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Posts posted by davey

  1. Customers? The lawns are all mine. Luckily growth has slowed a little. Now it's on to the hedges, lots there too and mostly holly, which fights back. It's all go here.


    I was watching roofers in Atlanta last month, working long days in conditions where it was too hot just to stand and watch, let alone work. And all off a couple of ladders, you'd never get away with it in the UK.

    You must have quite a spread !!!

    I remember you saying you were visiting in Atlanta !!!

    Never get away with what ? Maybe in U.K. the cop is outside and walking more than they do in the U.S. .No self respecting cop is going to get out of his nice cool A/C cop car to tell some illegal aliens to get down off no stinkin' roof . No decent American roofer (union or non-union) is going to let his men work under those dangerous conditions. Temperatures or off a couple of ladders.

    I thought goats kept the lawns and hedges trimmed. Maybe I have been watching to many old Britt shows on the telly. :lol:

    You would be better off if they were lawn customers. "Lairds of the Manor" get paid zip like us "Harry Homeowners".

    Depending on where you live in the U.S. this summer, your lawn is brown grass or brown silt deposits.

    :) davey

    P.S. BTW,the latest deleted file count is now about 9,300. Do some more browsing and such will bring it back down. Run CCleaner to run it back up.

  2. Hi everybody


    I installed the CC Cleaner and I have to say that the tool is really great. But I have a little problem and I'm not sure if CC Cleaner is the reason.


    Under IE7 "Temporary Internet files" I entered under the Temp. Internet files folder size "400 MB". And every time after I use the CC Cleaner (and the Cleaning), the size of this folder is changed to 50MB. :unsure:


    So, I don't know if the CC Cleaner change the IE7 Temp. internet files folder size or is it something else? I didn't find any setting under CC Cleaner which could fix this problem?


    Thanks for your help, ;)


    Hello Dean,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    You are the 2nd or 3rd user to report this in maybe the last 8 months.

    Set your size again and do not exit using the Red X button.

    DO NOT set the number of days to keep history to 0 days. Leave it at at least 7 days. This will help when you are debugging etc.

    When you make that change make sure that you also use the OK button and then OK again.

    Reboot Immediately after this.

    Then see what happens with CCleaner.

    Let us know what happens.

    :) davey

  3. Shouldn't CCleaner fix Error 1606 problems?


    I have som Error 1606 problems regarding installing AutoCAD 2008 (which I've had on my computer before).

    The last un-installation of AutoCAD 2008 was clearly not succesful, so therefore I get Error 1606 when I'm trying to install it again this time.

    It has to do with the registry, and I thought CCleaner would fix what's wrong in there.

    When I'm trying to install AutoCAD 2008 it already believes that the program are on my computer.

    I have Windows Vista.


    Any idea?



    Hi Kristin,

    Can tell us what the exact message is?

    Have you done a "search" for AutoCAD on your PC?

    You may try this if the Windows installer is used to install AutoCAD.

    Windows Installer Clean-up utility http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102524


    Then try your install again.


    Exactly how are you using CCleaner in relation to this problem ?


    :) davey

  4. Morning Davey - going from the time of your post I think you are the opposite of SleepingTheNight.


    <Some people are just stubborn,thick headed, and too self-opinionated to believe what is presented right before their eyes.>


    I'm sure that doesn't apply to anyone in this forum! Rgds. (I have many lawns to cut on a beautiful summer morning.)

    How about that. I didn't catch your meaning the first time.I don't think SleepingTheNight caught it either.

    I originally thought you meant opposite world time zones also.


    Yeah.Sometimes or most times you could give me the name "SleepingTheDay". Unfortunately, not all the time. :angry:


    :) davey

    P.S. From all the reports I get on how cool and moist this summer has been for the U.K., you must keep very busy trying to keep up with those beautiful green lawns. Hope you get an adjustment from your customers and not get stuck with a fixed annual contract. :o Otherwise we will end up calling you "WorksAllDay+1/2theNight" .

  5. I'll check it out, thanks!


    Hello Tom,

    Also check out this link and related links.



    Also get SpywareBlaster http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html

    It is easy to update and uses no PC memory.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. This is something I am working on myself because I don't have my own "boot CD" yet.


  6. About a month ago the kids at Digg had a riot over Creative Labs decision to keep their property from being manipulated by GPU (open source). Whether this affected ancient software support I don't know.

