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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Received an infected spam email:

    Dear customers,

    Thank you for using our new service "Buy airplane ticket Online" on our website.

    Your account has been created:

    Your login: My email Address.

    Your password: PASS1X1J


    Your credit card has been charged for $928.46.

    We would like to remind you that whenever you order tickets on our website you get a discount of 10%!

    Attached to this message is the purchase Invoice and the airplane ticket.

    To use your ticket, simply print it on a color printed, and you are set to take off for the journey!


    Kind regards,

    JetBlue Airways

    Contains a zip attachment eTicket_02 which has an eTicket-02 doc within and is actually an exe.


    On executing the attachment a web page linking to PC Antispy and PC Clean Pro is brought up which are rogue apps.

  2. Is this to open the ''safely remove hardware'' option?

    Yep Hazel, only opens safely remove hardware dialogue.


    No big thing but you can make shortcuts to most run commands such as "ipconfig /flush dns" then give em a name and icon to suit.

  3. In its brief lifespan of only 13 days, Hurricane Ike wreaked great deal of havoc. Affecting several countries including Cuba, Haiti, and the United States, Ike is blamed for approximately 114 deaths (74 in Haiti alone), and damages that are still being tallied, with estimates topping $10 billion. Many shoreline communities of Galveston, Texas were wiped from the map by the winds, storm surge and the walls of debris pushed along by Ike - though Galveston was spared the level of disaster it suffered in 1900. (28 photos total)

    Article and Pics

  4. Create a desktop shortcut to remove USB devices.


    Step 1


    Right click on your desktop and choose New -> Shortcut.


    Step 2


    Type ? RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll ?, no quotes, for the location. After that, change the name of the shortcut.


    Rename it to ?Remove USB? or whatever then select an icon for it.

  5. The more our scientists learn about space the more we are scratching our heads in awe and amazement! :blink:

    As if the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy weren't vexing enough, another baffling cosmic puzzle has been discovered.


    Patches of matter in the universe seem to be moving at very high speeds and in a uniform direction that can't be explained by any of the known gravitational forces in the observable universe. Astronomers are calling the phenomenon "dark flow."


    The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.

    Live Science Article

  6. Anything not running in the sandbox will run as per normal.


    I haven't run Incredimail but it should be able to run sanboxed without any problems.


    Sandboxie will only block certain apps connecting to the net if configured to do so.


    BIG Returnil fan here, and always will be, but I think I may just dip my toe in the sand again. :)

    I use both along with Virtual Machines if and when the need arises.


    There are horses for different courses with Sandboxie, Returnil and VM's excelling in their intended usage.

  7. According to new data from McAfee, a user searching for a variety of Brad Pitt-themed items (wallpapers, screensavers, photos, etc.) has, on average, an 18 percent chance of encountering malware in one form or another. Such malware is often served up by a "fake" celebrity website whose primary purpose is to shove Trojans and worms into the desktops of the unwary. These websites differ from standard malware landing pads, insomuch as they may make an effort to appear as a legitimate source of news.

    Ars Tecnica Article

  8. My opinion is that Sandboxie is a great, if not one of the best security apps ever.


    Less than half a meg download, around a meg installed, using minimal resources and exceptionally secure.


    Sandboxie at default settings is highly secure and the below banter may seem a bit tedious but after using SB for a while and getting used to how it works it sorta becomes second nature.


    Sandboxie - Getting Started


    Sanboxie FAQ's


    I have the registered version which allows me to create multiple sandboxes but I only usually use two.


    The default sandbox is set so that only Firefox, Windows mail and WMP can run with only FF and Windows Mail being the only apps that can use internet resources.


    In other words any sandbox can be set so only certain apps can run and only some or all of those apps can connect to the net.


    I have a "Test" sandbox where I install all tpes of malware and rogue apps that I may want to check out as these simply cannot run in the default box as it's set for only certain apps.


    Delete the contents of the Test sandbox and not a skerrick remains.


    Control Your Sandbox

  9. We found a new phishing site today targeting Gmail usernames and passwords. The site (gmail-security.com) uses authentic parts of the Gmail website and one of the few things that unsuspecting users might notice is the unofficial Google domain and some minor aesthetic differences. If credentials are entered into the site a POST will be sent via load.php and then a forward to the official Gmail site is made.

