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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. Hmmm, seems I'm more sane than I thought, just 19.886363636363637% insane


    Though there should have been two more questions:


    Did you have to look up the word 'tesselate'?


    Were you worried that the word wasn't in your online dictionary of choice? :huh:

  2. The links in the top section are dead (the bit that's currently alternating between "Chrome Privacy Protector" and "Try out Google search's new look"). Also it would be good if clicking on the pic next to the story took you to the story as well as the, relatively small, 'Continue reading' button ;)

  3. I generally make a C drive image once a month (or whenever I remember) using a free copy of Paragon HD Manager that was given away ages ago. Although I am bad in as much as I backup the image to a partition on the same drive so if the HD died I'd be screwed (Note to self, make long overdue investment in external HD :rolleyes: )

  4. Tech My Wife, Please

    Tech Me Out To The Ballgame

    Tech Two And Call Me In The Morning

    Techle Me Elmo

    Tech Toch

    Techila Mockingbird

    Tech You!

    The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe, and Tech

    h i j k l m n o TECH!

    Tech This Brother, May It Serve You Well (Revolution #9)

    Technically Speaking.......no

    Tech That You Swine!

    But Enough About Me, Let's Tech About You



    _ . _._. ....

    Tech Me To Your Leader

    *unintelligible static gamma noise, cannot be reproduced in the 3rd dimension*




    Well, that was fun. :)

    You're teching the piss now :P

  5. It would be nice to here one of the makers of ccleaners reason to why, they have not done this or the downside of them building it in

    Well they have said why but I'm pretty sure they got fed up of answering the same thing all the time, year after year, when a search would probably find the answer. Which, in a word, is bandwidth.

  6. I always use to uninstall the last version of a program.

    Isn't this necessary with CCleaner :huh:


    Want to avoid that it's size gets too big in 'Software' (reason: image will take more than 1 DVD if C:\ gets too big).


    Anyway, if you say that I can update WITHIN CCleaner 2.24 - I will do so.

    Don't think it's getting too big to 'disturb' C:\-size regarding image (=backup of whole O/S).


    In this case I had to enable "automatically search for CCleaner updates" - right :huh:

    Never tried that.

    + all settings would be taken over - hehe.


    Please tell me if this would be the right way to update - NO uninstall of the older version :huh:

    You can just download the installer and run it, it will keep all your settings and is the way most of us update.


    just wonder why I should do this when you say that the install 'shouldn't' --> DOESN'T :huh: touch the *.reg files.

    Just to be on the safe side ;)

  7. Very interesting! I wonder how it compares to OpenDNS. Might just be another way for Google to collect user data.

    Funnily enough I did some Googling and reading up on Google DNS yesterday when I saw it posted somewhere and it seemed the general consensus was ODNS was faster, though I guess it will be slightly dependant on the location of the DNS server. As Google don't state where any of their DNS server locations are there is no way of knowing which will be closer.

    I won't be using it anyway, I know they state there is currently no data stored past 48 hours but this is Google and I don't doubt it will be on their roadmap for targeted ads etc in future so will be sticking with ODNS

  8. Try OptimizeGoogle. It is carrying on from CustomizeGoogle.

    I did, and most of that still didn't work when I tried it a while back. So have installed Greasemonkey instead and using scripts to achieve the same functions.


    On a side note I wish we knew what happened to the original developer, he was a regular updater and poster on the CG Google group and suddenly without warning disappeared and never posted again. I do hope nothing happened to him :unsure:

  9. A couple of cracking extensions I've stumbled across recently:


    CheckPlaces (link): Checks your bookmarks are valid and the pages still exist. Also checks for duplicates and for empty folders and can restore missing favicons.

    (This was a great find for me after upgrading to FF3 and finding my trusty AM Deadlink didn't work with FF3)


    Form History Control (link): If you ever had to clear your entire form history because you keyed in a password in the wrong form field, or you just want to easily correct misspelled entries, this is the extension for you. Form History Control will display all form data that has been saved by the web browser. Each entry can be edited in the interface which is very helpful to correct misspelled entries in the history saving the hassle of deleting and entering the data anew. Individual or multiple entries can be deleted right from within the interface.


    And seeing as there's been several FF versions since I originally posted my extensions, here's my current list:


    Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper

    Adblock Plus


    CookieSafe Lite

    CuteMenus CrystalSVG


    Duplicate Tab



    Form History Control

    Googlebar Lite

    McAfee SiteAdvisor{26.6}

    Menu Editor



    Redirect Remover

    Session Manager



  10. Not exactly, there are some flash cookies that are not deleted.

    I found some eBay cookies that are not removed, from secure.ebaystatic.com staying there after ccleaner has been executed.

    I'm using the "Flash cookie Cleaner" from Consumersoft to delete them, but i need to manually run the program.

    It would be nice for ccleaner to completely wipe out the Local Shared Objects folders if the user wants. I do!!!




    well... I found the way... manually added the following folders in Options->> Include:


    \Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash player\#SharedObjects\

    \Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\

    See this thread about the one flash file CCleaner excludes:



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