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Posts posted by davey

  1. I see Nitin wrote some weeks ago about this problem but only got a list of questions in reply from Hazelnut. I have CCleaner 2.08 installed and use it regularly and trust it implicitly. But 2.9 version is available for update installation. When I try it from the CCleaner window "check for updates" It goes through all the motions as usual and actually states version 2.9 has been completed. Openl CCleaner back up again and no it's still labelled version 2.8 or whatever. I used to have no such problems with XP but was recently changed to Vista. Need advice here folks. And maybe Nitin still needs it too.

    Hi kildare,

    Welcome :D

    The only way to resolve some problems is through the use of a list of questions.

    Many times Hazelnut's questions are also the solution to the problem but the answers are just as important to us and the "bug fixers".

    I keep my CCleaner updating on the simple side to avoid such problems that are bound to occur every now and then.

    I always feel uncomfortable about trying to update or delete a program that I am in the middle of using.

    I guess over 4 decades of experience has made me that way.It's the old rule "if something is possible of happening then it will".

    Vista is my least knowledgeable area but I love trying to figure these things out. I also try to get as much information from you as I can get. This helps me as well as the "bug fixers" who need this information to resolve the problem.

    Sometimes they have an idea but not enough information to recreate the problem.

    Please answer the following even though the questions may lead to a solution for you.

    Other users can benefit from your experience also.We are members and users just like you. :P


    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?

    Did you request a new desktop icon be installed?

    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    Thanks for taking your time to make a report.:)

  2. Now, if CCleaner only had a file shredding feature embedded into the program, it would get much more than 165 million downloads!

    "Secure deletion" of files that CCleaner deletes is enough file shredding.It is already there.

    CCleaner used to run much faster but each new thing slows it down some more.

    Use Recuva, as it is a specialized tool and as such is not used as often but is not necessarily expected to be speedy.Although I find it very quick to "recover" or "secure delete" data.

    Remember Recuva's main job is to do everything possible to recover as much as possible for the user to try to get back as much data as possible. It has been updated to include the "Secure Delete" features and it does an excellent job of this in a very short period of time.


    :) davey

  3. How do you test this CD once you've created it? I thought it was as simple as putting the CD in the drive and rebooting. However, when I do that, my XP just seems to bypass the CD drive and Windows loads as it normally does. Or, have I done something wrong?

    You have probably and wisely set-up your PC not to do that. P.S. It's a security thing.

    You may have to use F2 or F12 to do that when rebooting.I can't remember which but I will look into it.

    You may have it cracked before I do.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  4. I didn't rename the file. When I double click it, it opens in notepad so it can be read but there is nothing that asks if I want to add the information to the registry.

    Hi ck1754,

    I have been there and done that.Seems like a few of us have.

    This link starts with a user like yourself.Read it all the way to the end.


    You will get your REG associations fixed.Then you can Merge or double click to your hearts content.You can also just use regedit and import the reg file but let's keep things simple.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. I am still trying to figure out if the PC manufacturer or PC store installed it that way to prevent us "newbies" from messing with the Registry or not.

    I can't tell you if mine was originally that way or not.I do know that I did a few things to prevent other users of this PC from using regedit.exe . I don't want to be fixing up their mess if you know what I mean. :P

  5. It has a large opening in the back and I have it about 3in from the wall.


    I just finished watching a classic Jack Benny show with Humphrey Bogart in B/W complete with the Lucky Strike commercial on DVD and it has two more episodes for me to watch with one having Jane Mansfield that sure will gather my attention if not a few laughs.


    I'm going to see if I can trade in the DVD player for a combo DVD and VHS player when I have a bit more money.


    Sounds like a neat set-up.Some of those old T.V and especially radio cabinets are pieces of art and craftsmanship.

    :) davey

  6. You could be using the new Firefox 3, which I think is still in release candidate form.


    Now when you said the files were recoverable, maybe that was the case because CCleaner does not know the valid paths to the files to delete? Very rarely, you may have to set these manually.

    I find that if everything else is closed and I run Recuva "secure delete" with all files checked then everything that can be overwritten by Recuva is overwritten.The only thing it will not touch is the MFT and with good cause.

    People using multiple browsers and many different utility programs must do this every now and then.

    I started out with over 100,000 deleted and not overwritten files.Now I am down to less than 2,000 that are all in the MFT.

    Of course that figure changes with daily use.Most of these are little tidbits used to make up various website windows and such.

    Anyone thinking that CCleaner and Recuva can eliminate everything is fooling themselves.

    They do provide sufficient security for the average user.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  7. Hi folks:


    I'm a newbie and not even sure I should be posting this here but I can't seem to get an answer anywhere on the net.


