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Posts posted by davey

  1. Just looking through my PC and I have about 20-30mb of CCleaner install exe files from each update. Can they be deleted???



    Hi Horse Person,

    Of course you can.

    Unless you like to install old versions for testing purposes.(It's quicker than going back to filehippo.com for them.)

    You might keep a couple on hand.Especially your "favorites"."Good bye old friends,alas.Parting is yada,yada,yada."


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  2. I think I must just be jinxed with certain applications Anthony, that was the default way I tried first.


    It wasn't even a case of it not connecting, I connected to the web first, and then tried updating, and every single time, after about 3 minuters and the blue progress bar reaching the end..."Internet Connection Failed", although I was still on line.


    Anyways, I'm just labouring the point now, suffice it to say it just wouldn't do it's thing for me.


    I thought that is SOP. I am not kidding.

    I have have tried every combination there is from all off to all on for my Internet > Connections.

    I have worn out the "repair" button for my Local Area Connection.


    One day.

    :) davey


  3. Got it. Thank you!

    Hello guys,

    Depending on what OS and how long that you have been using CCleaner,this is the scoop.

    CCleaner is only looking for specific "popular" software and Windows related files.

    You can get a copy of it all here.As of v 2.08.


    Don't know when "htome" will post the new copy for v 2.09.

    This really helps it all come together.Read the whole thread.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey


    P.S. You can add to what is listed there by adding a winapp2.ini file which cleans a lot more applications.Plus you can add your own

    enties even VBS scripts. Copy the winapp2.ini file that everybody else uses and add or remove as you like.Zip file at bottom.

    http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110 Add A Program To Winapp2.ini, Add additional programs to CCleaner

    You also have the Include and Exclude entries, All these make CCleaner very flexible.

  4. Kenny Rogers, The Gambler. Even if I knew the words to that tune it would hold the answer as to why CC was dropped off the popularity list for a day? Really? Kenny Rogers?


    "Know when to hold them, know when to fold them."? All that tells me is I should shut up about the whole affair because I stumbled onto something that should not be brought up. Well I grew up in a Nixon presidency. Sock it to me!

    "You never count your money while your sittin' at the table,there'll be time enough for countin' when the dealing's done".


    You youngsters are all alike !!!

    Wonderful. :P

    :) davey

  5. Yes I do have that checked. Could you please explain if most of the stuff is ok to delete and what it may be for? I am weary of deleting things in the C:\WINDOWS\......... folder.... Thanks

    Hi Isaiah,

    I'm not sure if it is a U.K. thing or a hazelnut thing. :unsure: Every locale has it's own way of phrasing things. :P

    I even get confused.I am in Maryland,U.S.A.

    I may be wrong but I think she was implying that if you turn off that switch then maybe a lot of things will come tumbling out the Windows temp folders.That one option seems to work differently than you may think.I always leave it off as I only run CCleaner to actually clean every 3 or 4 days.Other times I use it to Analyze only.

    Those other 1.8 GB may be something that was not available at the time to be cleaned.Only run CCleaner when all browsers and other programs are closed.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  6. It was back up there within a day. I don't know what happened.
    You denied your own thinking on this.You knew the answer and you still do.

    :) davey


    OK! One little hint.

    Kenny Rogers

    OK! Two little hints.

    Kenny Rogers,the gambler.


    :) davey

  7. It was back up there within a day. I don't know what happened.

    You denied your own thinking on this.You knew the answer and you still do.

    :) davey


    OK! One little hint.

    Kenny Rogers

  8. [29jun08] JavaRa updated to version 1.08.



    [Added] Removal of extra registry entries

    [Added] Link to lunarsoft.net support forums

    [updated] Source Code Package

    Thanks Fred,

    New JavaRa removed an old Java version that had not been removed before.


    The JavaRa removal process was started on Mon Jun 30 05:19:44 2008


    Found and removed: Software\JavaSoft\Java2D\1.6.0_05


    :) davey

  9. Well, the kid from next door came over; managed to stop all running programs, forceably turned off the computer. Rebooted in Safe Mode and fiddled around with it (not very technical, I know!!). Then rebooted in regular mode, ran the virus software which came up with nothing. Connected to the internet; made a System Restore point and I am back in business. He said he didn't know what the problem was, either, but just worked it out. Oh, my... Just not sure I am in the computer age... :lol:

    Hi Ed,

    I think your next door kid took a very technical approach.Congrats to him.

