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Everything posted by Alan_B

  1. The 64 bit Portable version works for me. But not till I experimented. I first made it active and it did not happen. I closed Speccy and still nothing (no surprise there then). I launched Speccy and it still failed to appear within Tray Customize, but at least the options remembered what I had told it to do. I clicked on the Speccy Taskbar icon and the icon vanished (which surprised me) and the GUI also vanished, and then I tried Tray Customize and found the Speccy icon and was able to choose "Show icon and notifications". I also find that when I click the Speccy Minimize button the Task Bar icon varnishes with the GUI and the Tray Icon then appears. SPECCY SHORTCOMING after configuring :- After launching I have to waste time and effort navigating and then clicking to minimize the GUI and see the Tray icon. It would be sensible if I could launch in /AUTO mode, but the only command line option seems to be "/debug" SPECCY ERROR There is no 404 page error, there is absolutely no response at all, when I click on what LOOKS LIKE a link which reads as Click here to go to the help section homepage. on http://www.piriform....-the-help-file#
  2. It may be due to corruption of Registry Keys - Windows does that sort of thing. Try a total uninstall and a fresh full install, OR Try the Portable version of CCleaner.
  3. The thing about a Moderator is that you can trust them to actually test out and validate any suggestion they make
  4. Assuming Windows 7 then you need to show hidden icons or have you something different
  5. That is the reward for using Windows to look at a Unix style file which concludes each line with "0x0A" instead of "0x0d,0x0A" You can either use MetaPad instead of Notepad, or rename the file as WinApp2.txt and then launch CMD.EXE and select the relevant folder and run the command MORE WinApp2.txt > WinApp2.ini
  6. I have a "standard default" installation of 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate + SP1 I never use IE but even so I am stuck with the unwanted C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory I think your problem may be paths that are not only non standard but are also not legal. You have the horrendous path D:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory My complaint is NOT against the non-default drive but the weird and wacky use of %UserProfile% instead of %USERNAME% CCleaner may well understand your stipulated path as D:\Users\D:\users\Realtime\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory I suggest that you would have better luck with :- D:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory OR %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory OR %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory I suggest you launch CMD.EXE and run the command SET and look at your environmental variables.
  7. So what ? Windows only tells you what it wants you to know Windows Virtual Memory correctly tells me that C:\ holds a 16 MB Pagefile.sys, and E:\ has a system managed Pagefile.sys Against R: it says NONE because it is NOT using the Pagefile.sys that resides on R:. If I use the Defraggler and select R: and switch to the "Search" TAB, and tick the boxes "Filename Contains:" and "Include non-fragmented files" and specify Pagefile.sys then it reports a size of 8,387,896 KB in 5 fragments. If I right click on that and select "Open Containing Folder" then Windows Explorer is launched and Pagefile.sys is selected, and Right click / properties shows this as having a size of 7.99 GB (8,589,205,504 bytes) Windows Explorer agrees with Defraggler. Virtual Memory manager simply ignores what it is not using. I have now shown you how to access these potentially redundant and surplus files, and how to know their locations and sizes. I know how Pagefile.sys got onto R:\ and I know that I can safely remove it. I do not know how you accumulated spare Pagefile's so do not know if yours are safe to remove.
  8. The recovery is NOT affected by the Free vs Paid versions. Recovery to the same partition that you have scanned may make EVERYTHING permanently UN-recoverable.
  9. If you pay for support you may expect the developers to respond directly to you. I am thankful for what they provide free of charge.
  10. What version of Windows ? How do you TYPE in the Start Menu ? What is your default install path ? In Windows 7 I can click on the Start icon and select "Run..." and that gives me a pop-up that allows me to type the name that I wish opened - is this what you mean by the Start Menu ?
  11. It is lying to you, perhaps because it is hiding stuff that you have not enabled, perhaps because you need admin authority, perhaps ..... Did you do what I did in post #6 - Yes or No ? Did you see a list of files listed - Yes or No ? So long as you can at least see the name of a file in that list I have a special trick to prove it really exists even though Windows is hiding it. Did you "right click on of those files and choose Open containing Folder" - Yes or No ? Did an instance of Windows Explorer will open - Yes or No ? Was the chosen file highlighted - Yes or No ? If you need the special trick, it is to launch Defraggler WITHOUT running it; Select the System Drive; Click the TAB named "Search" Tick the box named "Filename Contains" To the right enter the name of one of the files (in my case I have WMP47267697-9bd0-4102-a147-d43a73083bed[1]..jpg and being lazy I simply type WMP47267697-9bd0 Tick the box named "Include non-fragmented files" After about 3 seconds Defraggler has analyzed my 60 GB SSD and updated the map (your mileage may vary) and found the file. It is identified as WMP47267697-9bd0-4102-a147-d43a73083bed[1]..jpg 1 72126 located in C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\I3VMX5TR\ When I select this file the map has all cells greyed out apart from the cell which contains the file. When I right click on this file I can choose to :- "Save List to Text File" and / or "Open Containing Folder" which launches Windows Explorer looking at C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\I3VMX5TR I am sure your problems are entirely due to Windows and nothing to do with CCleaner.