    I am not very sure of that because everything I found said to go to the PC manufacturer for Drivers .

    I am am a newbie to PCs but it seems if I go to the PC manufacturer I always am able to get what I need on-line no forums or anything like that.

    Maybe just lucky or it's the "Piriform Fairy" again.

    :) davey

  7. Do the developers read the threads in this forum regularly?

    Hi Sunny,

    Well as you can see,Yes they do.I don't know about everyday.What with all they have to do but they do.

    They do depend on our input and thanks for yours.

    :) davey


    P.S. Oh my ToTo!!! Some Bug Fixers are even in Ontario,Canada. Now doesn't that make you feel better. :wub:

  8. Drugs, thats the only reason I can think off :lol:

    Anthony ??? Another "funny" like Andavari reported not too long ago. Glad to hear you so cheerful .

    You better be careful. :lol:

    :) davey Another satisfied FastStone Image Viewer user.

  9. i fixed to problem. it was unrelated with CCleaner. i somehow had those images block. it's find now. sorry for the trouble.

    Hi again Timmy,

    Thank you for being as courteous as most members should be and following up with a report.

    Otherwise, we never know what happened.


    This leaves a big gap in the vortex of space and time and has been known to cause strange and unexplained problems and other phenomena to the person who fails to close that gap. :o

    Good Luck,

    :) davey

  10. when i ran CCleaner, the war of warcraft news section (when i open it) shows no images. I think it's because multimedia in the applications was selected. is there a way to return the images or should i just reinstall world of warcraft?

    Hi Tim,

    It could be Adobe Flash Player cleaning but I am not sure.You could try turning off that option in Cleaner > Applications tab > Multimedia > Adobe Flash Player.

    If you still have a problem report back and all tell us some more info like OS and version etc.

    World of Warcraft is very popular and we would like to know more about where certain things are "saved".

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  11. Dear Alan and Davey,


    Thanks for the help. I stitched off the Adobe Flash player and I unchecked all in Advanced except for Prefetch and Files. Problem gone. There's something I suspect in those other Advanced options that is interfering with internet connectivity. Is it woth reporting this problem?


    Thanks again for the help,



    Hello Phil,

    Thanks for reporting back.As far as the "problem" is concerned you can consider it reported.You see what is a "problem" for you is just the way that it is set up for Advanced users to do some "special" things that most users do not want done. The same goes for Adobe Flash Player "Flash Cookies" which I think is really affecting your connecting to the Internet. It could be something in Advanced cleaning options but it would require you turning Adobe Flash Player cleaning back on and seeing if that causes you the "problem" again. It may result in you having to restore again but I would certainly like to know.

    Are you willing to do it again?


    :) davey

  12. Has anyone found a solution to this? I am having the same problem. I have enabled the recent documents under the start menu properties, and have disabled the deleteing of the recent docs in the tweak UI, but I still can't get documents to appear in my recent documents list!



    Hello cush,

    I have been researching this problem for many months.

    I am coming to the conclusion that problems come about by complications caused by some of the settings made the user within TweakUI.

    More on this later.Don't have time now but I thought it may help you to review all the Explorer settings in TweakUI as regards Recent and History and classic.Pay attention to the words "maintain" ,"allow", and "show" . Checking(ticking) all those boxes helped get rid of a lot of self created problems for me. Recent documents was a major problem that I fixed and accidentally recreated while testing to try to figure this out.




    :) davey

    P.S. I use WinXP Pro SP3 and TweakUI ver 2.10

  13. No there not, they were deleted somehow.

    I deleted the flies/folders by dragging them into the bin, and then deleting them.

    Hi Chrissy,

    IF you are using Vista you have a good chance of using System Restore from a date and time just prior to when you deleted them.

    I meant to warn you to check back here.Don't wait on e-mail as it sometimes gets put into your spam mail or junk mail.

    If you are not using Vista the chances go way down as far as System Restore but why not try anyhow.

    If you have not been using your PC that is good.

    I don't remember you saying if you could see any previews of your pictures.

    If these files and pictures were created recently they may have been overwritten right away.

    Do you possibly have any back-up files that may be still around?


    Best wishes ,

    :) davey


    P.S. Recuva can sometimes be used to recover pictures from your camera storage device.

    Just trying to give you every opportunity that I can think of. :(

  14. The problem I'm having is that I use Tweak UI and check "Log on Automatically at System Startup" so I don't have to punch any buttons or type in any passwords. After CCleaner runs (automatically at startup), this box is unchecked and next time I boot, I have to logon. I can't figure out what part of CCleaner is doing this. Any ideas?

