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Posts posted by davey

  1. Racing pigeons are prized posessions in the UK, fetching hundreds of pounds. They should NOT be encouraged to hang around.


    The original feeding was done by me to enable it to get strength up to fly back to it's owners pigeon loft.


    If I could catch it, the number on the ring would result in the owner travelling down straight away to get it, so greatly are they prized.


    I just find it difficult when it stares at me through the window, 'cause I know it's thinking of food :)

    Maybe you can contact the local pigeon club and they can come over and rescue it.

    At least before Steven King has it come down the chimney and eat your eyeballs.

    :) davey

  2. Hello Davey,


    I downloaded CCleaner direct from here.



    I did install CCleaner in my PC, and never install any other program of that kind before, just because I used to delete crap files manuallly.

    I used CCleaner once yesterday, for less than 4 minutes, and here's the result.


    No "rogue program from an innocent looking site", but CCleaner.


    01net.com is one of the MAJOR site in France dealing with new technologies, internet and computers.

    <a href="http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/U...s/img32599.html" target="_blank">http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/U...s/img32599.html</a>




    Windows XP SP2, Firefox, AMD Athlon 3800+ Dual core / 2 Go Ram.




    The computer CCleaner crashed in less than 4 minutes is my main working tool, and I'm really worried.

    There are no games, gizmos, or "hazardous" software installed on it.


    I had finished working on a video montage.

    Then I decided to clean up my hard disks before I quit my office.


    Thank you for your help.

    Thanks for the information.

    Can you explain this log-on or log-in process that you mentioned. I don't understand what that is about ?


    Are you using Generic descriptions of what Cleaning you requested? The are no actual options like that in CCleaner.


    :) davey

    P.S. Please download CCleaner from this webpage. This is one of the two "official" websites.

    See if this is what you ran. http://www.CCleaner.com/download/downloading

    This will show what CCleaner looks like and the options etc.


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  3. I get the following messege when I use the CCleaner clean up option.




    Hopefully my attachement shows up :unsure:


    I have Spybot S & D which uses the TeaTimer (which I do not fully understand) and I have no idea if what I want to be cleaned is being cleaned.


    I am basically a computer virgin. I know nothing





    When you run CCleaner try turning off Spybot.

    I am not sure that you want the "TeaTimer" Program running under Vista anyhow. I think it will cause conflicts.

    Give it a shot so you can get CCleaner to run for you.

    You will learn a lot from this forum.

    :) davey

    P.S. You at least know how to get "snap shot" and that is more than I knew when I came here 9 months ago.

    Also turn off all other programs when run CCleaner. Have you rebooted since you installed CCleaner. It is advisable to do so.

  4. Hi All,


    I was very reluctant to download CCleaner because of all the research I did prior to the download. I found that there is a good 70 30 percentage against Registry Cleaners. The main thing that I read is that no software is really going to know what your system uses from the registry and what can be removed. From my understanding of how CCleaner works this is probably true. Ultimately it is the user who is choosing what should be deleted and what should not.


    I am far from a computer genius and to be honest I really don't know much at all. My understanding of the registry is that it contains all the information for everything that your computer does. I do not understand much computer lingo or coding and therefore I am lost on what items I should remove and what items I should not. I mean I see things like win/32/system. (i don't know) and I have no clue what this is for, where it leads or anything. Spy Bot tells me that it is spyware but doesn't find it in a scan. I just want to know how to find out what all the numbering means so that I don't end up doing something foolish and delete a program I really need.


    Please help me get educated on this.


    Thank you in advance.

    Hello Chrissy,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    You are a wise lady.

    Start here with this link and follow its advice.


    P.S. Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


    Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

    Good luck,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  5. Hi,


    Excuse me for my english, I will try to make myself as clear as possible.


    Two days ago, a friend of mine told me about CCleaner, then I installed the software on my PC.

