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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Yeah the fading colors are something else I've been thinking about. Mine would be on my hip and not noticable once I get older, but still, I'd have to see it and if it looks cruddy, I'll probably cuss it out everyday. lol And I doubt at the age of 70 I'd be going back to have it recolored. So like I said, I'll probably just henna it onto myself. At least that doesn't hurt and it easy to brighten once it starts to fade. LOL

  2. I think some guiding light is trying to tell you not to get those things tatooed onto your person, that is if you're thinking of going down that road.


    Don't tell me you are.


    Think of the PAIN. :o:blink:


    LOL the pain is exactly why I won't do it. But I will not lie...after finding those pictures, I have been seriously giving it some thought. I highly, highly doubt I will do it, even though they do make creams that tattoo artists use to numb the skin for wussies like me. lol And if I do it, it's a long way off anyhow. Even though mine would not be nearly as big, it would still cost a pretty penny to have one done, and I just don't have any kind of extra cash to set aside for anything right now. Plus, I have to lose some flub first, and that could take years. lol So odds are, I'll do my original plan which is to blow the images up a bit, print them out, make stencils and get a henna kit. ^_^

  3. I've tried saving it to desktop and it still doesn't work. Usually when I find an image that won't let me save it, I'll copy and paste into an email, send it to myself, then right click on the image in the email and it lets me save it. But this one won't budge. So I'm stumped. :(


    Lotse - I don't have Firefox so that won't work. lol But thanks anyway.

  4. Ok there's two pictures I found during an image search that I want to save on my PC, but it's not working. I can copy and paste them into emails, but I'm still not able to actually save the image to my hard drive. Any ideas why??


    These are the two images I'm trying to save...


    Pic 1



    Pic 2

  5. I heard about this on the radio this morning on my way to work. I don't understand how you CAN'T notice that an appendage is missing, especially your leg. Must be the way the nerves signal the brain or something, but still. You'd think it would be an easy thing to notice. Either way, that really sucks for the guy, especially since his leg had been crushed in the collision with the wall or whatever it was. At least he's alive though. He should definitely be grateful for that.

  6. I know this is all in fun but I think there is something to it. I have met dumb women of all types but the majority of them (dumb women) and the dumbest of them have been blond. Another factor is hooter size. Blonds with big boobs are the dumbest of them all. I also notice that when an intelligent brunette goes blond there is a huge drop in IQ. If a blond goes brunette there is no increase in IQ. So it seems blond syndrome is permanent. Also the bigger the blond hair the dumber the women. You are in big crap if she is blond with big hair and big hooters. That is a dangerous combo. If you ask her to do anything she will probably forget to breath because she can't multi task very well. Blonds have more fun though because they don't know enough to realize they are actually having a boring time. :lol:


    LOL that sad part is I think this is true. I went to high school with a whole gaggle of 'em, all who fit your description to a "t"! :lol:

  7. A blonde suspects that her boyfriend has been cheating

    on her for some time. In a fit of rage she visits a

    local gun shop and buys a pistol. She then takes the

    gun to her boyfriend's apartment to confront him with

    her suspicions.


    As she arrives, she hears amorous moans coming from

    within the apartment. In a rage she bursts in and finds

    her boyfriend making love to a woman on the floor in

    front of her.


    She reaches into her purse to retrieve the weapon and

    as she does so, she is overcome with grief. In her

    grief she raises the gun to her own head. The boyfriend

    jumps up and begins to plead with her not to end it

    all. She cocks the gun, looks him angrily in the eye

    and says, "Sit down and shut up, you're next!"

  8. I'd prefer (price wise) virgin galactic on $200,000




    Though a three day stay in space would be fun hotel style :)

    But 4mil would hurt the pocket a lot more :lol:

    The spiderman experience and the bubble bath might make it worth it :)


    I dunno, the whole thing seems to be anti-climactic. It lasts like, what, 2 hours? I can think of better things to spend $200,000 on in 2 hours. lol But still, it could be fun. Though it's just one more thing to add to my list of "can't affords" lol.

  9. When I was younger, my dream was to be an astronaut...travel to space, find aliens, dock with the space station, all that sutff. So something like this really does intrigue me. But still, I am skeptical, not to mention poor as all get out. There's no way I could afford to go. lol Would be cool though.

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