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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Some absolutely weird and wonderful trees that I would like to have in my garden! :blink:


    Socotra Island: you have to see it to believe it.

    Imagine waking up on the Socotra Island and taking a good look around you (let's say your buddies pulled a prank on you and delivered you there, and lets also assume that you don't have any hangover from abuse of any substances). After a yelp of disbelief, you'd be inclined to think you were transported to another planet - or traveled to another era of Earth's history.


    The second would be closer to the truth for this island, which is part of a group of 4 islands, has been geographically isolated from mainland Africa for the last 6 or 7 million years. Like the Galapagos Islands, this island is teeming with 700 extremely rare species of flora and fauna, a full 1/3 of which are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth.

    Weird and Wonderful Trees?

  2. 8, 2008 (Computerworld) Antivirus updates issued by Trend Micro Inc. on Friday crippled Windows XP and Vista PCs when they mistook several critical system files for malware, and blocked access to those files.


    Some users have yet to regain control of their PCs, according to e-mail sent to Computerworld..


    Two signature updates that Trend Micro released Friday for its most popular consumer security software incorrectly identified up to eight different Windows files as Trojans, then quarantined those files, thinking they were dangerous. The updates were issued to users running Trend Micro's AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware 2008, Internet Security 2008 and Internet Security Pro 2008.


    In some cases, quarantining the files prevented the PC from booting.

    Computerworld Article

  3. These spammers are probably using the dictionary attack method where anybody can get one.


    Luckily most AV's have the siggy's of the attachments in their data bases, or if not they will soon enough, hopefully.


    Dictionary Spam Attack:

    (2) An e-mail spamming technique in which the spammer sends out thousands or millions of e-mails with randomly generated addresses using combinations of letters added to known domain names in the hopes of reaching a percentage of actual e-mail addresses. For example, a dictionary attack list might begin with john@webopedia.com, john1@webopedia.com, john2@webopedia.com, and so on until all possible combinations of letters and numbers has been exhausted..


  4. Be on the lookout for these two new spam which have zipped attachments and contain malware.


    Delta Airlines Attachment : Virus Total eTicket_K2.zip

    Your credit card has been charged for $693.45.

    We would like to remind you that whenever you order tickets on our website you get a discount of 10%!

    Attached to this message is the purchase Invoice and the airplane ticket.

    To use your ticket, simply print it on a color printed, and you are set to take off for the journey!


    Kind regards,

    Delta Air Lines

    Flora Gabriel Attachment : Virus Total Fees_2008-2009.zip

    Please find attached a statement of fees as requested, this will be

    posted today.


    The accommodation is dealt with by another section and I have passed

    your request on to them today.


    Kind regards.



  5. Old version must be uninstalled first if deciding to try this new free version.

    BurnAware is the ultimate disc burning software. BurnAware Free is ideal for users with basic disc burning needs as backup, creating data, audio, video discs and burning disc images. Free, easy to set up and maintain, it enables you to save your files to disc quickly, provides more flexible interface to help you complete your burning tasks much faster.

    Burnaware Free

  6. Under Tools - Options - Main tab, try setting the downloads to be saved to desktop.

    Mozilla Article

    Hang downloading files


    This applies to Firefox 2 and below.


    As the download history grows, files may take longer to download and Firefox may appear to hang when downloading. In the Firefox menu, click "Tools -> Downloads -> Clean Up" to clear the Download History. If this doesn't help or if it also causes a hang, exit Firefox completely and delete the downloads.rdf file in the Firefox profile folder [6]. Selecting a different download folder in your Firefox Options may also help. See Unable to save or download files for more information.

  7. I must be one of the luckiest people ever as I've just got another email telling I've won heaps again!


    Beers are on me fellas. :rolleyes:

    Division of Yahoo Internet Lottery



    & amp; amp; nbsp;

    & ; ;nbs Payment No. M30911












    YOU HAVE WON Ł800,000.00 POUNDS!





  8. Went to Bunnings, our huge hardware store chain over here, to buy myself a sliding drop power saw.


    Only a cheapie for around 300 bucks but it would be fine for my needs.