  12. Portable Firefox could be a terrible mistake if you are concerned about secure deleting of your activities. I have in the past tried the Portable version from PortableApps http://portableapps....irefox_portable At that time, and very probably even now, it was basically a NON-portable variant which used the STANDARD FIREFOX user profile for all user data, and the "portable trick" was to take a "INSTALLED-SNAPSHOT" of the user profile and then restore to that profile any previous LAST-USER-DATA, and then Firefox runs and updates this "common" user profile with your current user data. When Firefox is closed then PortableApps will copy your latest user data from your user profile into the LAST-USER-DATA ready for use then next time, AND ADDITIONALLY will clean up all OBVIOUS traces in the STANDARD FIREFOX user profile by copying back the "INSTALLED-SNAPSHOT". I strongly suspect that OBVIOUS traces are simply deleted and instantly recovered by RECUVA. If you are concerned about security you should consider Portable Palemoon which does NOT create or use a standard user profile. Palemoon is based on the same open source software as Firefox and can run the same Add-ons. http://www.palemoon.org/ They have an active forum and most questions are answered very quickly. N.B. I believe that :- Portable Palemoon is so portable that two separate instances may run simultaneously with separate profiles and no conflict; Portable Firefox had no such capability when I tried that in the past. Incidentally, I never feel the need to Secure wipe and remove my traces, but I gave up Firefox (installed) and went to Palemoon (installed) because every other day the CCleaner forum was unreadable with Firefox and its rabid update cycle, whilst Palemoon never let me down.
  13. Do you have to permanently delete these locked files ? Perhaps you could Delete to Recycle Bin, or alternatively simply move to another folder which is under your full access control and which is targeted via CCleaner's "Include". Then when CCleaner cleans with its Secure Over-write they should be gone forever.
  14. I have blocked I.E. and only use Palemoon as my browser but Windows still creates junk CCleaner Analyze finds 227 KB in 39 Files. When I right click on that result and choose "View Detailed Results" I am shown 39 files held in 4 different folder with one common parent C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ When I right click on of those files and choose "Open containing Folder" then an instance of Windows Explorer will open, and this shows me that file and all its companions. I have modified the defaults of Windows so that it shows me all system and hidden files. Perhaps Windows is "protecting" you by concealing these things from you.
  15. Perhaps it keeps on asking because the replies are missing or invalid. Have you checked the Smart Data with any other utility ?
  16. What you have posted as a bug topic is just one of the results of how Windows was thrown together. Windows does what Windows wants to do, and that includes dumping in Temp Internet files stuff that is not due too browsing with IE9.
  17. I took two lunch breaks. In between I had to rework my solution which was tedious to document and worse to understand. Then I produced a single line batch command which is posted here :- http://forum.pirifor...showtopic=38909
  18. I understand that the actual error is NOT what is reported. The problem is excessive length of Path PLUS LENGTH of Filename. The problem is ACTUALLY with the destination to which recovered files are saved, so saving to the root of X:\ will be more successful than saving to X:\Long Folder Names Are My Habit\ Unfortunately Windows may break the rules and create path+name lengths that a user (and Recuva) is not allowed to do. Such items must be excluded from any attempt to save complete with original path. This should give you a list of all the Path+Filenames, starting with those that are so long they should be excluded Download SysExporter from http://www.nirsoft.n...ils/sysexp.html Find deleted files (I am using Recuva64.exe v1.47.948.) Launch SysExporter. Select from the "Title" column Piriform Recuva and choose from the "Type" column "List View". After a long delay the bottom half of the display corresponds to the Recuva display, then use Menu "Items" / "Choose Columns" and reverse the order of Filename and Path, uncheck all the other boxes, and click OK. Menu Items / Select All Menu Items / "Copy Selected Items (Tab delimited)" Launch Notepad and use Ctrl-V to paste the contents of the paste buffer into Notepad, and save as a file Report.txt to a convenient folder (I use E:\Tools\Piriform\Recuva\v-1-47\) Now create in the same folder the file "Long.BAT" and copy into this sort /R /+250 report.txt > Long.txt Launch Long.BAT and it will create the file Long.txt, EDIT :- Enhancement that adds a calibrated ruler as a "header" to measures the length of a folder path plus name "Header.BAT" and copy into this :- @ECHO OFF & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion SET /A SORT=247 SET /A MAX=259 ECHO Script %~f0 revised %~t0 IF "%1"=="" CALL :S %SORT% & GOTO :EOF :S SET "STR=" & FOR /L %%N IN (0,10,%MAX%) DO SET "STR=!STR!....'