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Posts posted by Humpty

  1. Just seen this and not sure if it's OK to use.Set it as my homepage to see how it goes.

    Search engine Ask has launched a feature that it hopes will prove a selling point for consumers concerned about their online privacy.


    AskEraser allows users to immediately delete search queries stored on Ask's servers, in contrast to rivals such as Google which stores data for 18 months.


    How personal data is used is becoming more of an issue as people live more of their lives via search engines.

    BBC Article



  2. If your willing to let MS unfettered access to your PC for three months you can receive a free copy of one choice below:


    * Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit DVD)

    * Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007

    * Microsoft Money Plus Premium

    * Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2008

    * Microsoft Streets and Trips 2008

    If you are a Windows Vista or Windows XP user and decide to join and participate in both programs, we will send you a free Microsoft product when you participate in the program. Our website provides details about this offer, including the current list of product choices. Limit one gift per person. This offer is non-transferable. This offer expires on 12/31/2007, while supplies last, and is not redeemable for cash. Taxes, if any, are your sole responsibility.

    MS Feedback Program

  3. There is a very very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals passing by...


    King Kong





    They have a competition to see who is the fastest to get a banana from the tree . Who do you guess will win?


    Your answer will reflect your personality


    Try and answer within 30 seconds


    Got your answer?


    Remember your answer then Scroll down to see the analysis.








    If your answer is ....



    Orangutan = dunce


    Ape = foolish


    Monkey = stupid


    King Kong = dumbo



    Why ?????

    Coconut trees, don't have bananas ........ !!

    It's obvious you're stressed by ur work. Go home!


    And I picked King Kong! :P

  4. I completely quit going anywhere near forums after drinking for that exact same reason. It only took a couple of cringe worthy posts written after nights out for me to realise it was a really bad idea :rolleyes:

    You fellas ain't on your lonesome in that regard! :huh:

  5. You could have a look at the site below which may be able to help lighten things up a bit?

    Windows Vista has around 130 services. According many reports, Vista is very computer intensive, so it may take a couple tweaks to lighten it up a bit to suit your needs. The names are rather vague like 'ReadyBoost' and 'SuperFetch'. How will you know which are safe to disable? Hopefully we can help. We have a full list of all Vista services and recommended settings for them. This site contains registry files for easily resetting your services settings back to factory in case you mess it up or just wish to have a good way to go back to factory.


    We also feature various other tweaks to speed up your system. I've run Vista on various hardware, and I do think that the reports of it requiring a super new computer are vastly overrated (except in the graphics card department, if you want Aero). The minimum system requirements only state 800mhz, which means most computers sold in the last 7 years. It may not be pretty, but it should run. Maybe right out of the box, it's a bit heavy, but hopefully with this site you can get it working smoothly and efficiently to suit your needs


  6. Don't want to turn this into a "bash Symantec" thread as even Windows Updates have played havoc with some computers.

    A routine update from Symantec Security Response wreaked havoc on a California company's clientele this week when it inadvertently tagged a program produced by Solid Oak Software as a virus and cut off the Internet access of Solid Oak customers.


    Symantec on Monday released a virus definition update that incorrectly identified Solid Oak's CyberSitter filtering program as a virus. Depending on the version of Symantec's Norton Antivirus product that Solid Oak customers were running, CyberSitter files were either deleted or banned from use by Norton, according to Solid Oak.


    On Friday, a Symantec spokesman said that the company had issued a fix.


    Before that, however, Solid Oak customers including schools, libraries and personal accounts, were not provided with a recovery mechanism and subsequently lost Internet access. Solid Oak did not have an exact number of those affected, but it likely numbers in the tens of thousands, according to a spokeswoman.


    Customers have had to re-install entire operating systems and software, she said.


    Symantec contacted Solid Oak on Wednesday and "under pressure from Solid Oak," set up a technical support number for customers to call, Solid Oak said.


    That number, however, is no longer in service. When PC Magazine called it on Thursday evening, it directed callers to the Norton customer service Web site, which provides standard fixes to common problems but does not address the problem facing Solid Oak customers.


  7. Great story! :)

    A bear was walking across the "Rainbow Bridge" in Truckee California, on the I-80, California / Nevada State line, when two cars also crossed the bridge from both directions. The bear was so scared, with no place to run, made a leap over the side of the bridge...


    The motorists stopped their cars in horror of what just happened and ran to the edge to see how badly the bear was injured.


    To their amazement, they saw that the bear had somehow grasped the lower ledge of the bridge support as it fell and pulled itself back up.

    Not the end of the drama for the bear as he was still in a precarious position.

