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Posts posted by davey

  1. bump..

    Bumpity bump !

    I am presuming that you want to use your own version of the files. Do not forget that these embedded

    .ini files may be changed by the developers in each new version. You may want to check newer versions to see if there are new entries that you may also want to modify.

    You want to drop each .ini file into the CCleaner folder.

    These files will be named winapp1.ini, winreg1.ini, and winsys1.ini by you.

    The entries in winapp2.ini will take precedence over the entries in winapp1.ini '

    The original embedded .ini entries in the program will be considered last.


    :) davey

  2. Then, however, it finished saying:

    Obviously something went wrong, but i do not know what it is. Even though the program is actively working during the defragmentation process, the result is still that it tells me that no files were defragmented.


    Can you help me?

    Hi jonas,

    Welcome :D

    You may not have enough free-space available or large enough areas available to handle files that large.


    Using Defraggler to defragment "impossible to defragment" Hard Drives by using "defrag files" method.


    If your hard drive is extremely fragmented with a very limited amount of free-space, you may need to just check off the last 20-30 pages of smaller files and defrag those and then try a few medium size files. You should find out that these run very quickly and make it easier and quicker to defrag larger and larger files.

    Concentrate mainly on files that you know will be deleted soon or files that you use often.

    We are trying to create some larger contiguous files that will free larger and larger contiguous areas of free space when those files are deleted. This will make it easier to "defrag" those files that YOU use often. This will benefit your daily PC usage immediately.


    Also "defrag" any temporary files that you can like "system volume" files. Then if it is OK to do so, you can then delete them manually, the oldest one's first. This will gradually give you larger areas available to "defrag" larger and larger files. This also applies to "Temporary Internet Files".


    For larger files I would recommend that you start with files approximately 50-100 MB and check off maybe 20-30 and try that. After several of these then try a few of the 200-300 MB.

    Reverse the list and check off as many as you can of the files small in size but many fragments relative to their size. Do this mainly for system type files and files related to your work or areas of interest. Things that you use often. When I first did this with the smaller files then I could just check, check, on and on and not really have to consider what type of files they are.


    As you do this you are going to notice certain types of files that are large with many fragments and frequently deleted like .flv files. After awhile you will start to know which types of files are the most important to "defrag". Either you are going to delete them soon or they are files that you constantly use.


    If you are tight for space, then you need to consider what should be copied to backup disks or CDs or DVDs. If you have 10-15 % free space than you can get along "defragging" files until you get enough space to "defrag" the whole drive. You don't have to "whole disk defrag" often but it is necessary to eliminate as many fragmented files as possible. It is not necessary to "defrag" files like movies and such because they are usually very large. These can be copied and then deleted to give you back large amounts of disk space.


    Soon you will find that you can select all the files and the defrag will run quickly.

    You will find that you have fewer and fewer files to "defrag" and Windows has taken care of any "optimizing" that is needed. If you are an average PC user like me then you will find this works very well.


    I always "defrag files" just prior to running CCleaner. This way when the files are deleted they are each 1 contiguous chunk regardless the size of the file. This way I am not deleting files that have more and more fragments and smaller and smaller fragments. I am deleting files that are just the opposite. I always end up with fewer but larger free spaces. I have 97,000 defragmented files in 46,000 defragmented folders with lots of available free spaces anywhere on the disk. Windows writes the clusters at the nearest available free space. I always have some free-space nearby.


    When I need to do a "whole disk defrag" which is rarely, then I run CCleaner and manually delete as much as possible before hand. This makes the "whole disk defrag" quicker.


    Each PC user's usage is different but I would consider mine about average.

    Specialist "users" and those with large volumes of changes require different methods than the average user.


    If you keep getting the messages that you first reported then you will need to follow what is required to Run Defraggler with the Debug option again.


    One way or the other I hope that I have helped you and others reading this thread,

    :) davey

  3. Yep Hazel, only opens safely remove hardware dialogue.


    No big thing but you can make shortcuts to most run commands such as "ipconfig /flush dns" then give em a name and icon to suit.

