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Posts posted by davey

  1. This is just to warn other people like me to look carefully at what they are doing. And to complain that the CC download site is not really very user-friendly - I still don't know how to download the CC upgrade.

    Hi svhk,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    Thank you for your report about your problem. It is appreciated.


    You sound like a pretty new user of the Internet as I was 15 months ago.

    You can avoid many of these problems by following the advice that I was given here on this forum.

    I am presuming that you are using Internet Explorer like most users.


    New User Advise

    You will not regret doing this.

    Link to the following site and click on

    Download Free IE7Pro 2.4 has been released on Sep 24,2008


    IE7Pro is an add-on to Internet Explorer and will change your browsing tremendously.

    It comes with many things that will help you avoid many "beginner" problems.

    It has an Ad-Blocker that will eliminate the problem that you encountered. It also helps prevent you from going to dangerous sites like a Hosts file manager does. You don't have to be a "techie". It just has these features built-in.

    It also has a Download Manager program called MiniDM that will help you to keep control over all the things that you will be downloading. It will make Internet usage a lot easier. You will be able to "surf" a lot safer.


    You can come back and ask questions about this and other software on the Software Forum. These members will give you help and advice. They KNOW the best.


    As regards downloading CCleaner, you can also select "Alternative Download" on the normal download page.



    All free forums and download sites need the advertising income to continue their existence, unfortunately.

    Some advertisers use very deceptive methods to distract you and make you link to their site. I am sure that this will be looked into.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  2. Just ran it.. had 45gb used space, now 60gb.

    Running Vista sp1 x64.

    Ran CCleaner to see if it cleaned some of the temp files.. and no go...

    please give me a solution...

    From what I have read in this forum and some MS articles, Vista will create System Restore Points while some third party programs are running. Your Gigabytes will be "recovered" as Vista releases these System Restore Points.


    Hope we can get some more input from those with Vista 64-bit and use Defraggler.


    :) davey

  3. Apologies if this isn't the way to do this.


    Am running 1.03.094 and it keeps crashing when I try to use the menus (eg to display the drive map legend) if it's analyzing at the time. :( So far it hasn't crashed while actually defragging (phew!!)

    Hi BioImages,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    We really do appreciate your report. Use the following with a cut and paste of your first post. This will help them understand. We love details so don't be afraid that we won't like a wordy report. :P

    You need to use this thread and submit the Defrag debug report.


    Defraggler debug mode, What it is and how to use it...



    Thanks in advance for submitting your "debug" report

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  4. Thanks for the heads-up Kenny.

    Even after using (I think) 3 prior versions of this tool, this version managed to release more disk space and reduced the size of my Registry by 3 % .

    Quite an improvement, I would say.

    I am looking forward to the next version.


    :) davey

    P.S. This produces a log (approx. 14 MB in my case) in the Users \Temp folder for review.

  5. So I have a problem that I have just lived with for a long time but finally going to ask some help in figuring out. Every time I click on my IE icon to open it up, it opens two windows, the one that stays open is a crash report. Super annoying. I am sure its just a little configuration, but i tried a whole bunch and got annoyed and just went back to firefox. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Hi 1984,

    I have IE Advanced settings always set to the standard defaults and I use IE7Pro.

    My IE7Pro settings are as listed.

    I use WinXP Pro SP3 on a Dell Dimension 2400 32-bit.

    I have no problems with IE7 and I do have all updates applied.


    Hope this helps.

    :) davey

  6. IE 7.x.....Page doesn't finish loading. Its not the browser, this is the only site I experience this problem

    Hi denmarfl,

    It is not the browser per se but the application in this situation. This is why you only experience it in CCleaner.

    Many users forget the task that CCleaner is performing. It is doing some very serious things to your PC.

    When you get a notification that an update is available, I suggest that you exit CCleaner and then go to CCleaner.com to get the update. This avoids any complications caused by the fact that certain files etc. will not always be available.


    This is also the same reason that I advise all users to only run CCleaner with no other applications running.

    You are trying to download and update a very critical program while it is currently running. Even MS itself knows the complications involved in such a procedure.


    Like many other experienced "programmers" who are also users of CCleaner, we try to keep it simple by not even using the option to check for updates. We check for updates to many programs only at times when it is safer to do so.


    Yes, I have tested CCleaner Tools > Uninstall and Uninstalled CCleaner while I was using it and it worked. I certainly would not recommend this practice to anyone.


    CCleaner is doing many critical things to your system. To avoid any complications the safest thing is to update it at another time.


    Keep it simple !

