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Posts posted by davey

  1. I have the cc cleaner and when i click on the windows tab and then check off the advanced tab it lists a whole bunch of files like punkbuster, spuninstal, ipnat.sys etc and it is 274 mb's. Just wondering what all this info is about? example of files



    Hi grall,

    Welcome to the forum :lol:

    Most Advanced options are just that. They are used by Advanced users for special reasons.

    They do not make your PC perform better.

    There is only one I recommend for users that are really hardup for disk space. If you are not leave this alone until you learn more.

    This option is Hot Fix Uninstallers. See the paragraph in this link and follow what it says if you really need the space.


    Nobody knows your system and how you use it except you.

    The rest you can read about in the Guide and "searching" on the forum.


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

    Search Engine Bookmark and save to Favorites http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ode=adv&f=0

  2. Hi folks a quick question but I realise it will not be a quick answer. I have ran CC for years but never really got round to looking at the registry. But when I scan for issues I appear to have 100's of obsolete items. Can anyone point me to any good literature that would give me a good understanding of the registry and how to delete/manipulate this to ensure I get rid of all this redundant stuff. Any help and advice appreciated. I am not a newbie as I work in computing but I am afraid it is mainframe computing so don't really deal with registry settings etc. I am sure with a good understanding of the registry it must be possible to backup the registry make changes, run the PC for a while to see if any side effects and repeat process. I am rather apprehensive about just clicking fix issues. Just in case. Thanks in advance....

    Hello JD,

    Welcome to the forum :D from another of mainframe experience.

    A person with experience apparently.

    Are you kidding me ? I was "green" to PCs and Windows internals up until 9 months ago and I am still learning. :P

    And I have been heavy into learning.

    From your questions and explanation I would say backup the Registry completely. Create a manual System Restore point and make sure that you are prompted to backup the Registry changes.

    Then go for it !!! All or nothing. Or do it one option at a time. Take your pick.

    The only other thing I advise most users is leave the Registry alone. It is like a phone book or map.

    It is old and some entries no longer apply but it is still usable.

    I would not use any other Registry program other than CCleaner if you must.

    Always run CCleaner with no other programs running to get best results and no conflicts.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

    P.S. For advice see the following.




  3. I thought I would note my results of some further tests and observations re. my question about "Safemode".


    1) I used CCleaner to clean up everything I could including the Registry. Before using Defraggler in the next steps, I stopped my DSL line and my Anti-Virus (Symantec)program.


    2) I used Defraggler to Defrag one-by-one the primary folders on the C:\ disk beginning with the primary Win2K folders ("Program Files", "Winnt", "I386", "Documents and Settings"). For most of these "primary Win2k" folders, Defraggler reported there were "some files were not defragged". This was not surprising to me because of my thoughts about "enque" expressed before. Also, as noted before, the "isolated "blue" squares out in the "white" area" remained.


    3) I used Defraggler to Defrag the C:\ disk itself. It did not seem to change anything, including the message about "some files were not defragged".


    4) I rebooted in "Safe Mode". I noted that (using MSConfig.exe) that all the non-Microsoft started tasks were stopped, so the many "enques" should have disappeared. I then repeated steps 1, 2, 3. The results seemed to be the same in that there were "files not defragged" and the same "isolated blue squares". However, I suspect it did some good.


    5) I rebooted in standard mode. Then, because most of my personal (and most volatile) files are in about 6 folders, I moved them off to a memory stick; I repeated steps 1,2,3 (with the same apparent results); I moved the 6 folders back to the C:\disk. But, although the "blue squares" were still there, performance seems to be better.


    Conclusion: from time to time (particularly when I do my bi-monthly backup of personal files), I will use the step 5 process.


    I hope this information helps someone.


    I would still like to see Defraggler give me more info on the "isolated blue squares".

    Hi Mike,

    I second the Thanks. We appreciate these reports and it does help the programming team. I am sure that some of your suggestions will show up in "Defraggler". They have been requested by others also.

    Defragging in safe-mode slows down the Defragging process.

    Some files are marked as unmovable and will remain where they are.

    Good Luck,

    :) davey

  4. I just installed SP3 on my computer and when I ran CCleaner I noticed a lot of items in the Registry.

    Can all of those "exceptions" be deleted?


