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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Once you delete the contents of the sandbox the update is gone as well.


    I think you can open file paths for bookmarks and other things to be auto saved but I haven't used that feature and do my updates outside the sandbox.

  2. My knowledge of Sandboxie is not up there with those guys in that thread. I have never touched the ini file. I only change the settings in the UI.

    To be honest neither is mine as some of those fellows are wizzes and what knowledge I have about SB is learnt from them.


    My memory ain't that great and I usually have to go over to SB's forum to find answers for people if asked a question.

  3. Although I would not be without sandboxie, I feel the concept of changing filepaths, pipes and ini's which always seemed to be mentioned on their forums, puts some people off trying it. It just all sounds too complicated.

    Only ever use FF here and I really didn't know the SandboxieCrypto.exe was needed when running IE sandboxed till I read wraithdu's postings.


    Tzuk, the author of sandboxie, just may implement those settings through SB's gui in a future release as I agree they would seem a bit complicated for someone unfamiliar with Sandboxie's ini settings.


    Have implemented those settings here and tested quite a few things with no other exe able to run sandboxed except for FF.


    Went over to Matousec's firewall leaktests and not a single test could run.

  4. Or maybe right click the drive - properties - tools - check now and select both options.


    If the drive is inactive it may run there and then without requiring a reboot.

  5. Does anyone have a link where I can download a legal 30 day trial of XP 64 bit for an intel system? :(


    Tried a few MS links but they seem to go in circles with no download link being provided or I end up at a vista 64 bit download. :angry:

  6. Explain what you mean that added a custom link through CCleaner.

    I would say hotrod added the sandbox storage folder to CCleaner's "Custom Files and Folders" list to be deleted when CCleaner runs?

  7. My favourite security app as most in this forum know. :P


    Been using/beta testing for the author since around version 1.6 which was released over three years ago.


    Once you get to know the ins and outs of Sandboxie things sorta become second nature and is a highly secure way to browse the net and or test certain apps that don't need to install drivers or services.


    Second favourite app is Returnil. ;)

  8. You could try a system restore to before the prob?


    As long as the reg backup is named "anything.reg", no quotes, and it shows the registry icon it should merge.


    A format reinstall will fix just about any prob but you could try a repair install as a second last resort to a format reinstall.

    Repair install XP

  9. The Password Meter web utility tests the strength of your passwords as you type it, scoring your password strength based on a number of positive and negative password attributes. The test measures your password's number of characters, type of characters used, and the order of your characters. (Sequential letters or numbers, for example, equals weak passwords). Toss your favorite high-security password into this tool?you may be surprised at how you did.

    Password Meter


  10. Vista ain't too bad but XP does seem snappier in all aspects.


    I set Vista to show the full blown admin account at boot through local security policies.


    After booting into the admin account I delete the account you are forced to create at install.


    Even within the admin account you are still restricted from accessing/deleting certain files so I add "Take Ownership" to the right click context menu.

    Add Take Ownership

  11. Anyone can make the most secure web browser. It will have no menu, no buttons, or no address bar. Only a minimize, maximize, and close button.

    Try this one for IE 6, don't know if IE 7 is the same.

    Go to Sart - Run and type " iexplore -k " no quotes.


    This gets rid of toolbars, address bar, even the task bar.The only

    thing you can do is click and search but doesn't do much security wise.


    The only way to exit IE is ctrl-alt-del task manager then End Task.

  12. Downloaded the 430 meg Vista SP1 but it wouldn't install into this "vLited" Vista Ultimate install.


    Missing file error comes up which I suppose is to be expected after taking out loads of crap with vLite. :blink:


    Oh well, we live and learn and I doubt if if SP1 could be of any benefit as this install is running fine and fast as is. :P

  13. Nvidia graphics here and haven't had a prob on Vista as yet. :huh:

    The latest juicy nugget to come out if it suggests that a lot of problems faced by the troubled operating system are actually NVIDIA's fault -- nearly 30% of logged Vista crashes were due to NVIDIA driver problems, according to a Microsoft data included in the bundle. That's some 479,326 hung systems, if you're keeping score at home, and it's in first place by a large margin -- Microsoft clocks in at number two at 17.9 percent, and ATI is fourth with 9.3 percent.


    Now, the chart doesn't contain a ton of additional information that would help put it in context -- a specific time period in 2007 would be nice, as would and driver and OS versions -- but we've been hearing about NVIDIA issues with Vista from the start, and this seems to confirm it. So that's pressure by Intel to support incompatible chipsets, outrage by Dell and Wal-Mart that the Vista Capable program was confusing customers, Microsoft executives saying they had been "personally burnt" by Vista, and now what looks like a huge NVIDIA driver problem -- who knows what else is going to come out of this lawsuit? At this point we're half expecting a photo of Gates signing a Save XP petition.


  14. Seems they haven't heard of Sandboxie. :(

    Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign build a new browser from scratch to help keep hackers at bay.


    Convinced that all modern Web browsers suffer from "fundamental design flaws" that expose users to nonstop hacker attacks, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are building a new browser from scratch, with security as the killer feature.


    The project, code-named OP (for Opus Palladianum) as a tribute to the Mosaic browser, is the brainchild of Samuel King, an assistant professor in the computer science department at UIUC and a renowned security expert, who pioneered research around virtual machine rootkits while an intern at Microsoft.


    "We believe Web browsers are the most important network-facing application, but the current browsers are fundamentally flawed from security perspective," King said in an interview with eWEEK. "If you look at how the Web was originally designed, it was an application with static Web pages as data. Now, it has become a platform for hosting all kinds of important data and businesses, but unfortunately, [existing] browsers haven't evolved to deal with this change and that's why we have a big malware problem."

    Eweek Article

  15. Could trying with Firefox be an option?


    Can't really help with IE as I hardly ever use it and I would have probably suggested clearing the dns cache which you have already done.

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