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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. No probs with Returnil on several different XP/Vista installs here.


    Installed the new beta premium yesterday on this Vista drive and things seem ok atm.


    Using the memory cache setting so this virtually makes it the free version as most extra premium features rely on the disk cache method.

    Returnil Beta Testing

  2. Wow, I've just won ?450,000 in a Microsoft lottery and I didn't even enter. :blink:

    We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part of our winners selected this month. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of the Internet Microsoft Windows.


    Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be active and patronage to the Microsoft & Compaq Incorporation. I wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully pass the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all users of the Internet Microsoft Windows.


    A winning cheque will be issued in your name by the Microsoft & Compaq Lottery Incorporation board, You have therefore won the entire sum of ?450,000,00 {Four Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds} and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent along side your winnings cheque.


    You are to make contact with your designated agent who shall by duty guide you through the process of facilitate the release of your Prize. To file your claim, Please contact your Foreign Transfer Manager:

  3. I can get XP running fine on smaller drives but with a minimum 256 meg sdram and probably even as low as 128 meg after tweaking.


    I wouldn't even think about using Norton 360 on a P3.


    As for adding a wireless network card to suit your setup you will probably need XP for the drivers but may work on ME.

  4. How big is the drive and how much ram?


    Xp is a much better system.


    You'll need to get a network card in order to get on broadband which are fairly cheap.


    Avast could be a good choice for either ME or XP.

    Tried and Trusted With over 50 million users of avast!, you can rest assured that you are using one of the most tried and trusted products in Windows security. We support more Windows versions (from Windows 95 to Vista 64 Bit) than any other anti-malware product. No matter what system you have, avast! has it covered.


  5. The trickiest one I ever had was Windows 98, I had to keep reinstalling it every few months. :lol:

    LOL :lol:


    Had heaps of strife myself with Win98 but I had an ace up my sleeve then and which I still use now with XP and Vista - Ghost Images. :P


    And as much as it shames me to say but I was using Nortons Internet Security at one time with Win98 and I still remember seeing the Firewall and AV icons getting a big red cross stating "hey we're not working" after getting hit with a zero day.Can't remember which virus it was though. :blink:


    The old ghost images come to the rescue again on that one and it was bye bye Nortons. ;)

  6. If Sandboxie was around at the time not a single one would have bothered me. ;)


    The ILOVEYOU worm (a.k.a. VBS/Loveletter and Love Bug worm), a computer worm written in VBScript, is considered by many as the most damaging worm ever. It started in the Philippines on May 4, 2000, and spread across the world in one day (traveling from Hong-Kong to Europe to the United States), infecting 10 percent of all computers connected to the Internet and causing about $5.5 billion in damage. Most of the "damage" was the labor of getting rid of the virus. The worm arrived in e-mail boxes with the simple subject of "ILOVEYOU" and an attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs". The Pentagon, CIA, and the British Parliament had to shut down their e-mail systems to get rid of the worm, as did most large corporations.

    12 Worst Viruses

  7. 5 times here and probably relates to the 5 ads that are in the reg.


    First 3 ads were red and the last 2 were green.


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - Foxit Reader - Mainframe.


    Here you should be able to see the ads which seem to be set to zero each time you untick "Advertisement".







  8. Some info on the paid/free version from over at Wilders Post No 16

    nosirrah - one of the developers:


    MBAM free and pro are the same application . Once you pay the protection is able to be turned on . The free version will scan and remove as well as get app and def updates for free forever .


    The free version has a protection check to see if it can be enabled (to detect conflitcs) but we have not had any reports of major conflicts other than AVG calling MBAM an AV .


    MBAM is designed to be light and do just enough to get the job done .


    MBAM uses great defs combined with creative detection to avoid the bloat and 50 million moving parts that some other applications have and as a result cause conflicts .


    MBAM free does not conflict with any software as it is on demand , you can stack up as much on demand security software as you wish .