    I just ran CCleaner (current version) and it found these entries that I don't recall seeing before:


    C:\Windows\PFRO.log 1.56KB

    C:\Windows\Debug\mrt.log 1.23KB

    C:\Windows\Debug\mrteng.log 576 bytes

    C:\Windows\Debug\UserMode\ChkAcc.log 0 bytes

    C:\Windows\Debug\UserMode\ChkAcc.bak 0 bytes


    I know the log files can be safely deleted but what about the .bak file (it has no bytes in it?)


    I'm running Vista x64 Home Premium OS.


    So far CCleaner has never failed me but I'm a bit freaked over this scan.






    Hi Frizz,

    Welcome :D

    No wonder for your surprise either.Especially with names like that.

    Have had any reason to be "debugging" mortgage or checking account programs.It is strange I would Cut and Paste those to a folder.

    Any ideas what PFRO might be? You should do a little Googling and maybe check with your bank.Check your memory first.

    You been shopping for loans and such?Just trying to jog your memory cause the answers is more likely there than anywhere else.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. I don't know if I am over reacting or not but if those file are new to you than I am suspicious.


    P.S. After doing more research even if these files seem new to you from what I find they are all legit files and not to be worried about.

    You have most likely recently activated a Windows service that you have not used in the past.The same goes for me.Those names are new to me.

    :) davey Not enough Windows exposure yet for me.What with all those different services that I have not and may never use.Who knows?

  8. Yes, dear YoKenny, you are right, this is Network aservices Slovenia, and that's OK! See, I am from Slovenia, the country that was presiding the EU during the last six months, hehehe :D . But - I hope you'll be glad to hear it - I solved my problem an hour ago. Listen: Before I had installed SP3 on July 8th, I followed the instructions and made a system backup. (Good girl!) After NOTHING at all wanted to respond to my endeavours to restore the functions of my OE, I suddenly remembered this backup, and made my last desperate attempt: I recovered the system from the backup, made on July 8th. And - miracle, miracle -my Outlook Express resumed all of its functions! Hard to tell how happy I was!


    But: I would like to thank you and all of you for your help and unselfish support. Without your suggestions, I would have given it up long ago. Sincere thanks to all who helped me with advice!

    Best, Atnes :)

    Psst! Psst! (whisper) Good girl,backups sure make things easier sometimes.

    Psst! (whisper) That is also why the experienced user does things 1 at a time. Don't tell anyone. It will be our little secret.


    :) davey

  9. , but I've never seen a laptop where the hard disk could come loose unless you dropped it down the stairs or something.

    Hello fogster,

    To quote some others. "Well I have a "XYZ model 999 and that's how I have been fixing them for years.Just throw it down the steps a few times and it never hurt my HDDs. Fixes 'em up every time".

    Thanks for your advice,

    :) davey

  10. Yeah, but that's the "Remove older versions" option. From me it removed old Java Web Start entries.

    Yeah the other option just said report follows after line and no report.


    JavaRa 1.08 Removal Log.


    Report follows after line.




    The JavaRa removal process was started on Thu Jul 10 01:41:11 2008


    Found and removed: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05




    Finished reporting.




    JavaRa 1.09 Removal Log.


    Report follows after line.




    The JavaRa removal process was started on Sat Jul 12 16:58:06 2008


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\1.6.0_05


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6.0_05


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1_02


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1_03


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1_04


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.2


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.2.0_01


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.6.0_05


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0005-ABCDEFFEDCBA}


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0005-ABCDEFFEDCBB}


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0005-ABCDEFFEDCBC}


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Classes\JavaPlugin.160_05


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0005-ABCDEFFEDCBA}


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160050}


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\8A0F842331866D117AB7000B0D610005


    Found and removed: SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\8A0F842331866D117AB7000B0D610005




    Finished reporting.




    JavaRa 1.09 Removal Log.


    Report follows after line.




    The JavaRa removal process was started on Sat Jul 12 17:00:24 2008




    Finished reporting.




    JavaRa 1.09 Removal Log.


    Report follows after line.




    The JavaRa removal process was started on Sat Jul 12 18:14:19 2008




    Finished reporting.




    :) davey

  11. Ok. I ran it + i checked "Open JavaRa logfile". Log file wasn't opened or created. So there weren't any useless files then?

    Hi CeeCee,

    That is the way it worked for me.

