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Posts posted by davey

  1. The fact I have a bunch of things on my list classified as "INVALID" and they go away if I hit remove, but come back when I close the list <_<


    also when I hit Remove they leave invalid uninstaller references >_<

    What's up Winapp2.ini,

    All those freaky things happen to people who do freaky things.YOU know that.

    Since you have already tried the first normal thing to do, now you can try some alternatives.

    First thing experienced users do is make sure they Create a System Restore Point and create a back-up of the Registry using ERUNT. http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/index.htm


    1) Contact the software manufacturer and find if there is an Uninstall tool for this product.That way you may luck out and get one that resets the Registry and deletes a lot of old files and stuff.Experienced users always try the easiest things first.


    2) Search the net to see if somebody has already created a tool or method to clean up after this software.This works more often than you would believe.DON'T be fooled by sites that offer all kinds of fixes without checking with other experienced users.THE BAD GUYS often wear white hats.They promise and guarantee or whatever to get you to download their "malicious" software.


    3) Use the WINDOWS INSTALLER CLEAN UP UTILITY to see if it is listed in its list and "Remove" it this way. This will also remove more than the next step.

    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301/en-us WINDOWS INSTALLER CLEAN UP UTILITY


    4) Use CCleaner > Tools > Uninstall Highlight the item and try the Uninstall.Probably won't work but do it anyway.Then use the "Delete" button.This more than likely will successfully delete the item.


    5) Registry editing but only as a last resort.


    Good Luck,

    :) davey

  2. What do you mean it doesn't show MS Windows 98 below the titlebar? You are running Win98SE aren't you?



    Microsoft's Unicows.dll is an older version the one used by CCleaner.


    There are no Administrator privileges on Win98SE Davey, its a better system. ;)

    The guy was not referring to his title bar.

    Surprising isn't it that they both have the same unicows.dll version number. MS and CCleaner.

    Are you saying Win98SE doesn't require Administrator caliber personnel. :P

    :) davey

  3. Hi


    I downloaded Registry backup programme ERUNT and NTREGOPT .One is backup and another one backup and optimizer i think or both same im not sure.If i backup registry and how can i RESTORE it later.I read about this b4 but now i forgot frm which thread.I think its better to know for security or safety.


    And about Replicator software if this is for Full Image backup programme So if i can take full image backup and if im in trouble with my pc so i can backup my image and get back my system like b4.

    For this Backup now im using Acronis?True?Image but i was in http://www.karenware.com/powertools/ptreplicator.asp and this looks very easy.


    Any suggestions would be appreciated .

    Hi CRoz,

    Good for you.I am glad somebody has been reading the forums.

    You will find the documentation and links to the authur for ERUNT at Start > All Programs > ERUNT Print it off and save a copy with your Windows Install/Boot disks.Of course read it also.The restore program is in each days backup at C:\Windows\ERDNT Read the documentation for ERUNT it is in there.NTREGOPT is only used to compact the Registry after uninstalling applications.It must only be run when you are ready to REBOOT IMMEDIATELY.It should not be run at any other time.

    Yes I use Replicator and many members do.It is easy to learn to set up jobs to backup what you want and when you want.

    I backed-up everything before installing WinXP SP3.I didn't need it yet but it is there if I do need it.

    :) davey

    P.S. I did answer you before in a different thread.You can find all post and threads related to YOU by clicking on Members at the top of the forum window.Type in your name and you can find all your topics and threads.Just click on your name there or in any of your posts on the forums.

    P.S. From what I have been told ACRONIS is a good program to have also.

  4. That's a good idea. I've had no luck getting the automated task to work on Windows 2000, so I just added a shortcut to the Quick Launch bar and click it every so often.


    After running it, should I be seeing the Mem Usage in Task Manager drop? So far, I really haven't seen much of a difference.

    I would say it depends on how often and when you run it.

    That's what it is for to keep down a build up over time.Must be doing the job for you. :D

    :) davey

  5. Is it safe to run CCleaner at startup?


    I mean isn't it possible a valid program would wright sth in temp folder as it loads and needs that data in temp folder for the next few seconds or so?