    Hello glissonr,

    Welcome to the forum :)

    What version of TweakUI are you using. It must be 2.0 or 2.1 for WinXP or Windows Server 2003.


    I use WinXP Pro SP3 and TweakUI 2.10.

    I don't normally use automatic log-on but I tested it every way there is and it always works.

    The user trying to Auto log-on must be in the Administrator group.


    If you are also using WinXP PRO SP1 and TweakUI 2.1 or above than something else is changing that setting and not CCleaner.

    http://windowsxp.mvps.org/tweakui.htm WinXP tweakUI 2.1 or 2.0


    Maybe this will work but Welcome on or off and/or Fast user switching works for me.

    This may help you. http://www.ronstultz.com/knowledge/Documen...20Autologon.htm


    If you are using older Windows then use ver TweakUI 1.33

    Logon: If you work in an office and reboot often, having to type in your password every time you log on to your computer can be a nuisance. This tab allows you to bypass that process by letting Windows automatically log you on to the system at start-up. Check the box labeled "Log on Automatically at System Startup," enter your username and password, then click Apply. Keep in mind that the password is not encrypted, and anyone with access to your computer will be able to use RegEdit to read it. This feature works only for the Microsoft Networking log-on dialog, and the Clear Last User setting located under the Paranoia tab must be disabled in order for this to work.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  15. I run CCleaner at Computer Start and have also configured it to Close Program after cleaning.




    My question is: ?Does the s'ware check for Updates AND clean the Registry in the above mode ?? ?I have never been advised that there is an update.




    Excellent program!!!!!

    Hi Sampson,

    There is an option at Options > Settings > Automatically check for updates to CCleaner but I have seen it cause problems at times for a few users. Your firewall may not allow it either. It is a default when you download. I uncheck all download options except for new shortcuts. You can always check when you run it.

    If you run CCleaner at start-up then it automatically closes after cleaning.As far as I know CCleaner will not check for updates if run at start-up.

    Registry cleaning must be done manually and should always remain that way.

    Seems to me that you have your PC setup to automatically be slow to reboot.


    CCleaning is best done when no other programs are running.

    If you are using WinXP you can use a job set-up by Andavari to run CCleaner and Automatically shutdown at the end of your sessions.

    P.S. Oops. Correction http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=108452



    Good luck,

    :) davey

  16. In the include custom section of deleting folder's can there be a way to add even registry folders? I stumbled across A folder in the registry that list all of the url's you have visited.




    For those experienced with registry navigating take a look


    - run regedit

    - Go to HKEY_USERS

    - Expand the first S-1-5-21-3169 XXXXXXXXXXX (Your's may be different)

    - Expand Software

    - Expand Microsoft

    - Expand Windows

    - Expand Internet Settings

    - Expand P3P

    - Expand History



    Some of you may have hundreds of sites listed in this area. For this reason and many other reasons this is why I was wondering would this be added to CCleaner? There is indeed registry folders that hold temporary and permanent history too or the majority may call it junk.


    I can help with location keys to this various folders is it's a passed feature addition. For now A good program I use is Registry Editor for tasking it better then the generic ms registry browser.


    thanks for reading.

    Hi EscNowhere,

    You are tampering with areas that you shouldn't.

    CCleaner is very far developed and has a safe record as a cleaner.

    There are options to take care of what you want. I advise you to leave the Registry alone and only use programs like CCleaner to clean certain areas.

    Go to this link and read the thread so you will understand. My reply gives you the solution for what you want to do.


    I advise that you do not constantly clean this area but it's your PC.

    Please don't be like some other users that have come to the forum complaining that CCleaner should automatically do this and that or whatever. Then post a nasty report about how CCleaner let them delete something that they shouldn't have.

    Remember you are the one in control and are responsible for the results.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  17. Sounds like you're referring to MS Office - I am talking about Open Office. My MS Office Recent Docs get cleared by CC.


    The issue, I think, is why aren't the Open Office apps shown on the Applications tab of CC.


    I did a search on 'Open Office' and got nothing meaningful.


    Thanks. BTW, if it's relevant, WIN XP SP3.

    Hi again drmsucks,

    Just go to this link and down at the bottom of the first post you can download and unzip the latest winapp2.ini file.


