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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. I got a follow up email that decoded it. Attached below. Additionally, I accidentally may have deleted literally thousands of someone's emails today, so one of the Windows Live Mail messages probably needs tweaking (I can't confirm it was winapp2.ini, but it seems a likely suspect)
  2. We crack users passwords at the shop all the time using Hirens. Usually they've forgotten them (and haven't used the machine in long enough to be unable to remember them) but sometimes they're just too embarrassed to tell us their password
  3. au natural! 10/10 would set as phone wallpaper
  4. It's hard to go wrong with macabre!
  5. i really hope that by 2019 no one is running xp at home.. thatd be like running windows 3.1 today D:
  6. I got this email today, I haven't gotten around to... decoding it just yet
  7. I'll join the trend and post desktops with women on them http://imgur.com/a/yaujG two of mine, one animated one not, both Candy Skull themed.
  8. Hiya, welcome to Piriform. The developers read all the threads but rarely comment unless they need more information. Consider your suggestion noted, even if no admins respond. For the time being, I'll look into inclusion in winapp2.ini for the next version
  9. As Nergal above me mentioned, deleting this folder can cause issues with Windows Updates (it can also fix them ) and largely self manages unless there's an error
  10. That clarifies it somewhat, but it seems like it could mess with people not expecting it to wipe out their known device defaults
  11. Does AutoPlay devices wipe out the default action for devices connected to the computer?
  12. It's only $5 or $6 more per month to upgrade my 20/5 connection to a 50/25
  13. 6Gb/s is only 0.75GB/s
  14. try to find a hard drive that could write 5GB/s
  15. My experience with testing it on some computers at the shop lead me to believe that it depends on your UAC level, as some machines had many VS entries while others had only one or none at all. Even some newer applications (recently released games) seemed to make the entries, which is why I presumed it depended on privilige level
  16. Thanks Veterrimus, nice to hear from you again
  17. Aha, oops. That second sys32 was meant to be %LocalAppData%\MFAData\logs|*.log;*.log.*
  18. It's actually part of a secret plan to bankrupt Shane with increased bandwidth bills
  19. updated http://www.winapp2.com/changes.txt (the changelog wont fit in a post)
  20. I've been a fan of http://www.rainymood.com/ for years. Great for rain/thunder background noise. Goes well with http://endlessvideo.com/watch?v=HMnrl0tmd3k
  21. Selecting multiple options at once should just queue them similar to enable/disable all, to properly account for warnings that may present themselves (IMO)
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