    Has anyone else installed SP3 and saw the same thing and DID remove the Registry "exceptions?"


    Please advise and thank you.




    How are you ?

    Yes, you will see a lot of entries. Make sure option at Options > Advanced > Show prompt to backup registry changes is on.

    Reply "Yes" to backup always.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  5. Hi all,


    Whenever I ran CCleaner whilst using AVG 7.5, there was always lots of old AVG logs and update files to be cleaned. Now, having upgraded to AVG 8.0, I've noticed nothing comes up in the Analysis window pertaining to AVG, whatsoever.


    Does CCleaner (2.09.600) know how to clean-up after the new AVG 8.0?


    Thanks :P

    Hi Tim,

    Just drop a copy of winapp2.ini into your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder and you will get AVG 8.0 .

    You might also clean out some files from old applications also. Check it out and discard any you don't want.


    The .zip link is at the bottom of the first post.

    Good times,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  6. hi there i have been using CCleaner for quite a while over a year when i 1st got it it was like lightning fast then all of a sudden for no reason it slowed up BIG TIME :/ like 5 mins a scan...

    but after reading this thread i decided to follow advice and turn off norton a/v and firewall for a min and WOW took like 3 secs to find 169 mb of crap :)

    so YES its norton slowing it up :(


    which brings me to my question HOW TO STOP NORTON DOING THIS lol........other than getting rid of it which i aint gonna do yet as its done me proud tbh..

    so any ideas would be cooool BBFN :)

    Hello WASSUP,

    I think every A/V affects CCleaner's speed. I am not aware of any Firewalls affecting it.

    Either you just know it's happening and run with it on or turn it off to run CCleaner quicker and then turn it back on.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  7. Save all settings to ini file ?


    What does this mean, is it win ini file or cc's, and for what purpose ? Thanks for your help.


    It think not having a User Manual wastes time and is boneheaded - the help forums are full of basics and duplication. Searches for 'save all settings to ini file' (topic title) gave no results and a search for 'ini file' (discussion) gave a topic that matched the word 'file' only :blink:

    Hi John,

    The option that you refer to is talking about what is called the CCleaner.ini file. It will be created and updated in your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.

    Edit This link should help you understand how useful it is.



    Best wishes,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  8. Thank you for your reply,


    Downloaded from filehippo :)


    I will try the older version . No spyware or adaware/Virus i think no.


    New software yes :), because i had to format my hard drive :(


    thanks i will keep in touch

    Hi SleejR,

    Don't forget to go to MS Update and make sure you get all the updates for your PC.



    Your CCleaner will run faster with the newer C++ programs.

    Did you Reboot after installing CCleaner? If not, do so especially since you have a freshly reinstalled OS.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  9. Hello All,


    I just installed the CCleaner utility. I could not find in the settings or options screen where to designate the creation of a registry backup file or where it is created. Please advise. I am assuming that the utility automatically creates a .reg backup file for you. Am I correct? Thanks and have a great day! :)

    Hi doulos737,

    Make sure that the option is "ticked" at Options > Advanced > Show prompt to backup registry issues.

    You should get the prompt in Registry issues whenever this option is set. If you don't get the prompt in the future you will know that you need to reset this option.Good luck,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    P.S. I think this option should always be checked. It should be a "Default" option as "On".

  10. Hey davey, I've had ERUNT and NTREGOPT on my Vista system since January.


    I remember having to always approve auto backup at startup.


    I believe it was UAC and not my Host Intrusion Prevention System.


    So I just manually backup the registry when I install something, or feel the need. (Run as administrator)


    I've run NTREGOPT maybe twice with 10% reduction each time. (Run as administrator)


    This discussion has sparked my interest in trying auto backup again. Since "yes" I have SP1 installed and have had many updates to my Firewall with HIPS.


    I haven't had any problems with the way I'm doing it, but it sure would be nice to "set it and forget it".


    I will update you when I'm done and have tested it out.


    Thanks as always,



    Good luck !!!

    From everything I have read there is no such thing as Auto anything with UAC or with it turned off.