    Then make a copy for yourself.Then add some entries for Open Office 2.4 probably similar to what is already there for 2.3 .

    Drop that file into your CCleaner folder and try it.Once you are happy with it update your saved copy.

    They will probably come out with a new version of winapp2.ini with it, if you want to wait.

    Otherwise once you get your Open Office 2.4 working,then PM TwistedMetal with your suggested additions for the next winapp2.ini.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  18. Yes, yes, yes, but how many deleted files do you have?


    To wander from the orginal question, I think it's safe to say that no overwritten data has ever been recovered, and none is likely to be in the future. Overwritten files (as opposed to data) are recovered from reconstructing data fragments from the many un-overwritten sectors that remain on the disk.



    Ah, Gutmann. How I wish he had kept his mouth closed, and how I wish Piriform had done a little research. It's a waste of time (34 wastes of time, actually), as Gutmann (to his credit) acknowledged when he stated in his original 1996 paper that you may as well overwrite the disk with one pass of random data.


    I could bang on about this for hours. Rgds.

    Right on!!! Augeas.

    I have found as little as a couple of thousand if I clean everything,"defrag" and use 1 pass "secure delete" and then load some movies.

    After using the PC browsing and such I will be back to around 12,000 - 15,000 when I run Recuva again.

    This PC is still on it's original 80 GB HD. It is on 24/7. I do very little "defragging" only when needed. I only use "secure delete" 1 overwrite only when I use Recuva which I do maybe once a month at the most.

    My buddies other PC is constantly "defragged" and "secure delete" multiple pass overwritten,turned off every night and on it's second 225 GB HD. He wants to know why my slower PC doesn't need a new Hard Drive and responds faster running the same programs on my slower PC. I told him why and he still doesn't believe me. Some people are just stubborn,thick headed, and too self-opinionated to believe what is presented right before their eyes. :lol: This PC is 10 months older than the other with 256 MB RAM vs. 512 MB RAM on the other.



    :) davey It sure is a puzzle isn't it ??? :lol:

  19. I recently downloaded CC Cleaner and I just ran my 2nd scan. I was suprised that it found over 1 gig of stuff, most of which are temp internet files and cookies. There are some dll's and exe's as well as Windows system files that I'm unsure of. Could someone please take a look to see if everything is safe to delete?


    Since the list is so long, I didn't include the temp or cookie files.


    Also, for my future reference, what are some files that I need to watch for that are UNSAFE for deletion?


    The document is attached. The Registry files are at the beginning, followed by the rest of the scan analysis, minus temp internet files and cookies.


    Thanks so much for your help.



    Hello sparksals,

    You are a smart user to check out what you may be deleting. Always better to err on the "safe" side.

    If I had a "Sandbox" I might download your list but I don't.

    1 Gig is to be expected first time.It will be hard for anyone to tell about those .dll and .exe files etc.


    Some users are unknowingly running programs and have data in Temp areas.

    You need a simple backup method to be secure. You always do things a little at a time.Just uncheck things you don't want to touch for now.This includes what is in the Applications list.Both tabs are Analyzed or Cleaned at the same time.They are not separate.

    Do you have a simple backup method? If not go here and read and do, before deleting anything. Any questions just ask.



    The best way to undo something is always have a back-up.

    Those who think they are soooo smart that they don't need back-ups are not so smart at all. The same goes for security programs and such.


    Also go to Options > Cookies and save your cookies to your favorite sites.That is the ones that may have special logon data and such.

    Also turn off the Adobe Flash Player cleaning until you have a chance to look into those Macromedia/Adobe files. Many "popular" websites store encrypted data (Flash cookies) there to log you in and such.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. Use only the Default options for now.DO NOT USE ANY Advanced cleaning options.DO NOT TOUCH THE REGISTRY OR TOOLS.At least not for now.

  20. I have my WIA service stopped as for some reason known only to the HP printer /scanner people, ( happened after one of their updates) it causes problems for me in that it interferes with certain windows functions like control panel.

    Control Panel ? Is that all ? :lol:

    Thanks for the warning, Hazel.

    :) davey

    Windows Imaging Acquisition service. I find it impossible to do forum "searches " for things like MFT or FF2 or FF or those other short acronyms. Thank goodness it's Opera instead of IE6 or IE7 or FF.Please use the word Firefox it is easier to search for.Otherwise all those fine Firefox threads won't be found and people will get the idea that FF is not that popular. They will find lots of Opera posts though.

