript (in FF) and hostfile in Opera have a lot to do with that too. I almost wanna be able to make AVG 7.5 run a scan once a week instead of every day because honestly I don't think I need it. But, yeah, the minute I do that....BAM! So I'll just leave enough alone. ;)


    Father Owl (in the old "I Love To Swing" cartoon) - "ENOUGH IS TOO MUCH!!!"

  2. I'll give that a try & see if I can be comfortable with it.


    You know what I really don't need (after much ado about FFs' All In One sidebar)...is the side bar. It's nice but I disabled it because I can get what I want from the address bar.


    This Opera browser is better than 10 beers. Which reminds me...


    Oh! You know what bugs me? (Yes, I know, everything.) That New Tab text next to the New Tab icon in the Tab bar. (Ahhh, that 'new tab' smell...) There's no way to have it just as an icon. There must be a way of getting it up there in the Tab bar without the text. I'll have to look at that Opera buttons page you pointed to again & see if such a monster exists.

  3. Because quite a few icons are generic I need to label them with some text.


    I tried putting a bunch of extra buttons on my lower status bar, but that somehow screwed up my address bar buttons, so I limited it to just 2 buttons on my status bar (Security and Show Images).

  4. I copied the huge 'fanboy' adblock list and (thank God) actually found the urlfilter.ini file within my Opera profile, pasted it in there and now I have no ads. Sweet.


    I also found what appears to be Operas' about:config page. :blink: Just like FFs' about:config, I have no idea what the commands mean or whether they're on or off or true or false or what. So I just dinna touch anything. But it's neat to look at. I found 2 areas so far, IFrames and JS Scripting.

  5. I didn't turn off text there, I just deleted the bookmark name. Any icon that's recognizable is fine with me. If it's a generic bookmark icon I usually give it initials or an abbreviated name to tell me what it's for.


    I'll give that filter thing for blocking ads a try now.


    You're right, this Opera browser does kick ass. :D

  6. I know of that feature but I'd rather have the tab bar up even if it's just one tab. I actually like the look of it. Especially with that lone green pear up there.


    Okay, so how do you get rid of ads? I looked at the Cookie feature and it just gives you the option of editing or deleting them. Still, that's of no consequence. I need ads blocked.

  7. :lol: Yes, that mess 'o' favicons is my bookmark bar. I find it handy. But I found that "hide Menu" button you mentiopned and now I can access that mess 'o' icons via the Bookmark menu line and also keep the Menu bar hidden.


    Witness the power of this fully operational battle station...



  8. Wow, I downloaded & installed the new Opera beta and damn it's fast. :blink: Sure is a lot different than the last time I tried it. Many more options. Some nice skins too. I see what you mean about FF addons being somewhat built into the browser.

    One thing I wish I could do like I can in FF and that's squeeze the Navigation bar controls and address bar into that topmost "File" thru "Help" bar, which unfortunately isn't a customizable bar.

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