    I don't have any personal experience using Vista but it seems like you ask for something to run and then 10 - 15 secs later it asks for your authorization. Good thing you don't have type in some random generated 6 character string or something. :lol: Do you?

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  11. I did it again after un-checking several applications, including MS Word and MS Office. It's still selecting files from my documents to be deleted. Where exactly am I supposed to be storing my documents in order for this to not happen?

    Hi Sally,

    I am glad we have input from other users.They have some good info also.

    I think the other members are pointing in the right direction.


    Can you send us a snap shot of those items as they appear on the Analysis list.

    We can examine and explain exactly what is appearing on your list.

    Your files and program may all be exactly where they belong.

    There may be no worries in this situation but you are always wise to ask.

    I have seen the situation where users were running the actual program from a temporary area and when they ran CCleaner the program disappeared. This happens infrequently but it does happen.


    :) davey

  12. Thats because your running WinXP which is a pain in the a***.


    I use Nvidia and all I do it right-click on my desktop and select Nvidia Display and I can change any settings I want too. ;)

    Come on Keith, give us a break. We are stuck with WinXP. Please show some sensitivity to our plight. :(

    We can do the same thing with WinXP but we are talking about the System Tray Items and not settings.

    :) davey

  13. I have a mysterious folder on my XP-Pro desktop labelled "CC". It's empty. When/if I delete this folder, it reappears upon the next reboot. Is CCleaner putting this folder on my desktop? What's it for? I'd just as soon keep my desktop clear as much as possible. If CCleaner IS indeed putting this folder on my desktop, is there some setting so I can tell CCleaner to put it somewhere else instead? I've looked all through the options and can't find anything. I've looked through the Help file and can't find anything. I've also tried searching this forum but it won't let me search with the word CC, as in CC folder, because there aren't enough letters in CC!


    TIA for any assistance!

    Hi Fred,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    Maybe someone is playing a joke on you ? Maybe not intentionally.

    Do a Windows "search" for all files and folders CC case sensitive.

    Navigate here and see if that folder is there. If so delete it,then delete it from your Recycle Bin.

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop


    If not there, check the other users desktops also.

    Check back with us.

    :) davey

  14. Hi Davey,


    I discovered something at the weekend I should have realised years ago. This (my home) PC is shared by myself and my partner. When I had deleted temporary internet pages in the past, I had (wrongly) assumed that I was deleting them 'overall' the whole PC as it were. However, I now realise that my partners pages are stored in a separate sub-directory under her 'Documents and Settings', so I've now got a further cool 1.5GB back which means that 16% of my hard disk is now free (a 300% improvement on 6 days ago!!). Maybe you should put something on your help files to remind stupid folk like me that, if the PC is shared, each sharer should run CCleaner?


    Prior to the above 'discovery', I had pretty much defragged all my 50-100MB files that weren't system or log files (not that many in this category actually), as far as they would defrag that is. However, now I've got more space back, they seem to be able to defrag further, so I've some more work to do. Will try and do this over the next day or two and then come back to you for what is amounting to the best tutorial I've ever had :)



    Hi Pengman,

    Thank you for pointing out such important information.


    It is very important for all users to remember that when there are multiple user accounts then each user must run CCleaner to get as much cleaned as possible. Each account is going to have Temporary Internet files,History files,index.dat files,Cookies,Temp files and even some application areas to be cleaned.

    This also includes those PCs with one user but multiple user accounts. Each account can have uncleaned data.

    This includes the Administrator account who may also have a User account.

    You may also have a Guest account that needs cleaning.


    Thanks again,

    :) davey

  15. I ran CCleaner tonight for the first time. It analyzed my files, and among the ones it was set delete were all of my word documents. As in two years worth of school papers, resumes, cover letters etc. How do I clean my computer without losing my stuff?

    Hi Sally,

    Good thing that you checked.

    CCleaner is set to delete things related to Word and Office and such that is stored in areas that are considered temporary or temp. work areas. Other users have inadvertantly kept all their data in these areas for a long time like you.

    In the Cleaner window you will see the Applications tab. On that list you will find the name of the Applications that are "ticked" to be cleaned. Turnoff the Applications that you are concerned about until you find out where your data should be stored.

    Always review that Analysis Report until you get all the Applications the way that you want them.