    Malware Database

  10. Just a bit of a story following and no help with the command line.


    If I remember right about three or so years ago I was using a version of Kasperky that used alternative data streams in their scan engine to speed things up.


    When Kav was uninstalled these thousands of ads remained so KAV brought out a special tool to supposedly get rid of em.


    The tool deleted most of them except for around 20 or so that just couldn't be got rid of without a format reinstall.


    I decided to use Partition Magic to change the file system to Fat 32, where ads can't and don't exist, then change it back to ntfs.


    Luckily this seemed to work without any probs with no ads showing after the conversions.

  11. A new invention could revolutionize solar energy ? and it was made by a 12-year-old in Beaverton.


    Despite his age, William Yuan has already studied nuclear fusion and nanotechnology, and he is on his way to solving the energy crisis.


    If he is right, solar panels with his 3D cells would provide 500 times more light absorption than commercially-available solar cells and nine times more than cutting-edge 3D solar cells.


  12. Lulu, if you're good at data entry, invoicing and general sort of reception work you could either place a small ad in your local paper or even visit a few small businessess close to your area and offer data entry, answering phone etc from home.


    I know that in my area there seems to be a demand for such services.

  13. Dennis try this.


    In the run command type "cmd" and cmd.exe comes up.


    If I type "command" a command.com comes up.


    They look the same but are actually different.

    Ask Leo

    What does all that have to do with COMMAND.COM and CMD.EXE? It's quite simple really: CMD.EXE is a command line processor for 32bit Windows. Much like MS-DOS before it, it provides a character-mode only user interface into which you can type commands to run programs. CMD.EXE is a 32 bit program that is fully a part of Windows - in fact it's what gets run when you select Command Prompt on the Windows Accessories menu.


    COMMAND.COM, on the other hand, exists only for compatibility and 16bit programs. It exists solely for those programs which have not been updated since the days of MS-DOS. It's designed to run 16bit applications, and operates just like the old MS-DOS did.

    Here I drag and drop cmd.exe, regedit, msconfig, and a few others to quicklaunch.Saves using run or navigating around to find em.

  14. Did you know that a while back Kaspersky quarantined explorer even though only for a couple of hours till they realised?

    Windows Explorer, one of the most crucial components of Microsoft's operating system, was quarantined earlier this week after being falsely identified as malicious code by an antivirus company.


    Users of Kaspersky Lab's antivirus products noticed the issue, which Kaspersky claimed lasted two hours, on Wednesday night.


    The security company's systems had decided that a virus called Huhk-C was present in the explorer.exe file, leading to its confinement or, in some cases, deletion. As Windows Explorer is the graphical user interface (GUI) for Windows' file system, this made it difficult to perform many common tasks within the operating system, such as finding files.

    Cnet Old Article

  15. A German company has come up with a program it claims can protect against the biggest weak spot of most encryption systems -- keyloggers that record passphrases as they are entered.


    Encryption is widely seen as a solution to the woes of data security, locking data behind near-unbreakable algorithms. But that assumes the password or phrase used to access the encrypted data is itself secure.


    The system works around a virtual keyboard feature, built into the encryption utility TurboCrypt, which can encrypt keyboard characters on-the-fly, before keylogging or screen capture malware has had a chance to record what is being entered.

    InfoWorld Article

  16. Australians are being targeted by a spam campaign claiming Australia has been hit by a large scale nuclear explosion.


    The spam campaign, reported by IT News, contains an attachment in a ZIP file. The spam says that the attachment contains images of the attack; in reality, the attachment is a virus designed to steal information from your PC once you load it.


    Graham Cluley, technology consultant for network security firm Sophos, says that the potential catastrophe of a nuclear attack could trick users into loading the attachment without thinking.


    "Rather than use a real life event, the hackers have turned to fictional explosions and conspiracy theories in the hope they will strike a nerve with potential victims who will then click on the attachment without a second thought," said Cluley.


  17. Memory usage in FF doesn't really worry me.


    Below are some memory tips that may or may not work as I haven't tried them.

    5 Tips to Reduce FF Memory Usage


    Check Firefox Memory Usage:

    Type " about:cache?device=memory " in the address bar and hit Enter. Firefox will display your current number of entries, maximum storage size, storage in use and inactive storage.

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