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Posts posted by davey

  1. windows xp home edition

    service pack 2

    amd athlon 64 processor 3000+

    1.80 GHz, 1.00 GB of RAM

    I noticed this the first time I used it. Although, it was temporary. It did it, I noticed, when defragging my roomie's WoW updater/information/extras/etc (essentially any file +1GB) during a total defrag. Afterwards, (especially with the new GUI, as I now can watch it "count back down") it goes back to what it was, and all is well.

    I was concerned, the first time 'round, but was quite satisfied later on.

    I've just downloaded and installed Defraggler myself, and have barely tested it, so I can't really tell you too much about this specific program.


    II like being able to defrag my computer, but at the cost of free space, which is at a premium on my laptop, I cannot do it.
    Has anyone performed a "CHKDSK /R" after defragging?

    Thanks to all in this thread.This should be of interest to you.




    :) davey

  2. I did just now. It had no effect.


    Edit: I have found a way to regain the lost space. Simply disable system restore, and then re-enable it. You will lose all of your restore points, though.


    P.S. Almost forgot! Thanks EliTe185 for a great solution.


    What happens if you just use the Windows Clean Disk utility Advanced tab and just get rid of all System Restore points except the last one.You want to take a manual System Restore point before dong this,so you have a complete System Restore point.

    Also run ERUNT before doing this.Better too much than too little back up.

    Don't forget to turn your system restore back on and reboot to get things going again after doing what YOU did to get your space back.


    The Clean Disk utility is the best way to go so you don't have to worry about not having a System Restore Point available.

    For now I would only Defrag files and not all of them.Untick at least one.

    Good luck you guys,

    :) davey


    P.S. Most of you guys know if Defraggler is running right or not.Watch the speed!!!

    For now smaller chunks several times is better.

  3. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that something with Vista itself is to blame. I just thought I'd find out here if I'm alone with this problem and what, if anything, can be done about it.
    I'm having the exact same problem and after being very happy with CCleaner's management of cookies under XP, since I've been using Vista the past few weeks, I've had to avoid using cookie cleaning so my logins for various sites won't keep getting removed. I hope a solution can be found so CCleaner will keep cookies no matter where or how many locations they are in.

    Can you provide us with a little more information.

    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ?


    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Thanks ,

    :) davey

  4. When I launch CCleaner scan, it works perfectly. But when I launch the Integrity scan, in the EVENT log I get a PERFNET EVENT 2004 : impossible to open the server...error code in the dword 0 of the data. The event causes no real problem, but of course I would prefer to get a clean log.

    I would know which of the 12 options to uncheck to avoid the problem : Missing Shared DLS ? Unused File Extensions? ActiveX and Class Issues? etc etc. Thanks for the help

    Hi robyc,

    You will have to try scanning for issues one at a time to find out.

    Please let us know what you find out.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. I did some research on this message.There are many pages on this.

    Not having the "Server" service set to "Automatic" can cause this.

  5. Hello all

    this is my first post so bear with me.

    first thing is I had an old hard drive that was fried, so i took a hard drive that was given to me and i installed window. i always firgured when you do a raw install everything is deleted and a fresh copy is installed. NOT.

    After runnjng Recuva i found thousands of olf files from the prevoius user. Iwant to delete them not recover them. Do i have to recover first or can i delete them right away. Sorry im a ltttle cofused. I recovered them once a sent them to a folder on my external hard drive. and tried to delete them. on the next scan they where still there in the original drive. help please.



    Hello Mini,

    These will help you and others.

    http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14299 How to use Recuva, Tips and hints

    http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8563 Beginner's Guide, The complete beginner's guide.


    I assume that you used the wizard and selected "all" when needed.

    Then stage1 and stage2 runs and then you are presented with a nice long listing.

    You checked the box next to "filename" in the upper left=corner and this checked every box there is in the listing.

    Then you right-clicked on the body of the listing and you then clicked on "Secure Delete Checked".

    The overwrite then runs and runs and then you are presented with a little scroll list that shows all the files that were overwritten.

    The list does not contain some files ,since they exist in an area called the "MFT".These will be removed as you use the computer.

    If you run "Recuva" again you get relatively the same list as before but this time all the files have that little red icon next to the name.

    All this is normal.The filenames are there but the data is overwritten.It can't be recovered in a usable state.

    Changes will probably be added to even remove the filenames in the future.

    For now you have done the best you can to eliminate that private data.

    There are other products to do this also.Recuva has been the quickest method I have seen to do this.


    All the above could be achieved by copying many movies and such to your drive.So the option is up to the user.

    This way you know it is done and over with and done quickly.