    Beginners advice

    Start here with this link and follow its advice.


    Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


    Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  16. Thanks Hazelnut.


    I did get in contact with HP and they provided me with one of the solutions listed on that forum you provided. I have attempted the solution and am awaiting the results.


    Davey, I have checked CCleaner and under the startup menu it shows HP Software update, hpqSRmon and HP digital imaging monitor .ink. My computer is connected via the wonderful world of wireless :wub:


    I have reviewed the task manager and I am not sure if you want me to check under processes or services but each has several HP programs.


    Completely unrelated to this issue, as it still happens when I uninstalled the software, it appears that on booting up my PC any time I attempt to complete an action the thinking icon goes on and on....and on until I hit ctrl + alt + del and attempt to access the task manager. I am confused :wacko: What could possibly be causing my newest dilema?

    I first wanted to be sure it connected properly.

    Then see if it was set-up to connect to HP. You know, the hopefully only needed for awhile phone home and report stats and problems and download the latest software thing. Later when it is stable then you can disable the phone home stuff.


    Unfortunately, the fix requires the HP uninstall process. Sorry for you that is. Why HP still has to put hooks into everything is beyond me.

    They should have a home-owner version that doesn't include all the excess baggage that causes all the problems.

    HP certainly has changed compared to their old reputation. Great hardware is useless with lousy software. When will they learn that ?


    Now, what is the thinking icon that you describe? I haven't used Vista so maybe it is something I am interested to learn about.

    How long ago did you install this HP software and hardware?

    With Vista it may be easier to do a System Restore back prior to these problems.

    That way you are starting off fresh.

    Besides that I think you need a rest from this.

    :) davey

    P.S. You are doing the right thing by installing things one at a time.

    Is that thinking icon a "yellow light bulb" ?

  17. Hey davey, I ran NTREGOPT without UAC turned off.


    I right clicked and ran as administrator.


    The following is from Lars Hederer: Question: Do ERUNT and NTREGOPT run on Windows Vista?

    Answer: Yes. To make sure the programs are executed with proper administrative privileges, you should however turn off User Account Control in Vista?s system settings.


    It seemed to run as it does on my XP system. Do you think I did any harm?


    Thanks for the heads up.


    P.S. I won't be doing that again.



    I don't know if any thing has changed since he posted that FAQ.

    I have read that people were trying to use ERUNT and NTREGOPT with UAC turned on because they wanted UAC on after some Vista fixes.

    I know of one Vista user that has no problems at all even running ERUNT at startup. He has restored the Registry with ERUNT and used NTREGOPT with no problems. Then there are the others who insist on trying to install it their way and they have problems and blame it all on ERUNT and NTREGOPT. You know the kind of PC user I am talking about ? The self-approved experts. Then they try to give the product a bad name based on their "official experienced" opinion.

    I can never understand those that refuse to do it the simple way and follow the instructions.


    How long have you been using ERUNT and NTREGOPT with UAC turned on?

    Any problems?

    Knowing you ,I think you are probably all up to date with Vista SP1. I would think that with all the fixes from MS, that you can run Lars programs either way. But that was his statement back then. P.S. I would hold to that statement until the author changes it.

    You might E-mail him and update us. MAYBE ??? MAYBE ???


    I would not doubt that he made that a requirement so he didn't have to be involved with all the original UAC problems. Who can blame him. Many software companies did the same thing. Why run around trying to fight fires caused by someone else's software ?

    I just wanted to re-emphasize Lars original statement. So I updated some of my previous posts to remind many Vista users who are now trying to keep UAC on now that it is working better.

    :) davey

  18. I checked out the MS solution centre and found that it is in fact the HP software. It indicates the follow errors have occured:


    1. Device stopped working; Appcrash occured. This has happened three times since I installed the software.

    2. Service Hang Report; Service HP CUE DeviceDiscovery service hung on starting. This has happened twice since I installed the software.


    GRRR...I recently had to restore to factory defaults twice because my PC kept losing communication with my monitor and I was told it was a software issue. Now I am installing each software one at a time to try to figure out which was causing the problem and now I am running into new problems. <_<


    Does the HP problem sound like one that may require a removal of the software? Will removing the software and installing only the basic drivers work or is it even worth trying?




