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Posts posted by davey

  1. Hi Guys,

    Just a little note to thank you all for your input on this subject.


    Also wanted to point out that many experienced "defrag" users don't even bother with these files as they are constantly being deleted and created everyday.

    As you know Vista System Restore files can be huge depending on the options you have set.They are this large because Vista creates better restore points than what was available in WinXP.It takes advantage of the newer PC increased speed,RAM capacity and storage capacity.

    A better approach to personal "optimization" is to analyze how much space is really needed for your System Volume files and adjust accordingly. http://bertk.mvps.org/html/diskspacev.html Vista users

    http://bertk.mvps.org/html/diskspace.html WinXP users


    However don't expect much performance benefit.Let's face it a tidier looking "defrag" map does not mean better system performance.

    In most cases you are better off just leaving Windows do its thing as far as System Volume files and defragmentation is concerned.

    Some few users need to "defrag" often.

    Most users need to "defrag" less often to benefit from better system performance for a longer period of time than most believe.


    WMI tracing logs can be turned off. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa826686(VS.85).aspx

    CCleaner deletes these logs anyhow.Why bother having them except for "special" occasions.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  2. I have the same thing happen with files deleted exceeding the analysis by about 16MB. This is the file that does not get analyzed but gets deleted: C:\Windows\system32\wbem\Logs\WMITracing.log 16.0MB. Doesn't seem to cause any problems though.


    Hi Ralph,


    Thanks for that info.The "Bug Fixers" will be interested to see that information.


    :) davey

  3. HI

    I have begun working with the sandboxie program.

    Question: Does the AV still work under this virtual environment? or maybe it works but no need for it there, only outside of the sandbox ?



    Hi Eli, :D

    Another darn good question from the Question Master. :P


    I should hope that you could to test new versions of AV software.

    I don't have the capacity yet for a "Sandbox" yet but I am sure interested in the answer.


    I avoid any "Free stuff" unless I see it mentioned here on the forum.There is is too much Rogue software out there now.

    All they want is one click to allow their download and then you are out of control of your PC.


    :) davey

  4. I wear glasses also. I find I only really need them for reading digital displays like on a DVD player across the room, for the computer, and when driving - other than that I think they give me more headaches and eyestrain when wearing them which must mean I really need a new prescription.

    Yeah it sounds that way.

    As YoKenny says we must all look very distinguished. Scholarly who knows? They come in all packages.


    Capmans and Tunrez advice is also very good.


    I haven't had a new pair or prescription in maybe 8 years.

    I lost one lens due to a violent dream and after a few days I could see better without it. :lol:

    Sad to say I am a bi-focal kid of guy but like Capman sometimes not wearing them all the time seems to be beneficial.


    See you scholars later,

    :) davey A few centuries ago,we would all have been dead meat by now.Lions and tigers and bears and such.Especially the such. :o

  5. I am running Vista Ultimate (SP1) on a self-built PC. I am using the newest version of CCleaner, but I first noticed this happening a couple of versions ago, sorry I can't be more specific. My browser is Firefox 3, and I always close everything before cleaning. I only use IE7 for Windows Updates.


    This doesn't occur every time, just occasionally. I run the cleaner usually after I close my browser. The last time I ran it (this morning), analysis showed 27.72 KB, and the cleaner was the same. I have FF set to delete temp files, cookies, etc. when I close the browser. I'm not having problems of any kind, someone just addressed it on our forum, and several others chimed in and said they had noticed the same thing.


    If this is not enough info, let me know.

    Yes, quite a few Firefox 3 users are now doing as you are.

    Just a note for your security,though.

    Please remember CCleaner does not "Secure Delete" what it does not delete itself.Maybe Firefox does I am not sure.

    Any private information and such as banking info you may want overwritten will not be unless Firefox does so.

    As an alternative,every now and then I run Piriforms RECUVA program and "Secure Delete" all deleted files it finds.

    Some people mistakenly blame CCleaner for this data still being viewable but they are wrong.They used IE options or Firefox options to delete that data or used some other program to delete it.

    Most data that is created and deleted "recently" is overwritten very quickly in the day to day browsing and such.This is why I only do this "special Recuva job" once a month or so.Just cleans up all the bits and pieces. http://www.recuva.com/

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

  6. I recently installed and used the CCleaner for the first time, and afterwards I noticed that I no longer had an internet connection after boot-up?


