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Posts posted by davey

  1. OK ... firstly I have to admit that I don't know much about computers! But I was having exactly the same problems & have just resolved them... so I thought I'd share in the hope that it might help someone else!


    I had scoured the forums for a solution & tried several that didn't work.


    I had just done the following:


    Internet Options > Advanced > Restore custom settings>OK


    Then I noticed your sentence;


    The problem you are having is not caused by CCleaner.

    It is something that occurred on or about the same day.


    ... and had an 'AH HA!' moment.


    (I'm not 100% sure if this would have worked on its own or if it was a combination of the two, which is why I'm including both)


    I remembered that just after I installed CCleaner, in an attempt to resolve other problems I was having with my pc, I also installed 'Spyware Doctor'.


    So.... I went to that programme & disabled all it's functions. Then I re-booted my computer.




    My history has reappeared

    My temporary internet files (which were also missing) have reappeared

    My cookies are showing in the CCleaner 'cookie to delete / cookies to keep' list

    My computer is storing cookies / passwords etc when instructed to do so (previously they were disappearing every time I closed a site, so that I had to keep re-entering them)


    I'm thinking that either there was a conflict between the two programmes or that I was attributing problems caused by the Spyware programme to CCleaner. I don't know enough about computer programmes to determine which...


    Anyway ... it worked for me so if anyone with similar problems has spyware protection installed it might be worth checking if there's a link.


    Good Luck!


    I'm SO happy!! :lol:

    Right on SEAGULL.

    All these other guys and gals are extremely happy to have been of service.

  2. Hi Davey


    Thanks so much for that comprehensive reply ... but I think I've cracked it!! (More by accident than design given my level of knowledge about computers, but I thought I'd report back incase it helps anyone else!)


    After my last post, I was scouring the forums for a solution & tried several that didn't work.


    I had just done the following:


    Internet Options > Advanced > Restore custom settings>OK


    Then I noticed the sentence (in another post);


    The problem you are having is not caused by CCleaner.

    It is something that occurred on or about the same day.


    ... and had an 'AH HA!' moment.


    (I'm not 100% sure if this would have worked on its own or if it was a combination of the two, which is why I'm including both)


    I remembered that just after I installed CCleaner, in an attempt to resolve other problems I was having with my pc, I also installed 'Spyware Doctor'.


    So.... I went to that programme & disabled all it's functions. Then I re-booted my computer.




    My history has reappeared

    My temporary internet files (which were also missing) have reappeared

    My cookies are showing in the CCleaner 'cookie to delete / cookies to keep' list

    My computer is storing cookies / passwords etc when instructed to do so (previously they were disappearing every time I closed a site, so that I had to keep re-entering them)


    I'm thinking that either there was a conflict between the two programmes or that I was attributing problems caused by the Spyware programme to CCleaner. I don't know enough about computer programmes to determine which...


    Anyway ... it worked for me so if anyone with similar problems has spyware protection installed it might be worth checking if there's a link.


    I'm SO happy!! :lol:


    Thanks again!

    Hey Bingo I mean Seagull.

    I am so happy also. You saw that thread and it stirred your thought processes.

    This is great news !!! Now if the others use Spyware Doctor etc.


    Please check your PM and this thread over the next couple days. Sometimes the E-Mail doesn't work or it gets put into junk mail or Spam mail.

    You are the kind of member we can always use.

    :) davey

    P.S. All the other members who help on these forums always get a big Reward for all their efforts .

    They try so hard as they can to help resolve other members problems or contribute in their own way to answer questions. This is good news for all.

  3. Hi DennisD & many thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have worked.
    NOT GOOD davey



    The first location, which I tried, led me to SharedObjects\DCXLMRCP (no EJR7ZWV7 to be found!) but the folder was empty.

    That is the correct location but the last part of the file name will always be different per user. This is something that Dennis normally tells all users. I learned this from his posts. NOT GOOD that the folder was empty but indicative of the problem still occurring. davey



    The second location (ending flasplayer\sys) had a folder called settings.sol, which I was unable to open, however I placed this folder in CCleaner > Options > Exclude > Add File/Add Folder GOOD


    I also unchecked Adobe Flash Player as suggested by Jamin4U. GOOD davey





    I then re-started my computer (just incase this would make a difference!) ... but no change GOOD davey





    My other problem, which I forgot to mention in my last post, is that nothing is being saved in my 'history' even though I've elected to keep pages in my history for 2 days.