    Sure did remove 17 old Java registry entries though.They went back to the Java stone age. :lol:

    :) davey

  12. Thanks Jamin4U for your input. I guess I'm having trouble communicating my question to get the type answer I'm looking for. In the CCleaner "tour" for newcomers, in the section (#5) relating to the Registry, it states, "That is why CCleaner includes a complete backup option, so in the rare event you remove something that you later need - you will have a backup to restore from. To use, simply press the "Scan for Issues" button and once completed press the "Fix Selected Issues" button. You will be prompted to backup and helped throughout the process." It is this last sentence that I want to know about. Exactly what happens? Can you give me sort of a step-by-step sequence of what transpires in this system registry scan -- and what you do if you want to restore something the CCleaner "fixes" if you should need to do so. Thanks!

    Hello again,

    Forgot to say you are Welcome to the forum :D

    This link starts with a user like yourself.Read it all the way to the end.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  13. I have downloaded the latest version and it will open, but before I can click on it or do anything, it immediately closes. I open it again and it does the same thing. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. Any ideas? I have EasyCleaner installed as well. Are there any known issues there? I may try uninstalling that and then reinstalling CCleaner to say if it makes a difference.


    I'm running Windows XP Media Center Edition w/ SP2.



    Hello Paramedic,

    Welcome to the forum!!! :D

    First thing to try a reboot.Some new software may be needed to be loaded. Also try Right clicking and run as administrator.

    Also try turning off security and try again.

    If that doesn't work answer the following.

    Are you experiencing other strange things? If yes I would do some security scans. Some "malware" will not allow CCleaner to run.


    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    Thanks for taking your time to make a report.:)

    P.S. Thanks for doing what you do. :wub:

  14. Currently, my page file is set at 2-ish GB, as I think that Microsoft sets the page x1.5 more than the RAM in your comp(?). Now, essentially, my question, would it be a waste of my hard-drive to set the page file higher? I mean, 1GB with Vista isn't exactly "speedy", although it does run quite well. I only ask because, as of now, most of my HD-space is being wasted (out of 289GB, I have 41.1 GB used, and that's only because of auto-back-ups.

    Leave it alone.


    :) davey

  15. Good morning.


    I am new to CCleaner, having installed it this week. I'm interested in learning more about the Registry's "complete backup option" as mentioned in the product tour. Does it have its own backup within the cleaner or does the backup use Windows backup or other system? There really isn't much info on this option and I'd like to know exactly how it works. Thanks for any input you may offer.

    Hello Scotirish,

    The back-up option that you are referring to is not a complete Back-up of the Registry.It is a back-up of the changes to the Registry that you may make while "fiixing Registry Issues".Each time you ask to "fix issues" CCleaner will ask if you want to back up the changes.

    This allows you to restore the changes if things turn out badly

    However,I advise most users to leave the Registry alone since most users are not experienced enough to get themselves out of trouble.

    I at least suggest that you do what is recommended in this link and related links before you start messing with the Registry.



    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  16. Hey all.


    I feel as though I'm in a semi- serious crisis stage right now. Long story short......I started getting some unwanted pop-ups that were coming through the pop-up blocker on my computer (btw, I have Windows Vista with IE7). I couldn't stand it, so I was doing some research, and I read from multiple sources that CCleaner was the way to get rid of the problem. I downloaded it from filehippo.com, and kind of went in thinking I knew what I was doing. I only checked the "internet explorer" box when analyzing the issue. So I analyzed that whole portion of it, and cleaned out all of what they told me to.


    Something told me afterwards that I probably shouldn't have done it, but I was convinced that most of it was just temporary internet files (and I did say MOST, knowing there were some other things). So I cleaned house, expecting there not to be anymore problems. Sure enough, I click on the Internet Explorer icon on my desktop.....and it doesn't load. I tried it again....same thing. I find the link under the start menu....no luck. Tried doing the "run" method......that didn't work either. I'm starting to think that I may have accidently "cleaned" something that I needed (some kind of file extension maybe), but don't really know what kind or even if I'm right at all. I tried to uninstall IE, and reinstall it through microsoft, but I can't even uninstall it because the program isn't even showing up on the "uninstall' window. And then maybe I thought I could download it and override the old file, but it won't let me, already detecting that I have it.


    I want to try to get this back to normal without compromising the computer. I'm really stressing about this. Any help would be great. I'll check back in the a.m.



    Hi computerrook,

    Welcome to the forum. :)

    Tough luck on the circumstances,though.A lot of users are referred to CCleaner or our forum.

    CCleaner is not a "malware" tool.Something "bad" has slipped past your defenses.

    Luckily Vista System Restore works a lot better than WinXP.

    The first thing to do is a System Restore back at least as far as your IE7 is working again.

    P.S. You might restore as far back as the "pop-up" stops showing up also.

    P.S. A good site for more Vista System Restore insight. http://bertk.mvps.org/html/vista.html Windows Vista, System Restore


    The "baddie" may still be hiding in your system though.Once you get IE7 working go to this link and follow the instructions.