  9. I must be in Western Sahara cause I ain't downloaded it as yet. :rolleyes:

    "Western Sahara - 0"

    Thanks to the support of the always amazing Mozilla community, we now hold a Guinness World Record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours. From 18:16 UTC on June 17, 2008 to 18:16 UTC on June 18, 2008, 8,002,530 people downloaded Firefox 3 and are now enjoying a safer, smarter and better Web.


    Ever since Firefox was launched in 2004 we've relied on our community to help us spread the word, and thanks to projects including crop circles, newspaper ads, giant stickers, videos, blogs and more we now have over 180 million users in more than 230 countries.


  10. Don't have FF 3 atm so can't check out the supposed robot mascot.

    You may not know it, but Firefox has a mascot -- a robot that you can find in a hidden Easter egg in Firefox 3. In the address bar, type about:robots and you'll see the cheerful metal guy. The robot-related quotes displayed are from books and movies in which robots play a significant role, such as Blade Runner and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


    If you look at the title for the page, you'll find what at first glance may seem to be gibberish: Gort! Klaatu barada nikto! In fact, that's the phrase used by Helen Benson in the science fiction classic The Day the Earth Stood Still, ordering the robot Gort not to destroy the Earth.

    Article and Other Tips

  11. In a unique experiment called Super Spam Me, 50 people from around the world surfed the web unprotected for a month, actively engaging with spammers and heading into the parts of the internet most of us avoid, to find out just how much spam they could attract and what the effect would be.


    The results? Brits are amongst the most highly spammed people in the world, the most likely to be the targets of ?Nigerian scams? and the most likely after the US to receive spam of an adult nature. In just 30 days, the 50 global participants, received more than a hundred thousand spam messages, about 70 per day.


    Participants in the experiment, organised by antivirus software manufacturers McAfee, found that spammers keep trying to find new ways to get us to part with our valuable contact information and cash.


    Not all the trick messages people receive are ridiculous suggestions - such as winning millions in an international lottery you didn?t enter in the first place. Some of the most sophisticated spam messages are ?phising? e-mails that look entirely legitimate to the naked eye. These are messages in which fraudsters pose as a trustworthy source in order to obtain usernames, passwords and bank account details. The participants in the experiment received seemingly genuine e-mails from the likes of Chase.com, Bank of America, Wachovia.com and eBay, all of which turned out to be difficult-to-spot cons.

    Rest of Article

  12. Let's see what I would try in that situation if I had no ghost images to restore from.


    First I would turn off the computer, pull the plug from the power supply and hold the start button in for at least 30 seconds to dissipate any static. (Hazel's tip)


    If still no go then probably boot from the XP cd and try a repair install maybe.


    That's all I can think of ATM.

  13. If there's a better way to get out of this situation, please post your suggestions.

    I just downloaded and ran XP Antivirus which is a rogue of the same family as to what we are discussing.


    Generates a fake XP Security Centre urging the user to buy for full protection.


    71 exploits found when there are none.


    Terminated all processess running inside the sandbox then deleted the contents and not a skerrick remains.


    A reboot with Returnil active would have achieved the same.




  14. Revetec, a little known company from the Gold Coast region of Australia, may be on to something huge: they?ve created an engine that is 50% smaller, 50% lighter, has 50% lower emissions and is cheaper to manufacture than a conventional internal combustion engine of the same horsepower. Oh yeah, did I mention that it doubles the fuel economy too.


    What that means is a car like the 2007 Toyota Yaris, which is rated at 40 mpg on the highway, would get 80 mpg with a Revetec engine.


  15. 5. Dark Matter:

    Scientists think it makes up the bulk of matter in the universe, but it can neither be seen nor detected directly using current technologies. Candidates range from light-weight neutrinos to invisible black holes. Some scientists question whether dark matter is even real, and suggest that the mysteries it was conjured to solve could be explained by a better understanding of gravity.

    Top 10 Bizarre Things in Space


  16. Luckily I got a linksys router for only $35 at target and while the comcast guy was here he fixed whatever was wrong with my connection and its about 5 times faster than its been for the last few months.

    Good news and welcome back rridgely. :)

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