    I ran it yesterday for the first time. I then asked CCleaner to delete :


    - temporary internet files

    - the "prefetch" directory

    - *.tmp files and *.bak files


    I asked NONE of the "advanced" options or any other "dangerous" option.

    I just wanted to test the software to clean ordinary "crap files" I ordinary clean manually.


    CCleaner did its job and erased about 100Mo, then it displayed the log screen ?

    I got very surprised that it asked me to log because I never "log" of any kind using Windows XP !


    I thought all of this was "normal" procedure, then I logged-on using the only account available on the log screen.

    I thought I then will go back to the Windows desktop, but since that moment, I cannot boot my PC.


    When I try to boot, everything loads until the Windows Welcome Screen appears, and then the system halts completely.

    I tried to boot using any of the safe modes available. I tried them all but the system always freezes.

    I can't even read the content of C: using DOS mode just because it also freezes !


    It stops loading Windows after the Welcome Screen, and in the best case, it goes a little further on, when Windows tries to display the desktop.

    In that case, I get a black screen with the arrow cursor in the middle of it, and then the loading process stops.

    I got a black screen with an arrow cursor I can move across the screen, then nothing...

    I've been trying boot sequences for hours with no results at all. In a word, my PC is completely crashed...


    I will buy a new hard drive this afternoon then install a Windows XP on it.

    I will then be able to read my former hard drive to try to recover from this nightmare, but I really don't know HOW TO RECOVER FROM THE SITUATION BEFORE I LAUNCHED CCleaner ?


    Is there a procedure to restore all the files CCleaner deleted, so that I can reboot with my former hard drive and get everything back as it was before I use that software ?


    Thank you very much in advance for any help of any kind.

    Hello Milou64,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    WE will try to help you as much as possible.

    I do think that from what you describe that you were not using CCleaner at all but another Cleaner program.

    The options that you describe do not exist in CCleaner.

    There are other "cleaner" programs that do cause disastrous problems.

    You may also have picked up a "Rogue" program from an innocent looking site but these sites are very dangerous .


    The answers to the following questions will help us to help you.

    From what website did you download this Cleaning program?

    In this log-on process were you asked to provide any personal data ?


    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    P.S. The steps that you are taking sound positive but you need advice from Members of our Spyware Hell and Help forum.


    Do this before you do anything . I would not install another C: drive until I got their advice or you may end up with another infected drive.

    I would copy your post the other Spyware Hell and Help forum as a new topic.

    I also would not leave your PC connected to the Internet when you think it is "frozen". Some evil malware may be collecting information from your PC at that time.

  6. Yes, I need help with this... I am being stalked by a racing pigeon.


    It decided to visit my garden on Monday and I gave it a bit of grain and some water although I couldn't get too close.


    After googling found that most, after resting up, continue on within 48 hours.


    It's Friday and it's still here. I didn't give it anything yesterday and as I was watching television after tea yesterday I became aware of a movement by the window.


    It was the pigeon, watching me, watching telly.


    It's morning and it's waiting outside the door.


    Help :(

    How sweet of you, Hazel. Some of those with pigeons will definitely respond.

    In the mean time I think you should provide for it. It may have been a neighbor's "friend" and for some reason they are not around to guarantee it's nourishment and security.


    You can also copyright the concept and then get in contact with Steven King.

    Bless you,

    :) davey

  7. Hi


    1. When is a file older than 48 Hours ?

    Answer - when NOW is more than 48 hours after the relevant date.


    2. What is the relevant date ?

    Answer - I do not know - but here are 3 possibilities I know of :-

    a) Created (eg 12 February 2007)

    B) Modified (eg 12 June 2008)

    c) Accessed (eg 24 July 2008 - YES TODAY - DAMN STUPID WINDOWS)


    The three date types appear with the DOS command DIR on nice computers.

    Unfortunately with Windows XP there is no proper DOS, only a feeble imitation CMD prompt.

