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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. I need to put a image/photo program on my computer. I just want a general purpose program. I am looking for suggestion on what would be best.

    Thanks for your help.

    Depends what you want to use it for. I use Irfanview for for basic photo editing (cropping, levels etc) and GIMP for more serious photoshopping type stuff

  2. This could make for a very interesting topic, its not something I've really looked into. QT Tabbar and Findexer look interesting, shall certainly be trying QT out (why have tabbed Windows never occurred to me before as an idea worth looking up :rolleyes: ).


    Only things I have installed that would maybe be considered and explorer addon would be Eraser (5.7) which I use as a right click replacement for the standard delete, and Styler to pretty up the explorer toolbars. Tried Teracopy a while back but never found it particularly advantageous for my uses.

  3. You may have missed this JD, but I've got sound reasons for sticking with the 2008 version. Have a read in case you're tempted to upgrade to the 2010 version.


    It's a long thread so I've linked to the relevant part.



    Yeah think I did miss that. My reasons were almost solely based on not having any interest in the added bloat now in it and the 08 version is problem free for me (important for a software of this nature), though I did have a glance through their forum when my 08 version ran out and it just proved my decision right from what I read (and I now have the 08 installer backed up for when it runs out again next year :P ).

  4. I run CCleaner Registry cleanup. 2 Missing shared DLLs always show up. I let CCleaned fix the issues. CCleaner reports the items as fixed. These same 2 missing shared DLLs always reappear. CCleaner can't permanently clean the missing shared DLLs. Should I run REGEDIT and manually delete the shared DLLs from the registry.

    Here are details:


    Missing Shared DLL C:\Windows\system32\ZoneLabs\isafeif.dll

    Missing Shared DLL C:\Windows\system32\ZoneLabs\vetredir.dll

    The odds are they are just being recreated after they are deleted, if that is the case deleting them in regedit would just have the same result. If they bother you could exclude them in Options>Exclude to stop them showing up all the time.

  5. do i have to manually clean cookies or ccleaner auto cleans them

    Click the run cleaner button and CC will delete them. If you want to keep any, eg for sites requiring a login, go to Options>Cookies first and move the needed cookie from the 'Cookies to delete' to the 'Cookies to keep' side.

  6. Wow ... you must accidentally delete a lot of files :D;)

    Who said anything about accidentally deleting files? Some people, me included (and by the sound of it Sharktank), use it to overwrite all recoverable files, saving on the additional disk wear (and time) of overwriting all free space.

  7. Huh?!?! Are you two the same person?


    I'm sure I am seeing the same issue actually. As I suspected there to be a discrepancy I let my restore points build up over the last week, used JKDefrag to move system volume information folder to some free space to see it clearly. Deleted all available restore points with CCleaner and the block of files shrunk by about 30%. Then ran disk cleanup's delete old restore points and the block of files shrunk to about a tenth of the size.


    WinXP Home, CC2.21 (I know it's an old CC version but as far as I'm aware the restore point code hasn't changed in subsequent releases so though it was worth posting)

  8. While this would work, the downside is that the services you disable in one user profile would remain disabled when the user logged into other accounts.


    I believe he is referring to a method that he can disable then re-enable services. Check theorica website for a free product called gamexp & be sure to backup your current settings before you begin so you can undo them later.

    That would be possible with a batch file, if the OP is interested I will pass on a batch file newbie guide I wrote for exactly what he wants to do (ie one click to stop services of choice, launch game and have services restarted on game exit).

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