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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. octopus + octopus = 3.14 (or octopi) :D

    Surely octopi = 8 x 3.14


    And as were on random info - a phrase I learnt in physics to remember 6 decimal places of pi that always stuck in my head:


    3. I(1) wish(4) I(1) could(5) calculate(9) pi(2)

  2. Hmm...the only software I selected so far from the Giveaway of the Day turned out to be rogue. :angry:

    In their defence I've been following the giveaways probably for a couple of years and thats the first dodgy one I remember, dunno how it got through tbh, but hopefully it will have been a wake up call that it's not just malware they have to check for in giveaways. I always have a quick scan through the comments to check for any issues with the software before downloading anyway (that's how I know that one was a duffer, was stated in first post IIRC and backed up by a GAOTD forum moderator)

  3. I'm guessing for the fact that glasses are nicknamed 'specs' and with the name Speccy the glasses seems appropriate.

    I get that and makes sense for a fun logo but why 3D glasses, that's the bit I don't get. To me it gives the impression it's some sort of movie related software, just can't see the thinking behind it.


    (I know it's a minor point but it was the first thing that stood out straight away as a wtf/negative, everything else looks good)

  4. Happily Google know very little about me (which is comforting given their reputation). But then I only ever login for gmail, I never stay logged into Google for search etc


    Love one of the posts in the Register's comments section:

    Apparently in 2007 I created a calendar entry called "c**t" and "jkhkdgfhdkg" and claimed to be a man-whore living in France. As both were done in the early hours, I can only presume I was pished at the time
  5. lol, what's up with that, it downloads is360, have they stolen AVG pro and merged it with their AV?

    No, just trying to fool users into downloading their software. Just thought it put their morals into perspective (if they weren't already), there's also an anim? porn links page that downloads their software (was posted on MBAM forum, won't link to it here). Seems they've been getting away with underhand tricks for a while but now they've pushed their luck to far and got caught.

  6. The only software I have downloaded so far from the "Giveaway of the Day" website was RegTidy 2009. Hopefully this is not what you were referring to Andavari. :unsure:

    Yup, that's the one. Don't run it, just uninstall it.


    I check the giveaway site most days (have the rss feed on toolbar) and they do have an occasional good download on there. For me I'd say about 5% are usually of interest. Still have a a couple of programs that I use that came from there.


    The game giveaway site is not a daily giveaway site anymore, only gives away games at the weekends now (one saturday, one sunday) and equally quite alot of duffers but the occasional gem.


    You do have to be careful of the installers and pay attention to the tick boxes to make sure you don't install the Software Advisor (think thats what it's called). It's not malicious, just not of any use.

  7. It is my understanding starting with version 6 R11, the installation of Java updates also results in the preceding version being uninstalled.


    I've been using JavaRa for about a year now. Questions:


    1. Do you still recommend using JavaRa versus relying on the most recent Java update to uninstall the previous Java version on one's system?

    2. If JavaRa is still recommended, what is the preferred approach: Use Add/remove programs first and then use JavaRa or only use JavaRa? I searched the forum, and found the below post, but didn't see any resolution. (Perhaps this is splitting hairs.)

    I usually just install Java over the old version then run JavaRa's 'Remove old versions' and 'Remove useless files' functions.

  8. I've got version 1 of this from when it was previously given away and it can give cracking results with a little tweaking. I've stuck with v1 though as it's better looking (doesn't have the huge icons stealing screen space) and more importantly has a freehand tool which IMO works far better than the polygonal selection tool they've replaced it with in v2

  9. CCleaner is so nice, I use it for a very long time and didn't know about forum. Today I found it and I am happy. It doesn't metter version is old or new it's best off all. Yes new version is better. I found today defragler and I'm happy. I'm happy that I became a part of this community.

    Whith warm fealings


    Welcome to the forum :)

  10. >:( Ahh crappy "Pandora TV 4HD" ask.com toolbar came down with it, and no I didn't miss unchecking the tickbox (i always keep an eye out for it).

    1. it adds the toolbar

    2. it sets the serchbox default as ask.com. (even after uninstall it leaves ask.com in the search provider list, thankfully not set as default anymore)


    It seems to be randomly installing anyway... so be prepared to uninstall a toolbar if you try this.


    Well that's a bit of a PITA, have never had a problem with it doing that before so will be extra vigilant when its next updated (though will hopefully be fixed by then)

  11. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Ok you have made it clear that I must be pretty stupid and that it is my fault that I trashed my own drive by using this tool. Ok. Thanks for the help then. Later and thanks again. Great forum. Keep up the good work. Is that about it then? Alrighty then!

    My post was not aimed at you personally, you asked if it had been a problem before, I was just explaining the main reason why it's been a problem.

  12. It will take some getting used to for me with the filelist display, however hold outs like I was that were sticking with v2.21 actually need to update now as the bug fixes make it very necessary, ;) in particular:

    Fixed issue with Startup tool, displaying incorrect folder contents.

    Nope, the new results is a major PITA and I'm still sticking with 2.21 in the (seemingly vain) hope that the devs will add the surely simple option of detailed list showing by default. How hard can a tick box be, or even simpler just have ccleaner remember previous view when closing?


    As for the need to update, every new release I download the portable version to see if, firstly, the above has been sorted and secondly, if there is any difference in cleaning/performance. v2.21 has no bugs that affect my use.

  13. but wait...it not only takes the flashcookies...

    it takes the cookies to loginto the sites...that's bad.....really bad..

    Flash cookies are used by some sites to store login info the same as regular cookies

  14. Well my guess would be that your HD was maybe on the way out and running a 35 pass(!) wipe just pushed it over the edge. Personally I'm with Nergal on this one, its completely unnecessary and puts way too much extra strain on peoples HDs when they are assuming they should run it as it must be beneficial, and of course 35 pass must be better than 1 right? :rolleyes:


    But then that's the reason it's in the 'Advanced' section. Having said that if it was in a section with a big flashing "Do not use if you don't understand" warning, people would still tick all the advanced boxes and run it regardless

  15. Well after much head scratching and trial and error deletions of sections of CCleaner.ini the penny finally dropped dropped when deleting the cookies to keep section of the ini cured the problem. Of course, .sol files are used for flash cookies aren't they, it's the Gmail Flash cookies and I have the Gmail cookie set to keep.


    I really should have sussed that straight away :rolleyes:

  16. Don't know if this is v2.25 specific as I've only just discovered it but have found the portable version is finding Flash Player files that the installable version doesn't pick up for some reason. The files the portable version is picking up are:


    C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\EB8VEWFA\mail.google.com\wakeup.sol


    C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\#mail.google.com\settings.sol



    This is on XPHome, both versions are 2.25, neither have any exclusions or inclusions set :huh:

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