    Article and Pics

  8. There are more browsers than you are aware of. Besides Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer there is a number of promising alternatives which can improve your flexibility, increase your productivity and enrich your browsing experience.


    In fact, there are over 100 existing (although not widely used) browser applications. Most of them make use of the rendering engines Trident (Internet Explorer), Gecko (Mozilla Firefox), WebCore (Safari) and Presto (Opera 7 and above). However, some of them offer large fields for experiments and exploration ? e.g. 3D Engines, but also really useful browsers with advanced functionalities such as desktop-tools integration.


    Recently we?ve selected over 20 Win/Mac/Linux-browsers, installed most of them, tested them, compared them and now present the results below. Let?s take a closer look at some rather unknown, forgotten, advanced or experimental browsers. What else do we have on the horizon? What should we use? And what might we be willing to use? Apparently, between Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer there is enough room for creative and unusual approaches.


  9. I've got sandboxing and vitualization apps but no black/whitelists.May look at adding a whitelist app someday? :unsure:


    Images, clones and a few spare pc's as well. ;)

    Amidst growing chatter that the anti-virus/anti-spyware market is gasping for air, a veteran virus fighter says desktop security products must add new protection mechanisms to keep pace with aggressive online criminals.


    Eugene Kaspersky, founder/CEO of 10-year-old Kaspersky Lab, says next-generation anti-malware products will have to combine whitelist/blacklist approaches with HIPS (host intrusion prevention system), sandboxing and virtualization to provide what he calls “hybrid protection” for desktops.


    “The perimeter is slowly disappearing,” Kaspersky said during a presentation to a group of international journalists here. “It’s getting more and more difficult for reactive [security] technologies to handle the current threats. The world is getting more and more mobile with notebooks, smart phones and Wi-Fi everywhere. We have to develop special products to deal with this new world,” he added.


    The new protection approaches — already being built into in security suites from Kaspersky Lab, Microsoft (with OneCare) and Symantec (with Norton 360) — will maintain the signature-based blacklist/whitelist capabilities and the behavior-based heuristic analyzers but, in future versions, Kaspersky sees HIPS and sandboxing playing major roles in keeping untrusted software at bay.


    To fight back effectively, Kaspersky said the new wave of all-in-one solutions must replace the existing approach to fighting viruses.

    ZDnet Article

  10. I guess the sky is falling ... :rolleyes:

    Just because your Web browser is set to block third-party tracking cookies that doesn't mean all of them are being blocked.


    A growing number of Web sites are quietly resorting to the use of "first-party," subdomain cookies to skirt anti-spyware tools and cookie blockers and allow third-party information gathering and ad serving, according to some privacy advocates and industry analysts.


    Though the cookies are not fundamentally different from other third-party cookies, they are very hard to detect and block, said Stefan Berteau, research engineer with CA's anti-spyware research team. The result: companies could theoretically use the cookies to quietly gather and share consumer information with little risk of detection, he said.


    So far, the use of first-party, subdomain cookies appears to be less prevalent than standard third-party cookies, Berteau said. "But it's the kind of thing that might catch on quickly."

    Infoworld Article

  11. Thats why i like the tweak guide i use. doesnt take long and no extension needed. but i am interested in the extensions mentioned above. :)

    Yes, that is one of the best FF guides around.daumen.gif


    And congrats to CTskifreak on your "Power Member" staus.clap2.gif

  12. Don't use any blacklist scanners here but many do and may be interested in the test results below? :unsure:

    How we test


    The testing of anti-viruses by VirusInfo is powered by free online scanner VirusTotal. Project participants, being practising specialists in the area of computer security, are uploading at VirusTotal the malicious software that they have received form infected machines, and then publish the results of scanning in a special topic on VirusInfo forum. The malicious software should meet the following requirements:


    1) The sample should not be detected by the anti-virus software that protects the infected machine.


    2) The sample should be found by the consultant him/herself in a real infection case.


    3) The sample should not be taken from some other site or from some other collection of malware.


    The results of scanning are regularly generalized as a graph of detection level. The graph is prepared in accord with the following principles:


    1) The X axis represents the anti-virus software used by VirusTotal at the current moment. The Y axis represents the number of samples uploaded.


    2) For each antivirus we mark the number of samples that it has successfully detected using one or another detection method. The graph reflects the general number of detected samples and the each method's part in the general detection.


    3) The following detection methods are distinguished:


    a) signature detection (detecting already known malware by the signature method)


    b ) heuristic detection (detecting yet unknown malware by the method of emulation / code analysis / etc. Examples: "Heur.Trojan.Generic"; "a variant of: XXXXX")


    c) detection of suspicious file (detecting yet unknown malware by the method of informing the user about suspicious characteristics of a sample under analysis. Examples: "Suspicious file"; "VIPRE: Suspicious")


    d) detection of suspicious cryptor / packer (detecting yet unknown malware by the method of informing the user about the unknown / rare / suspicious packer / cryptor or about the fact of multiple packing / crypting. Example: "HEUR/Crypted").