    Normally, when I boot-up I'm automatically login to my internet connection, allowing me to surf the internet. After running the CCleaner program I now have to disable the "Local Area Connection Properties" and then enable them. It then reestablishes a new connection and I'm able to surf the internet?


    How can I fix this problem so it automatically logs me in to my internet connection?


    Computer Info:

    WinXP Pro, SP2

    Yahoo DSL


    Please let me know if you need anymore information?


    Thanks in advance for your help everyone!



    Hi Clifton and Welcome to the forum, :D

    And thanks for providing the information to help solve your situation.Many forget this. :P


    The first thing for you to do is go to Cleaner > Applications tab > Multimedia list > Adobe Flash Player and untick that option.

    This will keep your "Flash Cookies" from being cleaned.Yahoo and many "Popular" sites are storing encrypted data there.

    It is used to log you in and such at these sites.

    Then see this link about advice I give to other new users.



    Then see this link if you want only specific "popular" sites to keep information in these Macromedia/Adobe flash files.

    Some people keep all The Flash files uncleaned and others Exclude only certain sites from being cleaned.



    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com BOOKMARK this. Start out at Cleaner Information Cookies


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  7. I'm sure this question has been addressed before, but I looked through the topics and could not find an answer. I belong to another forum group, and a lot of us use CCleaner and love it. Several of us have noticed that beginning at least one version ago, the cleaner will clean more than the analysis shows. For example, sometimes on my desktop (Vista), the analysis will show 1.03 MB to be cleaned. I run the cleaner, and it shows 17.0 MB removed. This is also occurring on the newest version. Could someone please explain?

    Hello MrKite,

    It could be a "bug" creeping back in(happened in the past) or in a lot of cases it has to do with when and how you run CCleaner.

    Best results and the only way you should run CCleaner is with all browsers off,closed,ended, kaput. Some people think their browser is closed and it is not or still in the process when they start CCleaner.

    As in the past it always seems that CCleaner will underestimate what is to be cleaned.But in your case 1.03 MB is only a few windows and cookies thrown in. 17.0 MB sounds more like a session and more realistic.

    Can you give us more details OS.version edition,browsers and such?

    Thanks for your report,

    :) davey

  8. thanks Davey, but wat I meant was.... is SP2 and its patches/updates not taken care of by SP3 .... i.e to say if I do install SP3 it should as one would think have every feature SP2 covered taken care off! and hence safe to remove Sp2 updates which could be done automatically by installing SP3 .... dunno if thats how it works and need to find answers to just that!


    coz Kenny suggested otherwise and hence my question (" do you have SP1 on your machine" ) as what about people who started off with SP2 (like myself) we don't have SP1, I suppose that corroborates what I mentioned in the above para ...

    I don't know.This PC came with WinXP installed.Early 2004 and was not maintained until early 2007 when I installed SP2 and updated it as indicated by Windows Updates.

    If your SP2 is up-to-date you should have no problems installing SP3.Yes SP3 has everything that SP2 has except it has IE6 but will not wipe out IE7,if you already have it installed.

    No SP3 does not delete SP2 just saves it stuff, in case you have to uninstall SP3 for some reason.

    Once YOU are satisfied with your SP3 install,then YOU delete the Uninstall package that SP3 has built.I consider this the quick and easy way.

    But if you like the hard way or are running out of space then You can save your personal stuff,then reinstall XP and use the SP3 CD that you can get from MS to install the complete SP3 package including IE6.I consider this the hard,inconvenient way,some people don't. I am sure they must have more than 1 PC so it won't be so inconvenient and they end up with a fresh install.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  9. I have been using CCleaner for the longest time and have always installed all the updates to the program, but the display always shows v.2.02.527. Is this a glitch in the software ? Am I actually running the latest version 2.09.600.

    I have uninstalled any old version that I had and did a fresh install of the latest version but the display still shows the old version number.

    So I have no idea which version I am running.

    I would appreciate anybody's comments on this matter.



    Hello trengag,

    Download your new versions from here. http://www.CCleaner.com/download

    You should not continue to get the same version in your CCleaner window.