    :) davey

  7. Last week I was using CCleaner and lost my desk top. I still had windows and could get on the internet but most of my applications were gone. Something called ccCommon kept trying to load. The boys in the IT room at work didn't have many nice things to say about registry cleaners. At least they were able to get the ccCommon to quite trying to load and we've been able to get the office enterprise software installed again but my Visio program is gone and a lot of other things. Is there any way to get that stuff back? CCleaner icon connects me to the web site but when I try to open the cleaner I get a message saying "cclaunch: Application not found. Protocol specified in this address is not valid.


    That's pretty much what the rest of my icons do.


    Any ideas?

    Hello Kraut173,

    From what you have described, you may be the victim of some pretty aggressive malware.


    I would go to this link and follow the instructions. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17457


    My feelings about any Registry "cleaning" are to do one or the other as listed.

    1. Do not use Registry "cleaners" and they will cause you no harm.


    2. Do Registry "cleaning" only if you know what you are doing !!!. If you know what you are doing, then you are quite capable of taking care of any problems that such actions are known to cause including loss of data, time, and maybe some money. Since you know what you are doing, No Sweat !!! Right ???


    Best Wishes,

    :) davey

  8. First, let me thank you for one of the most useful utilities in my "bag of tricks". As a consultant, I have several customers that require me to use a u3 enabled thumbdrive. Would it be possible to create a version of CCleaner that will install on a u3 enabled drive?



    Hello Walt,

    Welcome to the forums. :D We love our members. :wub: New,Old,"Newbie", "Advanced", "Experts" and "Professionals"


    Member KevinA may even have a newer version available. Just check out this thread. Loads of experienced members in this thread.

    CCleaner Portable U3 version



    See you around the forums,

    :) davey

  9. OK, I am still cofused. Where does the hot fix come from. Who sends them t your computer, and where do they get stored. Under what name they they get stored. I just want to be able to look at them and decide if is something that I want to keep for good, or something that I might want to uninstall at some point, therefore would need to keep the uninstaller for it.


    You can learn more about Hot Fixes here and the links therein. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_fix


    Are you currently getting Automatic Updates from Microsoft from the following link ?



    Most updates from Microsoft that actually fix known "software" problems will have an Uninstaller. If the fix does not work correctly than you can use the Uninstaller to reverse the fix and set things back as they were before the fix. I have been using Microsoft Updates now for approx. 15 months now and I have never had reason to remove a Fix.


    For now I would say to you, just leave the Uninstallers alone until you learn more.


    :) davey

  10. But yeah, why is that code written into every board on the internet? It's the cutting edge of 1998 when the internet was a baby running on 56K modems and bandwidth was precious.

    But it's now now! Comon'!

    Haven't you noticed how much faster it is when you click on the message ? :lol:

    I think it their way of keeping you occupied while the slowest procedure(lowest priority) on a forum does it's thing.

    :) davey

  11. Nope. Didn't work. Still 92%. I went down one version and it still hangs. This is when it is building the file list and the circle continues to go but nothing happens. I have let it run all night and came back to it in the morning and still the same.

    Hi JohnC01,

    Welcome to the forums ! :D

    Thanks for reporting your Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 problem. You can help us solve these Vista Ultimate problems.

    You need to use this thread and submit the Defrag debug report.


    Defraggler debug mode, What it is and how to use it...



    Thanks in advance for submitting your "debug" report. Good luck,

    :) davey

  12. Sorry if I was long-winded but wanted to include any info that may be pertinent.

    Thanks all! :)

    Hi stormy-1,

    Not long-winded at all.

    If everyone would provide the information like you, it would make helping them a lot quicker.


    Hey , that is one monster file for such a little bitty piece of hardware.

    Anyhow, right-click on that BTW--blah blah file and select Rename. I Made it BTW.zip .

    The .zip is the trick you need. Then right-click on that file and select Extract all.

    The file name they gave you is not correct. They say to double click on Install.zip but the extracted file name that you want to double click is Install.exe.

    This will start your install.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  13. Thoughts on what to try next?

    Hi Thom,

    Welcome to the forums ! :D


    Doesn't look good , does it.

    Do this first. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=116036

    (If you installed or uninstalled any hardware or software the first thing I would do is a "REBOOT" but the CHKDSK is a good precautionary step as part of the REBOOT in this case. )

    Try Defraggler now.

    If still no luck then try Windows Disk Defragmenter. Still no luck, come back and let us know.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

  14. ------

    I see. The uninstaller for the hot fix is removed, but the hot fix remains installed. But what is a hot fix? If I remove the uninstaller for it, is it still possible to remove the "hot fix" if it were necessary at a future time.

    Hi emm,

    Hot Fix ? Sounds ominous doesn't it.

    These fixes are normally just updates nowadays. They normally come out once a month on the second Tuesday of the month. Affectionately called "Patch Tuesday".

    You never have to delete the Uninstaller for a Hot Fix. Many people do and many save them all.