    Ok my english is bad, but I hope somebody will understand what I am trying to say :P

    Hi PiCo,

    Welcome to the forum :)

    Your English is good enough to tell that this is a very important question.

    Any program set to run at start-up can experience problems or conflicts with other programs.

    I don't believe in starting-up any programs automatically except security,or system back up or monitoring programs.

    CCleaner is a maintenance type program and should run by itself with no other interference.My practice is to run it at the end of the work session and not at the beginning.Who wants surprises right at the beginning of the work.

    Some users have too many things set to run at start-up.

    This makes them not want to reboot their system when they should and causes complications as a result.

    If there is a power shut down than all the work you have done may be cleaned when you still need it.

    There many other reasons but these are my main concerns.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  6. I'd like to give CCleaner another chance on that PC if I could be sure that this wouldn't happen again.

    :angry: But until I get some feedback here, I'll be going back to v2.03.532 which was the last version I had installed prior to v2.09.600.

    Any thoughts?


    Hi Guys,

    Tough luck for both of you. :(

    We need your help also.

    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ? What Language did you request, if any, at install?


    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)


    Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

    Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    See this link for my first advice to brand new users of CCleaner. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208


    Thanks for taking your time to make a report.:)

  7. You know the blue/white boxes you click on the left when you're in the Tools or Options tab? Well, it is possible that I found a bug involving those boxes.


    It appears that the text of the blue/white boxes don't like to be underlined and to stay underlined. By default, the text of the box doesn't have an underline until you take action. When you click any of the boxes, they become underlined. But when you click a different tab and then go back to the previous tab again, you'll notice that the text didn't stay underlined. To summarize it all up, there are two problems:



    1. You have to force the text to have an underline. The only way to do that is to click the box.

    2. The text in the box doesn't listen to you. Whenever you leave it unwatched, it goes back to being not underlined.




    Hi Cameron,

    Instead of using the word "underlined" I think what you mean is the word "Highlighted".

    When you click on an individual item in those sections it is "Highlighted".It turns blue behind the lettering.

    You can only "highlight" one item at a time and then take the action that you want to do with that one item.

    You can not select several items at one time.

    This is why the "Highlighting: disappears when you "highlight" another item.


    I hope that this clarifies this for you.

    Please be aware that you should not uninstall anything in the Tools section because you think that CCleaner is advising you to do so.


    I am a relatively new CCleaner user myself.You seem to be quite the curious type.

    That's good and bad at the same time when it comes to the Windows Registry.

    If you are new to understanding the internals of Windows,then I would recommend not using the Registry issues fixing function of CCleaner until you learn more.This is an advanced feature of CCleaner.

    The average user doesn't have to do this,just use the "default" settings that come with CCleaner and only use the Cleaner function.

    The Registry function and Tools function should only be used by more advanced users.


    I do recommend that you bookmark the following link.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaners Beginners Guide


    You may already know much of this information but it will also help other new members.

    Good Luck,

    :) davey

  8. Hope someone can enlighten me. CCleaner works great, thanks for such a wonderful app. Need to know if CC deletes the preferences I have set for new Word docs. For example, I don't use automatic numbering and have that disabled. However, after running CC, it's enabled again. Is there a setting in CC that can do all the usual cleaning but still keep my Word preferences intact? Thanks in advance.

    Hi ya old blues guy,

    The best advice for right now is in your Applications tab to untick whatever Word product that is causing it until you get an alternative to Exclude those preferences or maybe an addition to winapp2.ini.


    Hopefully some good member will come forward with a specific solution. :D


    :) davey

  9. Hi,


    Thanks for your responses till so far.

    The unicows.dll is in the CCleaner folder. So, that must be o.k.

    I've also undo the installation and install it again : Same results. :(

    My version is and @ to Hazelnut, it does not show W95 or 98 in te properties.


    Maybe another download from another location will hopefully solve my problem.


    I.ll back to you soon !.


    regards Jules

    Hi again Jules,


    Do the following before anything else.

    1) If you did not reboot after installing CCleaner then do so and try running CCleaner again.If it runs then see advice at bottom.