    After getting it home and setting it up it was a sliding saw no probs but it wouldn't lift and drop.


    Cursing under my breath I repacked it and went back to get the sliding drop model.


    Salesman says to me "Did ya read the instructions"


    Me "Nope"


    Salesman "Well if ya did you would have known there's a spring loaded pin at the back of the motor that when removed allows it to lift and drop"


    The embarrassment was nearly unbearable. :(:(:(


    Oh well, still living and learning!!!


  9. What do they mean by "Your Security Providers value may have been corrupted"? What security provider are they referring to? My AV or what?

    Answer from MBAM's forum.Quote Raid:

    No. This particular bug would only affect you if your computer was part of a LAN in a configuration that required it authenticate itself to others. It has nothing to do with antivirus, or security otherwise.
  10. It has come to our attention that a critical bug existed between Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.00 and version 1.25. If you ever removed anything using Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware during that time, please run the attached file. Your SecurityProviders value may have been corrupted.


    The original values of the value should have looked like this.

    file1.dll, file2.dll, file3.dll


    When repairing the registry value, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware may have reset the values to the following.

    file1.dll file2.dll file3.dll (note lack of commas)


    This has already been repaired in version 1.26, however, those exposed to this bug must be repaired. Attached is a utility that will tell you whether the registry value is corrupt and it will offer to fix it by adding the necessary commas. We apologize for the problems this may have caused and we hope to never have a repeat of this situation.


    Simply download the file to your desktop, unzip it, and run it.

    Malwarebytes Forum Fix

  11. Well I played with Chrome for an hour or so in a VM but I think I'll be sticking with FF.


    Doesn't work with Sandboxie properly unless low level access is allowed which is less secure.


    Still in beta but it does have potential though.

    Sandboxie Forum Discussion on Chrome


    We will let this pass through since Chrome is still in beta, but still: Chrome should not crash that easily. One of our readers noticed that Chrome and all of its tabs will crash as soon as the two characters ?:%? are entered in the URL bar. Chrome?s message: ?Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart now??

    How to crash Chrome


    One of the most impressive features in Google's open source Chrome web browser is V8, a high-performance JavaScript virtual machine that was developed by a team of specialists in Denmark. Although Chrome's performance beats the current stable version of Firefox, benchmarks show that Mozilla's next-generation JavaScript engine actually outperforms V8.

    Ars Technica Article

  12. If multiple tabs are opened then I think that each tab runs in it's own memory space so if one page crashes only that page will and not the others?


    Open a couple of extra tabs and check in taskmanager.

  13. Gave it a brief run here and it seemed quite usable.


    The memory usage seems to be controlled exceptionally well.


    With one tab open it was only using 14 meg memory then I opened up six tabs with the mem going up to 50 meg with it dropping back to 20 meg after closing all but one tab.


    Speed is on par with FF but I really can't see myself using Chrome fulltime as I just like FF and my addons too much atm.

  14. ? Version 3.30


    Released on 2 September 2008.


    These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.28.


    * New features:


    * Forced Folders protection extended to apply to documents as well as programs.

    * Files can be dragged from a regular window into a sandboxed window.

    * Prevent changes to wallpaper and Windows credentials.

    * Resource Access Monitor tool.


    * Fixes to problems:


    * Resolved problem with choppy audio on higher-end systems typically running Windows Vista.

    * Improved support for network shares.

    * Resolved problem with user account containing non-English letters.


  15. Wonder if this new Google browser will be implementing a part of the Green Border security concept which they purchased a fair while ago?

    The free browser, called "Chrome," is supposed to be available for downloading Tuesday in more than 100 countries for computers running on Microsoft's Windows operating system. Google said it's still working on versions compatible with Apple Inc.'s Mac computer and the Linux operating system.


    Google's browser is expected to hit the market a week after Microsoft's unveiling of a test version of its latest browser update, Internet Explorer 8. The tweaks include more tools for Web surfers to cloak their online preferences, creating a shield that could make it more difficult for Google and other marketing networks to figure out which ads are most likely to appeal to which individuals.

    Yahoo Article

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