    Hi Humpty,

    You were the first one to teach me new tricks when I first came to the forum.

    Keep it up, please !

    :) davey

  4. Hi all. :)

    I'm running Windows ME with a Pentium III processsor and 512 MB RAM, with about 8% free hard drive space (which is why I need CCleaner).


    Any idea what, if anything, I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance. :)


    This may help if your C++ programs are too old or corrupted and causing problems.

    CCleaner is written in Visual C++ . This has been an infrequent problem but it does occur more frequently on older OSes.

    It sure can't harm anything to have fresh copies of these programs.


    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)


    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 98; Windows 98 Second Edition; Windows ME; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP Service Pack 2


    The "REBOOT" is crucial to get the new modules loaded instead of the old ones.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  5. to davey,

    as most should realize, users tend to install their own programs that cause problems with the core programs. I have to then investigate and find out what that weirdly name program is to see if it needs to go. I am just saying this feature I am suggesting to be added... would make things in my personal and work much much less complicated.

    Yes you explained it well and I wish I had taken the time to suggest it myself. I also try to make things more understandable for the average user. All users will benefit from suggestions like yours.

  6. Even if this is related to the Website, rather than to Defraggler, I dare to ask here. Is it possible to get an RSS-Feed for Defraggler topics only? There is one for Recuva, another one for CCleaner, but none for Defraggler. Why?


    Of course, using the "All Forums" feed is an option, but not the best one.

    :P Now, don't go overboard about the "All Forums" not being the best one. You know that I am pulling your leg. I hope that you do. Different strokes for different folks !

    Of course I agree that Defraggler certainly deserves a Feed of its own.

    Now ,I have to go find out all about RSS-Feeds or at least add it to my expanding list.

    The list is quicker than I am for some reason.


    Thanks,plaintext, and Welcome to the forums. :D

    :) davey

  7. So do I, except for CC and Recuva, which sit in My Docs. One-off downloads also go in My Docs.


    I dunno, elbowing in when I'm posting. 'So do I' is an answer to the original post. Bah!

    Hey, you also told us Where and Why . No matter how brief it is important input.

    Now , let's talk about One-offs. All I can say is that I learned from the pro and I respect the fact that there is always a "very" sensible reason for doing what she does. Thanks, Hazel.


    :) davey

    P.S. Now I gotta git out n' git me some o' them usb sticks. Sticks always come in handy fer many reasons. Especially strange, mean-tempered dogs. No hittin' mind ya, jus' the sight o' the stick works wonders.

  8. Let me start out by saying this feature i am talking about is one of my favorite things in CCleaner. I like all parts, but this part is much much faster. Sometimes on an old computer that hasn't been defragmented in a long time it takes 5 minutes or more to load m$'s add remove programs. not CCleaner.. instant loading...anyway let me get to why I started this topic


    I dont' know what it going to messup... and worse, when I remove what I think is the main program it doesn't remove all of them. sure, this feature I asked for probably won't help me with this, but it would be something grealy appreciated by many... what do you think?

    Hi 'ZzDr.Fred,

    Every now and then a member actually asks what the other members think. In your case I believe that you are serious and so am I. I think that your excellent explanation speaks for itself and only leaves me totally agreeing with you.

    There, that is what I think. How you like them apples ? :P

    All members suggestions are always welcome. This holds true especially for you, Fred.

    Thanks and see ya 'round the forums,

    :) davey

  9. Hi guy's ;)

    Just wondering what most people do with left over downloaded> (****.exe) files?

    After they have been used to install the program I usually put them in the installed programs main folder.

    Hi Craig,

    Since starting to use IE7Pro add-on, I have been using the MiniDM download manager that comes with it.

    This helps me download and save the whole .zip package for various programs and also any other downloads.

    I had been storing these in the same fashion as you.

    With all the malware going around that likes to delete certain programs or their folders what have you, I decided to save them in a more secret place(just in case). Believe me it not called \SecretSavedPrograms but a little less obvious than that.