    This also has a DIR command, but can no longer show all three dates simultaneously

    you have to append option /T:A to see the date (Accessed)

    (or append /A:C or /A:W for either of the other dates.)


    Using Windows Explorer you can see all three dates simultaneously - if you are very quick,

    Unfortunately you don't have to do much more than see a file's name listed for Windows to put access date = NOW


    It was a sad day when I had to leave DOS behind and learn to live with Windows.


    End of rant

    On with life


    So, three different sorts of dates. I do not know which is relevant, or if there is any other I am not aware of.


    I suspect the relevant date is "Accessed" - this is the date used by "Disc Cleanup" when deciding which files are more than 30 days old and due to be compressed.




    Peekaboo !!!! I agree with you Alan. I find if I just leave the "TEMP" files alone they do roll out a couple of days later.

    Was quite amusing and puzzling at the same time. Especially when some member would report the file not cleaning.

    The only way to get rid of it was to tell the user to turn off that option. I am not sure if it would ever go away on some machines because of some anti-virus constantly updating that "accessed" date also. Of course if you tell some one not to do something then you can be pretty darn sure they will do it.

    Don't look in those "temp" file folders or directory !!!! Hear what I mean? I can hear everybody clicking away right now. :lol:

    :) davey

    P.S. You and I have stirred up a hornets nest!!! Wait until tomorrow.

  8. Hi all...


    please anyone tell me,did CCleaner remove last opened file name in real player?

    and if not ,please add this feature.

    Hi Ali,

    CCleaner does clean Real Player 6.0 .

    [Real Player]




















    RegKey17=HKCU\Software\RealNetworks\RealPlayer\6.0\Preferences\LastOpenFileDir --------------- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<








    FileKey1=%appdata%\Real\RealOne Player|cookies.txt

    FileKey2=%appdata%\Real\RealOne Player|ctd.dat

    FileKey3=%appdata%\Real\RealOne Player|realplayer.ste

    FileKey4=%appdata%\Real\RealOne Player\History|*.*





    FileKey9=%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Real\Update_OB|RealPlayer-log.txt


    Hope this helps also,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  9. Hey Jamin :)


    Not easy to translate my thought in english, but : I have tons of cookies in my cookies folder and it will take me hours if I want to sort them :(


    So, the best way I found was to keep them all.

    Yeah, time to time, I go to this folder and I manually remove a few of them (lol I'm not in a hurry)


    Again, thanks for your good advices :)

    Thanks for your follow up.

    You just follow Jamin4u advice to move any "cookies to keep" to that "cookie jar" and Save all settings to INI file then you will end up with a good (CC)leaner.ini file to save as a backup and your cookies file will always accumulate the "cookies" you want to keep and all the other junk will always be deleted. See note at bottom to eliminate junk cookies from your PC.

    Of course,take your time but always have a backup of your (cc)leaner.ini file . :P

    Your browsing is always faster without a bunch of junk cookies in your "cookies" file.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. Keep it simple !!! Install SpywareBlaster (free) http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html

    The most important step you can take is to secure your system. And SpywareBlaster is the most powerful protection program available.

    Prevent the installation of ActiveX-based spyware, adware, browser hijackers, dialers, and other potentially unwanted software.

    Block spyware/tracking cookies in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

    Restrict the actions of potentially unwanted sites in Internet Explorer.

  10. Secure Deletion?


    if i should use it, what is the best...

    Simple overwrite (1 pass)

    DOD 5220.22-M (3 Passes)

    NSA (7 Passes)

    Gutmann (35 Passes)

    I run a Windows XP Home Edition SP3 computer, and have the latest version of CCleaner, and have used it for about 3 weeks, and understand what most of it means, but dont know if i should use secure deletions, help?

    Hi mouse,

    CCleaner is a Windows OS cleaning program and not really a "disk wiping" program.

    However it will overwrite the files that "it" deletes in it's process when requested.

    There are many reasons why other data still exists on your PC after being deleted by other means.