    Testing results


    The latest one is the graph for November, 2007, presented below.

    Article and Test Results

  13. #1 - If you really understand what all those icons mean on your toolbar, make it smaller. Size does not matter here. Make it smaller by clicking the menu bar and View -> Toolbars -> Customize -> Use Small Icons.


    #2 - StumbleUpon, Yahoo! Toolbar. Status Bar, MegaUpload, etc. If you don?t use it often, clear out all the mess from View -> Toolbar. Better still, only leave the navigation bar intact.


    #3 - F11 means full screen in Firefox. This is the fastest way to get a bigger Firefox screen.


    #4 - FullerScreen is a Firefox plugin than enhances full screen mode by hiding the remaining toolbars and statusbar. All the toolbars will be in auto-hide mode and you can make it appear again by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen.


    (#5 - If you are still unsatisfied with the screen size, it is time to start saving some money and buy a bigger monitor!)

    Stolen from here

  14. Keep reading about these you beaut energy producing systems but never see them in reality. :angry:


    Australia has an abundance of "Hot Rocks" that can be utilised for power generation that will last for hundreds of years and is much cheaper and safer than nuclear but as is the norm, our politicians are pushing for nuclear.Flippin drongos! :angry:


    Anyway, over my little foot stomping rant now. :P

    The Nanosolar company was founded in 2002 and is working to build the world?s largest solar cell factory in California and the world?s largest panel-assembly factory in Germany. They have successfully created a solar coating that is the most cost-efficient solar energy source ever. Their PowerSheet cells contrast the current solar technology systems by reducing the cost of production from $3 a watt to a mere 30 cents per watt. This makes, for the first time in history, solar power cheaper than burning coal.


    These coatings are as thin as a layer of paint and can transfer sunlight to power at amazing efficiency. Although the underlying technology has been around for years, Nanosolar has created the actual technology to manufacture and mass produce the solar sheets. The Nanosolar plant in San Jose, once in full production in 2008, will be capable of producing 430 megawatts per year. This is more than the combined total of every other solar manufacturer in the U.S.

    Solar Article

  15. need help here guys. im just annoyed by this "NvCplDaemon" Startup entry..anyone knows how to remove it?

    From Castlecops:

    System Tray icon used to change display settings, change the clock rate and memory speed for nVidia based graphics cards. This is unnecessary since you can easily configure these settings the way you want them in the Display Properties and not have to mess with them again. Also disable the "NVIDIA Driver Helper Service" if enabled as it can cause this entry to be re-enabled on re-boot (note that this service can also cause extreme shutdown delays if enabled - see here)
  16. You could try nLite which should be able to take out what you don't want.


    nLite will ask for the install cd which it will copy to a sorting folder.


    Once you have finished sorting then it will create an iso which is burnt to an install cd.


    This is only a brief summary but it seems quite easy to do once you get the gist of it.


    I have used nLite and vLite but by no means proficient at using them and I'll leave it up to you if you decide to try it out.


  17. Seems to be a false positive but three of 32 scan engines are flagging it as suspicious.

    File sfs_setup.exe received on 12.02.2007 20:23:43 (CET)

    Current status: Loading ... queued waiting scanning finished NOT FOUND STOPPED

    Result: 3/32 (9.38%)

    You can wait for web response (automatic reload) or type your email in the form below and click "request" so the system sends you a notification when the scan is finished.



    Antivirus Version Last Update Result

    AhnLab-V3 - - -

    AntiVir - - -

    Authentium - - -

    Avast - - -

    AVG - - -

    BitDefender - - -

    CAT-QuickHeal - - -

    ClamAV - - -

    DrWeb - - -

    eSafe - - suspicious Trojan/Worm

    eTrust-Vet - - -

    Ewido - - -

    FileAdvisor - - Low threat detected

    Fortinet - - -

    F-Prot - - -

    F-Secure - - -

    Ikarus - - -

    Kaspersky - - -

    McAfee - - -

    Microsoft - - -

    NOD32v2 - - -

    Norman - - -

    Panda - - Suspicious file

    Prevx1 - - -

    Rising - - -

    Sophos - - -

    Sunbelt - - -

    Symantec - - -

    TheHacker - - -

    VBA32 - - -

    VirusBuster - - -

    Webwasher-Gateway - - -

    Additional information

    MD5: 48a284a770b757161da170e45020f387

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