    What shows in CCleaner Tools > Setup for HP ?.

    Make sure all your connections are good at each end.

    Also what HP programs show in the Task Manager ?

    :) davey

  19. Hello


    analysing the registry I got this message:


    Application Paths Issue

    Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it. - C:\WINDOWS\zy_temp\Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it.

    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it.


    In folder C:\WINDOWS\zy_temp I have some files (cat; inf; sys) which seem to belong to my ZyXEL-USB-Modem.


    What I have to do? Delete or not delete, that is the question.



    Hi Peter,

    I have not seen many messages during Registry "analysis". First rules in computers say "When in doubt,leave it alone".

    Learning from others peoples mistakes tells me to leave it alone. Especially when you are getting this message.

    You are wise to ask about this. Some "malware" will put misleading messages also .

    :) davey

  20. Hi Davey,


    What is NTREGOPT?

    It is a tool we are going to use. But only with UAC turned off in Vista. Same thing with ERUNT.

    It copies the Registry to another location. All the old ,deleted Registry entries are not copied so you end up with a new shorter Registry.

    Nothing gets changed, just copied.

    After learning and doing some cleaning and uninstalling here at the forum, I ran NTREGOPT and it made my Registry 17% smaller. So certain tasks run quicker as a result.

    When I started my Registry was approx. 55 MB. After doing some of the things that you will or also can do, I am down to a 38 MB Registry. Think of it like waist size and you get the idea. I have more useful things and less junk on my PC and it runs better than the day it was installed in April,2004. Plus, it is a lot more useful for daily life etc.

    :) davey

  21. So I have started on some of the reading you gave me and I already have questions. :lol:


    I was reading from the update and I was confused if maybe you gave me the wrong link as I have the 2.09 version. I also use Nortons identity safe so I never lose my passwords after doing the CCleaner clean up.


    My questions about that link is under the cleaner tab; applications I see the following:




    Just to be clear, when I select Run Cleaner RegEdit, MSPaint, Windows Media Player etc. what exactly am I deleting? For RegEdit am I deleting things from the registry? For Windows media player would I be deleting my music? From MS Paint would I be deleting my files etc. you get the drift of my question, I want to know what I'm deleting. :blink:


    I know I may be jumping the gun as you have given me more to read that I am sure probably will tell me the answers to the questions, I thought I better ask now in case I don't get to all that reading prior to my next clean. B)


    Under the Windows tab when I see the following:




    what am I deleting there? Major concern, recent documents (will that delete my recently viewed documents from my start menu?) and run in start menu, what will that delete? What are other explorer MRU's, Chkdsk File fragments, windows log files and index .dat files? I mean what could I lose when I delete those and what are they?


    Sorry for the over load in questions but I'm one of those write it down now before I forget kinda' people. :lol:


    Thanks a bunch




    Back to reading

    Hi chrissy,

    We are going to have fun together because you are almost as "green" a "newbie" as I was. I didn't even know what the Start Menu was.

    I had all the same questions and more.

    No apologies needed.

    Ask all the questions you like. That is why we are here.

    Nobody has bitten you yet. Have they ? Don't worry that comes later. :P

    Use your link to the Guide and if you want you can print off a copy from this link. It is in the list.



    If you see version numbers mentioned in my Posts I will definitely update them (let me know).

    You will find that some people mention versions and in most cases the data will still apply to newer versions as well..

    Some pages have dates ages old but the data is up to date.


    Your Recent Documents links will be removed not the data. These "links" are pointers to the actual files. I turn that option on and off as I need. It will not remove The Recent Documents feature from your Start Menu.

    "RUN" in the Start Menu is a special button to use. You can run any program,or command, or open files by using this feature on the Start Menu. A list of each thing is kept to save retyping. If you want it secret what programs and naughty things and such, you leave that option on in CCleaner so the list will be cleaned. If you want to keep the list, turn that option off.


    When they talk about passwords and such they are referring to the data that some websites keep on your PC to identify you when you come back to those websites. Some of this data is kept in Autocomplete Form History or in certain "cookies" or Adobe/Macromedia Flash player. Most users keep this data not cleaned so that they don't have to re-enter it all the time. Some users clean it all.

