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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Mozilla has unveiled a spectacular new concept browser, dubbed Aurora.


    The bleeding-edge browser is part of a new Mozilla Labs initiative, in which the open-source foundation is encouraging people to contribute ideas and designs for the browser of the future.


    The Aurora browser demonstration shows a highly advanced way of collaborating data gathered on the web.


  2. The Host process for windows services can relate to one of several svchost.exe running at the one time.


    The error message could and should be a bit more specific but that's ms for you.


    You could have a look in services for any that are set to automatic and have stopped or check through the Event Viewer which may have some extra info on the prob.


    Both Services and Event Viewer can be accessed through Control Panel - Adminstrative Tools.

  3. Eva Chen, chief executive of Trend Micro, has strong views about how effective the antivirus industry has been over the past 20 years.


    According to Chen, the security industry has over-hyped how effective its products are ? and so has been misleading customers ? for years.


    Chen believes that no single company can offer adequate protection against the sheer volume of new viruses that are being churned out by cybercriminals. According to the security industry, five and a half million new samples were detected in 2007.



    Chen states that no single company can offer adequate protection but maybe some apps such as Sandboxie, Defensewall, Geswall, Returnil and some others that don't rely on signatures may offer much better protection.

  4. I think you would have to execute the file within the zip to get infected and seeing as Norton stopped the zip from opening I would say you should be safe.


    If you notice anything odd such as unexpected network activity then it would be advisable to post a Hijackthis log.


    Any suspect attachments or files can be uploaded to Virus Total for a scan with several different av engines.

  5. Still using here.


    Out of curiosity could you tell me the sizes of the files urlclassifier3.sqlite and urlclassifier2.sqlite that relate to FF's "Tell me if a site is a suspected forgery" setting.


    Here I turn off "Tell me if a site is a suspected forgery" and delete both files as I run FF with noscript and sandboxed.


    These files seem to be loaded into memory when FF starts and could be the reason for the bloat?

    Mozilla Article

    Deleting urlclassifier2.sqlite will delete anti-phishing data. The file will be recreated and the data reloaded on next start up. Note, the new file may be significantly smaller since the database becomes fragmented over time. In other words, the same information will fit into less space. See Bug 383031 - how to shrink the urlclassifier2.sqllite file.


    Users who want to minimize the size of their profile, such as for portable browsing, have several options:


    * Disable anti-Phishing in ?Tools → Options → Security / Tell me... forgery? and delete the file.

    * Change the default ?Check using a downloaded list of suspected sites? to ?Check by asking _____ about each site I visit? located under ?Tools → Options → Security / Tell me... forgery? (which changes the value of browser.safebrowsing.remoteLookups), and delete the file.

    * Use the default anti-Phishing settings, but delete the file so it will be recreated with reduced fragmentation.

  6. Came across ESET SysInspector in one of my other forums and seems it could be a handy addition to my set of cleanup tools.


    ESET SysInspector is a free, state of the art diagnostic tool for Windows NT based systems. It peers into your operating system and captures details such as running processes, registry content, startup items and network connections.

    Key Features:


    * Ability to generate and save a detailed log to be used by an IT expert or uploaded to an online forum for diagnosis

    * Option to exclude private, personal information from being saved in logs

    * Integrated Anti-Stealth technology allows discovering hidden objects (e.g. rootkits) in MBR, registry entries, drivers, services and processes

    * Ability to compare two existing logs for differences makes it easy to detect changes over time

    * Log entries are assigned a color code risk level for easy filtering

    * Intuitive hierarchical navigation of logs

    * Fast and compact single file executable, ideal for first responders to run from a USB drive without lengthy installation

    ESET SysInspector

  7. Some banks may have taken steps to resolve these problems since this data was gathered.

    More than 75 percent of the bank Web sites surveyed in a University of Michigan study had at least one design flaw that could make customers vulnerable to cyber thieves after their money or even their identity.


    A recent FDIC Technology Incident Report, compiled from suspicious activity reports banks file quarterly, lists 536 cases of computer intrusion, with an average loss per incident of $30,000. That adds up to a nearly $16-million loss in the second quarter of 2007. Computer intrusions increased by 150 percent between the first quarter of 2007 and the second. In 80 percent of the cases, the source of the intrusion is unknown but it occurred during online banking, the report states.


