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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. I'd be interested too ... I use Avira but I'm getting a little weary of the update difficulties with their servers.

    Same here, updates have been slow as hell for months now. Check out the elapsed time in this screenshot (and it's not even started downloading anything yet!):

  2. What really gets me is, what's controlling/motivating the leg?

    The unfortunate truth is fishing line tied round its foot and being pulled by its owners, which takes some of the humour out of it (the vids been around for a while)

  3. Or get one of those laptop stand like things I remember Dennis posting about some time ago that raises them up allowing for good airflow.

    I use a cooling pad the whole time when using my laptop at home.

  4. Basically working with your laptop in your lap would not cause the laptop to heat except if the fans are at the bottom then it will also heat up while just on a table.

    Except if its sat on the table the feet on the bottom raise it up off the surface allowing normal airflow.

  5. Thanks for the info. I'm using XP, I guess that's why I couldn't find it.

    Dunno if it'll ever get fixed (the missing publisher column was posted about several versions ago and has never been fixed), but if not it should be stated in the documentation that the additional columns are unavailable in XP

  6. The email that announced the release of ver. 2.21 listed the following new feature:


    Added Installed date and size to Uninstall Tool.


    How can this information be accessed? I can't find it.

    Depends on your Windows version, it doesn't work on XP (neither does the 'Publisher' column that was added a few versions before that).

  7. New details screen not been sorted then, maybe I've got too high expectations but genuinely expected it to be tweaked after so many user comments not liking having results hidden till clicked through (the most comments about any new feature for a while, can only assume it's not that simple to tweak the implementation of, at least I hope that's the reason).


    So still sticking with 2.21 and keeping fingers crossed a while longer I suppose :mellow:

  8. built in,,but i have to download an .ini

    well i just uninstalled it,,thanks anyway

    The ini is already there when installed, just blank so you can add the entries you want or download a block list of your choice (which they also supply), most browsers require an add on of some sort to block ads, unless of course you use a modded Hosts file.


    Anyway I didn't post to start a debate about the pros and cons of Iron (I use Firefox 90% of the time and was, until this update, undecided between Iron and Chromium as a backup browser), just stumbled across the update and thought it would be of use to anyone using Iron and not aware of the update.

  9. Whilst continuing my playing about with Iron and Chromium I noticed there's a significant new version of Iron:

    Based on Chromium 3 you can download a new stable version of Iron. There are many new features like Theme-Support, a new flexbible "New Tab"-Page and a working and stable extension system. We also added a User-Agend Switcher to Iron, so you can change it without having trouble with parameters. To use another browserstring just create a textfile called "UA.ini" in the Iron-Directory and put your userstring in the first line. After restarting Iron your customized string is used!



    (EDIT: There does seem to be a minor bug with tab selection at present - "Open in new tab" gives new tab focus instead of loading in background as it used to but this is being discussed on their forum so expect a fix will be available asap)

  10. MrG I would like some help please.


    While using the Analyze button recently on the cccleaner, I was perplexed to see a list of porn sites.

    Does this mean that someone has viewed these sites from my computer, or could this be some type of spam??

    I am not very good with computers, but have been unable to sleep since I found this list. Do you know how I could view a full list of all things that have been cleaned in the last few months? I would really appreciate some help.


    If these sites have been viewed do you have any suggestions on how I could stop this on my computer,,,free would be best as I have recently become unemployed....



    motherof3 :unsure::(<_<

    First, and most obvious, question - does anyone else have access to your computer?


    (Perhaps a mod could move this to it's own topic)

  11. You can always use the portable version of Chromium so you can install it where ever you want. I prefer portable versions of web browsers actually, to not portable versions.

    That's actually what I'm doing at the moment, are the items CCleaner cleans exactly the same as the non portable version (just with the directory you've placed it in being different obviously)?

  12. What about performance? Like memory usage, processor usage etc. etc.?

    Nothing noticeable, if it had any kind of performance hit I wouldn't use it. It doesn't run in the background (not in its own process anyway) and not noticed any effect on explorer performance.


    The only negatives I've found with it (which would maybe be solved by running in its own process, don't know) is that it doesn't organise the desktop immediately at startup, but then I'm probably just being picky as were only talking a few seconds.


    Though rather more annoyingly, it seems to save placement and visibility of desktop items in the registry and doesn't delete them when they are no longer on the desktop leaving invalid items in the registry that require a regular sweep with Regseeker to clear out (CCleaner doesn't pick the up and a winapp2 entry isn't possible because there is no way to select just the single invalid entries as far as I can see)

  13. If you download Chrome from the Google Pack it installs to program files.

    Thing is I was wanting a Chrome alternative (Chromium or Iron) and had decided I preferred Chromium thanks to the themes support making it look less ugly. But if it comes down to a stupid install directory with Chromium or ugly browser installed correctly then I'll have to go for the latter (and hope the Chromium devs eventually see how silly the choice of install directory is)

  14. I have 5 files listed for deletion(only on my 2nd desktop) that won't delete! Help! What do I do? The file name is:Internet Explorer index.dat files 0 KB.......How do I get rid of this? I even used the new version 222. I'm not sure if this is a "bug" or not.


    The index.dat files are deleted at reboot and a new clean version is automatically recreated by Windows. What you are seeing is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about ;)

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