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Posts posted by davey

  1. I use Vista Premium and IE7.

    Hi Deanz,


    You have told me that you are also using a WLAN Internet (Wireless-LAN Internet) and that you are not on a network.


    Can any other member help with what is needed to prevent any problems with other PCs in the area maybe accessing Deanz PC.


    :) davey

  2. I've arranged for the others (5) in the network to arrive here on Friday.....I'm told they have all been reformatted and now show the same problem, so if I can get this first one working I should be able to get them all working and our local primary school will get a huge boost to their computing capacity. Here's hoping! Regards, ansell.

    Hi ansell,

    I know that our members will do all we can to see that happen. This is great.

    Try all the other function keys for now.


    :) davey We love schools. :wub:

  3. Hello people !


    First, I wish to thank you a lot for that nice program I use since several months !


    I don't know if I have no luck, but since the latest 3 versions, the cleaning removes lots of cookies (I need them because I use the auto-logon on some trusted site - like online shop...)


    "Delete cookies ON" => CC delete ALL

    "Delete cookies OFF" => CC delete SOME.


    Since now, this had always worked nice, so does someone can help please ?


    Using XP Pro SP2.

    Hello HarFanG,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    I don't know how I missed your post .

    Anyhow, I think what may have happened is that your "cookies to keep" items have been lost.

    There are many ways that this can happen. The most common way this happens is somehow the (cc)leaner.ini file gets deleted from the CCleaner folder (certain OS users) or the Registry gets reset by uninstalling CCleaner.

    Since you are using WinXp you can have the INI file created as an option by ticking the option at Options > Advanced > Save all settings to INI file. By doing this all your current information will be saved to a (cc)leaner.ini file when you close CCleaner.

    Once you have everything set the way you want it then close CCleaner. Copy the (cc)leaner.ini file from the CCleaner folder to a safe place as a back-up.

    If the .ini files gets "lost" or corrupted you can create a new one from your back-up.

    This file can contain all the settings,cookies to keep and Include/Exclude entries.

    Also do what Jamin4u suggests about Adobe Flash Player flash cookies.

    If this is not what is happening in you case then let us know.


    Always let us know the results either good or bad. It is only fair to us helpers and the other members.

    Best Wishes,

    :) davey I use WinXP Pro SP3 . I can always copy my backup .ini file and get all my CCleaner information back. I needed it and it always works.


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  4. I'm just curious what the 'average' time is for people... On my machine (~30GB disk used, slow 5400 RPM), it takes no more than 30 seconds to 'analyze' the system in CCleaner. On my mom's laptop, it takes a good 10 minutes. (No, no viruses, and the drive gets defragged routinely. ~20GB disk usage.)


    I'm just wondering which system is closer to the norm, and if anyone has any recommendations for what could be slowing things down so much on the second computer?

    Hello fogster,

    We are as curious as you are.

    Many member have given their input and many have viewed this thread.

    When you can,let us know what is happening.

    That way we all benefit from this interesting thread. :P

    :) davey

  5. so i've been testingout spy programs forsafey reasons, and i want to get rid of them since they're trial versions

    and they Keep popping up saying buy me.


    And I don't want anyone House my pc Until the programs are deleted. My friend suggested CCleaner and he never Showed me how to do it.


    Any help for the noob?

    Hello rawf23,

    Be careful what spy programs you get and from where you get them.

    The best way to do this is to go to the software manufacturer website and find out what the proper uninstall procedures are.

    What are the names of these programs and where did you get them ?


    Why do you call these "Hidden" programs? Are you saying that these programs do not show in Windows Add/Remove programs ?


    You can start CCleaner. Then go to Tools > Uninstall You will see a list of all the programs that are installed.

    Find the Program that you want to Uninstall and highlight that program in the list. CCleaner will use the uninstall program that the program software manufacturer provides. To do this you must highlight the program and select "Uninstall".

    Do not "uninstall" any other programs other than the Spyware programs that you are talking about.

    Reboot the computer after the "Uninstall" is complete and you have closed CCleaner.


    If these programs will not "uninstall" then come back here.


    Good luck,


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  6. I've been given a computer that was used in a racing sim network. I'm told that the hard-drive was reformatted. On starting there is a successful memory check - then nothing further and no access to the cd-drive or a-drive.

    After the memory test the screen reads....


    Award Medallion BIOS v6.0 1984-2000 Award Software Inc.

    ASUS CUSL2-C ACPI BIOS Revision 1006.A


    Inte? 111 500E MHz Processor

    Memory Test 786432K OK


    Press DEL to enter SETUP

    02/27/2001 - 1815 - CUSL2-C-00



    The cursor remains flashing under the '2' at the end of the memory test number.