    Now as for you,I am still not sure you are out of trouble.

    The names you gave for you software don't seem to exist as far as my searches yesterday.

    I couldn't find any such Trend Micro software.

    You may or may not have been duped.I am not sure.

    What are the facts behind this AV software?


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  10. Hi all you new or not so new users,


    This is a perfect example of what is called Rogue Malware,

    This may be from a new site that Firefox and others don't know about yet.

    They appear that quickly because they know once identified then their "hit" count falls off and then they create a new site.

    That program name and many others like it are the latest to "sucker" "trick" or "panic in unknowing users.

    Please advise all users that you know to only get Free software from sites that you will help them to check out.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    P.S. Sucker was an improper word in this "context".Thanks all for your additional input.

    I know I have ended up on some websites that chilled me.I didn't want to even move my mouse.Luckily I had jokingly prepared myself ahead of time.I did what my friend would do.Well almost.I unplugged the Workgroup Switch.Turned everything off I could.Then I pretended to be a "thunder storm".Zzzztttt...

  11. I decided to try the registry cleaner which I hadn't tried before. I wanted to see what it did, so I cleaned each section separately.. saving the registry for each cleaning.


    I got done.. tried a couple of programs that I was a bit worried about.. and they worked fine.


    so.. about 30 minutes later.. I run the registry cleaner again.. expecting no entries. I have not installed/uninstalled anything.. just been surfing.


    and.. there was a whole new set of active x problems.



    so.. what causes these problems besides installing/uninstalling?


    and.. is there a limit to how many CCleaner will fix at one time? maybe I had too many, and it only fixed so many the first time?




    here are the 2 sets of entries

    Hello ikati,

    When you use the Registry "issues fixing" do you continue to Scan for Issues until no more are found for that "issue"?

    I would also suggest as the last step to Scan all issues and see what that produces.

    However,some software will continue to produce issues.

    Also don't run CCleaner without closing all other programs.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey


  12. After running CCleaner all my home page presets are lost, for both IE and Firefox. Which option in the cleaner is causing this????



    Hi Randy,

    If you are using Advanced cleaning options then turn them off or get used to many preferences being reset to defaults.

    If not then supply more details about your problem.

    Good luck,

    :) davey


  13. I see

    but in earlier versions it was possible to clean the cache even if FF2 was open.

    Has this been changed since FF 3.0?

    I think the newer CCleaner tells you this. Where prior versions did not.Many users were not closing the browsers and complaining that the CCleaner was not working right when it actually was.All users are advised to close all programs.Run CCleaner by itself then start other programs.Strange things may occur otherwise.The same principle applies to all maintenance programs.


    I know there are some users that say "Well I never have.I have no problems".The only thing they lack is sufficient experience and/or knowledge.

    :) davey

  14. I am new to using CC...and already see what a nice program it is....


    I use a screen saver and have it adjusted to a particular size on the monitor. After using CCleaner, (not the reg cleaner) my selected size for the screen saver is lost, and the screen saver goes back to full size on the monitor. The Screen saver program is not listed in CC.


    How can I keep CC from altering the screen saver? Thanks...Ponder

    Hi Ponder,

    You fixed that one situation.

    You will have more if you are using the Advanced cleaning options.

    Many users turn these on thinking it does a better cleaning job.

    These are for certain situations only.Most users don't need these on.

    Most result in slower PC operation for awhile.

    Unless you absolutely understand the effects of using these I recommend not using them.

    You may know this already,I understand.

    Many new users do not understand this but that is why the default for these options is off when installed.Don't learn the hard way.

    Good luck,

    :) davey


  15. Ever noticed that on vista it doesnt defrag system volume information, WMITracing.log and SCM.EVM.


    This works on my computer and im using Windows Vista Home Premium SP1.