    You are a very considerate person to do as you have done. :D

    Now if I can find some one to pass on to me a nice big drive I promise to do the same. :P


    Glad to have a person of your caliber as a member of our forum.

    You come back and learn and ask questions anytime.

    :) davey


    P.S. You will also want to delete the folders that you created to "recover" some files.You can use Recuva to then overwrite those also.

    Just keep in mind that when you "recover" files that you are creating a copy of what Recuva can find.Sometimes that data is partially usable,completely usable or not usable at all. When you "secure delete" those files the data is overwritten and unusable.

  6. Hard to believe anyone could be that studip.

    Slow day in Connecticut? I have a feeling we are seeing preprogrammed News in action.

    Maybe it has something to do with Fathers Day.


    Happy Fathers Day


    :) davey

  7. I agree with Tarun. These programmes don't do anything. It may feel faster, but actually, it probably does more harm then good. Just use CCleaner and defraggler and your PC will run smoothly. If they don't work, then a RAM upgrade is needed.

    You need to do a lot of reading of this thread and many others.Including the links provided by Tarun.

    He understands where we are coming from.


    :) davey More RAM helps until you run out of RAM and ports to put it in.

    P.S. There really is no agreement or disagreement on this subject.We don't believe in magic pills either.If we did this thread wouldn't be so long. :lol:

  8. Hi!


    I am a happy user of CCleaner, my version is 2.08.588, I am running Windows XP Pro SP2.


    I recently discovered that all the programs I started got listed in the registry at MUICache



    My problem is, I do not want to have a history of the programs I started.

    I've read some forum posts and learned that this is a multilangual feature, and it does no harm if I delete its contents.


    There's a MUICache checkbox on the CCleaner GUI, but I guess it "just" checks if the paths are correct.


    What I am asking for is an option to clear the entries in the MUICache registry folder. To make it more configurable, it would be a useful option to have a custom list of registry entries to delete, just like we have for files and folders.



    Hello Tray,

    The Registry location that you have specified has nothing to do with what you want to do.

    Do not mess with it.

    What you have referred to has to do with "strings " of descriptive data that can be used for English and other languages.

    Please remember that MUI has to do with computer languages as well.


    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Save this link for your reference. See the topic Cleaner Information.

    The option that you seek already exists at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced list > User Assist History.

    Turn this option on and each time that you run the Cleaner the history list of programs run,# of times,date last run etc. will be removed.The list will automatically start to be built again by Windows.

    The list of Most recently/frequently used programs will disappear from the Start menu.

    I am unsure what effect this may have to other functions in Windows.


    This list can be hidden by other means but the list will still exist.

    To hide the list on the Start menu use right click on Start > Customize > Programs box > set Number of programs on Start menu to 0 .

    This will eliminate the list from showing until changed to some other value.


    I advise all inexperienced users to not use the Advanced cleaning options as they are for certain specific uses and will have effects that you may not desire.They truly are for Advanced users for specific reasons.

    Take the time to learn more about these items through the reading of the forums and the use of Wikipedia.

    They do not improve the performance of your system.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  9. Right click on the spinning or non-spinning blue ball, choose Start Avast antivirus, turn off the "memory test" just to make things quicker, right click anywhere in the main window, choose Settings, choose Sounds, check the box to Disable Avast Sounds.


    I'd rather have Q telling me how pathetic it is how we mortals rely on a futile antivirus program.


    Yeah,even our machines are subject to infections."Q" no thanks.

    Now I am off to find a snippet of "Seven of Nine". "Resistance is futile!!!" Who's resisting? Who's resisting?



    :) davey

  10. Except that guys' voice that comes out of nowhere telling me Avast has been updated. Scares the bejeebus outta me sometimes. I know, I can turn the sounds off. :lol:


    I just read the above posts and started cracking up. I want a gruff pirates' voice telling me Avast! Ye have an update, matey

    And I thought I was the only one.

    Where I am and when I am on the PC there is normally nothing and no one around.Most of the time no TV or music in the background.

    Outta nowhere comes this voice and instantly results in the "flight or fight" re-action,adrenaline rush,increased BP and breathing.

    I don't need that.Where is that "off" switch? :unsure:

    The only option I have touched so far is "no scan at start-up" offered at installation.I haven't touched any other options.Haven't even looked at them.Just running Avast as it was installed and the CCleaner options that may be in it to clean Avast files.

    I am running an early 2004 Dell Dimension Pent4 2.8 GH and 256 MB RAM with 80 GB HD.Only slow down is at start-up of maybe 15 - 30 secs.No complaints so far from other users either.

    Initial start-up after install was slow for awhile while it apparently built some data bases.After that only the little "a" ball spinning every now and then when I do something.