    This is NOT GOOD NEWS davey




    If you've any other suggestions (or if I've made a mistake in carrying out your previous instructions) I'd be very happy to try again!

    Hi Seagull,

    We are going to need some more information.


    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?

    Do they work properly?


    Security software and ver?


    Do you have IE7Pro IE7 add on?


    Do you use SpywareBlaster ?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened? SEE ABOVE POSTS


    Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)


    Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

    Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".


    Just to fill you in on the "History" file problem see this link. We are still trying to figure out what is happening to cause this. You are the third user to report such strange behavior.



    Best wishes and we need your information ASAP,

    :) davey


    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    See this link for my first advice to brand new users of CCleaner. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208

  4. My "PC Fairy" turned out to be someone that I had helped.

    I was already adequately rewarded with all the coffee or Root Beer I could guzzle and much of his wifes Polish "Down home" cooking.

    I would have brought my own coffee and Root Beer supply but the meals were a reward themselves.

    Nothing like real "home cooked" food. Sadly, I fall short in that area of expertise. I can do a good job of cleaning up afterwards though. Especially in the "doggie bag" duties. :P

    Karen's Replicator may also come in handy for some more Polish "goodies" or maybe Central American or

    "good ole Southern cookin' ".

    :) davey

  5. *cough*I'm a guy*cough*


    I doubt MS will do much about this, it is a feature that was first introduced in XP. XP's version never really did much so with the new security restrictions of Vista it allows MS to enforce WinSxS. This all may sound stupid, but for people like me that help manage several dozens of computers (a few 98s, a few dozen 2Ks, XPs, 2K3s, Vistas) or those that have been a computer tinkerer for a while, this feature ends the aptly-named DLLHell problems.

    Following paragraph EDITED by :) davey Not out of disrespect but to avoid more complications, "bugs", updates, and forums to read etc. etc. for users who may try such a thing. All the "geeks" and "techies" already know this stuff.

    Most of us are already leading entirely too hectic lives as it is.

    I did some research on removing/disabling WinSxS and it turns out there is a way. However, I warn that it is VERY unsafe and in my opinion, not worth it. For those of us that are familiar with customizing a Windows build there is a tool called vLite, vLite is a tool created by the same programmer as nLite. vLite it used to modify the installation disk of Vista and there is an option to remove WinSxS. Before you go ripping apart and reinstalling Vista, poke over to the vLite webiste and explore the vLite subforum at MSFN. Also, if you do decide to give it a chance, be sure to test in VMware and/or install it on a separate partition/harddisk.
    If vLite sounds too risky, you could also forgo the entire disk backup procedure and use a standard Base+Incremental backup system. Where you make one full disk backup, then after that only backup the files that change. Most backup utilities have this.


    I think that one of my longest/most informational/geekiest posts!

    As expected I would go along with the final quote.

    Casey, I hope the "PC Fairy" visits you and leaves behind a nice external Hard Drive for back-up purposes as the fairy did for me.

    :) davey

  6. I need to know how to draw, or add my own typing, over a pdf. I have a worksheet in pdf format, and instead of printing out the papers, I just want to be able to insert my own typing and underline things (as if I used a pen/pencil) directly on the document. Does anyone know how, or any programs that allow this?

    Sounds like you are under the gun.

    Foxit Software Company


    :) davey

    P.S. Foxit PDF Editor free for six months.


    Many members already use the Foxit PDF Reader. Its free and very light. Saves loads of time and space over Adobe PDF reader.

    Now you can try the Foxit PDF Editor for Free for six months. We will be expecting a report at some time. :P

  7. Hi,


    Hope you can help.


    Got my new laptop & installed all the windows updates for Vista & a few other apps. When i use FFox & try to access my Sky Broadband router, via its IP address, the password popup box appears for a few seconds then disappers. The tab says loading & a circular trail of dots appears in the top right corner. When i click on the page it just beeps. I have to click on the taskbar then back to FFox to make the popup box appear again. Then it just keeps doing the same thing. If i try to access a website that also has a password popup box it does the same thing.