    Hi Steven,

    I am not even going to get into "defragging" do's and don'ts and "why's' and "therefore's".

    What I do want to say is Thank You for going out of your way to share a bit of information and knowledge with us.

    This is at the heart of the need and importance of having the freedom of information to all on the Internet.

    Members like you are very important to all the other members of this forum.

    In the past year or so it has been pretty hard to get information or methods and such as regards Vista and its various forms.

    Luckily with the increased development of the Internet,users are getting new information quicker than in the past.

    But it does take people like you to share with us.Thanks for the details as to what edition and version.

    We have all seen how important that basic information is to other users.


    Thanks for becoming a member to share this,

    :) davey

  16. Stop eating peanut butter altogether would be my advice, it would cure all the problems, but then I am biased..........I'm allergic to nuts!



    You are in deep trouble 'cause like Dennis says we are all nuts.

    A few of us admit it,some of us know it,but many of us refuse to admit it,most of us don't even know it.

    :) davey

  17. But is SP 3 that much better than SP 2, so much so that you would recommend the installation of SP3 by all means? And why are you speaking of a "re-install" of Windows? In connection with SP3? Forgive me my ignorance... :rolleyes::mellow:

    Best, Atnes

    Hi Atnes,

    "Re-install" otherwise known as "the Abyss".

    If your system crapped out on you now you would have to re-install WinXP and Sp2 plus all of its updates to get you back to where you are now.This time will be hours and hours of sheer bliss !!! :angry:

    Or you can update from where you are now to SP3.This may take anywhere from 30 min. to an hour to do. :P

    If your system crashed after installing SP3 then all you would have to reinstall is WinXP and SP3 which would be hours less than before. :D

    Take your pick !!!

    I did it 6 weeks ago.No problems then or since.

    Do it now under controlled circumstances with proper backup or at some unknown time when the odds are that you will not be properly prepared.Take your pick !!!

    Good Luck,

    :) davey

  18. I was able to use a registry searcher and about 30 minutes of my time (what the hell? explorer.exe just ended) to get rid of TWO <_< of the invalid things. I'll take a look at what Hazelnut posted - it looks promising but I can't use it right now because Spyware Terminator / winclam are eating up my CPU because I'm pretty sure I've got a security issue (my msn cant connect to the key port, unknown reason. apparently an error code isnt enough for Microsoft to id my problem?)



    oh- It didn't work. Programs dont seem to pick up the invalid entries. I guess I'll have to do it by hand. (though I tried this, and all my norton anti vir. entries and my ventrilo client became "Invalid" ~ Please insert the invalid install disk <_<



    edit- I felt my problem was aptly explained in the video.


    ^ just imho ^_^

    Are you saying you have been running around the internet "naked".No AV? For how long?

    Well, you check in every now and then. So we know you aren't broke down somewhere.

    This is sounding worse and worse.When is the last time you took a good backup?

    :) davey

  19. Hello,


    if I use CC 2.09 anf FF 3.0 Final CC 2.09 doesn't seem to clean FF3 Cache even if I checkmark it.


    it shows the message FF?/Mozilla cache cleaning skipped.


    is this a bug?

    Hi klumy,

    Are you positive the FF browser was closed at the time?

    If not it probably skipped the cleaning.

    :) davey

  20. Thanks for help i really mean that ...Great forum..u can get instant help .

    So u suggest me to Uninstall it And install it again but for example if i install it another drive thn any problem???

    and whn this message will come that erunt will save backup in Windows Directory what should i do or i can browse or choose where i wants to save ???

    I know you will be allowed to BROWSE for the ERDNT folder.I think the AutoBackup folder will be put inside there during the install.

    I have another link for you to review also. http://discussions.virtualdr.com/showthrea...highlight=erunt.


    :) davey

  21. Hi

    I didnt find any folder named ERDNT inside Windows directory( very weired but whats the reason thr is no Dir named ERDNT??.Now this stop showing message at startup after reboot i think coz of now im using TWEAK UAC and i setup it in Quite mode but after tht i reboot many times to check if this works or not but nope.If i take backup manually and if i keep this in other drive in one folder tht is okey??or i have to keep it in Win Directory??