  21. What is the easiest way to remove old restore points? Also, is there a way to selectively remove them? For instance, remove all earlier than such and such a date.

    Hi Tom,

    The Wizard of AZ.(That is the original name).

    First create a manual System Restore point so it will be complete.

    Sorry, you gotta use the old slow Windows Disk Cleanup utility More Options tab.Gets rid of all restore points except the last.

    I always make sure nothing is checked on the first tab in case I ggof-up.Don't want to lose anything that I want CCleaner to handle or my Recycle bin which is my domain alone.It seems to learn over time not to bother autchecking anything anymore.Could be an SP3 improvement or a Security Fix.

    Anyhow that is the best way to do it.No options other than keep the last restore point.That is why you want to create your own so it will be complete before you use the utility.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. I don't think any software developer will touch the MS System Restore points for fear of getting a bad reputation and taking the blame for why System Restore doesn't work.

    Of course YOU can manually go in there and delete what you like. The worst that can happen is System Restore won't work back at those time periods.Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

    P.S.S. I am presuming you are talking about XP. If you are talking about Vista then I would check out BertK first.

    http://bertk.mvps.org/html/vista.html Windows Vista, System Restore

  22. They are indeed the shortcut icons, and they both summoned up the full program when clicked, even after I "uninstalled" one copy by using Revo Uninstaller, as mentioned earlier. Neither copy showed on Revo or the Vista uninstall page after that.


    However, some progress has since been made, I'm happy to say. I finally realized I hadn't used the search function under the Start button, and voila - I found a listing for Recuva's Program File. I then deleted that entry, and one icon + program disappeared.


    Thanks for illuminating the point about 'target.' I had never before used the Right Click for that purpose.


    Now here's a (sort of) tip for you, hazelnut! Right after I bought this laptop and decrapified the junk HP had loaded it up with, I stumbled upon a utility that removes the "little black arrow" from the Desktop shortcut icons. It's still running on my computer, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it's called. If you like, I'll try to hunt it down if you want to try it. I installed the utility because that 'little black arrow' is often an ugly blemish on an otherwise nice-looking icon. Just esthetics, that's all.

    Hello QuasiMobo,

    Sometimes esthetics can cause you troubles.Since you are using Vista it can cause you more grief.You may be referring to another program but the reasoning behind not removing those arrows still applies.This may explain 2 copies.1 where it belongs and the other on your Desktop.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  23. I would think if you double click a .reg file it would open the registry editor and not notepad.


    If you had a .reg file association problem, you should see a window like "windows can't open this file it needs to know what program created it".

    What ck1754 is getting is exactly what happens when your REG file associations are gone.

    He needs to fix his REG file associations like Andavari and I have said. My link thread shows exactly step by step what he has to do and he will be very happy.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  24. Thanks to both of you for your replies.


    OK I ran CCleaner and blew it away (I thot). CC is no longer finding what still exists.



    sub folder UserMode (file is empty)

    sub folder WIA

    sub sub folder showing wiatrace.log of 5 KB (text document)


    CC is not finding this log file it. This is what it looks like:


    **************** Started trace for Module: [sti_ci.dll] in Executable [setup.exe] ProcessID: [964] at 2007/12/04 16:54:35:598 ****************


    one of the weirdest looking log files I've ever seen. It looks nasty. What is it trying to trace? I'm still afraid to delete this one. BTW, I do no banking on line nor am I looking for any loans or mortgages. I'm exceptionally careful with this new HP machine (only 4 months old). That's why I'm freaked about new apps/files that appear that I don't know about.


    Any thots?


    Thanx again -- these forums are invaluable to newbies like me.



    Hi frizzie,

    Cancel my earlier mention about banking and mortgage etc. I was way out in left field on that.

    How often are you using cameras, webcam and scanners and such.This is what is related to WIA.


    I don't know why CCleaner leaves this alone.The "BUG FIXERS" may be able to answer why that log file is not cleaned.

    I guess you can expect some more of these logs when you are using imaging hardware.In your case most likely a scanner.

    P.S. After doing a little more research,I found there are some log files that I am glad that CCleaner leaves alone.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. I think you can stop worrying about this now.Nothing wrong with being on the cautious side.Besides we both learned some new info on this. I can't believe how timely this is in my case as regards the WIA Wizard. :lol: These Piriform forums are invaluable to newbies like me also. :P

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