    I am one of those rare guys who empties his own Recycle Bin. I turn that option off. I want to double-check what I put in there and then I delete it. NOBODY touches my clock or my Recycle Bin. :angry: or my coffee cup.


    Refer to the CCleaner Guide to answer most of your questions. Most users use the options as installed. They are called Default options.

    One at time you can "Analyze" to see the list of what will be removed by CCleaner. Mostly it is list of most recently used (MRU) files and names and such so nobody knows your secret habits :lol: Some settings are cleared but only for those things that the majority of users want reset. If in doubt turn the option off. Our "junk" may be your "treasures". See the links in the others posts I gave you . There is advice there also

    Get your "cookies to keep " started yet ?

    I also suggest that you set the option Options > Advanced > Save settings to INI file. Explain later.

    Don't you dare touch those Advanced options yet. :angry: Your PC might "BLOW UP" and then we can't talk. :P (Of course it won't blow up or any such thing. It may do things that are undesirable and unexpected for most PC users. See here under "Cleaning information" as to what they will do. These options are rarely needed but provided for Advanced users.They do not make your PC run better.) http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/

    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  22. I wonder if this little utility might help.


    I was experiencing "hanging" and occasionally "slow shutdown" some time ago, and this useful little program was recommended, and certainly helped.

    It might be worth a look.

    Yes Dennis, it is a good thing that you brought it up.


    This slow log-off problem has caused many users problems and I just wanted to re-emphasize that this Service is the cure.

    It was not on my PC when the computer was installed. It should be installed if you currently have the problem or not.

    Check below to be sure that this applies to your PC.

    UPHClean User Profile Hive Cleanup Service

    This is an official Microsoft windows program.It should only be downloaded from Microsoft.


    UPHClean: A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems.


    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP 32-Bit systems

    (NOT FOR Windows VISTA) Windows Vista has it's own program DPHClean that comes installed with Vista.


    UPHClean v1.6d does not function under Windows XP x64 Edition or Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition.

    A future version of UPHClean may be supported under those operating systems.


    Thanks for the advice,

    :) davey

  23. Whilst ever-vigilantly patrolling my pc I noticed that when I ran Recuva and listed the securely deleted files a few of them (OK, one or two) showed a quite intact jpg file - and the usual excuse, that the deleted file had been overwritten, was not true. So I tried to create a theory to fit the facts.


    I wonder if a file was securely deleted by CC, and renamed to something like ZZZZ.ZZ, and showed zeroes using Recuva. Then the space it previously occupied was taken by a new file, the jpg. So looking at the ZZ file you would see the jpg, but also see that the file had been overwritten by the new live file.


    Then the new live file is shift/deleted without secure overwrite. The ZZ file still shows the jpg, but doesn't say that it's overwritten, as it isn't any more. Both ZZ/jpgs on my pc were small, around 5 or 6 k, so there would be more chance to align the jpg on the old ZZ file sector.


    It depends on whether Recuva only indicates that a deleted file is overwritten if the overwriting file is still live. Have I spent too long in the sun?

    Hi Augie,

    I think you have some computer background if I am not mistaken.

    Anyhow, you have definitely pointed out some of the complexities involved with the "wiping" or "secure deleting" of files.

    I think the developers have been wise not to "wipe" versus "secure delete" and this leaves them open to undeserved criticism and questioning.

    After all Recuva's main function is to "recover" data.

    Just like in the example you have provided. You have discovered some of the things that have to be decided upon by the individual programmer and the team. Do you wipe the fact that a file was ever there or do you leave a little "note" behind ? It is possible that what you describe may have occurred but very unlikely. But I will never preclude the fact that it is possible and we all know Murphy and the rest. It is more likely that some "wiping" desires by users are just not possible. Unless of course you use more physical and violent procedures to do so.


    So "stuff can happen" and "it will happen". It always does.


    No,you haven't been out in the sun "too long". Maybe just long enough to visit the local pub and ponder some more mysteries. :P

    :) davey

    P.s. There is something going on recently on the forum. I believe it has been for the benefit of us all.

    Many astute observations such as yours being made, discussed and resolved..

    Such as this linked thread. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...4&st=0&

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