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Posts posted by JDPower

  1. What's the big deal with this iPad anyway??? Why the hell is it so anticipated??? Does it really suck???

    It was so anticipated purely cos its a new Apple product. The reason it sucks, IMO, is not cos of the hardware itself but just because its trying to fill a gap in the market that doesn't exist.

  2. Why am I required to pay for an upgrade from 2.24 to 2.28? I thought that software developers normally only charged for full version updates. So, it seems that I should not have to pay more until 3.0.

    CCleaner is freeware, you don't have to pay anything.

  3. I have thought for a long time some of the placing of CC sections are not very intuitively placed. To me having cookies, inclusions and exclusions under 'Options' makes no sense.


    Plus I'm sure the Options>Settings and Options>Advanced sections could be combined under one button, just have the advanced options under an 'Advanced' heading.


    And having the Options button open on the 'About' page just adds an unnecessary extra click, no one who clicks on options is looking for 'About'.


    My solution:

    I'd move the inclusions and exclusions to their own button/section (ie like the main sections at side - Cleaner, Registry, Tools etc).


    Also move the Cookies section, perhaps integrate it as a sub section of the above mentioned new inclusions/exclusions section as that is essentially what the cookies section is - cookies to include and exclude.


    This would leave under the 'Options' button just 'Settings', 'Advanced' and 'About'. Combine the 'settings' and 'advanced' into one section, just give the advanced options an 'Advanced' heading. Both sections have plenty of free space so no problem fitting them on one page. And then just add an About button elsewhere, probably at the top or bottom (below "Online Help"?) of CCleaner as most other software also place it. This would tidy up the 'Options' section resulting in clicking on options showing 'Settings' and 'Advanced' on one unified page and no unnecessary further buttons to click to go to the options section you actually want (as is the case now).


    What does anyone else think?

  4. Making the other builds obvious would remove one of Piriform's only sources of income - the Yahoo toolbar.


    Doesn't help new users, in particular.

    But new users wouldn't be downloading it:

    Builds below are for system admins and advanced users
  5. How can I stop CCleanerfrom deleting game progress (WildTangent).

    Thanks for your help.

    Untick "Adobe Flash Player" under the cleaner's Applications tab

  6. Common sense?
    I saw that reply coming a mile off lol. FWIW I think you can comfortably run with no AV if you know what to avoid, I can't remember the last virus alert I had but still wouldn't run with no AV, just to be on the safe side :D


    That's like saying you won't get pregnant using the rhythm method for protection ;)
    Not really, more like saying you won't get a girl pregnant if you never go near any places where girls are (but then as with my AV strategy, I'd still keep protection in my wallet just in case ;) )
  7. Well apparently the bug is with the forum itself not Firefox and the forum software needs updating:


    From my point of view this is probably a problem with used message board

    software IPBoard 2.3.6, which reached EndOfLifecyle in the mean time. The

    newest IPBoard 3.0.5 works fine with Rich Text Editor and FF 3.6. You can prove

    it with a free demo installation:




    Best regards Michael

  8. Well I have just spent the last hour trying to work out why I've not been able to post replies here using anything other than the 'Fast reply' box since updating, turns out FF3.6 has a bug that screws up the rich text editor on Invision message boards:




    If anyone else has the problem a workaround is to switch to the standard text editor, either in 'My controls' at the top of the page or click the double arrow button at the top right of the reply box ;)

  9. however I won't cherish AntiVir's known false positive issues

    I must have just been lucky, I think I've only had two false positives since starting using Antivir a year or so ago.

  10. Oh I see what you mean, actually leaving DTA open then closing FF. I thought you just meant having it installed caused FF to continue running in the background. Yes it does do that but it's not something I usually see myself as I only use it when FF is open and have it set to close when download completes. But it's not something specific to DTA, pretty much any extension window will remain open after FF is closed (try it with AdBlock for example), and DTA is only copying the default behaviour of FF's own built in download manager - that window also remains open even after FF is closed, as does the add-ons window (which has always been an irritation of mine - I've just closed FF, why would I want the addons window open :rolleyes: )


    I've never understand why Firefox behaves in that way though, I can't see any reason why I would want any FF related extensions or windows to stay open by default when I've closed Firefox

  11. I use Returnil regularly but wouldn't want to have it running constantly, though I've never really been hit with a virus. The best protection is common sense, keep Windows up to date and a regularly updated AV (for when the common sense goes awry).


    I mainly use Returnil for testing new programs so that all traces are gone after I've played about and decided whether to keep it or not. And also on the rare occasion I do any potentially risky browsing or want to check whether a link/site/download is dodgy.


    Edit: Oh and I use the 2008 version too as the new version has bloat in it that I don't need and as was mentioned already the 2010 version is/was buggy

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