    2) Download the latest version of unicows.exe (1.1.3790.0) for Windows 95, 98, and Me Systems from Microsoft web site at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en

    3) Run unicows.exe and unpack it in some temporary directory.


    4) Copy unicows.dll and unicows.pdb from your temporary directory into your <Windows 98>/System directory.


    5) REBOOT your computer.


    6) Run CCleaner and see how it works.If it does not work, do what follows. Let us know what happens as soon as possible.



    Keith asked some questions and he uses Win98SE.Maybe your answers will help solve the problem.


    Since the new version came out this morning,you are the first to report this problem.This is why your answers are important.

    Put your answers right next to or under the question.

    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges?


    Maybe another download from another location will hopefully solve my problem.

    Where did you download from and did you try the alternative download site also?


    P.S. What build did you originally download today?


    P.S.What Language did you request if any?


    P.S.What do you mean when you said "I've also undo the installation and install it again " ?



    In what location did you download the Portable version?


    Did you click on the CCleaner icon at that location?It is important that you do this.


    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Be back with you later,

    :) davey


    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    See this link for initial advice to brand new user. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208


    Thanks for taking your time to make a report.

  10. Lastly I think custom folder locations should be able to be added. For myself, I empty my "Downloads" folder as well and I'm sure other people have folders that need to be emptied from time to time.


    Thanks again for the great program.

    Hi gabtrat,

    Welcome to the forum. :)

    Your last request can be handled by the Include/Exclude features in the Options function already in CCleaner.

    Save this link.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    See the Options topic about custom files and folders.

  11. Hi,


    I've just installed the CCleaner software, However, it is not possible for me to get it running :


    I get an error message "unable to run, missing unicows.dll "


    When I look at my harddisk(s) i get more than 16 unicows.dll files on my harddisk(s) (in different sub foldres)


    Can anybody help me and give me a solution to get CCleaner running ??


    I use (still) W 98 SE.


    Thanks in advance. :rolleyes:


    Jules Stevenhagen

    Hi John,

    Did you download the portable version from this link.Unicows comes with it and must be in the CCleaner folder.You should be able to run it in English until you do.See Options > Settings > set Language to English.An alternative is for you to copy one of your current unicows.dll to the CCleaner folder.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  12. I have been using CCleaner with Opera by selecting a folder manually in the "Option/Include" section because I keep my Opera cache folder in a non-standard location. In Opera 9.5 files in the cache folder no longer have file extentions. Because of this they are not deleted by CCleaner since it uses ".../cache4/*.*" to delete. Anyone know of a solution for this? I already tried to enter the path as ".../cache4/" , but CCleaner wil not accept this. The ok button is greyed out.

    Hello dwbock,

    MrG has a surprise for you.See this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16435&hl=

    Hope this helps with your situation.

    :) davey

  13. Hi

    I have question about CCleaner Uninstaller.If i uninstall one programme with CCleaner uninstaller ..This should be uninstall everything and delete aswell all shorcuts,Shared files and everything from registry too am i right???


    Coz when i Uninstall Software with Windows Add remove or Softwares own Uninstaller still need to manually delete many entries and its very difficult sometimes from Registry.


    So from whr or which way best to uninstall a programme perfectly..........



    Hi CRoz,

    CCleaner Tools Uninstall feature is not a special uninstall utility program.It just uses the uninstall program provided by the software maker.

    There are no perfect uninstall programs.That is unless the software manufacturer provides one for their specific product to avoid getting a bad reputation .

    The best possibility is with the software manufacturer.

    You can see this thread for more information about other Uninstaller programs.



    Good luck,

    :) davey

  14. Thanks for the link Davey, but the author does not provide any solution for getting the program to run under Windows 2000 using the task scheduler. The solution for XP is simple, but that check box does not exist in 2000. The program works if I run it manually, but it does not start using the task scheduler...

    OK understood.

    More members here with a possible solution or alternative scheduling method.

    :) davey

  15. I'm trying to get this tool to work on my Windows 2000 machine, and I'm getting the same "could not start" error. The task properties window looks different from how it does in XP, and I don't see a "only run when logged in" check box. How do I get this running under 2000?

