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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. When you say opening do you mean actually showing the CCleaner window on screen?

    Or do you mean giving you a prompt to clean or a notificatification that it has cleaned?

    The first shouldn't happen, the second could happen depending on your Smart Cleaning settings.

    If it's the second then you can either turn off Smart Cleaning altogether, or change the option so that it just cleans junk without showing you any notification.
    You can also set a level for junk before it will be cleaned.

    You can do the same for browser cleaning, turn it off for all, or set different options for each browser:

  2. Oh well, it was a first guess because Registry Cleaner will clear font references.

    Just to be sure here, you are certain that it is CCleaner that is removing them?
    From my reading it seems that the favourite fonts not working as it should and losing it's 'stars' is not an uncommon problem in photoshop.

    Assuming that it is CCleaner removing them:
    I take it that the fonts themselves are not being removed and having to be reinstalled, just the favourite links to them are going missing?

    In which case it's a matter of finding out where photoshop is saving those links and then making them (or the folder) an exclude in CCleaner.
    From a quick online search I believe that it's in the folder-  C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop <version>\CT Font Cache\
    See: https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/photoshop/kb/troubleshoot-fonts-photoshop.html

    (You will have to turn on 'hidden items' in File Explorers View menu to see the 'AppData' folder and below in File Explorer).

    So make that folder an Exclude in Custom Clean: https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/using-ccleaner/excluding-files-folders-and-registry-entries
    Note that Excludes, and Includes, only work in Custom Clean, Health Check ignores them.


    Alternatively, (or if Excluding that folder doesn't work):

    In CCleaner set Options>Advanced to show the File List rather than the Advanced Report
    In Custom Clean right click each of the entries that you currently have ticked and 'Analyze' from the popup menu.
    Then look at the files found for anything obviously photoshop related.
    When you see a file that is obviously photoshop related right click on it and 'Add to Exclude list'.

    Go through them all (except the browsers?) because there may be photoshop stuff in more than one category.


  3. Mmm, it could well be those background tasks that are building up caches, etc. and slowing things down if they are not cleaning themselves.

    CCleaner (or Disk Cleanup) won't be able to clean them while they are running in the background.

    A restart may well clean them up.

    If you have multiple instance of the same thing running at the same time then it could be fighting against itself?

    Obviously it's not our place to say what you should have running on your machine, but do you realy need them all?
    (I only have 2 enabled in Startup, and 3 in Scheduled tasks).

    I'm not sure what all those you list are but (my view):
    Windows Update will take care of any driver updates needed.
    Software Updaters are marginal use - do you need to update softwares that are on your machine but that you don't use often? Anything you do use often should prompt you itself when there is an update available or at least have a 'check for updates' button.
    Skip_UACs are only useful for apps that you open regularly, if you are not opening them that often then what's an extra click or two?

    If you want to cut them down then I suggest you start by using AdwCleaner from Malwarebytes.
    It's designed to remove unwanted/uneeded bloat, stuff that came bundled from the machines manufacturer, stuff you've downloaded, and even some of the Microsoft bloat.
    After scanning (it's very fast) it gives you a list of what it found so you can chose whether to keep it or junk it.
    Take a look for yourself: https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/

  4. I found the problem, the Remote NDIS Network Device had gone totally missing from Device Manager.

    After a bit of head scratching on how to get it back I reset the phone (actually I took the battery out to force a full reset), plugged it back into the laptop USB and turned on tethering.

    Bingo, a new, phone specific, RNDIS in device manager and USB tethering working again.

  5. I was just typing the same as Hazelnut, plus another couple of questions:

    Do you have many 'Live tiles' on your Start menu?
    I'm meaning things that show video/animation, or update information such as news or weather apps?

    Do you have much starting with Windows or Scheuled Tasks?
    CCleaner's Tools>Starup will show you lists of what is enabled. (Health Check's 'Speed' can remove some surplufluous ones for you).


  6. What capacity is your SSD?

    The fact that it was fine following a reinstall of Win 10 and then slows down over time suggests that system junk is building up.
    (Junk that CCleaner can't touch).

    Try running the built in Windows Disk Cleanup with 'Clean up system files' selected, before you clean take a look at the results to see what is taking up the space.
    Run it at least one a month or whenever you notice a slowdown.

    As your internet also seems to be slow I'd use a speed checker such as ookla to check your internet speed.

  7. I'm guessing that you are using the Registry Cleaner tool in CCleaner.

    If so then stop using it, it's deleting the registry links between photoshop and you favourite fonts.

    You should not use any Registry Cleaner with Windows 10 anyway. (Unless it's to try and fix an already faulty computer).

    Here is Microsofts stance on using Registry cleaners:

    Here is CCleaners advice:


  8. Malwarebytes Free will not interfere with an install. And there is nothing in there to disable.

    Malwarebytes Free does not run in real time to protect you, it is an 'on-demand' file scanner only.

    You need the paid for Malwarebytes if you want it to give malware protection in real time.

    If you have no other AV then Windows Defender should turn itself on to protect you.


    Your situation is a puzzle, especially as it's so long running. It does seem as if it may well be machine specific.
    You say you install CCleaner for others, any problems there?

    Another suggestion you've probably already tried; have you tried right clicking on CCsetup576.exe and selecting 'Run as Administrator'?

    And one more; again right click CCsetup576.exe, select Properties>Compatibility and check that you are not trying to run it in compatibility mode for an older Windows version.

    One other thing I'm wondering, that screen looks to be in a high resolution, does changing the resolution to standard make any different to the installer blank page?

  9. The first thing I'd try, if you haven't already, is:

    Uninstall CCeaner.
    Restart (not shutdown/reboot) your computer.
    Try installing CCleaner again.

