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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. That thread title had me confused till I clicked the link - was wondering how the kept the cigarette dry let alone smoke it :D


    As someone who used to work for a company fixing hi-fis, cd/dvd players, video players, I have some sympathy with them. Equipment from heavy smokers homes was invariably damaged due to the grotty smoke residue all over everything. Where they lost me was on the passive smoking bit, equipment from smokers homes did stink but don't think that quite classes as passive smoking :rolleyes:

  2. You realise that when you deleted the files to the recycle bin there will still be copies of those files in the original location (just marked deleted) that can be recovered. Moving a file from one place to another just puts a copy of the file in the new location (in this case the recycle bin) leaving the original in place on the HD and therefore easily recovered.


    Besides as far as I'm aware Windows renames files that are in the recycle bin so if you were recovering those files I don't think they would have the original filenames.

  3. Have just unsubscribed from their mailing list and was amused by the message on the unsubscribe page:


    What? You're breaking up with us?!? But we thought everything was cool! We're really sorry we checked out that other subscriber in the park the other day. It was totally an accident, we swear. I guess if you really feel that way, you could just fill out the info below and be done with us. We're keeping the barbeque and 80s rock CDs though.


  4. and guess what...25 min..means they're improving a lot,sometimes it takes me almost an hour.

    That wasn't 25 mins updating, that was just 25 mins scanning for updates before it aborted (was longer than 25 mins but that's where it was at last time I looked at it).


    Knew I should have kept quiet, was working great till I opened my gob :D

  5. You didn't say you used CCleaner, but no worries, I'll ponder the newspaper photographs.

    Here's my theory having noticed Recuva showing up internet pics/graphics myself, despite using CCleaner with secure delete. Assuming you have your internet cache set to a sensible value, say 80-100Mb, after a while browsing (especially if having viewed online vids) the cache will fill up and the older files in the cache will be deleted by Windows (unsecurely) to make room for new cache items. So even with running CCleaner, Recuva could still pick up plenty of pics from viewed websites that were deleted by Windows when cache got full.


    EDIT: Whoops, didn't realise this was an old post.

  6. read in their forum,they're working on it,but still some people compalining for updates.

    Well I can only say from my own perspective but I had almost constant update issues and for last few days no problems. I don't know if the fix has been sent out or partially sent out or whether they've sorted something server side but so far so good (still keeping fingers crossed though, just in case)

  7. hey guys one question-avira8-...does it have the update problem too?...

    i heard that version is more suitable for xp,'cause it doen't have the IPV6.

    Neither should Avira 9 now (and, as I said, in the past few days it has been fine)

  8. What's this, Groundhog Day ... is this where me and TomAZ post (again) that we haven't seen unacceptable lrevel of false positives from Avira? :)

    Well I'll take that role and state that in the past year I've been using it I've had one fp. The biggest/only nuisance was the update problems but, fingers crossed, it's been fine for a few days now.

  9. CustomizeGoogle - Firefox extension that enhance Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo, Ask.com, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam). All features are optional and easily configured.

    Most features no longer work on that, I got rid of it.

  10. Most drivers don't really need updated, or the last update for them is so old they're more-or-less discontinued which is especially a problem with OEM. I personally have never trusted those driver update programs, I've seen too many listings showing the absolute incorrect driver that would cause serious issues.

    Agree with that having just been through the whole update driver followed by BSODs. Filehippo update checker has been telling me for ages there was a much newer gfx driver available (newest OEM one on the Dell site for my laptop is about 2 years old). So I decided to prepare for the consequences and give it a go, BSOD every time I started up. Won't be doing that again :rolleyes:

  11. A FACT!:

    You can't pinch the skin on your elbow hard enough to make it hurt. (Quit trying before you draw blood) :P


    I must be a particularly sensitive soul then cos I can :huh:

  12. Here ya go Corona, hope this helps :D

    The gross aspects of the internal architecture of the lungs are similar among mammals. The volume of the conducting airways, which contribute to the anatomical dead space, is a constant fraction of total lung volume. This is essentially true even in the giraffe, in which the trachea is very narrow with respect to its length

    EDIT: Amazing the things you stumble across when Googling something unrelated but just found this which amused me:



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