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Posts posted by davey

  1. Hello,

    Other than that, I think CCleaner is an absolutely great program and I have recommended it to all my friends, who all use it....

    Thanks for your help :rolleyes:

    Hello volland,

    You are very welcome to the forums. :D

    Are you a new PC user or did you just realize by installing CCleaner that a Startup list was even there?

    You can click on this link and learn some ways to take snapshots. Then you can show a snapshot of your Startup screen in CCleaner. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=13668


    In regards to "cookies", what is listed in the CCleaner "Cookies to delete" after you close Firefox?

    If the Cookie shows up then you can move the cookie over to the "cookies to save".

    If the Cookie does not show then you need to make Firefox save that cookie. Then you can save it in CCleaner. CCleaner can not prevent other programs from deleting things but you can prevent CCleaner from deleting that "cookie" and any other Cookie that you do not want deleted by CCleaner.



    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    Beginners advice

    Start here with this link and follow its advice.


    Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


    Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with.

    There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.


    Talk with you later,

    :) davey

  2. I just started using Defraggler, and was wondering if someone could answer a couple of questions for me. I haven't been able to figure this out.

    I am running Windows Vista Ultimate in case it matters.

    Thanks Again. This seems like a really cool program. I love CCleaner and Recuva, so I'm sure I'll love Defraggler as well. :)

    Hi mlyons,

    Welcomer to the forums. :D

    Good questions that you have.

    I wish I had Vista to do some testing with myself but not yet.

    I have done research into what is going on and as more information becomes available I will do more.

    Some editions of Vista do some things different than others and all that data takes more time to sink in without being able to use Vista myself.


    Basically it comes down to Vista being more alert to changes occurring and either creating more Restore Points or creating more copies of things that are being changed.

    It may just be a Vista thing that the Defraggler dev. team need to make some changes or additions to Defraggler to compensate. Vista Defragmenter has special things that it performs to cut down on this usage.


    A simple run of the Vista Defragmeter seems to clear things up. It is just different than most people understand. Some defrag products will show that Vista Defragmenter must be leaving things fragmented.

    It is true that it does. It is of no benefit to defragment certain size files any further. Lets face it having a 2 GB file in 3 segments or 30 segments is not going to benefit from further defragmenting. The magic number seems to be around 64 MB segments.


    See these articles for more in depth information related to what I have tried to explain.

    Vista Disk Defragmenter FAQ



    Don?t judge a book by its cover ? why Windows Vista Defrag is cool



    Features of the Windows Vista hard disk defragmentation utility



    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. My advice to anyone would not include deleting any System Restore Points. This data is too important to the user. Vista will return this "Lost" space to you in its time or just run the Vista Defragmenter if you can't wait to see your "Lost" space for whatever comfort that brings to your heart. In other words, the space is not "lost". It is being temporarily used by Vista and will be available if it is needed.

    P.S. Another little note to point out to many users is that defragmenting returns very little space to the user.

    The Defragmenter program in its processes results in other programs freeing up space .

  3. Nice sreenies of all the different PC cables, connectors and PSU's in the link below with a bit of history thrown in.

    All About PSU's, Cables and Connectors

    Thanks, Humpty.

    Good timing in my case. Last night, I just popped open my first PC for a look-see courtesy of Dell XPS 410.

    My first journey into Raid software also. Well not first but the first time I could understand what was being explained. :P

    This article will sure come in handy for this "newbie". A little history always helps keep up the interest level for me.


    :) davey

  4. Hooray!!!

    Now let us give them some "serious time" in jail and not just the fines which they can steal while on the outside.

    I want to see many more of these "blood suckers" behind bars not just "fined".

    "Large fines" and "Long terms" or the public will not be satisfied.

    We will have our "eyes" on the judges and prosecutors involved.

    No plea bargains for the "top dogs" either. :P davey

  5. I Tried In Vain To Run: C:\ProgramFiles\Recuva\recuva.exe /debug =It Will Only Open Program Files Leaving (debug) Off...