    I call it my \XXXXXXXXXXXXXX folder just in case someone needs to know.(of course the XXXXXXXs are a secret).

    Cheers Mate!

    :) davey


    Please supply a snapshot of Task Manager also when this message occurs - hopefully this is attached.
    If it was taken when the message occurred then that would be great. I always wanted to see this for myself. But unfortunately we didn't get the snapshot.


    You should see it as a process in Task Manager - Yes I do

    This is good. It means UPHClean has installed and is running OK ! It should load and start with Windows all the time now.


    I don't understand why you have an Icon related to this - When downloaded from the Windows site, a folder is added to Program files. Since nothing happend nor any window that popped up asking me to activate, I found the exe file (the "icon") and double clicked on it. Are you saying by doing that I unactivated the cleaning service?

    Since its in the Task Manager, then it should be OK.

    It has been so long since I installed it that I even forgot about that being in C:\Program Files\UPHClean folder. The "READ ME" is very informative but refers to some things MOST users don't even need to know.

    It is a "testament" to the professionalism of the author. He is still working on version 2.0 beta. It is too "buggy" for the normal user to mess with right now..

    I know there is a reason that your situation reminded us. It will show up soon.

    Double clicking that window brings up a command prompt Window. This is handy during development etc.

    It does not harm anything. It may come in handy someday.


    Oh, still no error msg, so I think the Debug worked.
    We will see !!! :):) davey :):) This is me smiling because I know that besides "hazelnut" on your side, you also have the "Piriform Fairy" watching out for you!!! :P So do I.

    This is a link to a gift that was given to me last year by DennisD. I am passing it on to you.


  11. I thought this myt be a virus but it was not

    Hi Andy,

    Sincerely, Welcome to the forums. :D

    We really appreciate your report and your taking time to become a member to do so.


    This problem may be common to all users but to find out please provide the following information.

    You may be provided with a work-around for this situation but we really need this information to help resolve this situation.


    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    CCleaner version ?

    What Language did you request at install,if any?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)

    Edit out any Personal info with XXXs Do not delete anything, please.


    Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

    Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.

    http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com

    Bookmark & save to Favorites


    P.S. You are a smart user to do some scans for malware when strange things occur.

    All PC users should do this.

  12. hazelnut-


    Went to services.msc & indexing was already set to "disabled" - bummer, I was hoping that should do it.

    Hi sethm1,

    Writeaway's suggestion has merit.


    I have seen several users with similar "problems" to yours.

    As you can probably tell by now, you have a timing thing going on.


    To assist in evaluating can you give us a snapshot.

    Go to CCleaner Tools > Startup. Give us a snap shot please.


    Also think about what other tasks that may be scheduled to run about this same time at the time this occurs.


    Please supply a snapshot of Task Manager also when this message occurs.


    UPHClean is a service that starts at Windows start-up and it should stay running in the background. You should see it as a process in Task Manager. I don't understand why you have an Icon related to this. ???


    Get it here only and install and "REBOOT".

    UPHCLEAN User Profile Hive Cleanup Service

    A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems.



    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP 32-Bit systems

    THIS IS NOT FOR Windows VISTA. Vista has it's own program DPHClean.


    UPHClean v1.6d does not function under Windows XP x64 Edition or Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition. A future version of UPHClean may be supported under those operating systems.


    Nero has only to be used and this can occur. It is not related to Nero changes or updates.


    Everything requested is important to resolve your "problem". Please provide it.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  13. I just downloaded and ran the cleaner, however it says that the files have NOt been deleted yet. I read thru the quick tour and I didnt see anything on this issue. Where do I go to click or get rid of the bad files? Im lost can anyone please help...tyvm!

    Hello Kelly,

    Welcome to the forums. :D


    I am glad you took the time to post.

    Please read the following links and set-up these special things before you run the "cleaner".

    This way you will be off to a good start.


    PC Pro Awards 2008: Software of the Year

    WINNER: CCleaner 2


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    Beginners advice

    Start here with this link and follow its advice.


    Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


    Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with.