    If you are downloading from a non authorized site then you will have problems.

    What OS,edition and version are you using.

    After downloading try running CCleaner directly from the CCleaner folder icon.You may be running the same old version over and over from an old Desktop short-cut.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  10. AS far as running CCleaner at startup is concerned - the only files it would really clean on my pc would be the ones I'll never ever want ! Made Sure of That !! Rest assured!!!

    Hi again TomCat,

    If you made sure of that, then you should never worry about downloads like you seem to be worried about that CCleaner is going to clean out at start-up. Inexperienced users that have too many things "auto start" are reluctant to reboot when they should and their Registry gets all fouled up and then come to the forum wanting to know why things aren't working or "CCleaner must have done it cause it was the last thing I did ,YADA,YADA,YADA".

    Like I said in the other post please read. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=107940

    having an auto shutdown would be a great option ! and now this in light ( thanks to you guys) would be the most sensible option - hope there are no program conflicts ?



    Further, my earlier question .... how does one track and trace the temporarily paused download in CCleaner and prevent that particular entry to be deleted (cleaned) without checking the ' only clean files over 48hrs ' ... ????

    Answer in prior reply.

    Do this TomCat.

    1. Go to YoKenny's link and install IE7Pro .Like "Tony the Tiger" says "It's great". Say good bye to a bunch of adware and junky ads all over your Web Pages.Say hello to to a neat downloader "MiniDM". (By the way I tested (for you) the "Pause" feature and it worked for a MS download.Not sure if that counts but at least you will be downloading and updating a lot easier also.

    P.S. The reason I say that "pause" test may not count is that MS always seems to start downloading where it last stopped.

    Now with other products and any Download Managers,I don't know if they will reconnect for you when a server "times out" your paused download and then pickup where they left-off.


    2. Go to the link I provided for you and download Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shut Down.


    3. Go download that monster you are talking about and "Save" it and know you will have a safe copy of it.


    4. Come back and let us know how great life is.


    :) davey

  11. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I thought I would receive an email notification when someone replied. Anyway, no the message I get is something along the lines of the wmp.dll is version xxxxx and it should be version xxxxx. Would you like to go to the Microsoft website to download current software?


    That's just off the top of my head but it's something along those lines. The only error message I get is asking to send me to the Microsoft website to download latest software.


    I'm going to re-download CCleaner and see if I get the same problem to happen again. Because since I've removed CCleaner off my computer I haven't had any problems. If it happens again, I will be sure and write down the message word for word and repost. Thanks for responding.


    Wendy Peek ~ Dallas, Texas

    Hi Wendy,

    The message you are describing sounds a lot like what is in the link that Hazel gave to you.

    If you have have to re-install why not WMP11?

    No matter what just make sure that your re-install is not putting things into Temp folders somewhere or CCleaner will most likely them.

    If you use the Registry function, don't use it and see what happens.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  12. Hi Gang,

    I don't know what is up.I was working at my PC early this AM and it seemed to slow down.So I checked Task Manager and found Windows updates was doing something but I didn't get any messages about any updates.

    I visited Microsoft Updates and checked for any and it said nothing available.

    Just awhile ago I was checking out this at MS downloads and found many downloads for 07/03/2008 for WinXP SP3 and even a new

    P.S. Windows Installer 4.5 available plus some others for IE7 and others.

    Anyone else with some info on this?




    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    P.S. This is of interest for those who have updated to SP3 about known issues.


  13. do you have sp1 on your machine :)

    I updated from WinXP Pro and WinXP Home edition all with SP2 and IE7 fully updated.

    Never considered what you need to do if you are at SP1.

    Will look into it though.

    :) davey

    P.S. MS Sp1 Ok just go to Windows update and get SP3.

    You also need to look here. Some new downloads came out 07/03/2008 as regards SP3 and even a new Windows Installer 4,5


  14. Does installing XP SP3 mean all earlier updates for SP2 can be removed safely? doesn't the installation of sp3 do it automatically; coz it would be pointless having the unnecessary updates in the system! or else how does one know which updates are redundant?


    further what .NET version works with sp3 ? Would anybody really recommend having .Net?? apart from it being a massive environment to load and keep for only a few programs that really require it ( if its not really usefull, I'd rather do without the programs that require .net - just wondering...)