    It Acts As Though Explorer 7 (Windows Sounds Off) Is Blocking It=== Only Description I Can Give You...

    Thank You...

    Vincent Auto

    Hi Vincent,

    I see that you tried the new version and started a New Topic.

    This can make things very confusing because we have separated from the old thread.


    However we can pick-up from here but do not start another thread, Please.


    You do seem to have a "unique" problem. We must get a Debug log in order to figure out what is occurring.


    At Internet Options > Advanced tab click on Restore advanced settings . Then click Apply. Then OK. Close IE and start IE again.


    What you typed in your post is not the same as I provided. If you do not put in exactly as I provided then Windows will sound an alarm and show you various error messages that the program can not be found.

    C:\ProgramFiles\Recuva\recuva.exe /debug

    is not the same as

    "C:\Program Files\Recuva\recuva.exe" /debug



    The line that you entered will not work.

    If your Program Files folder is actually "ProgramFiles" than that is OK but that is not the standard name.

    The standard name is "Program Files". If you use this folder name then your Run command must be as follows.

    "C:\ProgramFiles\Recuva\recuva.exe" /debug


    The install default name is \Program Files\ and must be changed by you if you are really using \ProgramFiles\ . If you are using a different language then you must modify the Run command. Maybe this is the problem. I am not sure.


    The line I provided contains quotes (") which must be present and \ProgramFiles\ is not the same as \Program Files\ . There also must be a "blank space" or more between the program name and the /debug parameter. You do not "have to be" connected to the Internet to run this. If you get an Internet connection not found message just reply OK and keep going.


    If this does not work, then please "cut and paste" "exactly" the command that you are entering even if it is a foreign language. Specify what language if not English. We have members of all languages to assist us.

    Also tell us what is the last Recuva version that does not cause this "no files deleted" problem. This may be important.

    You also need to tell us the "exact" messages that you are getting or else we are just guessing, which gets us nowhere.


    I noticed from other threads that you are using Zone Alarm. You might try turning that off and testing again without it on, if all else fails.


    Finally, it must be said that Recuva or CCleaner are not intended to be "hide your tracks" type of programs.

    They are to provide secure deletion of data to protect the average users privacy. Any more than that and specialty disk wiping programs must be used.

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. One final thought. Though it can not be found as a requirement, run the program with Administrator privileges. Be sure to be signed on as the Administrator. Changes may have been made to only allow deletion by an Administrator. The documentation is lacking in this area.

  6. Similar problem here.


    Odly enough the RECURSE feature works for the folder D:\software for me (subfolders scanned and cleaned), but not (for example) for the Windows folder or for Program Files. As there is nothing that I\the user can change, is this a Windows problem or a CC bug?

    Hello user4,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    Please provide more detail showing exactly what you are specifying.

    Provide a snapshot or listing of your ini. file.

    :) davey

  7. Suggestion: Add defrag by name to the options, as this really makes my system the most responsive. Thanks.

    Hello giggedyguy,

    Welcome to the forum !!! :D

    I am not too sure what you mean by "Defrag by name" option.

    However, Andavari, one of our Moderators has created a shell program that I think will fill your need.

    With this,you can use Windows Explorer and right-click on any file or folder and run Defraggler.

    I find this extremely helpful.


    Andavari's Defraggler Shell



    Good luck,

    :) davey

  8. Vincent Auto...

    OK Vincent,

    Cut and paste the following line (including the quotes and the /debug statement and the blank space between).

    "C:\Program Files\Recuva\recuva.exe" /debug

    Then click on "OK" button.


    You must cut the whole line. This will work.t2122_20081019032855.png


    Are you putting the check mark next to the File heading and then right clicking on Secure Delete Checked ?

    Are there any files to be deleted as listed at the bottom of the Recuva window ?



    Try this just as my snapshots show.

