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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. All I can come up with is a pchealth folder that belongs to windows.


    The pchealth folder contains files and subfolders to support the Microsoft Help Center Service.

    These files support all the Windows XP Help services, including features such as Remote Desktop Assistance.


    Could you do a search for "pchealth" and "pc health" and see what you come up with?


    Might be worth posting a hijackthis log just in case.

  2. Opera, the Norwegian-based web browser, has struck a deal with Haute Secure to include malware detection and blocking in the browser?s new 9.5 release. The new version is currently available as a beta, with a final release imminent.


    Haute Secure makes software that aggressively monitors and alerts users to malware sites. Besides the version that is being integrated into Opera, Haute is also available as a free plugin for Internet Explorer and Firefox. It differentiates itself from other blocking software by analyzing sites on the link level instead of at the domain level. This means that on very large sites like MySpace that contain a combination of legitimate material along with more sinister profiles, pages will be blocked on a case by case basis instead of simply banning the entire MySpace site. For more details, check out our review of their latest version here.


  3. Woody, if you read this it may be worth waiting a bit before deciding on buying the Mazda RX8.


    Nowhere as nice or half as much grunt but those oil companies will be squirming.

    BBC News is reporting that a French company has developed a pollution-free car which runs on compressed air. India's Tata Motors has the car under production and it may be on sale in Europe and India by the end of the year.


    The air car, also known as the Mini-CAT or City Cat, can be refueled in minutes from an air compressor at specially equipped gas stations and can go 200 km on a 1.5 euro fill-up -- roughly 125 miles for $3. The top speed will be almost 70 mph and the cost of the vehicle as low as $7000.


    The car features a fibreglass body and a revolutionary electrical system and is completely computer-controlled. It is powered by the expansion of compressed air, using no combustion at all, and the exhaust is entirely clean and cool enough for use in the internal air conditioning system.

    Air Powered Car Article

  4. Did the pc come out of hibernation or standby?


    Another way to change the setting of a hard shutdown with the power button is Control Panel - Power Options - Advanced tab - and in the "When I press the power button on my computer" drop down menu you can select "Ask me what to do" - Apply, which will give you the normal shutdown prompt menu after hitting the power button which can be toggled through with the arrow keys.



    Can anyone remember whether pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del two times in succession with Windows 98 used to shutdown the machine? :unsure:

  5. Hit the Windows (Start) and R keys to bring up the run box.


    Type " shutdown.exe -s -t 00 " - enter, no quotes, for shutdown


    " shutdown.exe -r -t 00 " for restart.


    You could also make a new shortcut to the above commands on desktop and use the arrow keys to select and hit enter.

    Shortcut commands

  6. Remove Restore Points

    To remove all restore points except the most recent restore point, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, and then click My Computer.

    2. Right-click the disk in which you want to free up space, and then click Properties.

    3. Click the General tab, and then click Disk Cleanup.

    4. Click the More Options tab, and then under System Restore, click Clean up.

    5. Click Yes to remove all but the most recent restore point.

    6. Click OK, click Yes to proceed with this action, and then click OK.

    MS Article

  7. Yes they remain on the hard drive and are stored as .dbx files which can be deleted.


    They should be recreated as needed anew by windows if needed.


    You can set CC to clear them through Options - Include.


    Path in XP should be C:\Documents and Settings\"USERNAME"\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{344A5A32-F424-4C87-AD80-257892EDB24E}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

  8. The correct path to i386 folder should be C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386.


    The Driver Cache folder contains a platform subdirectory and a copy of the driver.cab file so that new devices can be easily installed without needing the Windows XP CD.


    It can be deleted but if any new drivers are needed you will have to use an XP install cd.


    Another way around would be to make a copy of the folder to another partition, usb or cd then delete it and see if the theme will install.


    If there's a prob you can always copy and paste the i386 folder back to where it belongs.

  9. IMHO, Adaware and Spybot were ok a while back but with the new variants of smitfrauds and vundo variants Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

    and SuperAntispyware would be the best going on their of detection/deletion capabilities.


    As for AVG I think it's integrated into the virus engine as of a while ago.

  10. Reliable, affordable hosting

    IPS Hosting, a division of Invision Power Services, prides itself on offering superb hosting service at affordable prices. We have years of experience in developing, managing and maintaining a proven hosting operation, so you can count on us for reliability and stability.

    Reliable Hosting

  11. Apparently there is a difference between the two commamds.

    The bottom line is actually quite simple: use CMD.EXE unless you know you need COMMAND.COM for compatibility with some older 16bit program. And even then, if you try and run a 16 bit program in CMD.EXE, it will typically run it within COMMAND.COM for you anyway, so you still may not need to know or care.

    Ask Leo

  12. Can't really comment as I haven't given any other browsers a decent run other than FF but I have tried Opera and it is good.

    Test setup


    To test the performance of browsers when handling Web 2.0 technologies, we used the iBench 5.0 test suite and SunSpider, a Javascript benchmark.


    iBench evaluates browser performance by measuring how fast HTML, XML and JavaScript is handled. The web pages are held on a local web server. SunSpider, which (unlike iBench) is available online, concentrates solely on JavaScript performance. Tests are grouped into nine categories, including 3D, bit operations, cryptography and string processing; there are several tests within each group. The benchmark runs each test multiple times and calculates an error range.

    ZDnet Article

  13. Mozilla has identified 10 high-priority bugs in Firefox 3.0, three of them pegged "critical," but won't decide until next week whether to release the browser anyway or restart the final stretch by issuing a second release candidate (RC2).


    "We are making a go/no go decision early next week, as we are still collecting feedback [on Release Candidate 1]," Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla's vice president of engineering, said in an e-mail Thursday.


    Firefox 3.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) launched a week ago, but Mozilla has not yet committed to RC2. Previously, the company has only said it is targeting June as the release window for the final code.

    PC World Article

  14. Fraudulent selling of free avast! Home Edition anti-virus are made via several web sites, many advertised via the Google AdWords program. Scam websites are offering keys to free avast! Home Edition anti-virus and charging users as if it was for the paid version of Professional Edition. When email ?invoices? are received by customers, there is no mention of avast! and instead there is a list of programs that the customer has never heard of, let alone agreed to buy.


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