    There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

  14. Thanks Hazelnut, this is full size, its the same at all sizes. version works ok.

    You may need the newer Visual C++ programs also. Since CCleaner ver 2.?? is all Visual C++.


    Take your pick based on your setup.


    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)


    Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP


    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)


    Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP


    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)

    Brief Description

    The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run 64-bit applications developed with Visual C++ on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2005 installed.



    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64)

    Brief Description

    The Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64) installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run 64-bit applications developed with Visual C++ on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2008 installed.



    Good luck,

    :) davey

  15. Thanks for your help.

    Adobe is not listed in common files.

    I wish i knew more about computers, what knowledge i do have i learned on my own.

    it seems the only place i find this is in the registry.

    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{05BDF3F1......... (Acropdf.dll

    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{5F226421-415D-....... AcroIEhelper.dll

    I tried to delete these but no go regedit will not let me.

    What Now.?

    Do not forget. Sometimes the browser etc. must be closed before you do some of these things.

    The miserable thing is Adobe itself. :o

    I am new to PCs less than 1 year but I am catching on to certain things.

    If Adobe wants to maintain their market share they better fix these past sins or else.

    :) davey

  16. Davey, I'm voicing my confirmation of this bug. I unchecked everything except Explorer Recent documents and Office 2003 (in applications) See attachment.


    Snap Taken After Cleaning (list is from log of cleaned files) Word Was closed at the time of cleaning and as always Vista SP1. I've also attached the excel menu to show that it on the other hand is cleaning.

    What's is very interesting is the ACTUAL lnk files for the Word program are indeed cleaned (see third picture) but word still lists them. Maybe a new update for word changed something maybe.

    Thanks Nergal. The"bug fixers" can sure use this info.


    What happens if you have Recent Documents under Windows Explorer also ticked unticked ?

    (Sometimes this helps the fixers to follow various logical paths.You may know this already)

    :) davey

  17. Very recently when I download software, a pop-up called MiniDM appears to assist in the download. I never had this happen before. I was just wondering where it came from - was it part of a recent Microsoft update or something? I don't mind it, just wondering that's all.

    I never had a Downloader before MiniDM which came with IE7Pro.

    I am on hi-speed also but I just find it very handy to control all my "STUFF" .


    :) davey

  18. After the 'Resuming Windows...' screen, I see a blinking underscore in the top-left corner of the screen for 2 minutes before the desktop appears. Why?

    If you can't truck it,Trak it ! :lol:

    Just a few things going on as explained here.

    Stay awake now ! Don't fall asleep or hibernate on us.



    As far as personal resting methods I prefer hibernating. :lol: I love bears !

    :) davey

  19. I sent a video I had made with Premiere Elements that was 18.9 GB to the recycle bin and when I ran the cleaner to clean it I knew it would take a while to clean but I was watching Defraggler and my hard disk that was used went from 39.1GB all the way to 450.7GB which is 100% full, as it was cleaning I was watching it go up and up so I thought it would go back to normal after it was done but when I came back the HD was full and I could do nothing about it. After some messing around with another video file, I deleted it and checked Defraggler before I ran CCleaner and bam the HD was back to normal so I restored the video file that I deleted and all is good now.

    I have never seen this before with CCleaner, it took my recycle bin video file that was only 18.9GB and made it over 410GB in size.

    Hi dkrueger47,

    Welcome to the forums . :D


    See this link about what possibly has occurred.



    There are new users and experienced users alike that do not follow this advice. Strange things happen as a result.

    I have seen posts from users that want to run Defraggler and other "defrag" programs at the same time or a mix of maintenance programs at the same time.

    Is it possible ? Sometimes it is and with no "bad effects". Sometimes means that there are times when there are "major problems".

    Do you backup all your Disc drives before doing any such foolishness? Of course not, because it hasn't happened to you YET.

    Any one that understands how complex such tasks are will never attempt such things.

    This is why the rule is no other programs running.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  20. After reading that Guide it works perfect with Advanced also and I'm testing 7 in another PC.