    The restart is important there.
    Note: Uninstalling will cause you to lose your CCleaner settings and you'll have to reset them after reinstalling. If you tell CCleaner to 'Save all settings to INI file' (Options>Advanced) you can make a copy of the ccleaner.ini from the CCleaner directory before uninstalling and paste it back after reinstalling.

    If that still doesn't work then many install problems are due to an AntiVirus programme interfering and blocking the install.
    Yours seems to be being blocked after the setup and when it comes to actually install the files, which is indicative of AV blocking.
    Which AV are you using? and if it's not Windows Defender then what version is it at?
    Try disabling your AV before installing CCleaner. (or boot Windows into Safe Mode so the AV is not running and try installing CCleaner there).

  10. CCleaner can find duplicate files, but only you can decide which ones to keep or not.

    Only delete duplicates of your own files.

    Do not delete any duplicates of system files. (Unless you are entirely sure that they are not needed).
    Duplicates of system files are often needed for your computer to work properly.

    CCleaner puede encontrar archivos duplicados, pero solo usted puede decidir cuáles conservar o no.

    Elimine únicamente los duplicados de sus propios archivos. No elimine ningún duplicado de los archivos del sistema. (A menos que esté completamente seguro de que no son necesarios).
    A menudo se necesitan duplicados de archivos del sistema para que su computadora funcione correctamente


  11. The time remaining on the old licence should be automatically be added to the new one, but it may take a few days for that to show.

    But there are a few reasons why this might not happen, if you bought a new/different licence key, if you used a different email address, or if there were more than 90 days on the old licence.
    In which case email support to get the licences merged so that the new one starts when the old on ends.


  12. Quitting from the icon will close the CCleaner background tasks and so will remove the icon - but only for the current session.
    The tasks will restart the next time that you reboot your computer, or the next time that you open CCleaner, and the icon will come back.

    You will get a CCleaner icon in your system tray if you have Automatic Updating selected.

    If you don't want to see a CCleaner icon in the system tray then you have to have and Automatic Updating turned off.

  13. This thread is over 2 years old and so is well out of date.

    You are missundertanding how the settings work now in CCleaner.

    You can change the settings in CCleaner itself - but it's now 2 settings that you have to disable, because there is now a new function that can run in the background.

    You will also get a CCleaner icon in your system tray if you have "Keep CCleaner updated automatically" selected in Options>Updates.

    That's a new feature that was only recently introduced to CCleaner Free. (And it was also changed in CCleaner Pro).

    If you don't want to see a CCleaner icon in the system tray then you have to have both automatic updating and Smart Cleaning turned off.

    PS. "Launch the CCleaner app each time the computer starts" has nothing to do with this.
    That simpy runs a clean in the background on start and then closes itself.

  14. I always let it run alone, but that's my choice.

    You can keep using the computer and while that will slow down the cleanup, it shouldn't noticably slow down using the computer.

    Of course while you are using the computer it will be writing new temporary files, but that shouldn't be the ones we are trying to clean up here.

  15. I believe that both Edge versions are shown by default, whether you have them or not.

    Presumably once legacy Edge is removed by MS in April's Patch Tuesday update it can also be removed from CCleaner.
    It may hang about for a while though, not everybody does updates when they should, and legacy Edge will still be available for some businesses and endpoints.

    I suppose the next question has to be when will MS get around to scrapping/removing IE?

  16. Thanks for the screenshots, (and thanks to the others joining in to help).

    It looks to be those "System volume information" files that are causing the fragmentation. (All the red squares).
    They will be either open or protected so that Defraggler can't work with them.

    So to start with; yes you can delete those old restore points, that may/should remove some of those System Volume files.
    You can do it from CCleaner, or the next step here (Disc Cleanup) should do it.

    Next I would run the Windows built in Disk Clean-up with 'Clean up system files' selected. That can take some time cleaning up the system files.
    Just in case you've not used Disc Cleanup before: https://www.dummies.com/computers/pcs/how-to-use-disk-cleanup-in-windows-7-and-vista/

    That should further reduce the number of System Volume files.

    Next I would do a "Boot time defrag" which can defrag system files before Windows loads.
    In the menu a the top left of Defraggler select: Settings>Boot Time Defrag>Run Once
    It should give you a prompt asking if you want to restart.
    Restart your machine and Defraggler will run before Windows loads to defrag the system files that it can. (Because Windows isn't yet loaded you'll only see some lines of text).

    Once Windows has loaded try a Defraggler analyze again to see what it says the percentage fragmented is now.

    Come back and let us know how it went.

    That all takes a while to do, but once you can get things cleared up and defragged keeping it that way is easier.

    (PS. You can change the settings so that it doesn't keep as many restore points in future, but let's try and get things cleaned up first).


  17. 1 hour ago, KEL1 said:

    I also, "defragged by file" for a really fragmented file, but that didn't have any overall impact.

    Try doing that for ALL the fragmented files, as it shows in that second link above.

    If there are lots of files with a small number of fragments that can affect the overall fragmented figure more than one file with a lot of fragments.


    PS. A reboot is not necessary, in fact it will probably write more temporary files which may be fragmented.

  18. It depends how you have defragged.
    From the time it took I'm guessing you just clicked the 'Defrag' button after analyzing.

    There two processes that are both referred to defragging - Defragmenting and Consolidation
    By default Defragler does a mix of both, and Consolidation can actually leave some files more fragmented than before which seems to be what you are seeing here.

    See these links,
    The first is an explanation of the two diffrent defrag types, and how each type works

    This second one is step-by-step how to do a 'files only' defragment without the consolidation, which will get the files in one piece each and the fragmentation percentage down

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