    This problem doesn't exist in IE, tho i don't want to use that.


    After reinstalling from factory settings, installing each windows update one at a time, then installing my apps one at a time i've pinned it down to the following:


    It's all fine until i run CCleaner. I don't know if it's with a general clean or with a registry clean. Once i've done these & go back into FFox, the problem is back. Funny thing is tho, my older laptop is fine.


    Can anyone help at all? It is extremely frustrating.



    Hello keane16,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    Thank you for you excellent report. Congrats on your simple methodical approach also.


    Your efforts are a breath of fresh air compared to



    First skip the registry "clean" for awhile. Who needs it anyway ? Very few users at all.

    This will help concentrate on the "general" cleaning options. More likely the problem is there or with Firefox.


    I think you should do some checking in with the Firefox forum also.

    These questions are also to stimulate your thought processes as well.

    Does this router require certain information that is retrieved from your PC ?

    Did you have some important data stored in a Temp file or folder that needed to be put into another folder before you ran CCleaner ?


    Is the older laptop using Vista also and the same version of Firefox ?


    Is the older laptop using all the same settings ?


    Are the same applications appearing on the Applications tab as before ?

    Are you using the winapp2.ini file ?

    What "permissions" are required to log-in for Firefox ? Are these different in Vista versus the prior method ?


    In the following just say "See above" for anything already provided.

    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem. Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)


    Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

    Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    Thanks for taking your time to make a great report.:)

    This is an interactive process. I believe you know the answer but just don't know it, yet. :P

    I don't know it either, yet.

  8. Isn't this ridiculous :angry:


    Strange thing, I've been googling many times about it, but seem to be the only person having an issue with it :blink:


    Those GB's one time... well, ok?. But in each and very backup (disk-image), grrrr...

    Hi Casey,

    I have learned some good info from this short thread.

    How many GB do you have in there ?

    Mushu13 says she HE has 8 GB already and Vista hasn't been around too long.

    I hope for your sake that MS has a plan to resolve this.

    Maybe an even trade-in for WinXP ?

    Like the "pork barrel" politicians said.

    What's a few $ Billion here and a few $ Billion there between friends?

    Except after a while, we are talking about real money !!! :lol: Politicians :lol::( Taxpayers :angry:

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. DLLHell ? Where have I have heard that before ? I must have missed out on such an "exciting" time in PC History. :P Mushu 13,Thanks for the great follow up post. You "Geek" !!! :lol:

  9. It can stay there forever :/ Its just regular files it defrag right now. Change all the time but nothing change at Fragmented Files and Total Fragments.




    As you see, it switch files, often windows files but the fragment statics don't move at all.

    Hi gigabayt,

    I have been using the latest version for testing purposes and just for single files or some files.

    I have found that trying to get the whole drive defragmented seems to result in problems.

    If the PC you are using is very important for your use or work, I would go back a couple of versions.

    They are still ironing out problems it seems with too many or too large files.

    This is based only my experience and not based on some sort of insider information as some people may think.

    If you just stay away from System Volume files and don't select the "whole" drive at once it seems to work OK.

    Has this been your experience ?

    Defrag only the files that have a lot of fragments but not too big. If you don't have sufficient free space (say 20-30%)EDIT then do several files from the top number of fragments only and also several pages at the bottom of the list. This seems to work OK also.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. I have several client/friends computers at my disposal but only a few that have multiple partitions. Those few are not as readily available as the others with single partitions.


    Gigabayt, are you using multiple partitions ?

    What is the relative free space available in the partition that you are having trouble with?

    Are you running out of space in your C volume ? If so then you may have some work to do and need advice from some of our more experienced multi-partition users. You may get a better performance increase right now by using PageDefrag to defrag the locked system files which may be very defragmented.

    If you have PageDefrag then run it and see if your System files are defragmented and run it if necessary.

    You can get PageDefrag here and use it right away. You can also Run it live from the website(see upper right hand of Web page). These guys go out of their way to help us !!!