    :) davey

  9. page defrag is necessary if you allow your pagefile to grow as windows feels necessary. this actually serves to slow your entire machine down, so you should go into your virtual memory settings for your windows box. it suggests a reccommended pagefile and you should set that as the minimum and maximum values. no more need to defrag your page file.


    This is true for the Page file and does keep it defragmented. However PageDefrag defragments many other system files that are not available once Windows starts. PageDefrag works on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows



    you say you defraggle before you cclean but maybe you should actually cclean first. then you wont have to defraggle the files that get deleted.
    I used to believe that myself. Defragmenting all the fragmented files before CCleaner means that larger contiguous areas will be released for use instead of more and more, and smaller and smaller free spaces being produced. This holds true for my System volume files as well.

    I end up with larger free space areas in many places on the disk. I don't defrag the whole disk because then the first files to be changed or added must be put only to the inside of the disk. This area is slower and results in constant head movement. Whereas, having many large free spaces all over the disk results in less head movement.


    you say you let windows do any disk optimizations. i assume you are running vista? otherwise windows doesnt do anything... which is why we need programs like defraggler.
    I am running WinXP. XP and Vista both optimize where the most used or important programs and files are kept. I can see my most used files and programs being moved to the outside of the disk. It does this automatically. I can also see that my daily browsing files are filled in closer to the outside of the disk. Like most users Windows does a good job for me. My 80 GB hard drive is 88% full but you would never know it because I have larger free spaces available everywhere.

    This method will work for most users, especially those with mostly full hard drives and small amounts of RAM like I have.


    Specialist users and IT professionals use other methods. Many It professionals use Defraggler because of it's fast file defragmentation.


    Most times when I am testing or checking where certain files are being put I use the Defraggler GUI.

    If I am doing manual cleaning in Windows Explorer or adding large files, I will use Andavari's Defraggler Shell. I can defrag files and folders as I go.

    Andavari's Defraggler Shell



    As a result, my Defraggler file defragmentations only take a few minutes. Most of my fragmented files have very few fragments.

    I will use Defraggler "whole disk" defragmentation when it has developed options to "Do not do free space defragmentation" and/or use strategies similar to Windows Disk Defragmenter.

    For now Windows Disk Defragmenter is what I use for "whole disk" defragmentation. It always tells me that I don't need to defrag my drive and I don't. I have not needed to do one in months. This all results in less wear and tear on my old hard drive.


    Each user has his own approach to defragmenting and disk optimization. I like to keep things simple and this works best for me and my PC. Many users get along fine using only Windows Disk Defragmenter or Vista's improved version.

    Then there are some users that see no difference whether they Defragment or not. :lol: I believe them. :P

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

  10. Hi,

    Any other tips? Thanks for your help Dave.

    The list on the Start menu should start to fill back in one by one as you use those programs.

    The whole list will not just reappear. The Advanced cleaning option User Assist History cleans out everything that has been counted since the last time it was cleaned. In most user's case that may be when they first started using their PC. The Advanced cleaning options clean and reset many defaults and things that most users don't need to bother or don't like the results. They can not be reversed. They can only be reset one by one by the user.


    You can set the other cleaning options as you like.

    If you are inexperienced I would not even worry about Registry "issues". Leave the Registry alone.


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    Beginners advice

    Start here with this link and follow its advice.


    Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  11. I have Adobe Flash Player 9

    That site you showed me says it couldn't scan because of some java problem.

    I went to microsoft, and I having a problem downloading and installing that [java]

    I thought I had java, but it's not in my list of programs.


    I don't doubt that most of your problems are server problems.

    When you look at your Connection status do you get any indications of problems. Click on Status tab.

    Note Properties options settings also.



    If you have any Modem Helper type program then test your modem.

    If OK and server keeps disconnecting then contact your ISP. Maybe they can test quicker than you can. :lol:

    :) davey

  12. Dear people,

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    Yes, I am loggod on as admin.

