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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Astronomers have discovered the largest diamond in the galaxy located at a distance of 50 light years from earth in the Constellation Centaurus. The space diamond is virtually an enormous chunk of crystallized carbon, 4,000 kilometers in diameter which makes up ten billion trillion trillion carats or five million trillion trillion pounds comparatively the largest diamond found on earth weighs just 546 carats. Scientists believe that the diamond is the heart of an extinct star that used to shine like the Sun.


    Astronomers have already dubbed the space diamond as Lucy in a tribute to the Beatles song ?Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.? Lucy, also known as BPM 37093, is actually a crystallized white dwarf. A white dwarf is the hot core of a star, left over after the star uses up its nuclear fuel and dies. It is made mostly of carbon and is coated by a thin layer of hydrogen and helium gases.


    The white dwarf is not only radiant but also harmonious. It rings like a gigantic gong, undergoing constant pulsations. "By measuring those pulsations, we were able to study the hidden interior of the white dwarf, just like seismograph measurements of earthquakes allow geologists to study the interior of the Earth.


    We figured out that the carbon interior of this white dwarf has solidified to form the galaxy's largest diamond," says Travis Metcalfe an Astronomer who heads the team that discovered the giant gem. Astronomers say that our Sun will die in five billion years and become a white dwarf too. About two billion years after it will turn into a similar diamond that will continue to sparkle in the center of the solar system forever.

    Lucy Article

  2. Congratulations Humpty... what are they calling him?

    I think they are naming him "Jack" but that may change as my daughter and partner were still contemplating while I was there earlier. :unsure:


    Daughters name is Jacqui and her partner is Josh so it's a good chance they will pick a "J" name? :)

  3. Tracking Santa used to be a task that only NORAD tackled, but this year for the first time Google has signed on to help.


    The two teamed up to track the big man as he hurdled across the globe delivering presents to all those on the nice list. Google Earth allowed for close up views of Santa and according to NORADsanta.org, the US military?s been tracking St. Nick since the 1950s.

    Tracking Santa

  4. It may come in an email asking you to check out a movie file. Or it may seek to push its way to your computer from malicious websites. In both cases a ?codec? will be offered in the guise of helping you watch a streaming video (a steamy one on many occasions), but instead of showing the movie it will install a stealthy Trojan Downloader in your computer. That?s Zlob Trojan for you!



    Security experts at MicroWorld Technologies warn that a new Zlob variant named Zlob.fes is spreading among unsuspecting computer users. When a user visits certain websites, a harmful code named ?Trojan.HTML.Agent.e? is downloaded without the user?s knowledge. This file prompts an error message that says the browser has encountered an Active-X error and needs to download a codec to play a video file.


    When a user clicks on ?Yes? button and proceeds to download the codec, a License Agreement is displayed to make him believe that the program is authentic. The name of the downloaded file is ?VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe?, which in fact is Zlob.fes. Once inside the computer, Zlob.fes downloads many other kinds of malware.

    MicroWorld Article

  5. What did Santa bring you?


    An 18 volt cordless drill with 2 batteries.


    2008 road atlas.


    Set top box.(That I have no idea how to setup as yet) :angry:


    PC earphones.


    Knucklehead Knoll steel street sign for the drinking shed from wifey. :rolleyes:


    And my favourite - 6 hours of original Three Stooges clips in a 3 dvd set. :lol:

  6. Hmmm, I like the one below at only 2.5 million. ;)

    Jelly-fish 45, designed by Giancarlo Zema is a floating dwelling unit for up to six persons. It's spacious dimensions are 10 metres high with a diameter of over 15 metres. The Jelly-fish 45 would be ideally situated in sea parks, atolls, bays and seas rich in flora and fauna. The Jelly-fish 45 allows the sea dwelling owners to live either above or below sea level in perfect harmony with the ocean environment.


    Technical Characteristics Jelly-fish 45


    Maximum diameter - 15 meters

    Accomodation - 6/8 beds

    Main structure - high density fibreglass

    Deck surface - solid teak

    Extensible gangway - electro-hydraulic in inox and teak with remote control

    External views - electrochromatic system in polycarbonate

    Observation bulb - 3 meter o.s.l. with structure in fibreglass at high density, acrylic viewports

    Equipment - approved fire extinguishers, navigation spread

    Water capacity - 1000 litre with autoclave system

    Internal electric system - Two generator of 16.000W for service 24V light throughout, electric outlets for 24 and 220V

    Air-conditioning - reverse system (108.000 BTU/h)

    Power source options - photovoltaic panels on fibreglass structure

    Certification - ABS

    Cost - $USD 2,500,000

    Ten Crazy Xmas Gifts

  7. These two about:config settings within FF, if both exist, seem to me that they would cause a conflict at the default settings of true.


    Anyways I changed browser.cache.memory.enable to "False" and FF seems to be a bit snappier.


    Not saying that will be case for everyone, just an observation here which seems to work.


    browser.cache.memory.enable - True - changed to False and restart FF.


    browser.cache.disk.enable - True

  8. So, we were wrong. It turns out that the Storm gang was going to do a Christmas Malware run after all, they just decided to start it surprisingly late - on Christmas eve itself!


    There's been a series of spam messages redirecting traffic to malicious site merrychristmasdude.com. This site contains a new version of the Storm Worm. The IP address of the site changes every second. We also already detect it earlier as Email-Worm.Win32.Zhelatin.pd


  9. ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ? ◘ ○ ♂ ♀ ♪...


    ☺ ◄ - That?s not an image, it?s actually one of the alt codes on your keyboard. Some of you probably know a few by heart like the ? or the Ω. If you?ve ever wanted to know what the other alt codes are, here?s a list of alt codes from 1 - 255.


    To use them just hold down the alt key and press the specified combination of numbers on your numpad. Ready to see the list? Here we go.

    1 - alt + 1 = ☺

    2 - alt + 2 = ☻

    3 - alt + 3 = ♥

    4 - alt + 4 = ♦

    5 - alt + 5 = ♣

    Keyboard Alt Codes

  10. humpty you have the least processes :D are you running on a dual core?

    Core 2 duo with 2 gig ddr2. ;)


    Just a bit of a hobby of mine in thinning out XP's files/folders and registry. :rolleyes:


    The pic below shows the size of my XP pro install with all my needed security/maintenance apps including a pagefile of 256 meg min.


  11. Blacklist blockers/scanners aren't used here.


    Whitelists are ok but I don't use them either.


    Blacklists/heuristics are fallible and can produce false positives.


    If it ain't on the list or detected it get's through.


    So where does that leave me?


    Sandboxie, Returnil and Ghost images of course!


    As if ya'll didn't know.:lol:

  12. Seems to be running fine here installed under Returnil.


    Only have 4 addons with only Smiley Xtra being incompatible.


    Noscript, Adblockplus and Yahoo Mail Notifier seem to be working OK.


    As for mem usage it seems to be using just as much as the last version. :huh:


    Speed is too hard to judge on this machine but it doesn't seem to be any slower.


    Probably won't reinstall after I reboot out of Returnil mode but it is quite usable.

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