    I don't think "SP3 install" deletes anything.MS is not that crazy.

    You might want to "not" read this before hand so you will be thoroughly confused and befuddled or just get everything up-to-date except for IE8 and go for it. http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/05/0...-and-xpsp3.aspx


    As regards .Net I am not sure but I make it a habit to stay up-to-date with all the software.If I end up in the frying pan I will have lots of company and lots of help to get out.More and more software is requiring .Net . Why stay behind the times unless you are stuck for space?

    I get by with my 256 MB RAM Dell Dimension with all the updates so far.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. Just for your info I installed SP3 with IE7 already installed.I am definitely not going back.I also had IE7Pro already installed prior to SP3.I have not encountered any problems.Some users have had to re-install some audio drivers as far as I know.I am strictly set up as supplied by MS and WinXP as far as Windows Media Player 11 and I encountered no problems whatsoever.Since I was so up-to-date I think my SP3 download was 60-70 MB.With everybody else downloading at the same time it took about 1 hr to download and 1 hr to install on this machine.Others were 1 hr altogether (later download date) and slightly faster PCs.

  15. While on this subject of downloads.... Is it possible to resume cancelled downloads atall? coz I was in the process of downloading Envisioneer4.5 (Cadsoft.com); unfortunately no zip file available for it and its bloated 224Mb! :rolleyes:


    Perhaps even a way to temporarily pause it would be great ! ;)


    Further, how do I prevent CCleaner from cleaning it out on the next restart or while running the program?


    many thanks

    Hi TomCat,

    I am not sure about what downloaders are available to do what you want.

    Download to somewhere CCleaner doesn't clean.<<<<<<<<< Hey TomCat

    Why run CCleaner at start-up anyway? It is bound to cause you head-aches.Try Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shutdown.

    P.S. Opps. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16551 Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shutdown

    I learned a long time ago that the best way to avoid "timing" conflicts is not to create them in the first place.

    This goes for "Auto start " of any maintenance type programs,especially "cleaning" and "defrags".

    Experienced users don't let their PC's do much of anything "automatically".

    However, if you enjoy "automatically" created disasters and surprises, go right ahead.

    See this link also. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=107261

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    P.S. I really like the IE7Pro add-on it has a downloader also with a "Pause" option but I have never used it.

    This is a great question and I am looking forward to more info about this.

  16. Actually, the cookies to keep are in the user's registry at:


    in an entry called, CookiesToSave


    You can export this to a file. You'll want to do this for each user account on the computer if you're re-imaging. Otherwise, if you're just rebuiliding one user profile, export just that user's registry settings.

    Hi wikitech,

    The preferred way when talking about CCleaner in WinXp is YoKenny's method.That way the user can keep all his settings for CCleaner very easily.

    Unfortunately users with older OS's do have to do it the way you suggest.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  17. Trying to disable the startup link for OpenOffice.org 2.4.1 (installed on WinXP SP2) gives the following message:


    Failed to enable/disable startup item:

    Cannot create a file when that file already exists.


    Here's the screenshot:



    Other items seen unaffected. Any thoughts?


    Thanks, S.

    I did some testing.Apparently you cannot do this while the related program is running.Makes sense to me.

    P.S.Close OpenOffice and try again.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  18. Just wondering.... anyone have any ideas about this?



    Hi Lloyd,

    With a little "searching" of the forums you get more insight to this.

    These files are too important to many users to have CCleaner clean them.


    I think it is just going to be up to the user to clean these ares.

    Most users are best advised to leave these files and folders alone.That is why CCleaner leaves them alone. :P

    :) davey

  19. Hi, I'm a first-time poster but long time user. I've had this problem since two versions ago (I now have the latest: 2.09.600).



    (App)Mozilla - Saved Form Information=False

    BackupDir=C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.YOUR-C15E0C8280\Desktop





    UpdateKey=07/04/2008 04:17:45 PM






    (App)Autocomplete Form History=False

    (App)Start Menu Shortcuts=False

    (App)Desktop Shortcuts=False

    (App)Recent Documents=True



    Are you running with Administrator privileges. [YES]


    CCleaner version ? [2.09.600; happened also with previous two versions]


    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? [XP Media Center Home Edition; SP2]


    Browsers and ver.? [Firefox 3.0; IE 7.0]


    Security software and ver? [Avast! 4.8; SpywareBlaster 4.1; Ad-Aware 2008]


    Other data you think might be relevant? [unsure]


    What did you do and then what happened? [used CCleaner, opened Word and noticed that the recent documents were still there.]