    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb897426.aspx PageDefrag v2.32

    By Mark Russinovich

  10. Hello Everyone


    How Can I Completely Delete The Deleted Files Found By "Recuva" ?


    So If The Next Time I Run It " Recuva" Nothing (No Files) Will Appear In The List . So They Won't Be Recovered At All .


    How Can I Do This If Possible ?




    Thank You ;)

    You are much safer using Recuva. After using it no files can be recovered even though the names of some will still appear from the MFT.


    Those considering Eraser would be advised to read this thread and the related links.


    Or of course you could still end up reformatting your whole drive and stating from scratch anyway.


    :) davey

  11. More help needed please


    I can't seem to find any deleted pictures at all, they wre all in a folder in "my pictures" err but not now as I deleted by accident.


    even ones I have deleted on purpose are not there


    Files came up that I have never dopwnloaded, like aviators of pepole on other forums I am on :huh:



    Please can someone help this little numpty (who is also crap with PC's)

    Hello Scotty,

    Hope that the weather is better in sunny old Scotland.


    What Augeas is getting at is the fact that files that are "emptied" by you from the Recycle Bin are renamed by Windows.

    This link will help you to understand the idea better.



    Do not forget that as soon as you Empty something from the Recycle Bin then that space is available to be "overwritten" by some new file.

    If the file is still in the Recycle Bin then it is not yet "deleted" as far as Windows and Recuva are concerned.


    As regards all those strange Pictures, they are Pics that been downloaded everytime you look at another web page. You may never see them because you did not scroll down the page but they were there.

    Almost all the pics get there that way.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. I know you are probably not worried about certain kinds of pictures being found on your PC.

    Sad to say but some of those pictures are going to be of politicians and sports stars that you despise.

    Most Home pages have some news pics when you connect and you never knew that they were there.

    Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!

  12. Hi,

    This is my first post. I have been using CCleaner for a few years and have never had a problem. However, I love to

    record tv shows to my computer and then transfer to dvds.


    When I installed vista and used media center all was well until I used CCleaner's registry cleaner. Media center would

    no longer burn tv shows to dvds. I tried to restore the registry from back up with no success. I tried system restore

    with no success. I ended up completely wiping my hard drive twice.


    I am now afraid to used registry cleaner, any ideas?????

    Hello pg8183,

    My first reply would be to leave the registry alone.


    How long ago did you start using Vista ?


    What OS ver. ed.etc were you using before?

    There may be entries in winapp2.ini files that clean OK for non-Vista users but do things that may cause you problems.


    Do you mean you took drastic steps and reinstalled Vista etc. or did your hard drives actually get wiped?


    What is the exact name of your Vista edition and version.


    What DVD software do you use now?

    Is it the same as before ?


    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?


    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)


    Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

    Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites


    Thanks for taking your time to make a report.:)

  13. How about a setting that allows CCleaner to clean your computer when it turns off, of couse it cleans to your preferences.

    After you click "start" and turn off so clear CCleaner that you tend to clear, just automatically. It would actually be quite useful.


    Because, before I turn off the computer, I clear it with CCleaner but it would be good if the cleaned everything automatically. Just a thought :rolleyes:

    Hi again,

    Yes, this good suggestion has already been put into effect. It will run CCleaner and then shutdown your PC.

    Andavari, one of our forums Global Moderators, has a very informative post at this link. His work is excellent.



    Warning : It will not turn out the lights, put out the pets, set the alarm system, or any other required tasks when shutting down.(At least not as of this posting) :P


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  14. I throw caution to the wind because I defrag all the time. However; I very easily (too easily) fragment my drives with all the audio and video stuff. I'm currently using in tandem Contig and Windows Defrag via a batch file.

    In this case you don't fall into the "most users" category.

    You have very special needs for your music profession.

    YOU are a "PC Wizard" in your own right.

    You are capable of taking a few Winternals (Sysinternals) tools and performing just what you need.


    I loaded about 42 GB of "static" application data on this PC a week ago.

    I have done no defragging but Windows has somehow decided to move it all to the inside of the drive.

    It is right where I had planned putting it.

    There are no other users with enough knowledge to have done so.

    I have no "optimization" screen savers activated.

    This is the 2ND time Windows idle time processes have surprised me.