    And BTW im using Vista Ultimate and iwants to turn off UAC but i read b4 its not good idea to off this after u installed all software so ............



    Hi CRoz,

    Vista does put a different slant on things.UAC may have to be turned off to do your setup and other backups.

    I use WinXP PRO SP3.

    You need to link back to the authors site and read the FAQ page.Also see what forum help there may be there.

    I will be there myself trying to get more information. http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/index.htm


    Yes,for best possible chances of Recovery you want ERDNT in the Windows Directory.This may not apply to Vista.


    P.S. I did find this from a Vista user of ERUNT.

    Superb program.

    But may I suggest to users that they save to another partition/or ext disk than that which houses the OS

    Sometimes on a reinstall/restore (Vista) it wipes out the ERDNT folder.


    You may want to do as he suggests for now, until we can find out more info as regards Vista use of ERUNT and NTREGOPT.

    Reinstall ERUNT and try putting ERDNT somewhere else.Also say "Yes" to AutoBackup when asked.The AutoBackup folder should end up

    as a separate folder within the ERDNT Directory.After reinstall run ERUNT manually first before trying a reboot.Do not run NTREGOPT until we do further checking.




    :) davey

  22. Since using CCleaner v2.09, cookies get deleted that are in the "Cookies to keep" list.


    However, I'm not quite certain that it really is a CCleaner problem, though I didn't explicitely change any system settings and this did never happen before updating to v2.09.


    I have discovered that apart from "C:\Documents and Settings\My_Name\Cookies" there seems to be a "secondary" cookie folder in "C:\Documents and Settings\My_Name\Local Settings\Temp\Cookies" that I am quite certain had never been there before. And it seems this new folder is suddenly used by IE (and, of course, purged by CCleaner). However, I have checked the path designations for system folders and there the correct folder "C:\Documents and Settings\My_Name\Cookies" is specified. So why, then, is IE using the "Temp" cookie folder, and why does this use correlate with updating CCleaner from v2.08 to v2.09?


    (As a temporary workaround, a hve included the "Temp" cookie folder in CCleaner's "Exclude" list, but that is not a satisfactory solution.)


    I would be very grateful for any help!


    (Using WinXP Pro SP3 with IE6.)

    Hi again Morgane,

    Yes,it is strange to get this "temp" cookie folder.You might want to Rename that folder or even the Temp folder itself and see if it is recreated somehow.

    In my career I have seen OS's do many strange things when someone uses "reserved" words as part of a file name.Windows seems to have been purposely designed to deal with certain situations on it's own and never give any indication that something strange has taken place.My OS was certainly beaten up by 3 1/2 years of neglect and "crashes".Just on a guess I would do some "searches" on file names with "cookie"(without the S) in them.You may find a number of empty "cookies" files.Some of these files could have been extracted in a download.Who knows?

    Keep in touch.

    Thanks for your report,

    :) davey

  23. What about trying to delete it in safe-mode? Doesn't it only load those files that are needed to run Windows and nothing else?

    That is correct.

    You may have been mislead by his first post as I was.He is not getting the message he states.He says that would be more normal.

    The problem he is having is explained in Post #4.We were all waiting for him to tell us as he forgot to say what it was in his first post. :P

    :) davey

  24. Hi

    Thanks for Reply and i really waited answer from u i didnt mention it but if others ans thts okey but i got answer from u thts good.Now i setup Erunt and it asked me if i wants to restore backup all the time when computer start i click YES.If this okey or this going to slow down my Pc for added in Startup.I read this Documents and i think i can do this but if i have any trouble i will be here again......................


    P:S ...I got this problem from Erunt after i re-started my PC

    unable to create file C:\windows\ERDNT\Autobackup\2008-06-27\ERDNT.inf

    registry backup will continue,but no restore info for the ERDNT programme will saveed.This means that later restoration of the registry can only done by manually.

    Pls if possible help me out





    Don't worry.Run ERUNT manually and see what happens.Look in \Windows\ERDNT and see what is there after you run it..

    I am going to get some more information.