....;" SET /A NH=%1-1 SET /A NG=%MAX%-1 SET "STR=!STR:~0,%NH%!S!STR:~%1,%MAX%!" ECHO !STR:~0,%NG%!M :- S(ort)=%1 M(ax)=%MAX% > REPORT.LST MORE /T0 REPORT.TXT | sort /R /+%1 >> REPORT.LST and this will create the file REPORT.LST that commences with the calbration ruler followed by a sorted list which will show at the top of the list all the path+files which exceed 247 characters in length. PLEASE NOTE The output list of items is sorted in two sections. The top section are all path-file-names with a minimum length of 247 characters, followed by the section for all path-file-names with a miaximum length that is less than 247 characters. For a different split just change the number in the second line which reads "SET /A SORT=247". e.g. if you wish to "restore with folder structure" to a pre-existing path that is 20 characters long, you cannot then restore anything that was more than 239 characters long, so a suitable command would be SET /A SORT=227 You can also change the number in the third line if your system can use longer path-file-names than the 259 limit of my system END OF EDIT The actual limit for Windows is 259 characters (plus NULL terminator) Whilst the NTFS limit is 32,000 character. http://www.codinghor...s-too-long.html I wonder what the Linux limits are EDIT SUPPLEMENTARY :- After deselecting all items that are responsible for a "Maximum path length exceeded", you can restore with folder structure, after which the few which were selected can be restored without structure, and then you can use Windows Explorer to shorten their names of shorten the restored folder strucure and then move those files as you wish. N.B. You will find a worked example in my recent bug report :- http://forum.pirifor...036#entry237168 P.S. I am shattered after debugging the clever bit of code SET "STR=!STR:~0,%NH%!S!STR:~%1,%MAX%!" I am in no condition to explain how that works, but these links will help you to also get a headache if you are interested http://www.dostips.c...anipulation.php http://www.dostips.c...ets.RightString http://www.dostips.c...pets.LeftString http://www.dostips.c...ppets.MidString and there is expert advice available at http://www.dostips.c...ewforum.php?f=3 CORRECTION Some how stray text "with folder structure" became embedded in the code. Now fixed at 20:18 15/07/2013
  19. I am preparing a reply that may help you, probably after lunch
  20. Welcome to the forum. You can right click on the results and choose to "Save to Text File", taking care to note the name and destination, and optionally to specify an alternative. Do this after Analysis and also after Cleaning. You should find that all of the 50 which are deleted were within the original 900 that were analysed. Some of the 50 may have appeared more than once in the 900 analysed. The same file can APPEAR under two different names, e.g. MACRIU~1.TXT and macrium-v5-server-licence.txt Analysis will see it both ways and count it twice. Clean will delete the first instance its sees and count that as a result, and when it gets to the second instance it is already gone and so is not counted a second time. Reparse Points are yet another complication that allows one file to appear to exist in many folders. Welcome to the World of Windows I have given up worrying about the difference between the Analysis and the Clean numbers. However you do have an unusually large difference. If you want more detailed information, or wish the developers to evaluate this as a bug, I suggest that you use "Advanced Reply" which allows you to attach the two text files that show the results of Analysis and Clean. (no one wants to see a 900 line post on their browser).
  21. I strongly recommend Macrium. Their technical support is almost never needed, and when required it is prompt, courteous, and I have never seen it fail. Support Forum http://support.macrium.com/ I have used Virtual Box with their standard product http://www.macrium.com/personal.aspx If you are using Server software you get change out of $200 http://www.macrium.com/business.aspx Please note that I am not aware of any capability for either Macrium or Acronis to run under Linux O.S. and create backups. My experience of Macrium is that when Windows is toasted by a spurious defective Microsoft Update, the Macrium Boot Rescue WinPE CD was able to create perfect FULL backups of the entire system (After I modified a financial spreadsheet in User documents and had saved it, Microsoft did the dirty on me and trashed Windows before I could archive it.) I am sure that the Macrium Boot Rescue WinPE CD will work if you totally remove Windows.
  22. Question. If there is more than one User Profile on a computer, is it possible that that one user might run the latest version (or even a nightly/Beta version), and the other user could wish to continue with the older version.
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