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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Yeah it happens to me from time to time. But it happens at all forums...at least from what I've noticed anyway. So you're not alone.


    I will say the only odd problem I have here, and only here, is the pages lock up for a few seconds when they load. But it's nothing I can't handle so I don't worry about it.

  2. Hi LuLu B)

    I forgot all about "HEART" also one of my fav's :D

    I've got some Heart albums on vinyl :) , as well as CD.


    Kick ass! My friends and I saw Heart perform last year and all I gotta say is they still rock! Ann Wilson still has such a powerful voice. She has to be one of the best female vocalists ever.

  3. Hopefully this is in the right forum. If not, then I apologize. Here is my problem...


    I'm trying to remove some programs from Windows start up using msconfig. Well, when I untick the programs I don't want loading at start up and reboot, I get a message telling me my computer has loaded in Diagnostic or Selective start up and to review the changes in my system settings. How do I get it to load normally or whatever? I only picked like 3 programs to not load at start up...Quicktime, my Kodak software and my Philips Device Manager something or other. Am I doing something wrong??

  4. Look at the symbols for 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90


    All the same and in increments of nine.


    Now add the digits of any two digit number and subtract the sum from the original number.


    Is the answer in the first line of numbers. ;)


    Yup this is basically how I explained it to my mom's friend (the person I got it from). I was like "they're all multiples of 9" and she's like "how did you figure that out?" I told her I'm a genuis. LOL :lol:

  5. I'm getting ripped off, believe me. lol I have Road Runner Lite - my download speed is 484kbps and my upload is 121kbps. I pay 32 dollars a month, but will be switching to DSL which is probably close to 3 times faster and will cost me 10 bucks less.

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