    :) davey

    P.S. If that is "Data's" voice from Star Trek,then that would explain it.Seems like whenever he spoke up something imminent was about to occur.

    I would much rather have "Worf's" voice,then I would feel more secure about my update.Where is that option?

  11. Slow reply? Nooo worries! Thanks for helping.

    When I reset the UPnP service, I started it, and it reported that it had started, then stopped a sthere was no work for it to do.


    Not sure what you mean by the registration centre...


    (Me slow reply too. Not receiving email notifications. will check profile.)

    I think Tarun is referring to Box 5 on Dial-a-fix when he says Registration center. Of course you knew that !!!

    He did trail off there.Guess it's time to get up or go to bed in a lot of places.


    P.S Of course those are the settings he was referring to in Registration center that you asked about in dial-a-fix.

    In the Registration Center...



    :) davey

  12. I will get things back to normal when I get back. :)

    This is probably my last post for about 10 days or so at the least but dont worry, "I"ll be back". :lol:

    OK Arnold. :P

    You deserve some time out also.

    :) davey

  13. I am not using any other cleaning utilities. And yes I am deleting the index.dat, although I've since unchecked that to no avail.


    One thing that has me curious is that when I hit Analyze, it shows that CCleaner is about to delete cookies from two different locations...




    When I move forum.piriform.com into the "Cookies to Keep" column and Analyze again, the first one (in \Roaming\) is still there to be deleted, but the second one (in \Local\) is not. This has me very confused, as I have no idea how, when or why IE7 decides where to store a cookie. However, I suspect that Vista and IE7 are both conspiring to twart me (maybe through some insidious UAC thing) and that CCleaner is unable to second guess the situation. Any thoughts?

    Hi Crapster,

    I had the same situation with WinXp.Some how I had Cookies it seemed in 2 or 3 different places.

    After making a few alterations at Shell Folders and User Shell Folders I think I got things straightened out.

    However before doing so I backed up the Registry with ERUNT and took a manual System Restore point.

    Things worked funny for a couple days but then things seemed to start working properly.

    I don't recommend others doing this unless they have experience in how to get themselves out of trouble.

    Maybe some more knowledgeable and experienced members can help out.

    P.S. In this regard,I wouldn't doubt that there are differences between WinXP Pro and WinXP Home and maybe also WinXP Media Center My mind is open and ready to learn.


    The accumulation of 3 1/2 yrs power outages, IE bugs, newbie level of experience etc brought me to CCleaner and this forum.

    P.S. Oops! I forgot to mention absolutely no MS updates were done either. :wub:

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    P.S. CCleaner always should be run with nothing else running.Otherwise strange things do appear.Appearances can be very misleading.

    It basically comes down to a "timing" and "permissions" thing between various software.

  14. I think in order for Firefox to drop it's mem usage whem minimized you need to have or add the config.trim_on_minimize to about:config.

    FF Tweak Guide




    But we are all different and I have a good/bad habit (which ever way you want to look at it) of ripping a system to pieces to see how it works and I have had to use my Ghost Images to get me out of the manure on quite a few occassions.


    I also store Ghost Images on usb drives where I can hook up any hard drive, boot from Ghost floppy and restore any image in under 5 minutes.This also saves a full install, tweaking, slimmimg and activation.


    My slimmed down Vista Ultimate install on an old 120 gig drive.



    Thanks Humpty for clarifying the matter about ripping the guts out.



    As you can see there are many ways of customizing a system for a specific users needs.

    Keep in mind that most users have an enjoyable time with their PC by sticking to Windows as provided.

    It is the best setup for most users.Especially the default settings.

    The same holds true for many products that you use such as CCleaner.

    If you are not knowledgeable enough yet don't try to use tools or Registry "fixers" that are only needed for very specific reasons.


    Your PC will work fine for you if you clean out the junk every now and then.Defrag your hard drive only when Windows Disk Defragmenter says you need to.Use your firewall enabled and install simple to use Security programs and such.You also need a simple to use Back up program to back up your data and your most important system files.More advice can be found by a "seaerch" for 'NEW USERS ADVICE".You can also start at this link and get yourself and your PC in good basic shape.



    Good luck to all,

    :) davey

  15. I'd started to wonder that, myself. But, "Patience, Tarq," I thought, "Leave it a couple more days for a bump. Nobody's going to die if it don't get fixed." B)


    You reckon installing SP3 might be related to this problem, perhaps? Or an example of a problem SP3 should have fixed? I only really noticed it after the last patch Tuesday. Might've started before then, I just didn't notice.