    I don't use the "secure delete" option because I know that most of what I delete will be overwritten very quickly in my normal daily use.

    If I accidentally delete data that I want to recover I have a better chance of recovering it if I have not used the "secure delete" option in CCleaner.

    I also know that I must act quickly and use my previously installed copy of Piriform's "Recuva" program to "recover" that data as soon as possible. I also use "Recuva" once a month to "secure delete" any left over pieces of data.

    One (1) overwrite is sufficient to "secure delete" data for 99.999 % of users.


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites



  11. love CClenaer, the best tool for that i have found so far, and no doubt, the best free one, so i am keeping it forever :D, i havnt tried the other (recuva and Defraggler) because i have no need for em, the windows defrag ill keep, and recuva... i dont uninstall programs i need lol,BUT CCleaner ROCKS

    Hello mouse,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    Glad you like CCleaner !!!

    Just to clear up something as regards Recuva. Recuva program is a great tool for those who somehow have lost access to valuable data and pictures and such. We are very happy that so many people have benefited from it's use. It has also been updated to include the feature to "secure delete" data that it has found. This can be important to many for security and privacy reasons. It also does so very quickly and efficiently. Of course it's feature is to "recover" valuable lost data and pictures from other than just PCs but many devices.



    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  12. Thanks to all those who have offered advice.....I now know considerably more than when I started the topic!


    The school principal is confident about finding a Winx32 installation.....

    I'm going to try the ReactOS on one of the units (I'll report in another topic when I have some results).....

    What goes around comes around - I've been given yet another unit that's running Win'98 and I'm going to set this up for my grand-daughter (3y/o) to use when she's here.....you may soon find another topic about networking to my computer and its WinXP.


    Would someone let me know if I now need to mark this topic as 'answered'.


    Thanks again. Regards, ansell.

    Congrats ansell,

    We don't have any special place other than the thread itself to tell if something is resolved.

    The thread itself tells the story.

    It also provides much learning material for many others.


    You keep on finding those abandoned PCs and see to it that they are put to good use in the community.

    There is always someone that can benefit tremendously by even the simplest PC setup.

    Good Work and Good Luck,

    :) davey

  13. Just downloaded and installed CCleaner v2.09.600, and noticed that clicking on 'Cookies' in the 'Options' menu doesn't resolve and causes my computer to hang :( . Apart from that, very impressive :rolleyes: - did a full sweep of everything, (although unfortunately my machine doesn't seem much faster than it was previously :( ).

    Hey Pengman,

    It hasn't been very long since you first posted the above is it ?

    You have come a very long way in a very short period of time.

    You have done extremely well to return the performance of that PC.

    Man, This is great news !!! :D


    Now, as regards "Defraggler" , the program itself has come a long way in a short time as regards it's features and abilities.

    It is very hard to defrag any drive no matter what size it is. It is even harder to defrag a file(including work space) that is the equivalent of 5% of your HDD when you only have 6 % to work with. I can't explain why you got some of the messages that you did but we are taking positive actions to get your PC in the best shape it has been in awhile. :P


    Let us see if we can't improve conditions a little bit. I don't normally advise users to use the Advanced options too often but in your case it is time to use one just this one time then turn the option back off. This one doesn't have to be used often.

    Turn on the option to clean at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning list > Hotfix Uninstallers .This will delete all the Uninstall programs for Hotfixes that have been applied to your PC. These were put on your PC each time that you installed "fixes" from Microsoft.

    If you have never cleaned these before they could be anywhere from 100 MB to well over 1 GB. This will give you another 5% of your hard drive space back. This space will sure come in handy when "defragging" your other files. Don't worry about needing them because the "fixes" have been working and now it's time to get rid of the Uninstallers. After you do this cleaning, run the Registry Issues function and back up your Registry "fixes" each time. Do this always. You need to do this until you get no more "issues".


