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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Microsoft is investigating reports that last week's Internet Explorer security update has crippled some users' web connection.


    Microsoft said it was on the case. "Our customer service and support teams are investigating public claims of a deployment issue with Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-069," said Microsoft's director of security response Mark Mille. "If necessary, Microsoft will update the Knowledge Base article associated with MS07-069 with detailed guidance on how to prevent or address these deployment issues," Miller added.


    Other users on the support forums weren't much help, except to suggest uninstalling last Tuesday's security update. That's what Decker did. "We uninstalled [MS07-069] and have had no problems since then," he said.

    PC Advisor

  2. Looks OK but haven't given it a run yet.

    This utility, which has the most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations of any startup monitor, shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them. These programs include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. You can configure Autoruns to show other locations, including Explorer shell extensions, toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, and much more. Autoruns goes way beyond the MSConfig utility bundled with Windows Me and XP.


    Autoruns' Hide Signed Microsoft Entries option helps you to zoom in on third-party auto-starting images that have been added to your system and it has support for looking at the auto-starting images configured for other accounts configured on a system. Also included in the download package is a command-line equivalent that can output in CSV format, Autorunsc.


    You'll probably be surprised at how many executables are launched automatically!


    Autoruns works on all versions of Windows including 64-bit versions.


  3. I just knew what their No1 worst product would be and I don't really agree as Vista, though not as fast as XP, is sorta ok.

    From on-demand video services that were overly demanding, to underwhelming operating-system updates, 2007 was full of disappointments.


    We surveyed the landscape and polled some old friends to come up with the 15 products, companies, and industries that left the most sour taste in our mouths.


    From last to first, here's our list of the year's biggest losers. Read 'em and weep.

    Yahoo News Article

  4. After going through a virus attack,


    losing a hard drive,


    Being bombarded with spam,


    upgrading all my software,


    installing fire-walls,


    being threatened with being cut-off by my email provider,


    and a host of other problems...


    I have fixed my computer...


    and NOW it works exactly the way I want it to!


  5. Fair enough Chris.l9iblush.gif


    Was having a look around your site and came across BurnAware and it looks like a keeper here atm. :)


    No special offers and fulltime freeware.

    An alternative is a tool such as BurnAware Free Edition which is designed to burn your data and audio discs, as quickly as possible. It will support just about every burning media from a single 700MB CD through to a Blu-ray writable disc. Assuming you have a Blu-ray burner.


    BurnAware is so simple and is designed to get your files to disc as quickly as possible, enabling you to take data, audio and video content and produce either a CD or DVD.


  6. Or if an app is asking for some Windows files you could point it to "C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386"


    The Driver Cache folder contains a platform subdirectory and a copy of the driver.cab file so that new devices can be easily installed without needing the Windows XP CD.

  7. Don't know if these same rules apply in Australia? :unsure:

    The questions are all too familiar, and all too intimate:


    "Can I see your driver's license?"


    "Can I have your phone number?"


    "Do you have another form of ID?"


    But how do you answer? It seems that to shop is to be interviewed. Everywhere you go, you are asked invasive questions. And every time you look at the news, you see another company is losing consumers' data.


    So you would probably rather not answer those kinds of questions, but can you say ?no??


    Yes, say legal experts. In fact, sometimes of those questions are against the law or violate credit card association terms and conditions.

    Data Collection link

  8. Not here it won't, completely clouded over (was last night too). Did have a clear night for the Leonid shower a few months ago though.

    Clouded over for the Leonids as well but tonights looking good so far.

  9. Websense? Security Labs? has discovered a new email attack that uses a spoofed email claiming to be from the United States Department of Treasury. This is similar to previous attacks claiming to originate from the IRS, Better Business Bureau, and Department of Justice. We have been tracking all of these attacks, and reporting them as they are discovered.


    The message claims that a complaint to the Department of Treasury has been filed against the recipient's company. The email informs the reader that a copy of the original complaint has been attached to the email.


    The attached "complaint" is a Trojan downloader with some backdoor capabilities. It is a ".pif" file with an MD5 of 9e19d23f27ebf9cfe1b9103066a3019e. It appears, however, that different versions of the Trojan are sent, based on the targeted recipient or company.

    Websense Article

  10. My kids keep making these dancing elves where you can paste your own pics as their faces and emailing them to me.


    Wait for the show to finish then you can make your own and email the link to friends.


    My three daughters and a son-in-law here.

    Dancing Elves

  11. Here's another "Stress Test" that I posted a while ago.Some may have missed it! ;)

    The picture below has two identical dolphins in it. Look at it closely and you will see all the similarities; actually one dolphin is a clone of the other. It was used in a case study on stress level at St. Mary's Hospital. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical.


    A closely monitored, scientific study of a group revealed that in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical; a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation, or see a stress specialist.


  12. Well I love having a beer and a banter with my mates which usually happens on a Friday.


    The other week I was invited to a booze up where only one drink per head was allowed.


    I thought "WTH" but went along anyways.


    Turned out to be quite a good occassion! :D


  13. Pleased to meet you Richard Blank and welcome to the forum. :)


    Would really like to visit your country one day! B)

    This treasure trove of tropical flora and fauna is exemplified by the more than 9,000 different kinds of flowering plants, including 1,200 orchids.

    Approximately 850 species of birds have been identified here, which are more than are found in the United States and Canada combined. This country is also home for 205 species of mammals, 376 species of reptiles and amphibians and about 10 percent of the world's butterfly species. Although Costa Rica covers only .03% of the surface of the Earth, about 6% of the planet's plant and animal species can be found here.

  14. If you replace the mobo with exact same model then it should boot but any major changes such as a new and different mobo will render the hd unbootable.


    The HD won't boot up on any other pc either but you could hook it up as a slave to get data from it.

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