    This will help handle what is causing your problem and make sure it doesn't come back.

    You also need some good "anti-malware" software on your system to help rid these type of things.

    Your friends sent you to a good safe forum for help.

    Come back anytime.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  17. Thanks Alan. Yes, I guess that's the only real solution. I'm having to do a Vista System restore each time I run CCleaner, so it's will be a time-consuming process. I was hoping that someone might have had the same problem already and have already gone through this process!!


    Thanks again for the input.



    Hi again Philip,

    Maybe I can save you a couple of more restores.I say maybe.

    Not many people report your problem,just a few out of millions.

    Please turn off that option I told you about for Adobe Flash Player.Some users think that the Windows Tab and Applications tab mean 2 different cleaning tasks.The two tabs should be considered as one long cleaning list.Once you learn a little more about Flash Cookies then you can selectively Exclude them from cleaning.I just leave that option off for now.

    As far as the Advanced options are concerned I warn most users to leave them off.I leave on the Custom files and folders only because I have a few special files that I want cleaned and I use the Include entries to do this.All the other Advanced options do things that most users don't like the results.

    You can "search" the forums for more info on the Advanced options if you really know what you are doing.They don't improve the performance of your PC.In most cases just the opposite for awhile.

    Good luck,

    :) davey Thanks for reporting back.

    P.S. BTW to help others in your situation can you tell us how you normally connect to the Internet.This info may help find a solution.

  18. I'm a new user and would be grateful for help. After I run CCleaner, I cannot connect to the Internet at all, even after I disconnect and re-connect. I have to do a sytem restore and re-connect to get connected again. Can someone tell me which ticked box is causing the problem?

    I'm running Vista with an ADSL modem/router.


    Thanks in advance for the help because I do like CCleaner and want to continue to use it.

    Hello Philip,

    Welcome to the forum. :D

    I look back to not too long ago and the same thing happened to me.

    Believe me I was as green as green could be as a "newbie" to The Windows internals and CCleaner.

    Thank goodness CCleaner gave me some breathing room.My PC was so clogged up.

    What happens is that when you first clean up,you then lose all Web type data related to sites and such.This also includes "COOKIES" and URL data that helps you to Connect to sites and servers and such.

    For right now I would turn off the Cookies ,History and Recently typed URLs at Cleaner > Windows tab > Internet Explorer list.

    Do this this until you get your "Cookies to keep" squared away at Options > Cookies. Keep the cookies to your favorite sites.You don't need a long list unless you are registered at many sites.

    Also turn the option to clean Adobe Flash Player at Cleaner > Applications > Multimedia list > Adobe Flash Player. Many "popular" websites store encrypted data in those files.


    Use the Guide to help you. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    Try Microsoft update to get you connected to the net and then start linking to other sites from there.


    This will start filling in your "COOKIES" and History and such. Don't run CCleaner until you get things squared away then you will find it is easy to reconnect again Even after running CCleaner.


    If you can't get through to MS Update then you have some other issues.This was the only way I could get back to net for me also.

    Come back and fill us in.


    Good luck,

    :) davey


    P.S. Since you are using Vista the System Restore puts back a lot more data than WinXP System Restore.

    P.S.S. Forgot to mention that I also "manually" cleaned out some MS files where it keeps some data to build new index.dat files.That was an inexperienced "no-no".Oops my fault.Told you my PC was clogged didn't I. :lol:

  19. Yes, every single of file association gets deleted.....and I have to re-register them again..........


    I'm sure it's a bug.

    Hi sunny,

    If I were you I would turn that option off and only use it to check how the Re-registering method suggested by Andavari goes.

    Quite a long list!!! Both our Registries may be a bit out of shape. :P No,I don't think it is a "bug" other than our Registries are little "buggy".

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  20. Hello,

    I'm very new to this programme.

    Can someone tell me what hotfix uninstallers are?

    I appear to have nearly 500Mbytes of these files.

    That is one large lump of space.

    Can I really let CCleaner delete them????



    Hi uncschess,

    Welcome :D

    Removing Hot Fix Uninstallers is an Advanced cleaning option.Many users including experienced users will only use this option rarely.

    In your case if you need the space then I would only use it once then immediately turn it back off or you will delete you "new" update uninstallers after each "Patch Tuesday".You can wait awhile until these build back to a large amount and then do it again.

    If you are not experienced enough I would leave the Registry alone until you have time to learn how to get yourself out of trouble when things go badly.

    I advise most users to not use any Advanced cleaning options.In most cases they do things that new users do not like happening to their PC.Their use is for Advanced "special" reasons and do not improve the performance of your PC.

    Good luck,

    :) davey


    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

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