    Now we can do some more "defragging". That 500 MB file you can leave alone for now. It is too big and probably not worth trying to defrag any further. It is remarkable that "Defraggler" defragged it as much as it did. Let's concentrate on the files between 50 - 100MB. Concentrate on files like Documents and Settings. If you have none left then concentrate on 10 -50 MB.

    Remember don't bother Defragging System Volume files at any time. They are automatically deleted and replaced by Windows. We may get you some more space from them later. Don't bother with any log files as CCleaner will get rid of these.


    The whole idea of what we are doing is doing things a little at a time and avoiding problems and wear and tear on your PC.

    Honestly as full as your Hard Drive it is safest and smartest this way.

    Good luck and keep in touch,

    :) davey

    P.S. I am glad you are keeping track off and providing information as to size and number of fragments. This helps us all learn. :)

  14. Hi davey


    Yes, for the Internet-connection I'm using WLAN (Wireless-LAN) and I'm not on the network. I have just my computer. Yesterday, I excluded the function "Clear the Temporary Internet files" in the CC Cleaner-tool. But nevertheless every time my folder size is changed again (when I close and after a while I open the IE7 again).


    I really don't know what the reason is? :(


    Who makes your WLAN and did you buy it or was it provided by your ISP. Does it also serve as a hardware firewall?

    P.S. Do you ever use the option to reset Internet Explorer Options in Internet Options > Advanced tab ?

    P.S. Do use any CCleaner Advanced cleaning options ? If yes, please turn them off.

    :) davey

  15. Thanks to everyone for the replies.....

    I've been able to get into the bios by removing and then replacing the three DIMM memory cards. I set the bios to the default settings and then selected to boot from the cd-rom-drive and here I ran into another problem. As I intend to give the computer to the local primary school I got their Windows XP Prof. installation disc and it turns out that this is a x64 version and the computer will only run a x32 version. As I don't have a x32 installation disc I seem to have arrived at a dead-end. Dunno what to do now! Regards, ansell.

    Hi ansell,

    Saw your thread somewhere else too.

    Bad News !!! Maybe you can get the original stuff from the PC donors .Plus the BIOS floppies . Maybe???

    Of course like I said, Your local "school friendly" PC shop might be able to help.

    Nothing wrong with some little ad stickers on the monitor to let the locals know where there is a good PC repair shop.

    Local businesses get good support from school and church members where I live. Beats the the heck out of "PC City" or whatever !!!


    Good luck and I applaud you efforts,

    :) davey,

  16. love this bit it the write up...


    ... ''it's hard to argue with a browser that promotes itself as a place where, "Your friends are always there--just like celebrities in rehab."

    guess I'll pass on Flock this time :)

    HAA HAA HAA !!! You got me Hazel. I first linked to C-Net ,read the first two sentences, and came back here.

    Read the other members replies and saw yours. Went back to C-Net then I saw the screen shots below the first couple of sentences.

    "Puke Pink" AAHHAAA HHAAA. BOWL. So much for aesthetics.

    :) davey

  17. Hey Dennis,

    If I knew how to set of all the fancy fireworks on this page I would.




    Sincerely,thanks for all the informative posts and advice.

    :) davey

    Where is that "RED RING" pub? You're gonna buy us all a pint. Make mine a Root Beer. :lol:

    I'll bring the food !!!


    Who is going to bring the "COOKIES"?

    Like all the U,S Sheriffs say "You in a heap o' trouble now, boy".

    I hear "Disneyland Resort Paris" is nice this time of year !!! Parlez-vous fran?ais ?


  18. Hi Pengman,

    THANK YOU for such a great report.

    My list of questions sometimes scares "heck" out of some users but all this info helps the BUG FIXERS track down hard to find bugs.

    A "cookie monster" is just my funny way to describe something that doesn't look right. For you that may be hard to detect.

    Do you know how to "unhide" hidden folders? The Cookies folder for each user is hidden but if you are not bothered by all those cookies that is OK. However too many can slow down your browser and PC while all the advertising "bean counters" look at and update your cookies.