    P.S. After you run ERUNT it will create a separate folder with today's date as the name.You can look in that folder to learn what it looks like.

    One of these folders will be created each time you run ERUNT manually.I have created 3 in one day plus autobackup created 1 the first time that I rebooted that day.Autobackup will create only one backup for each day that it is booted.If you don't boot for a couple of days no new autobackup is made.This is why I always run ERUNT manually prior to making any changes.Autobackup should only add 30 seconds to your first start-up of the day.

    A small price to pay for the Recovery backup it will give you.

    Let's see what happens the next time that you reboot.I don't know why it could not create that ERDNT.INF text file the first time.

    Let me know what happens.


    :) davey

  25. For the second time in the last week or so I've been faced with some pretty difficult decisions to make.

    I'd appreciate some constructive input with this one, as me and my god good lady (probably right the first time), have even had words over this

    1: With a peanut butter sandwich, do you butter the bread before you put the peanut butter on, or do you just ladle it straight on, commando style? (nothing underneath)..

    No butter underneath in the USA.(Makes the peanut butter slide off and stick to the roof of your mouth.The jelly etc. also slides and sticks anywhere other than your mouth or the bread.)


    Proper spreading is an acquired skill, normally taught by Mom but Dad will do after proper re-training from Mom.

    Spread gently a reasonable amount of peanut butter straight onto one slice of bread.

    Spread evenly a lesser amount of jelly,jam or preserves onto another slice of bread.

    Gently place the first slice of bread face down onto the second slice of bread face up.

    Flip the sandwich over for good presentation and enjoyment.

    You have now created a nice morsel for all ages.

    Allergies may prevent the preparation or consumption of such delights. Sorry,guys. :(

    2: Plain bread or toasted bread? I'm all for toasted, but plain bread's not too bad either. Decisions!

    Plain bread if it is to be consumed in a hurry or for immediate hunger relief.


    Toasted bread for more elegant dining or for later consumption.The degree of toasting depends on the time span between preparation and consumption.Darker toast will absorb less liquid from the ingredients and keep the proper texture for later enjoyment.

    3: Smooth peanut butter or the nutty type. I'm easy either way, but she reckons the nutty type suits me.

    Smooth peanut butter is preferred by adults for its ease in spreading and complete digestion.


    Nutty peanut butter is chosen more by children and adults who have no dental concerns or who have never inhaled a piece of nut while talking or attempting to speak on the telephone. It is harder to spread evenly without undue damage to the bread. Some pet owners keep it on hand to amuse themselves or guests by feeding a large gob of it to a pet. The strange tongue and lip gyrations and maneuvering by the animal is said to be very amusing. However, such practice can result in injuries to the teeth, lips, cheeks, gums, tongue and throat, mouth or facial muscles.It can also lead to a degree of distrust by the pet, especially cats.


    OLD FASHIONED prepared peanut butter is the choice of chefs, cooks, connoisseurs, and older adults. Mainly for its consistency, freshness, and excellent flavor.

    4: How the hell do you stop it sticking to the roof of your mouth? Don't you just hate that?

    To avoid the peanut butter from sticking to the roof of the mouth, always eat with the jellied side up. The jelly serves as a barrier and a lubricant. A room temperature or cool drink should also be served. Warm drinks tend to add to the stickiness of the peanut butter.

    You bite off a gob full of peanut butter sandwich, and the phone rings, and there's no one else in the house.

    You answer the phone sounding like a 3 year old just approaching the rudiments of intelligible speech, and the caller says..."is you're mam there pet?"

    Here, on this side of the pond, you let the phone ring. After all, you are eating !!!

    Unless you are expecting a call, then answer saying "Dis beta be impordand !!!" :wacko: They hang-up. No problem. :lol:

    Any input would be appreciated, and is it peanut butter over the pond, or peanut jelly? ;)

    In the USA, it's PB&J, all the way. Peanut butter and jelly :wub: that's all I'll put in my belly :P


    And the ultimate treat for Dennis. Well everybody else too !!! Belly up !!! http://splendidtable.publicradio.org/recip...ain_pbsand.html

    :) davey

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