    Pressing DEL does not enter setup....in fact pressing any key at all produces nothing.

    I've tried resetting the cmos (battery removal and jumper reset) with no change.

    Neither keyboard or mouse are usb. Suggestions appreciated.

    Hi ansell,

    I am no expert on this but what happens if you boot and keep hitting F2 key.(Not sure what function key it might be on your PC.) I know on some PC s this allows you to change the device boot sequence and you can allow access to your boot drive first.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. Congrats on the PC !!! Nothing better than returning a useful PC to good use.

  7. Before I use CCleaner when I shut down at night, I check the status of Windows Defender and it says "Your computer is running normally". When I check the status after using CCleaner, it says "Scan not available".


    I previously contacted Microsoft on two occasions regarding this and after troubleshooting with remote assistance, everything is fine with Windows Defender.


    There appears to be some interference of Windows Defender from CCleaner. This has been happening with the latest version or so (presently V2.09.600) as it did not happen before.


    How can this be resolved?


    Thank you

    Hello ing,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    What it is is a "timing" thing. At least you take the time to read the log before CCleaner cleans it.

    It is possible to physically change an .ini file but I advise most Windows Defender users to just turn off the option in Applications tab as regards Windows Defender. It doesn't accumulate large files anyway. Every now and then you can turn it on and clean it out.

    Best Wishes,


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  8. hmm, downloads as an exe in Opera 9.27 but not in Opera 9.51


    What version of Opera are you using?

    Hi Josh,

    I am not an Opera user but is your downloader in 9.51 the same vers etc as the one you use in 9.27 ?

    Does Hazel use the same downloader as you?

    Just a thought.

    :) davey

  9. No love for XP on this :( I use the portable CCleaner, am a domain admin and often need a quick and dirty way to cclean another users crap (heh heh) but my domain is all xp sp2. I thought about using runas but then it looks in my account's stuff. not really reasonable to make every user an admin then un admin as suggested above (thirty machines is a lot to do that on much less a bigger domain) CCleaner is the BEST BEST BEST crap cleaner and even more so allows me to add specific folders (but am not sure about if I can use %username% in the folder section.


    Hello Nergal,

    Maybe this guys post can help you out.

    You can reply or PM and maybe you guys can come up with something.

    I think he already has but you be the judge.

    Running CCleaner over a domain to clean profiles, For network Administrators and Domain controllers



    Come back and let us know even a new topic post if necessary.

    Good luck to both of you,

    :) davey

  10. CCleaner is one of the best pogramms i ever saw.

    I use Vista X64 and I want to ask, if there is a X64 version of CCleaner.


    I want to run only 64 bit Software on an 64 bit System.


    Sorry for my english, it?s not my first language.

    Hello mat77,

    Welcome to the Piriform forums. :D

    Good news !!!

    What operating systems does CCleaner work with?

    Fully tried and tested with Windows 98/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista.


    It's currently partially compatible with 64bit XP and Vista, there are a few non-critical issues which are still being worked on.


    There are no Mac or Linux versions.


    Please let us know how it works for you,

    :) davey

  11. I just read this on the ERUNT site in the FAQ section:


    Question: Should I disable Windows XP?s System Restore function when using ERUNT?

    Answer: Yes! Though System Restore backs up more than just the registry, the registry is essentially all you need to revert your system to a previous state.


    I would feel a little uncomfortable disabling the System Restore function. Is there a problem with running them concurrently?

    Hi Tom,

    The author wrote that statement when System Restore was totally unreliable.Things have changed and If you read further you will see that he refers to the best Website that we know of to handle any System Restore complications.Sometimes System Restore has just the right amount of information accumulated to get you running again.Unfortunately for XP users that is not always the case.

    His answer to that question is misleading itself in that ERUNT backs up the Registry but also other important system files also.

    Experienced users want all the backup data and opportunities to recover as easily as possible from a bad situation.You will find that they value their backups as much as the data they are backing-up.

    If I thought it would benefit me to allocate more space than I currently allocate for System Restore I would do it. I would never turn it off unless I "absolutely" had to do it to correct a problem. I have a months supply of System Restore Points and I still have more space allocated than I need. I manually delete them when they get that old. Now that SP3 is safely in place I may cut that time frame in half.

    Best wishes on your system set-up,

    :) davey I am still working on mine. I finally got my external hard drive. Yippee!!!

