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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Nice tree LuLu. The photo without the flash is better because it makes things look cosier. :D


    My, well, rather *our*, Christmas tree is rather damn good ... it's all traditional looking I believe. I will hopefully post a photo of it later tonight if not tomorrow.


    I agree, the one without the flash is better. But I figured I'd post both just for kicks and grins. :D


    And yes definitely put up a pick of your tree!! I love Christmas trees.

  2. I enjoy the trees outside of my abode as they are. Nice trees. I think I'll let them live.


    But I'm not adverse to using pine trees as indoor decorations. Pine trees (conifers) inhale oxygen and put out carbon dioxide, the opposite of most trees.


    But the planet's too huge for me to worry about.


    LOL well our tree is fake so no worries about anything on our end. Well, unless the cats decide to climb it again. :blink:

  3. Thats my idea of a white Christmas. Snow is for Eskimos.


    hehe Nah snow isn't all that bad. I do miss the snowy winters...snowball fights, snow tunnels, and sledding. Of course I say this having not lived in it for ohhh I dunno about 23 years now. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't like going to the beach in December. But I would like to see a real snowfall here sometime, just once, so I can play in it like I did when I was younger...

  4. I was out at the grocery store this morning and ran into a friend who said at like 530am there was a line halfway around the Target building. I seriously can't be bothered with that mess. I prefer to shop from the convenience of my own home. Everyone is having "eBusters" stuff going, so odds are you can find something decent on the websites. Luckily, I've pretty much finished my Christmas shopping anyhow, so all I'm really doing is looking for stuff I want. LOL

  5. There was some group or company years ago that was testing a dome shaped housing structure in an actual hurricane, needless to say it wasn't made out of foam. It's all in the aerodynamics.



    Yeah I remember hearing about that.


    There was also a dome house built somewhere south of Ft. Pierce that my friends and I passed one day when we went surfing. Haven't been that far south in over 2 years though so there's no telling if it's still around. It was pretty neat though.


    The shape is definitely hurricane friendly...but I don't think a styrofoam one would work so well. lol

  6. Thank you everyone. The prayers and thoughts from all of you are wonderful and my family and I appreciate it very much. It's been rough, but we are dealing and I know things will get easier with time. Again, I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. :)

  7. Hey everybody. This isn't my usual happy-go-lucky type post, but since I consider quite a few of you my friends, I thought it would be easier to post this rather than PM a ton of people. This isn't easy to say, but my grandmother passed away today. She had a heart attack early this morning and oxygen had been cut off for at least 10 minutes or so before the paramedics got here. They got her heart pumping in the ER but she couldn't breathe on her own; there was no brain function and her pupils wouldn't dialate. They had her on a machine to keep her heart and lungs going but we were told that there was no chance of saving her, which we already knew. So shortly after 1pm (and many phone calls to family), my mom and aunt had them shut off the machines. We said our goodbyes and that was that. She's with her husband now - no more suffering and no more pain. We'll miss her a great deal, that's for sure.


    Thanks for listening. :)

  8. With both my first and last name, there's only ONE of me. That's a good thing because I don't think the world could handle more than one of me. LOLOL


    There are 22,899 people with my first name and "fewer than 336" people with my last name.

  9. Yeah I could handle a slow Internet connection if I was sitting under a palm tree in January and fighting off alligators :lol:


    I'd rather be sitting under a palm tree fighting off LuLu and her girlfriends sucking back a few Coronas or Amstels



    LMAO you guys are crazy!! :lol:

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