    Hey TeeJay,

    You are going to get the full story at the authors site. http://www.pcwintech.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=14

    Please post your question there.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  16. Replying in the right thread this time, and yeah i know i'm late.


    I did some more exahustive research on wild tangent itself and found out

    that it saves high schores etc as cookies, so i followed the guide to keep those

    in the options area,and after another run, the scores remained.


    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.



    Thanks for reporting back.

    It is always useful to learn where some of that "games" info is kept.

    I think Andavari's reply is most useful for many "gamers" also.Non-gamers as well.

    :) davey

  17. Stay away from the always disconnected ISP. They're now called Mediacom in my area, and you really pay for what you don't get.

    Thanks for the warning.It must have been really bad if they even had to change the name. :lol:

    :) davey

  18. My downloads are fubar'd by firefox 2 and 3 as well. Time for a download manager.

    Hello Talldog,

    I use IE7 with IE7Pro as recommended to me by rridgely.

    IE7Pro has a download manager MiniDM.

    I have used it and it has never given me any problems even with BIG downloads.

    :) davey

  19. To Davey, Yo Kenny and Hazelnut

    Thanks for your input

    Note: I have never backed up any file on my PC ...period

    I assume the purpose of a back up is :if you create a problem you can always go back and reinstall the file that existed before you made the change

    I also assume the following:

    1.Whenever I change/modify the registry I should always use "back up"...Yes or No?


    2.Since I dont have any errors after changing the registry I guess I should delete the back up file in My Documents....Yes/No?


    3.The back up file is a .reg file


    4.I am using Win XP


    5.If I had a problem and had to use back up...as Davey suggested I clicked "open with" (since Merge did nothing)

    Now another window appears and states

    "Windows cannot open this file;To open this file windows needs to know what program created it

    What do you want to do:

    a) Use Web Services to find appropriate program............... (I did not select this)

    b)Select program from list ................................................( I recognized Note pad, Word etc)"


    I gave up at this point so I would not screw up my PC ...not knowing what I'm doing

    (I did look at and opened the info that Haazelnut and Yo Kenny sent but did not know what to do with that info)

    but I would like to know how to back up Registry if I ever needed to use "back up"


    Hi Doc,

    You are a good user.You take care to record things as you go along and you anticipate things.

    P.S. Yes always reply "Yes" to back-up messages.If you don't get these messages then don't go any further.There is an option to turn this feature off but I recommend against it or you will have no back-up made.

    Always wait awhile before you delete the back-ups.They are small files anyway.If you find that you are always "fixing issues" then something is wrong.Unless you are constantly installing and uninstalling software this should not occur often.

    Average users should just leave the Registry alone anyhow.The Registry can have many issues for years and not affect anything.

    That is why I advised you to leave it alone.If you really want to be a "techie" than that's a different matter. Just be prepared to be without your PC for awhile if things go badly.


    The first thing I want you to do and learn is this simple but IMPORTANT task when doing any maintenance to your PC.

    It is called Create a manual System Restore Point.Always do this step before anything else when doing system maintenance.

    Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > click System Restore .You are now ready to Create a System Restore Point.

    I have found these to be much more reliable than ones taken automatically.Just follow the instructions.If you do this often enough it will remain in your Start menu.

    Don't go any further without Creating a System Restore Point.This is not always done by experienced users but always a good practice for any user just the same.


    WE think that you need to restore your REG file associational since it is not working properly.

    The link below will take you directly to the web page that you need to do this.




    On the left hand side is a list.In this list you will find the following REG File Association Fix (Restore default associations for REG files).

    Left click on REG File Association Fix and a File download window will appear.

    Click on Open 1 time another box will appear Click on Open 1 more time and a window will appear.

    In this window will be an icon like a sheet of paper with blue blocks on it.Left double click on that.

    A Registry Editor window will open and ask if you want to add the information Reply YES.

    Another box will appear informing that the changes have been made.


    Now go try double clicking or right clicking on your CCleaner registration entries.It should work now.Either way Double left click or Right click and click on Merge.