  12. Most of these files are time stamped prior to 7/2008 with some going back to 2006. The majority are .tmp files with a few .txt, .csv, .log, etc. Most of the directories end in .tmp while some have names like {F03DCCCE-243B-4944-A808-35A74C2E39C1}. I know I can manually delete the files or be safe and rename them but I am curious why CCleaner doesn't delete them??? The "48 hour" should have no effect since 98% of the files are dated prior to that. It's as if CCleaner doesn't know that the directory exists???


    It looks like some of the files are involved with setups/installs while others are used by running programs that are using temp files.

    Hi Fred,

    You did a excellent job at decifering those files. Now let's try to clean them out of there.

    Like I said please don't go by that description of the option.Think of it more like if the option is on it means don't delete these files if they are over 48 hrs. old and the same if maybe they are less than 48 hrs old. Exactly 48 hrs I can't tell you what it will do.

    If you turn the option off it means the opposite maybe.

    So turn it off and give it a try . It worked for the last guy that I went through with the same unsure inexact explanation.

    I am not saying it WILL work as much as it MAY work and usually does.

    The last guy got his GigaBytes cleaned also and after it was all over he still didn't understand why it worked with that description the way it was. It is not how it is described that is important. What is important is what it will do.

    If it works great!!! then leave it off for good or turn it back on and accumulate another large amount and turn it off again like a valve.

    If it doesn't work when you untick it, then we move on to the other things that may be causing your problem.

    So go ahead and untick that option and then do an "Analyze " and you should see those files in the listing to be deleted.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  13. the latest version of CCleaner 2.09.600 take more time to clean history ,internet cashe of opera browser than other verions in the secure file deletion (simple overwrite (1pass))


    i wish it can be modified in the new version.

    Hi mnm nasser,

    If you have a visual problem,please say so in your post. It is considered very rude to use such Lettering and Sizing in a forum.


    I am sure the development team and "BUG FIXERS" will look into this.


    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ?

    What Language did you request at install,if any?


    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?




    :) davey

  14. Windows XP Pro SP2. Only 1 user and I am the admin.

    Under C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\Temp there are 36,735 files, 1690 folders for 5.2gb and under C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files I have 2583 files in 7 folders for 45.4 mb. I have run CCleaner and MS Disk Cleanup and neither one has removed all of these files.

    How do I remove them and is it safe to do so??

    I know how to remove the files manually but I would rather let a tool do it. Why doesn't CCleaner clean them up??

    Hi Fred,

    I know it doesn't seem like that option that Keith is talking about would work that way.Especially from the way it is described but many times that does trick for most users.I can't say always because there other things that also cause this to happen but that is the first thing to do. I always keep that 48 hr option unchecked. I don't run CCleaner until I consider all work done for that session.

    You also asked is it safe to do. I know of no reason why not. What is in there is only temporary.

    Have a trash can and a shovel ready for when all those GigaBytes come flooding out of there. :lol:

    Let us know what happens,

    :) davey

    P.S. I forgot to say that as far as the Temporary Internet Files go there will always be a couple of files in there especially if run without closing all your browsers and any programs that access the Internet for updates and such.Most of what is in there should be cleaned.

    Of course you have to have those options set for cleaning in Windows Tab and Applications tabs.

  15. I'm sorry. I did not clerify myself. I realize that I didn't delete the program I was just wondering if there was a list or something that CCleaner saves of the entries I deleted or if there was a way I could get them back.

    If they don't show in the listing then they have been deleted from the Registry.CCleaner does not back-up Deleted start-up entries.

    A system restore would be the quickest way and surest way to restore them.


    System Restore


    Restore a Windows XP system to a previous State using System Restore


    Windows Vista, System Restore


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  16. Hi,


    I donated $20 today through PayPal for the CC Cleaner. I went from PayPal to the site for download. There was a link to click if the download didn't start in 5 min.


    The download did not start so I clicked the link but was taken to one of those pages that says either the address is wrong, the site is down, etc. and I am not able to get the download.


    I refreshed the browser, tried several more times, but still unable to go to the download page.


    What should I do now?





    Hello Marlise,

    Welcome to the forum :) There seems to be a problem with the Alternative download site.

    What a beautiful name !!!

    You come right back here and let us know what happens. http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner...45b2562bffaa8c/

    :) davey



    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

    P.S. There is loads of help,advice and fun here on the forums. You are always welcome. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php

    Thank you for your donation also.

  17. in the Windows folder are a lot of Directorys like $NtServicePackUninstall$ ... what is the reason that CCleaner does not include this in the not usefuul file search ? I have fund on some systems more then 800 MB of such files and some are tree years old ... and I see not any interest to store these files for more then 4 weeks.

