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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. I really like the principle behind the new results list but think having to click through to each section to view the files is clumsy. Surely expandable sections would work better, ie click + sign to expand. And also have the option or have it remember whether the sections are expanded as now the results page hides what is cleaned unless clicked on which is slower and a PITA quite frankly, would be far preferable to have an expanded list split into sections so all files are still visible at once but in the individual sections they now are.


    Good idea, just the implementation that's not quite right IMO.


    (Oh and on the plus side the search option in the cookies section is a cracking addition ;) )

  2. Does the registry cleaner in CCleaner work as well as a dedicated registry cleaner.

    It depends on what you class as working well. It may not find as many entries as some more aggressive reg cleaners but that is deliberate as it is designed to be a safe reg cleaner, whereas some of the more aggressive cleaners can cause more harm than good.

  3. I haven't had the need to use a duplicate file finder myself but have heard from others that great care is needed when doing it.

    Indeed, I tried a few a while back and some of what they wanted to remove as duplicates was extremely dangerous. I think the one I found was the best I tried was CloneSpy (though I uninstalled it as I subsequently had no use for it) but I would still suggest exercising extreme caution

  4. i'm positive they're not on my computer, though. (i manually browsed through 'cookie manager' looking for the ones in the list)

    Then I would guess they are probably Flash cookies as these (AFAIK) don't show up with regular cookies on your computer.


    You could do a search on your computer for all 'settings.sol' files and temporarily delete the ones in Flash folders to the recycle bin then open CCleaner and see if the cookies are still showing up in CC's cookie list. Theres no damage done then as you can safely restore the files from the recycle bin afterwards.

  5. Well as I've said before the last version that deleted ALL cookies was 2.18.878. Install that for a quick run to see what happens.

    Hmmm, interesting. 2.18 does delete that Flash cookie file. Looked at the changelog for 2.19 and it says "Added support for Flash Cookies"?! So it cleaned all Flash cookies before, they added Flash cookie support and now it doesn't clean them all :blink:

  6. Well I'm sorry but thats why I made this topic and the latest 2.21.940 as fixed it for me. Do you have your Adobe Flash Player ticked?

    Of course, always have had. Have you checked (on an XP system?) if the cookie file I mentioned is deleted? It certainly isn't here (I found sites listed in it that I haven't visited for quite some time) and would explain the other posters also experiencing not all flash cookies being removed.

  7. I've just noticed that the date/size for the uninstaller is only on Vista and not on XP.(maybe you should note that?)

    Yup, same here. I seem to remember them adding a publisher column to the uninstall list a while back and that too has never shown in XP. Hopefully they will get round to fixing them both sometime.

  8. This is an example of what's in that cookie JD. I picked up a cool freeware utility on here recently called Peek, which enables you to read the contents of a lot of stuff.




    Peek: Originally posted by Login123.

    It was that post of yours that lead to me going digging and discovered that settings.sol and that it contained sites from a while back and it wasn't being deleted by CCleaner, have now added it as a custom deletion in CC.


    Incidentally, didn't need a program to examine the contents, just opened it in notepad.

  9. After digging around having just read a similar thread I discovered a flash cookie file not being deleted, located at:


    C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\settings.sol



  10. I tried it a while back to see if it added any additional safe cleaning that CC misses (as I tend to do with new cleaners) and found a little additional media player cleaning that hasn't caused me personally any issues, though I take no responsibly for anyone else's computer (disclaimer lol). This is the winapp2 entry I made for these additional files:



    [*Additional WMP files]LangSecRef=3023Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\PlayerDefault=TrueFileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player|*.wmdbFilekey2=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\Art Cache\LocalMLS|*.*Filekey3=%allusersprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player|*.bin


  11. What if I delete all "deleted" files in my hard disks?


    By using Recuva secure delete


    If I delete all "deleted" files under C:\


    would it couse Windows system crash or problems?


    I am using Windows XP Pro SP3 and the newest version of Recuva

    This is what I mainly use Recuva for (quicker and less HD wear than overwriting all free space), I do this once a month and never had any issues caused by it.

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