    I am glad to see that you are using AVG 7.5 . If they do stop support then you come here for advice OK ?

    I like to use both Windows Defragmenter program and Piriforms "Defraggler" program. I want you to try "Defraggler" and just Defragment the biggest files first. A few at a time since you don't have much space. DO NOT try to defrag the whole drive. It will help your PC to defrag some files. Don't bother defragging System Volume files just "your" big files. What is nice about "Defraggler" is you can do just a few at a time. It won't take long to do it that way. Defraggler can work with less available space than Windows Disk Defragmenter. Just don't try too big a file or too many at one time or it may "hang". Maybe between 50 - 100MB first.

    P.S. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16318


    I always run CCleaner manually. As far as the Advanced options go I recommend only leaving the last option for Custom Files and Folders. The other Advanced options are constantly resetting too many things for the average user. Leave the Prefetch file alone. Windows will take care of it for you.

    There are other things that you can do but enough for now. You did mean 20 GB hard drive and not 20 MB.

    Later we can get you back some more disk space. IE7 is much better than IE6.

    Good luck for now,

    :) davey

    P.S. I have ONLY 256 MB RAM. VERY IMPORTANT. Run CCleaner and Defraggler only when all other programs are closed. They will run faster,work better, and not cause any conflicts. With other programs closed you should try Options > Cookies again.

    Let us know how it goes.

    P.S.We are glad to hear that your PC is running faster.


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  19. That's why people should configure their systems to display the file extensions. It's far too easy to put any icon into a program.

    Thanks Andavari.

    I always have because it only makes sense to me.This is a "CRITICAL" reason. I am glad you pointed it out.

    There are so many "esthetic" options that make me want to puke!!! How esthetic is that ? :lol:

    :) davey

    P.S. Thank you all. I think I might have fallen for that except I don't use UPS. Still is tricky though.

  20. Hello Davey......thanks for the encouragement and the link. I now have the manual and I learn that the one beep that I'm getting means that there was no error during POST - but unfortunately, holding down the delete key during start-up has not let me into the bios set-up....it still only skips the memory test. At least that single beep has eased my concerns about a fried m'board (or am I showing my ignorance with this little bit of bliss in an otherwise fairly desolate landscape?). D'you think that not getting into the bios with the DEL key is an indicator that the bios has the problem? Regards and thanks again, ansell.

    What a predicament !!!

    You need to go to your "local school friendly" PC repair shop and explain your situation.

    When you get the other PCs you can create BIOS reinstall/update floppies.(see page 45).

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  21. HOLY COW!!! Might have been nice if good ol' Microsoft had told me that, because, yes, I do have an HP computer with an AMD processor. I had decided to keep SP3 off my computer completely and just get the MS security upgrades. You are the first person I have talked to that seems to have a handle on this problem. What would you recommend? Should I do all that registry change stuff & re-install SP3, do you think that would solve my antivirus/crash problem now? Also, where would I find out how to do that registry change thing if I wanted to?

    Or if I stay away from SP3, would there be a different fix for it? I've been resisting doing a complete System Recovery because that would make my life miserable for about 2 weeks.

    Hi again ko220,

    You were the victim of HP and Symantec.

    MS has picked up the pieces on this but just so you have a history of this save this link.

    This guy is probably the best source there is for insight and help and not a bunch of finger pointing.

    SP3 does contain a lot of fixes but if your system is stable that is what counts.

    If you do decide to go to SP3 it will be more obvious if you read this link the best way to go about it.

    Member render has provided you with a lot of the data already but depending on your configuration there may be other things for you to consider.



    Good luck,

    :) davey

  22. Hi,

    Can you add the ability to clean out unwanted "services" from Microsoft windows 2k,xp,vista etc using CCleaner? Alot of times if one uninstalls software programs, they don't uninstall the service they started. A good example of this is Nero (for CD/DVD's) since the windows services they install aren't removed. I'm not talking about Services that MSoft installs but only those applications that have their own.

