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Everything posted by mta

  1. this is a 9 year old thread..... times have changed, running a reg cleaner is next to useless. no performance or space will be gained. official MS line here; https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2563254/microsoft-support-policy-for-the-use-of-registry-cleaning-utilities
  2. Fran, I've heard back from the Admin Team and they suggest you send an email to customer support, here; https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new or you can email them directly at support@piriform.com
  3. g'day Fran and welcome to the Forums. I will forward your post on to the Admin team for resolution. just for your info, that error message usually means that the version you are trying to install is deemed too old by Microsoft and won't allow it to install. Piriform releases a new version of CCleaner roughly every 4-6 weeks. so it sounds like the CD contained a too old a version. get the latest from here; https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds you can download that latest version and install it'll be the free build until you get your license sorted then you go into CCleaner, Options, About, and click Upgrade to Pro.
  4. if you provide a screenshot of the remaining files, it can be confirmed as to why they are still there.
  5. it just makes the conversation hard to follow. plus JRC has quoted one of your modified posts anyway.
  6. so what happens if you close Chrome then fire up Task Manager and make sure no chrome.exe processes are running then run CC?
  7. mta


    Notepad++ v7.5.6 enhancements & bug-fixes: Fix macro playing back crash issue on new added "find previous" and "find next" buttons. Function List enhancement: Highlight the current function based on cursor position. Fix crash on styler dialog of User Defined Language dialog. Fix file status detection issue under Windows XP. Ghost typing enhancement: Unicode, syntax highlighting and speed support. (check the url for the usage of ghost typing on command line: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/features/ghost-typing.html ) Add a message from outer space. first they introduced spiritual quotes, now space messages. can you pick the software house with bored programmers.
  8. g'day daniel and welcome. use this link to get the key resent to your email; https://www.piriform.com/support/license-lookup or a support ticket can be raised from here; https://piriform.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  9. @J_R_C and @jaddorf, please play nicely guys AND follow the forum rules. have a read of them here; https://forum.piriform.com/announcement/15-forum-rules/
  10. worst case it may leave the current file it was defragging in a worse state.
  11. you could temporarily disable McAfee just while you download the file. you know the site is trusted so all should be safe. McAfee may be balking at the recent domain rename from piriform.com to ccleaner.com and any redirects or it could be the bundled offerings in the CC download.
  12. providing the drive hasn't failed, data recovery can be as simple as removing that drive and either placing it into another PC or into an external drive enclosure. after 5 hours and still going.... I'd be rebooting and seeing how that goes. if still no luck, try starting into Safe Mode and using Restore Points. next options would be a manually initiated repair or worst case, a fresh install of Win7. but get the data recovered first. and for future reference, if the data is important, why isn't it being backed up???
  13. righty-o then.... or you can do that.
  14. g'day natan and welcome. more info would be helpful, like, OS version, Chrome version, CC version? what fails to be cleaned; cookies, history etc? are any chrome.exe processes still running when you run CC (check Task Manager it confirm)?
  15. with Win7 main support already wound-up and the extended life cycle ending in around 18 months there simply is no economic benefit in touching Win7. and if it's one thing we know about MS, everything is revenue driven. like XP, they would be hoping these users jump on-board the Win10 wagon. all they have to do is just wake up each day and that time gets a little closer with each sunrise.
  16. mta

    Stopped WFS scan

    have you rebooted the PC yet?, that MAY get rid of them. if not, you can safely delete them. the way CC wipes free space is to create hundreds of files to fill up your drive then it deletes them. when you aborted that process mid-run, they were left behind. they should all be in the root folder of your C: drive, yes? fire up File Explorer and select them and delete them.
  17. g'day Ken and welcome to the forums. Damn, really?, 11GB, never knew they were making them that high. is that for VR or crypto mining or something? can't be just for games, surely?!? again... DAMN. I'm impressed. (and my mind blown) that bad boy must have set you back in that one component what I could make 2 business work horses out of or one good gaming PC for. but as for Speccy, it is what it is, probably just reporting what it found from WMI interrogations. click Start and in the search field type in dxdiag and click the dxdiag.exe program it should find. click the Display 1 tab and see what it reports as the RAM for the vid card.
  18. mta

    Stopped WFS scan

    g'day ithubby and welcome. you can either let CC complete the WFS and it'll delete them for you, or you can manually select and delete them (then empty the Recycle Bin).
  19. g'day JadeLee and welcome to the forum. Yes, as you have found, CC has a long running, known, and unresolved bug where it reports HDD's as SSD's and vice-versa. There has been no public, official word regarding any sort of resolution, so don't hold your breathe on that front, or for a fix I guess. It's obviously not even on Piriform's radar is all anyone can tell of the issue.
  20. in Speccy, along the top you'll see File View Help, click View then you'll see Options.
  21. double check how those drives are connected to your motherboard. some SATA ports on the mobo are coloured to represent different access speeds.
  22. g'day rscmnitty and welcome to the forums. click View, then Options.
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