  8. Sorry Hazel, missed your posting.Maybe you could merge the two.


    I tried to send the zipped malware package to Oleg, the developer of AVZ anti rootkit tool for addition to it's data base but had a run in with my isp email service provider.


    Below is a transcript of our little run in.

    My isp:

    The following viruses were detected in the message (MID 132528672):

    'Troj/Agent-HFZ', 'Troj/Invo-Zip'


    Actions taken:

    Message archived

    Message dropped

    My reply:

    I know it's malware that I was sending to an anti malware developer for



    Funny thing is I got the malware as an email attachment through my Iprimus account!



    Come to think about it, why can it come through to me no probs but I can't

    send it for expert analysis both going via my isp's email service????

  9. Just got an email from a "United Parcel Service"

    Unfortunately we were not able to deliver postal package you sent on July the 1st in time

    because the recipient's address is not correct.

    Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office


    Your UPS

    The attached word document is actually an exe in disguise and will unload malware if executed.

    Virus Total


  10. Working on a young fellas P4 1.8ghz 256 ddr ram where I cleaned up a few things.I had a couple of extra sticks of 256 ddr ram laying around so I put one into his machine to bring it up to 512 ram.


    After plugging in the ram and restarting XP a message along the lines of "A major hardware change has been detected and you need to reactvate XP" came up.


    It reactivated no probs but come on, a major hardware change just by plugging in an extra stick of ram. :blink:


    Anyone ever seen this before? :unsure::lol:

  11. A new kind of malicious software could pose a danger to Windows users who download music files on peer-to-peer networks.


    The new malware inserts links to dangerous Web pages within ASF (Advanced Systems Format) media files.


    "The possibility of this has been known for a little while, but this is the first time we've seen it done," said David Emm, senior technology consultant for security vendor Kaspersky Lab.


    Advanced Systems Format is a Microsoft-defined container format for audio and video streams that can also hold arbitrary content such as images or links to Web resources.


    If a user plays an infected music file, it will launch Internet Explorer and load a malicious Web page that asks the user to download a codec, a well-known trick to get someone to download malware.

    InfoWorld Article

  12. The new Trojan itself is known as Limbo 2, and has been designed for both customization and variation. Prevx, the company that first detected it, reports that hackers are selling custom-designed variations of the Trojan to customers anxious to avoid detection. If a variant of Limbo 2 is detected, the Trojan can be shifted to a new, undetected approach. The payload itself remains unchanged throughout this process.


    The actual infection at the heart of Limbo 2 is also a bit fancier than your average keylogger. Not only will it save and transmit any data you enter as part of a normal logon process, the Trojan will also display spoofed information boxes when users touch on a login page the Trojan finds interesting. The exact data Limbo 2 requests can vary, but includes credit card numbers, e-mail addresses, and additional login details. Any personal information found on the hard drive will also be packed up and shipped back to Botnet Central.


  13. I mostly agree with the article and use all of the tools mentioned in his rogue cleanup toolkit along with a couple of others when cleaning up other machines.


    I don't use Spyware Blaster as it bloats the registry with several thousand entries.


    Disk Heal and Flash Disinfector along with AVZ Anti Viral Rootkit are a couple of handy tools I use as well.


    On my own machines I don't use any blacklist scanners preferring my Sandboxie/Returnil/Ghost Images setups on all of my Vista/XP installs.


    But it's really up to the user.If you're happy with your setup then stick with it.

  14. Not my cup of tea but someone may find it usefull.

    Here's another gift From Gizmo. Following the popularity of last month's offer of a commercial backup program for free I've made an arrangement with EMSI Software to provide my subscribers and site visitors with a full $40 version of the highly regarded A-Squared (A2) malware detector for free.


    This is the full commercial version not the free version and comes complete with a full 12 months license.

    A Squared Offer

  15. Age old arguments abound in regards to the pagefile and I can only suggest that set it at whatever suits your needs.


    Here on XP I have paging turned off but Vista does seem happier with paging turned on so I set a min/max of 512/2048.

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