    One might even want to just enable/disable them without installing similar to the windows startup programs that CCleaner can now manage.



    Hi Mike,

    Why not just use Windows "Services" Program to enable/disable these services ? run services.msc

    You can also use CCleaner Tools > Startup to enable/disable or delete startup entries completely.

    You forgot to tell us what OS ver. etc that you are using.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  23. I'm using CCleaner 2.09, and WinZip 11.2.


    When I run CCleaner (the Cleaner option), if the Applications->Utilities->WinZip box is checked, my WinZip registry settings are changed after running CCleaner. Even if "0 bytes are to be removed".


    I notice this because I set WinZip to extract to the open archive folder (which is not the default). After running CCleaner (and nothing else), the extract option is reset to the last extract folder. Taking a registry snapshot before and after running CCleaner confirms changes have been made.


    Is this just me? And should this NOT be happening? I thought Cleaner mode only deleted files.


    Thanks for any thoughts.

    Hi Randy,

    Welcome to the forum :D Thank you for taking the time to make a report.

    It is not that I doubt you because I also have checked things in the past.

    Make sure that WinZip is closed when you are doing the checks. before,during and after CCleaner or any Registry checking.

    There are three .ini files that are available for your perusal. These files are embedded in CCleaner for special purposes.

    You can get them at this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=107739

    However, if you know what you are doing, you can modify these files and put them in the CCleaner folder.They will take precedence over what is embedded.

    Review the winapp.ini entries for WinZip and you may make changes to do what you want.


    I am relatively new to PCs so I cannot advise you but there are some very experienced programmer members that may be able to help you.

    The WinZip entries have been set this way for a long time.You are the first member that I have seen to bring this up.

    Maybe WinZip has changed and winapp.ini changes need to be changed also.

    Good Luck,

    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

  24. Just downloaded and installed CCleaner v2.09.600, and noticed that clicking on 'Cookies' in the 'Options' menu doesn't resolve and causes my computer to hang :( . Apart from that, very impressive :rolleyes: - did a full sweep of everything, (although unfortunately my machine doesn't seem much faster than it was previously :( ).

    Hi Pengman,

    Welcome to the forum :D

    I presume that you "Analyzed" then "Run cleaner". Some people forget to "Run cleaner".

    Were you trying to use CCleaner while your browser was open ?

    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner ?


    If you did,try having a look in that "Cookies" folder and see if there are any Cookie Monsters in there. No,I am not kidding.

    Sometimes users "Cookies" folders get corrupted and you have to manually delete stuff from there. Then try CCleaner. If it still hangs then turn off Cookies clean option at Cleaner > Windows tab > Internet Explorer until we get this fixed.


    Are you a new user of CCleaner?

    I am presuming that you are. Apparently your PC has not been running as fast as you expect and you are trying CCleaner for the first time. This is good and understandable. We want your PC to perform better also.

    You say you did a full sweep of everything. If you turned on any Advanced cleaning options please turn them off.

    Have you done a Disk "defrag" recently. If not please do so when you are not going to use your PC for awhile.

    It may take a little while for your PC to speed up again. This happens to some users.


    Can you answer these questions if your PC does not run faster after you reboot and do the above items?


    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites

    Thanks for taking your time to make a report.:)

  25. I am thinking of buying one so I'm curious what you bought and what application you are going to use with it.

    It is a WDH1B5000N. The "PC Fairy" left it for me. :rolleyes:




    The only application I have in mind right now is "Karen's Replicator".

    http://www.karenware.com/powertools/ptreplicator.asp :wub:


    I can backup the whole neighborhood. :P

    :) davey :Phttp://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/banana :P

    Now,I wonder if the "PC Fairy" might drop off a bit of RAM.

    (Or like the Verizon commercial says "lotsa sheep")

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