    Thanks for the support so far, folks. Just so y'all know, I have also posted this at Wilders, and Scotts' forums, hope that's not a bad protocol. One has suggested disabling security software,as a troubleshoot (done); another has suggested uninstalling URGE, which wasn't installed anyway.

    We'll see how this pans out.

    You mean to tell me that several posters haven't suggested just turn off WMP ? :)

    Believe me I am with you.But I don't have all the bad experiences that other users have had with many products.

    I think MS should always provide good basic products for it's users.

    The direction is to have billions of more users needing to know less and less about PCs.

    Somewhere over the rainbow!!! Well ToTo it looks like we're still stuck in Kansas!!! (nothing wrong with Kansas)

    We are getting there.Sorry I missed much of the journey so far.

    :) davey

  16. Anyways sorry if I came off rough.



    I don't think they will mind if you leave you site address.


    No not to rough.YoKenny just calls it like he sees it at the time.

    Could there be any access conflicts?

    My system is pretty basic.I will be testing your program myself.

    :) davey

  17. Oh forgot to mention, the reason why a lot of the memory cleaners out there dont use this api call is because it wasnt documented till .net, every time you minimize a .net program the memory cleans itself up, this is the api call that is built into .net


    Cleanmem simply took that nice little tweak from ms and applies it to the other processes.

    Thanks for the informative input.Some users refuse to believe that old problems can be handled in new ways.

    They hear a word or phrase and respond with the same old response.

    YoKenny is not that kind of user.He investigates and discovers better ways are available.

    I don't think he is ever finished checking things out.

    :) davey

  18. Defraggler slowed down my XP Home and Pro systems so much that I have un-installed it on both systems and used the built in Windows defrag to restore their performance to normal.


    I'll stick to Windows defrag and the occasional JkDefrag once in a while.

    Hey Yo,

    Your input it just as important as everybody else.

    Can you elaborate on what you did and what happened?


    Admittedly I haven't tried the latest Defraggler.

    I have been moving some of my files around to get them better arranged and using Defraggler last version on just a few specific files at a time.I haven't needed a major defrag in awhile.

    :) davey

  19. I would also strongly support an automatic registry clean switch ... I too run CCleaner automatically every night using Task Scheduler. Keeps my PC in good shape!


    Unfortunately, I still need to do the CCleaner registry cleaning manually.. WHY?


    Piriform, please add this switch!



    If they ever decide to do any such thing they will have to change the use agreement like Yahoo Tool Bar.

    "Don't use this software in Nuclear energy sites or any life preserving sites etc., etc.,etc."

    I think the user must be present to see the damages etc. that have been possibly caused.

    Of course they could make the CCleaner 20 times bigger and slower to automatically back up and restore everything if it can determine that something has gone wrong.It could also be modified to call the necessary authorities to clean-up any possible disastrous results of incorporating such foolish requests.


    :) davey

  20. Anybody who wonders, why there is no volume control in system tray anymore, it's a fault of CCleaner's autostart feature.


    After using it, it also kills autostart of volume control - although user didn't remove it. It's a bad bug of CCleaner's handling of autostart keys in registry.

    If you are experiencing this problem,it is not being caused by CCleaner but is a problem in Windows.

    I have one item in my start-up list that does start-up but the icon does not always end up in the system tray as it should.

    I think it is the result of a "timing" situation related to what items are being started and in what order.

    Windows controls this.It is not a constant order.


    :) davey

  21. How do you know if you are using winapp2.ini Davey? Its in the app folder but I can't see any settings in Options\Settings or Advanced. I would think it was used if any options are ticked in the Application tab. ;)

    Hi Keith,

    Using a winapp2.ini file is something that the user must do of his own volition.I am not sure if it takes effect for Win98SE users or not.

    I am sure it would interest you as you can use VBS in it.

    This link explains more and it links to the Beginners Guide for more in depth explanation. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110

    I put the winapp2.ini file in my C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder so I would get more cleaning.Of course it also refers to applications that I don't have but maybe will in the future.It doesn't hurt to have them there.

    The first time that I used the winapp2.ini file it resulted in cleaning out files and folders that I didn't even realize were there.These were from applications that are no longer on my PC.



    That is why I told the OP to ignore the first two items.I didn't want to confuse them anymore than they already are.

    The other answers are more important at this time.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  22. Thanks,YoKenny.

    You wouldn't believe how long it's been since I read an actual comic strip.

    The statement is so true.


    Thank God for Grand Mothers and Grand Fathers.

    With their wise words and example they helped shape the character and essence of who we are.

    Pass it on!!!


    :) davey I promised them to always do my best.They taught me to always keep my promises.Now I am stuck in this predicament. :lol:

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