    Remember that the back up file is only for the items from that one execution of "fix issues".It is not a complete copy of your Registry.This way,later you can restore just those items without disturbing the rest of the Registry.If you do 3 "fix issues" and you want to reverse them then it is necessary to restore them in the "reverse" order in time that they were created.The #3 back up would be restored first.Then #2 and then #1.This is "Very Important".


    There are other basic things you need as a "new user" but later for now.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  20. I have been using version 1.02.078(BETA) and I have had some files that will not defrag, can anyone tell me what to do about them?




    and today I started getting messages about files in the $Recycle.Bin folder, but my recycle bin is empty, I make sure of that!


    Any help from you guys would be great...cheers!

    Hello dumpertaker,

    As far as the hiberfil.sys file is concerned. it can' t be defragged.It can only be deleted by turning it off.Then a new one has to be created.

    These are the steps

    Windows Vista:

    1 Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories, right click on "Command Prompt", and then click "Run as Administrator". If User Account

    2 Control (UAC) asks you for permission, permit the Command Prompt to run.

    3 Enter "powercfg -h off" (without the quotes).

    4 Reboot. The "hiberfil.sys" file will be automatically deleted.

    5 Repeat point 1

    6 Enter "powercfg -h on" (without the quotes).

    7 Reboot.


    Windows XP:

    1 Open the Control Panel

    2 Double-click Power Options

    3 Click the Hibernate tab, de-select the 'Enable hibernate support' check box, and then click Apply.

    4 Reboot. The "hiberfil.sys" file will be automatically deleted.

    5 Go to the Windows Help & Support Center and search for 'enable hibernation'. It should be the first result. The instructions detail some other steps you may need to follow to reactivate the hibernation.


    You need to provide more detailed information about the Recycle Bin.

    Recycle Bin files do have problems,even when they look empty.Delete some folder and send it to the Recycle Bin.

    Then Right click on the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty recycle bin.Do it only this way,not the normal way or with CCleaner.

    Do this before you Reboot.After Reboot check the Recycle Bin folder and see if anything shows up.

    P.S Do you use Norton N-protect or did you in the past?

    Do you use any programs that are selected from the Recycle Bin context menu.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  21. I've toyed with a few scripts both in .VSB and .BAT and I?ve been unsuccessful in running a daily script utilizing settings I?ve set in the application. Also I want to control the access to CCleaner so the settings can not be altered by a standard user.


    Any help would be great ty...

    Hi DesktopAnalyst,


    This comes in handy for many users. Andavari's CCleaner_Auto_Shutdown.zip


    Allows CCleaner to auto clean, then shutdown Windows. This is an often requested feature for CCleaner!


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  22. I'm a Newbie also

    My question is this

    When I select back up for the registry it sends the item(Reg file) to My Documents

    If I wanted to implement the "back up" how would I do it?

    When I right clicked on the item in My Documents I selected Merge and was shown this message

    "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.Create an asociation in the folder options Control Panel

    What does his mean and how do I implement the back up .....IF EVER REQUIRED

    Hi Doc,

    Good to hear from you again.Your medical training is showing.

    Going through a little dry run before surgery? Good for you.

    Did you happen to change the name of the backup file? If so OK but the last part must be .reg .This way the software identifies it as containing registration entries.

    If you did not change the name then something has caused .reg files not to be associated with the program "regedit.exe". You can right click on the file again and select "Open with" and click on "Registry editor" if it shows or "Choose program". If you select "choose program" then select Registry editor and also check off the box that says use this program for files with the same extension.

    Try this first.If not come back.

    :) davey

    P.S. Doc , I was going to find you the fix but I see YoKenny and hazelnut are on the job.

    Sometimes for whatever reason some users lose the proper file associations especially for REG files.

    I think I remember you saying that you are using WinXP.If so go to the DOUG KNOX site that hazelnut provided and click on this line to restore your REG file associations. REG File Association Fix (Restore default associations for REG files).

    :D The smile is me remebering that I "lost" my REG file associations on purpose because I did not want the other users of this PC to be "playing around" and possibly restore some of my CCleaner Registry backups. :lol:

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