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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Working on a young lass's pc which had a very similar prob.


    CPU Fan would only spin a bit then nothing.


    Disconnected the power and held in the start button for 30 secs and still the same.


    Went out just now and disconnected the power and held the power button on then reconnected the power with the power button held on.


    Let out the power button and and repressed it and the damn thing booted.Go figure? :blink:


    Have rebooted a couple of times and seems ok atm with some other probs that need attention such as the cd rom and floppy drive seemingly shot.


    Will replace those parts, reinstall and just hope it keeps on going. :unsure:

  2. Perfectdisk 7 on this XP install and have a shortcut that runs "process idle tasks" to rebuild the layout.ini file within the prefetch folder for optimal boot.


    Sometimes I start Perfectdisk and shutdown explorer before starting a defrag.


    Does it make a difference?Don't really know. :unsure:

  3. Xp Prefetch tab - Monitor App and Boot


    Time Out tab - Service time out 2000, App 1000, Hung app 1000, tick in Auto close hung apps.


    Cache - Tick in Improve core sys, Specify amount of ram, Recommended 831, Disk Cache size 1662, L2 Cache Size 4096, these settings were auto set by WinSecret I think?


    Misc tab - Tick in Disable NTFS last access time.


    Security tab - Unticked clear pagefile.

  4. Does it offer anything that Tweak UI doesn't?

    It can tweak some internet settings and cpu core values.


    Don't have TweakUI on this machine so can't really say if WinSecret offers anything extra but I do like this tweaker and it's a keeper here.

  5. Both are very good products and even though I haven't tried SafeSpace there are good reports on it over at a security forum I hang around at.


    With either product you just need a bit of time to get used to how they work to realise the benefits and security sandboxes provide.


    The only thing stopping me from trying out SafeSpace is that it requires net framework which isn't installed here and I'm quite happy with Sandboxie.

  6. Several websites offer a YouTube-look-alike streaming video that is actually a link to Storm trojan. The infection vector is specially crafted and spread via love related blogs. This time, users are required to download the so-called Storm Codec in order to view the said video.


    The said ?codec? is actually a NUWAR/Storm variant, which Trend Micro already detects as WORM_NUWAR.JQ since April 2.


  7. Security vendors such as McAfee, Sophos, Trend Micro, BitDefender and Avast have failed VB100?s anti-virus, anti-malware test on Vista SP1, while Symantec?s Norton Anti-Virus, AVG, Kaspersky and, surprisingly, Microsoft?s OneCare, have passed the test with flying colours.


    Roberts notes that ?With all respect to the folks at VB, who provide a valuable service to the antimalware industry, part of this is marketing. Certifications like the VB100 add prestige and visibility to the magazine and help with subscriptions, and nothing drives attention in the press like a little controversy. Ordinarilly, VB100 ratings wouldn?t get a mention. With some big vendors falling down, these just might.?


    Is Roberts right? Just how important is a VB100 pass or fail rating? And what?s the full list of companies who passed and failed? Please read onto page 2.

    Itwire article

  8. Hewlett-Packard has been selling USB-based hybrid flash-floppy drives that were pre-infected with malware, the company said last week in a security bulletin.


    Dubbed "HP USB Floppy Drive Key," the device is a combination flash drive and compact floppy drive, and is designed to work with various models of HP's ProLiant Server line. HP sells two versions of the drive, one with 256MB of flash capacity, the other with 1GB of storage space.


    A security analyst with the SANS Institute's Internet Storm Center (ISC) suspects that the infection originated at the factory, and was meant to target ProLiant servers. "I think it's naive to assume that these are not targeted attacks," said John Bambenek, who is also a researcher at the University of Illinois.


  9. From a guide I follow which is all I know about it.

    The pchealth folder contains files and subfolders to support the Microsoft Help Center Service. These files support all the Windows XP Help services, including features such as Remote Desktop Assistance.
  10. Open Program Access and Defaults.


    Under Microsoft Windows does it show WMP as the Media Player and Enable access.?


    Even if it does go to the Custom button - "Choose a default media player" and select Windows Media Player then OK out of there.


    Don't know if it can help but just may jog something into place?

  11. Did you lose your cd drive after a file or reg cleanup?


    If it was a reg cleanup can you restore from the backup if made or maybe try a system restore to before the prob?


    Also check in services that the "Shell Hardware Detection" service is set to auto and has started.


    Start - Run - Type services.msc

  12. The figures don't sound too realistic here.


    15,000 to 20,000 new threats a day? :unsure:

    You would think that with all the big companies such as McAfee, Norton, Avast, Microsoft, etc. working on security software, that the problem with computer viruses, malware and other software nasties would be a thing of the past, or at least something you don?t have to worry about so much any more.


    The truth would scare the bits right out of your computer if it knew what was out there and had any say in the matter!


    Recent tests and analysis by Anti-Virus testing and monitoring organizations have shown that the threat from Viruses, Trojans, Spyware and other ?Malware? programs are increasing at an incredible rate.


    According to AV-Test.org - a German Anti-Virus testing and monitoring organization - the threat from malicious software has never been greater. Approximately 5.5 Million harmful software programs were released worldwide in 2007.


    According to AV-Test, this has forced Anti-Virus companies to analyze an average of 15,000 and 20,000 new and different threats to computer security every single day last year. That is nearly 4 times as many threats that faced cyber citizens in 2006 and approximately 15 times more than in 2005, as can be seen in the graph below.


  13. So are saying Sandboxie really doesn't protect IE unless those settings are changed? I have run IE Sandboxed and it seems to work fine. Everything gets sandboxed and deletes when I close IE.

    No, sandboxie will protect any browser just fine at default settings.


    Sorry if I may have caused some confusion as those extra ini settings wouldn't allow anything other that your selected browser to initiate through sandboxie and would only hamper someone like Craigathus who sandboxes games.


    In fact those settings are so damn tight that they even stop me being able to test any malware to see if they can circumvent sandboxie because they can't run at all. :rolleyes:

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