    Hello Stones,

    Welcome to the forum!!!

    Thanks for registering as a member.You are definitely my kind of member.

    You have been reading the forums and you answered all the necessary questions.

    Other users have reported similarly.I think they(Piriform) have changed or removed some of the cleaning entries for Word.

    Many new users were unaware that these areas would be cleaned automatically.

    This is just my conclusion not re-affirmed by any official development team members.

    Hopefully I can find out some answers for you or someone else can also offer their input."Bug Fixers" will also use this info.

    You may have to use some Include entries or some winapp2.ini file entries to clean these areas.

    See ya later.

    :) davey Another member like you.


  20. Thanks for clearing that up. Restore points have been mysteriously disappearing and I needed to rule out CCleaner as a possible cause. The link you sent refers to Win XP ... but I read through it anyway. I have tons of disk space (new system) and Vista 64 might have its own issues. None of the causes seem to apply ... at least, not that I can see. Thanks for the link anyway. I've created a few points (again) and will see if they survive another day (they disappear every day) and I run CCleaner every day (runs very fast on this system). Great utility.

    Hello Cowtoon,

    These links are to the same guy's site about System Restore.XP and Vista.

    His site is the best we know of when it comes to System Restore problems, fixes, and general information.


    System Restore

    http://bertk.mvps.org/index.html Restore a Windows XP system to a previous State using System Restore

    http://bertk.mvps.org/html/vista.html Windows Vista, System Restore


    You may want to bookmark these.I have.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. http://bertk.mvps.org/html/missingrpv.html Some third-party tools can can cause the deletion of restore points in Windows Vista.

    Some versions of Vista are affected.

    Are you trying to run CCleaner at Start-up? This may apply to you Cowtoon and a few others with this problem.

  21. Vista Home Premium, Service Pack 1

    CCleaner 2.08 Slim build

    UAC enabled


    I setup this laptop for a non-techie friend. As Administrator, I installed CCleaner. I created a Standard user account for my friend, and in that account I created a shortcut for him to run CCleaner silently using AUTO parameter:

    "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO


    When logged in as Standard user, he has been able to use that shortcut to run CCleaner silently without any UAC prompt or password. However, sometime this week it changed: now when he launches the shortcut, he receives a UAC prompt requiring the Administrator password or it will not run CCleaner.


    Further info.: prior to this recent failure, the Standard user was able to run both the shortcut to /AUTO cleaning, and also open the entire CCleaner application without any UAC prompt or password. During that same time, the Administrator could not run an /AUTO shortcut or open the application unless he entered the Administrator password. (Pretty much the reverse of what you'd expect to happen.)


    The only significant change this week has been that I installed Avast Home Edition 4.8.1201.80611 anti-virus. After I installed Avast, the Standard user could no longer run the CCleaner /AUTO shortcut unless he used the Administrator password. (I have disk images of my system before installing Avast and after, so I was able to roll back to an earlier image to test CCleaner's behaviour immediately before Avast was installed.)


    Why did it stop working? Why did the silent /AUTO cleaning work for the Standard user before, but now it won't work without the Administrator password? Is there any solution?

    Hello tuttle,

    Welcome to the forum!!!

    Thanks for such an informative report.

    This seems to have been a problem in last few versions of CCleaner for Vista Home.

    So you have not updated to Version 2.09 yet.Can you try the new version and give us a report also.

    You are the first to report this strange(albeit correct) behavior after installing AVAST.

    I am sure the "BUG FIXERS" will be able to use this information.


    Thanks again,

    :) davey

  22. Im doing a research project and i need to get my hands on the following versions of CCleaner. Is this possible? Do i email someone?

























    .........OK, I think thats it if possible im looking for zipped and installer versions. Thanks for the help.


    A version history that will take you back almost that far. http://www.CCleaner.com/download/version-history

    Good luck in your research.

    :) davey

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