    You can normally figure that a fix that has been in effect for a couple of months is not going to be Unistalled.

    It may be corrected with a later fix. Some people will wait 2 -3 weeks and then get rid of the uninstaller for the Hot Fix.


    If you need the disk space then you can recover the space.

    It is up to you if you want to keep the Uninstaller or not.

    Once the Uninstaller is gone, the fix can't be reversed.


    :) davey

  15. Sorry for the slow repsonse mate! Tried out your sugestion and it fixed the sittuation - thanks for your help!

    Thank you for your update. No matter how long it takes, it is still important for other users, including us, to know the results.

    There are many new users that will benefit from your response. :P

    :) davey

  16. A programs own uninstaller.

    I go right along with you, Hazel !

    If it is a lousy uninstaller then my opinion of the software manufacturer is lousy also.

    However, there are many "lousy" software makers out there and what these guys are discussing is the result.

    Norton sure cleaned up their act. Maybe? maybe ? ADOBE will do the same ???

    I won't use any of their products until they do !!!

    :) davey

  17. Davey,

    I decided to change the number of programs to remember. After doing that, the list did start to repopulate. So for me that is the workaround.

    Good to see you have it back again. You sped things up by "shaking up a few bits or bytes".

    It does come back but in your case you seem to have done the "trick".

    Now, all I have to do is remember to "shake up some bits or bytes".


    Thank you for your response also. We all benefit this way. :D

    :) davey

  18. Hi jasimon9,

    Yes , I advise new users that they may not like what happens when using the "Advanced cleaning" options.

    If you log off or restart your PC, then the list will start to fill back in.

    I too was surprised by this about 11 months ago when I started using CCleaner. :P

    I am glad to see that you have been searching the forums.

    This "search" may help you to find things quicker.

    This link will also help you in your "searches" of the forums.

    Piriform's Advanced Search Engine


    Bookmark and save to Favorites. It will be very handy.

    Fill in your search criteria in quotes like this "Advanced cleaning" for example or without the quotes for a less specific search.

    Down at the bottom right you will find Result Type Show results as topics or Show results as posts.

    Click on Show results as posts (This is important). Now click on the "Perform the search".

    Now you have a useful display of various threads to work with.


    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  19. Hot fix uninstallers removes Windows updates from Windows Updates from Windows/$UninstallKB$. What exactly is that? Is it safe to remove this updates? It is in the Advance section of the Windows /Applications menu

    Hello again emm,

    Good to see you.

    See this link for an answer.


    :) davey

    P.S. So as you can see, the Hot Fix remains installed. The uninstaller for the Hot Fix is removed.

    You do not have to do this every month. You can wait several months before doing this.

    Just be sure to turn the option off right after you use it. If you ticked the option TONIGHT and forgot to turn it off then the Hot Fix Uninstallers for the fixes coming out tomorrow "PATCH Tuesday" would be removed the next time that you run CCleaner. You want to wait awhile to be sure that the fixes are working correctly before you remove the Uninstaller programs.

  20. My sis's computer was acting up so I drove over and took a looksee. After I installed & ran MBAM and got rid of 2 trojans and a rootkit it worked fine. But she had Symantec AV. I told her about Avast and got rid of Symantec, installed Avast Home free, registered her, turned off the sounds, disabled that VRDB or whatever it is. So now she's doing okay. Yes, I ran CCleaner and got rid of 150 MB of junk. :lol:

    Bet you sure surprised your Sis !!! :o

    Good work,sis.

    :) davey

  21. I have exactly the same problem,but avast in not listed in applications-utilities ?

    Hi brickie10,

    Welcome to the forums. :wub: We love new members.

    In order to get Avast and many other Applications listed on your Applications tab , you will need to put a copy of a file called winapp2.ini into your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.

    This file contains cleaning entries for many Applications that have been submitted by other members just like you. Many users also use this file.

    You can get that file at this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110

    At the bottom of the first post you be able to download a copy of winapp2.ini .

    Once you put that file inside your CCleaner folder then you just run CCleaner and you will see new Applications listed on your Applications tab. Then you can turn off the option for Avast cleaning.

    Any problems come back here.

    :) davey

  22. Thanks davey! First I reinstalled Chrome and then restored my profile using the tool you linked to. But the same problem occured :\ I then went into my C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome folder and deleted COOKIES and PREFERENCES files and now it works :) I don't really know what the consequenses are except that it now works and my bookmarks are still intact ;)

    Hi RUja,

    I am glad you have it working.

    Once you get all your bookmarks, preferences, etc setup then I guess you will back them up.

    How often do you plan to do this ?

    Also when you use that program to restore your "Profile" let us know the results.

    Thanks, :) davey

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