    As to the second tip: I've tried to save the file to another location. And it is sitting there, too. But I've now discovered that both my downloaded files are zero KB... so I haven't actually downloaded anything at all except the file name. That may also explain why I don't get the Properties dialogue box that you describe.

    All bright ideas are still welcome - cheers!

    Hi TTW,

    Welcome to the Forums. :D All our members are treated with respect.


    I laughed at your little joke about how old your OS was. It turned out to be the tip off for what you need to get CCleaner installed and running. :P

    Edit Possibly, all you need is some updated software from Microsoft. It depends on what may or may not have already been updated on your PC.

    I am presuming that you have an X86 PC. If you have 64-bit then search for the corresponding software.


    #1 So CCleaner will install for you.



    #2 Just to be sure you have the latest Windows Installer for your OS and version

    Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v2)


    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP; Windows XP Service Pack 1; Windows XP Service Pack 2


    #3 To be sure C++ is up to date for your PC.

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)


    Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP


    Now CClean your PC and visit MS Updates to get the latest software.


    Do not skip Rebooting when you download this software before trying to install or run CCleaner.


    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  13. I'll Come Back Forum Keep Reading Comments---Or New Update Comes Out I'll

    Install It..

    Hi Vincent,

    Cut and paste the whole line in that link using the Run icon in the Start menu.

    Select OK and Recuva should start.

    You should see the words Recuva.com 1.19.350 [debug] in the upper left hand corner when the Scan screen starts.

    The log file will be in your Recuva folder.

    If you don't see this happening then Recuva is not being installed in the correct location or some similar problem.

    Reinstall and ask for new icons on your Desktop and Start menu and don't check for updates. Let the program install to the default location. Try running Recuva again by clicking on the "new" icon.

    If you still have troubles let us know. Also tell us about your system and OS etc.

    :) davey

  14. it seems to me that defraggling in safe mode is far slower than defraggling in regular mode. i always had assumed it would be faster since theres less ram overhead, more files free from lockage, etc... but running df.exe (which is a great addition btw) on my drive seems to crawl.

    thanks for any responses :)

    Hello jfj,

    Regarding your questions

    - anyone else notice this seemingly obvious slow down in safe mode? Like Andaari said everything runs slower in "safe mode". Safe mode is a stripped down OS with all the software that makes things faster and safer unloaded.


    - is there a reason why it runs better in regular mode? The availability of system "caches" and fast drivers etc speed things up considerably.


    - am i getting a better defrag by running in safe mode?


    You might want to run PageDefrag every now and then. This defrags Windows system files that are not available after Windows starts.

    PageDefrag download or Live

    Run PageDefrag now from Live.Sysinternals.com Right upper corner of page



    MOST users can get along fine with only using "Defraggler" file defragmentation.

    I run "Defraggler" file defragmentation just prior to running CCleaner. I check the box that checkmarks all fragmented files and select Defrag checked.

    This results in larger contiguous ares being available after running CCleaner and when System Restore files are deleted by Windows.


    I use "Defraggler" file defragmentation and never have to turn off Anti-virus or Firewall programs.

    You can turn them off if you haven't defragmented your files in quite awhile and defragmenting will be quicker. DO NOT FORGET TO TURN THEM BACK ON . Paste a note on your screen.


    I have not needed to do a "whole disk defrag" in months.

    I let Windows do any disk optimization that is needed.

    My system runs faster now than when it was new 4 1/2 years ago.


    All the old "safe mode" stuff is just that, Old stuff, if you are running WinXP or Vista.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  15. You peeked.


    I think that is a function that should be in forum software and IP.Board is the software that is the same as here.

    Ditto here. Same as Hazel reports.

    They must have not set an option properly. I also think it should be limited to registered members.

    Of course, it may be that if you are a registered member, then you do not need to be logged-in to view a profile.