    Of course it could be the "PC Fairy" or "Piriform Fairy". I can't believe my luck sometimes.


    I deleted about 20 GB of C drive backup from my C drive 2 days ago.

    Now I wonder what surprise Windows "optimization" has in store for me.


    :) davey

  15. My defraggler stops when 1.2gb is left to defrag. It works hours with the same file, and sometimes it stops when you have over 1 gb left tio clean, so I defrag again.



    Most probably some "bugs" to iron out.

    Some debug logs would be helpful.

    And some disk, system, OS info would also help.

    :) davey

    Thanks for reporting.

  16. Hehe, I see you. I am 36, and a couple of weeks ago I was buying some beers. Here in Norway you have to be 18 to buy beer...and the lady behind the counter asks me for legitimatation! Hehe, I felt young then and thanked her with a big grin on my face when she saw how old I was :D

    You look younger than that.

    Same thing used to happen to me but at 36, I can't remember.


    Thought I would show you what has been making my day(night) !!!

    I might even start a new topic.

    Can you beat this 101 to 1 ratio ? For your sake I hope not. This is high-speed DSL in the beautiful Wash.,D.C. area.

    Both speed figures were 3 times as high last week. I have been a happy "speedy camper". :lol:



    Off to buy some postcards and such. This speed thing is "wracking" my nerves. :(

    Hope my ISP "speedy" repair service is a bit "speedier" this time.

    I may have a new Desktop soon.

    :) davey

  17. diskeeper pro premier,perfect disk,etc-saves time,automatic,i never encountered any problem..

    windows built in defragmenter-safe but it is manualy run


    if degragmenting a hd decrease life span of a hd why microsoft built a defragmenter in windows? :lol::lol:

    It is necessary for all users to defragment their Hard Drive to eliminate a build up of too many fragments.

    This slows processing down when there are too many fragmented files.


    The Windows Disk Defragmenter program is sufficient for MOST users and does a good and safe job.

    It does not require any special knowledge or constant updating or purchasing on the part of the user.

    It can be run to Analyze the Hard Drive to see if the drive needs defragmenting. If it says it needs defragmenting then do so when the PC is not going to be used for awhile. If it says it does not need defragmenting then DO NOT do it. It is that simple.


    Many users are misled into believing that constant defragmenting is the best and necessary. This is far from the correct practice as stated above. Constant defragmenting is a waste of time and does put undue strain on your Hard Drive.


    The Windows Disk Defragmenter can be run by Start > My Computer > Right click on the Hard Drive icon > select Properties and then selecting the Tools tab.

    The Tools tab offers the opportunity to do other Disk related tasks also.

    Click on Defragment Now and then select Analyze. This will result in a graphic representation of the disk.

    It is not 100% accurate in its depiction due to the limitations represented by the pixel lines on the screen.

    It does present you with a general idea of the condition of the disk.

    What is MORE IMPORTANT is the message it will give you after Analyzing. This will tell you if you need to Defragment the disk or not.

    Simple, simple, simple. Thank you MS. I don't have to be a PC whiz to do a good job of maintaining my PC.


    :) davey

  18. As for the request itself, I am in favor of cleaning restore points etc. But I suspect one primary reason we will not see it is because of the numerous threads that go like... "Help! CC Deleted All of My Restore Points" or "System Restore No longer Works". I can only imagine what would happen if the words "System Restore" were mentioned anywhere in the CC UI.


    Otherwise like I said. Im in favor of the request.

    We already get those topics reported that CCleaner did it because it was the last thing done.

    I disagree. The last thing done was turning out the lights and I am sure that has something to do with all these reports that CCleaner DID IT !!!

    If you turn out the lights that is when all the fairies, goblins and such come out. :lol:


    I think CCleaner shouldn't touch System Restore points. People can always use the Include option if they want.


    :) davey

  19. Thanks for your helpful pm davey, but I think I'll stick with my original advice, as verymuchso will possibly have reactivated some, most, or all of his login details by the time he returns, and the important thing is to find where they are.


    I've been down this very same road, and chose the method that didn't carry the risk of changing other things on the my pc, or worse, and that is to simply reactivate the cookies, and then find where they are. As you would say, keep it simple.