    Hi Nightowl,

    Welcome to the forums from me also. :D

    I like your handle. Shucks, now I can't get it.

    Some more information for you is listed below. They will help you with CCleaner.


    Many here also use IE7PRO add-on with IE7. If you are inexperienced user then I would recommend IE7 with IE7Pro and do not try the newer Internet Explorers versions yet. They are still "buggy" while IE7 is in great shape.



    PC Pro Awards 2008: Software of the Year

    WINNER: CCleaner 2


    :) davey


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    Beginners advice

    Start here with this link and follow its advice.


    Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


    Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with.

    There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

  21. Any ideas anyone? Help would be great! Thanks in advance!

    Hello persinger20,

    This advice is given only with the friendliest intent.

    I know that your PC was very infected and RipChain has been helping you.

    Please for your sake don't do anyhing until you get his final advice.

    I realize that he has advised you to re-install your video/graphics "drivers".

    Try first to get these from your PC manufacturer website or from your install discs themselves. They will have a selection of everything that you need in most cases.

    Don't surf the web for such things right now. As you know there is too much, free "infected" software, music, video, screen savers, etc. available and your PC and all it's valuable data is still "at risk". The PCs of those that you communicate with may also be "at risk".

    Wait for a final OK from RipChain. He has a lot of time and effort invested in helping you this far. :P

    Follow only his advice.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  22. I gather it is a good idea to make sure you have the latest drivers for all of XP land. What is the best and easiest way to check if there is an update for all your drivers and if there is, install them?

    This rumor is pushed mainly by those who offer such "services". The experienced members of this forum know better. I follow their advice explicitly.


    Someone said that perhaps there is a utility that scans all drivers on your PC and reports what's needed. I was not able to find one if there is such a thing.

    Same as above answer.


    1: Keep all your stuff up to date with the latest incarnations, and usually with improvements to performance/stability etc..


    2: If everythings working fine....The "If it ain't broke don't fix it" school of thought.


    I've updated my ATI video drivers twice, off line, and smooth as could be. I tried updating HP drivers some time back with a resultant BSOD. I've never touched them since.


    So I subscribe to both schools of thought. :)

    I subscribe to both schools of thought also.


    For the inexperienced or "new computer" owners, I strongly recommend that you stick to Dennis' rule #2.


    Follow rule #1 only if you actually "have a problem" and not before hand.


    Any "driver" software offered by MS update is usually not what you need if you actually need anything at all.


    Like Dennis' link follow Andavari's advice here. Stick to what your PC manufacturer recommends.



    To paraphrase Yogi Berra(Baseball everything guy) "It ain't broke 'til it's broke."


    Best wishes to all our members, :) davey

    P.S. If you are a "Super Geek" then you can do whatever is the Most Fun for you of course.

    "Fun" is a necessary part of life. Share some with someone you love. :P

  23. It doesn't clean the recent used files in Word 2003

    Hello Ojota81,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    OK. We need some more information.

    The following info will help others to come up with a solution.

    These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can.

    Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?


    Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it?


    Did you do any Registry issues fixing?

    Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found?


    Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls?

    If any changes then have you checked with those forums or manufacturers?

    What happens if you disable those changes?


    Are you running with Administrator privileges.


    CCleaner version ?

    What Language did you request at install,if any?

    OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?


    Browsers and ver.?


    Security software and ver?


    Other data you think might be relevant?


    What did you do and then what happened?


    Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)


    Are you using a winapp2.ini file?

    Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  24. The more our scientists learn about space the more we are scratching our heads in awe and amazement! :blink:

    Live Science Article

    Well, if we are to agree with all our Physics theorists etc. then there are definitely other "universes" out there. We are not certain that any others are here but that is the concensus of opinion.

    Some are bigger and some smaller. Also big and small is "relative". It will be great to find out more to improve our own understandings and theories and adjust accordingly.


    I figure that we have at least until next week to even think about any imminent consequences from such discoveries.


    So at least go have some "FUN" this week-end. :lol::) davey

    P.S. At least now, we may have a hint where all those "socks" and "keys" are.

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