    :) davey

  16. I must have messed some setting up, but which one?

    Hi Harry,

    You haven't provided us with much information to go on, Harry.

    However if you are using Internet Explorer , I do recommend using IE7Pro. It works with IE6 and up.

    It has a Download Manager that may assist in your downloads. It is called MiniDM and it allows you to pick up where downloads failed and continue the downloading. Believe me I am no expert on video downloads but this may be a start towards a different method for your downloading and viewing. It sure has improved my browsing capabilities also. Since you are on dial-up I am sure the Tab History option will be a blessing for you, since it allows you to reopen the last closed tab. This helps me a lot.



    Don't forget to give us some info on your system, Operating system etc.

    Where are you downloading from ?

    Good luck,

    :) davey

    P.S. Maybe some snapshots of your settings will help also.

  17. ty for responding. I dont create backup, so i guess that's why i never saw it. I don't create a backup b/c if everytime i did so, it would take up so much memory, any suggestions?

    Hi Yitz,

    Welcome ! :D

    When it comes to doing anything to the Registy then YOU MUST BACKUP. If you do not backup the changes then what will you do when it causes problems. At Options > Advanced make sure that the option is checked to Show prompt to backup registry issues.


    You sound like an average PC user to me. If you are inexperienced I seriously recommend just leaving the Registry alone. The Registry can have hundreds of "issues" and still cause you no problems with your PC daily operation. MOST users have "issues" in the Registry but it is of no concern to them.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

  18. It also seems it doesn't take over Update 7's spot as main Java runtime. :blink:


    Nothing was changed, 'cept for it being placed on my Add/Remove Programs list. Update 7 is still the show-in king. Anyone having this problem, on Vista?

    I downloaded it from Sun using JavaRa.

    Then I installed it.

    I ran JavaRa to remove Sun Downloader, Startup entry and old version.

    Checked out JavaRa log.


    6_10 is in and 6_7 is gone.

    Ran Java in Control Panel and did as explained by Andavari.

    Everything seems OK for me.

    WinXP Pro SP3 IE7 w/IE7Pro .


    :) davey

  19. Have been using CCleaner for a couple years now, and Defraggler for a few months. Just got an email with the newest version, 1.03.094. Download went ok, as far as I know, but when I went to install it, I got an error saying something like "Cannot write to "C/ blah blah blah. The location I always use to install programs. I'm running Win XP Home, I'm the Owner, etc. I even went so far as trying to install it as Admin. Same problem, would not write to my C drive as it should. The last version installed just fine, and Works really good, so I know this should install as well.


    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated,

    Thank you

    Hello Redleg,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    I am sure that Andavari's suggestion will work for you.


    I am wondering though if you were trying to update Defraggler while you were running Defraggler?

    That is, did the program automatically check for updates and then you tried to update it at that time?


    Thanks for your report,

    :) davey

  20. Oooh: that was quick: ta.

    So it aint an 'issue' ?


    I had thought as much re some scanned but possibly "locked" files.


    The interesting thing is when run immediately again post clean-up, either same cc session or close and restart = all clear


    Yes, that shows how close the timing can be.

    However, there can be some situations that occur every now and then when a combination of things such as OS and version and language being used etc. etc, that do show a "bug" has arisen.

    If such differences keep occurring and you are only running CCleaner by itself and after browsers have had time to actually close then supply enough info for the "bug fixers" to track this down.

    80 MB is an expected figure for Temp.Int. Files after a bit of browsing. Do you have a browser that cleans-up after itself based on options that have been set?


    :) davey

  21. Hello all

    Had this b4, never paid that much attention..



    Hi Longboard,

    I think it is a timing thing.

    The Analysis accumulates an approximate figure on what can be cleaned.

    When the cleaner is run it accumulates what could actually be cleaned at that time.

    Some areas may be locked or unavailable at the time or an area has already been deleted by some other process. Some areas are protected by security programs, etc.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

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