    Of course verymuchso, I'm happy to go along with whatever you decide, as there's always people here to steer you along any next step that may be needed, be that a system restore, or find where your cookies live if you've already revisited the sites in question.

    Yes, I failed to mention that as the easiest resolution.

    Revisiting sites and re-activating passwords and such is the simplest way.


    I hope that new users see this thread and keep it in mind that there are steps to be taken before you run your first "cleaning" using CCleaner.


    I hope to see some new section added to the CCleaner Beginners Guide at the beginning emphasizing these steps to be taken.


    I would also like to see a direct link to the CCleaner Beginners Guide from the Download page and Help page at CCleaner.com .


    This would eliminate many new user problems.


    :) davey

  20. I've tired everything you both have suggested and so far it hasn't made any difference.

    We know it frustrating at times.

    The problem you are having is not caused by CCleaner.

    It is something that occurred on or about the same day.

    I'll give this suggestion a try and let you know if it works or not.


    When I copy the history folder from another user, I'm not actually copying that history - just the folder that then makes my history appear. I still have all of my history and it re-appears after I do this. I guess it's just the folder that reads your history and allows it to appear.


    We'll see what happens.....


    Hi hesyst.

    The Recent folder and History folder have been the biggest headaches for me, personally and when trying to help others with similar problems. It does not require drastic solutions.


    In most cases it just takes the right bits to be reset or correcting or letting Windows correct something that is not quite right. Windows does some strange things when things get jumbled and sometimes it takes a little time and use and it "corrects" things. Don't be surprised to find some folders and things tucked into strange places in the future. Believe me, you will find this out.

    There is another thing to try but let us see what happens.

    :) davey

  21. I'm using a HP laptop with vista installed.

    I removed an application (AutoCAD LT) from the system.

    I then ran the registry scaner in CCleaner. It found a lot of autocad entries. I selected only them and I had them "fixed".

    I then ran regedit and searched for autocad. There are numerous entries still in the registry.

    Can someone please explain why this is?

    I want to reinstall autocad, but want to start with an absolutely clean slate.


    Thank's, Jim

    Hi Jim,

    CCleaners registry "cleaner" is a very very "mild" cleaner. When you use it you need to repeat the process a few times. However, CCleaner is designed to be fast and mild and most of all safe.

    AutoCad is a product that creates a lot of entries. It is also best to use some user or MVP users solution to cleaning out all those keys. In most cases this resolves the problem. I would go to their forum for advice and possibly some custom designed procedures.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  22. here's what I do



    1. Click "Analyze"


    Summary says:


    Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)


    Removed Cookie: www. etc

    Removed Cookie: www. etc

    Removed Cookie: www. etc




    2. Click "Run Cleaner"


    Summary says:


    Details of files deleted


    Removed Cookie: www. etc

    Removed Cookie: www. etc

    Removed Cookie: www. etc





    3. Clicking "Analyze" again gives me the same summary as the first time I pressed it.


    So the program hasn't removed the cookies.


    And if I use the browser way to remove cookies CCleaner says its still there...




    In options "Cookies" there is nothing in "Cookies to Keep" they are all in "Cookies to Delete"




    Also Now Firefox doesnt keep my cookies when I restart firefox (havent checked the box to delete cookies when FF exits)

    Hello chi206,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    You certainly do have some sort of problem with your "Cookies" folder.

    First do the simplest thing and close all programs and reboot.

    If the problem is still there answer the following so we can help.

    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)


    Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

    Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    See this link for my first advice to brand new users of CCleaner. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208


    Thanks for taking your time to make a report.:)

  23. Yeah, but i just basicly have not any just for it, since i don't allow ActiveX on IE, except for very trusted sites. But i don't even use IE as my default browser, i use opera and JS is disabled. 3rd-party cookies on both browsers are disabled. + i use Ad-blocker program.

    If it is an ActiveX issue just use Tools > Internet Options > Programs > Manage Add-ons and turn off what you would like.

    If it is just sites being marked then Remove them under Privacy or Security.

    I have a relatively slow or limited PC but I use whatever I can to keep out "The Bad Guys".

    Did you go here and get updated plus I got some free ActiveX tools


    :) davey

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