    Hi Brainstuff,

    Welcome :D

    You are right on the ball.

    See this link and related thread . http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=108384

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  18. I agree Davey, it looks a bit glum as regards a forum. Apparently a few years ago the founder was slightly critised for his lack of communication with users. At that time he was a one man band so to speak, how much of that has changed it's difficult to tell.


    All you can do perhaps is a bit of work yourself writeaway by uninstalling and reinstalling your latest software to try and find the culprit.


    I did find another 'similar' type of software with a forum



    I didn't realise that this small but interesting little thing was also from the Treepad stable. I have used this, and I think Dennis has too.


    For a "one man band" there sure is a lot of output.The guy must be an "over achiever" genius.

    Never saw such long, flooded with data web pages before this!!!

    I knew we were in trouble when all I could find was three references to TreePad on Wikipedia. One of those references was about the requested removal of a TreePad wiki. The guy probably had it removed himself. Nothing but "glowing" reports about TreePad all over the net.

    Japan and India big time into TreePad. The guy apparently cranks it out faster than the users can absorb it all.

    It's like the guy invented the whole field himself. And all the competitors have finally had time to come up with knock-offs of the original concept.

    I figured Hazel might have better chances of finding something.

    I was going to suggest maybe an alternative product may serve you better in the long run.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. Hazel, :wub: you always come through with something good !!! Serendipitously, just the thing I need. Disktective downloaded and executed in about 1 minute with all the info I need !!! You can add me to that list of satisfied users. :D

  19. I don't use secure deletion. I use /AUTO shortcut. It's a quick deletion, but usually hard drive makes noises during the cleaning.

    Hi CeeCee,

    No pun intended because I frequently use the phrase.

    This does not sound to good at all.

    What does CHKDisk or HDTune show for your drive?

    How many files are involved in your CCleaning? You might want to turn on the options for detailed log of your Temporary Int. Files.

    What is the size of your MFT and how many fragments? This could cause thrashing depending on where those fragments are and where the related files are located. Also the relative location of your Page file and if it is fragmented also.

    I can't remember are you Vista or XP?. Vista defragger will defrag the MFT from what I have read.There is also a commercial XP defragger that shrinks the MFT.

    Hope that is it and not your drive itself causing that noise as it goes bad..

    :) davey

    P.S. I don't know what your data files may be like. I have teens of folders containing hundreds of thousands of "password " protected files.It took me a while to learn to keep them away from CCleaner and a couple of security programs that would generate 400 MB log files when I scanned. :lol:

  20. Hi all,


    I recently changed my Internet Service Provider(ISP). Ever since, I am not able to open certain sites(Eg. www.icicibank.com) from my computer. I have no problems at all visiting other sites. But I never faced such problems with my earlier ISP. I thought it might be a problem with the DNS. So, I acquired the IP address of the website( and tried to access it. But it still did not work. Hence, the DNS is fine. I contacted my ISP, but they do not think there is some problem at their end.

    Please let me know what all steps I can take to rule out any error with my system. I am working on MS Windows XP SP2 with an ADSL 2+ modem connected to my LAN port. I am able to access these otherwise elusive sites through a proxy server though.



    Ritchie I K.

    Hello Ritchie,

    Are all these sites ones that might require specific information from your PC before even allowing you to connect with their site.

    For security reasons of course,some financial sites may do this.

    Did your new ISP also provide some sort of hardware firewall that you may have to change?

    Just some thoughts.

    :) davey

    P.S. After some time to think I realized that you may also be using CCleaner and that is why you are here asking this question.

    A similar problem occurred for a member not very long ago.

    See this post and thread. He also had ADSL.His problem was worse but the solution may be the same.


  21. Thank-you, it works now.



    As a suggestion from myself, most definitely change this, if someone adds a folder to the include list there is no need to have to check a box as well.

    Hi iarp,

    You have to think about it a little bit and it makes sense.

    Leave all your entries alone but turn off the option and presto they are not included in the cleaning

    Think about it

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  22. After I installed a couple of other programs my TreepadX Enterprise program began crashing. I don't think the problem is with Treepad but I did not get an answer from support regarding possible conflicts w/other applications and I have been looking for their forum. I know they have one because, when I was searching for a PIM, I came across it but was blocked from accessing it. Now--I can't find it anywhere. Yes, I googled. Anyone know the url?



    All I could come up with so far. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/treepad/

    Message History looks pretty glum. :(

    Wait for Hazel to fire-up her search engines and stand back.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

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