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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Well, at least "cabbagerolls" were one i didn't like. Don't know if i would like them now, probably not. I don't know if they are made outside of Finland? But other wise, i liked pretty much all foods.




    Edit: Hmm, apparently they are made else where too: http://southernfood.about.com/od/cabbagema.../r/bl30620u.htm


    Missed this one before. I, too, love cabbage rolls. Been eating them since I was a wee tot. Yum!!

  2. omg another sushi hater..why? what did they ever do to you lulu. ha-ha. ever tasted wasabi before? now thats gross.


    Haha sorry but raw fish and seaweed shoved in my mouth makes me want to vomit. If you like it, then you can have my portion. LOL


    Yup I've tried Wasabi as well. It's not just nasty, it's NARSTY!!!

  3. The foods I hated as a kid are pretty much what I hate now. lol


    tomatoes (but love ketchup)

    raw onions


    collard greens


    brussel sprouts





    cottage cheese

    ox tails


    I'm sure there's more I can add but nothing else is coming to mind right this very second.



    Foods I love:



    rare home made roast beef

    yams/sweet taters





    bell peppers

    sauteed onions












    fried clams once in a blue moon


    There's more that I can add to this list too, but we'd be here all day if I did. lol

  4. Haha you guys are funny. It's definitely rare to see someone walking their cat on a leash, but it happens. I was out one night with my friends and this guy had his beautiful black cat on a leash, but she sat on his shoulder as he wandered around. Definitely a cool sight. Makes me wonder how he bribed her to stay there. lol

  5. I'm sure some of you have heard this before, but it's still funny.




    A man and a woman who had never met before, but who were both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a Trans-continental train.


    Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper berth and she in the lower.


    At 1:00 AM, the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold."


    "I have a better idea," she replied. "Just for tonight, let's pretend that we're married."


    "Wow! That's a great idea!", he exclaimed.


    "Good," she replied. "Get your own *!#*!# blanket."


    After a moment of silence, he farted.


    The End

  6. Yeah I've been on other forums that have something similar. Personally, I think it's easier to just start a new thread each time you want to chat about something only because most people hate rifling through 500 pages of conversation. lol On the other hand, a lot of people tend to want to keep chats to PMs only for privacy reasons, and I can understand that too. Myself, I don't really care where the conversation is held. If I have something to say, I'll say it. lol

  7. We've got two, and we use them both. Probably because I don't have a DVD recorder....


    A good use for old tape. Keep it for when you need something (or someone :lol: ), tied/fastened up. It's extremely strong, and you have miles of the stuff in one cassette.


    The D-man's one and only "tip of the day".


    Now we know what Dennis does in his spare time. :lol:

  8. sweet! wish i was sleeping with 3 cats atop my comforter. their purring lulls me to sleep.


    They don't really leave much room for me to climb into bed...especially when the dog hops up there too. But hey, as long as they're comfy and quiet I don't care. LOL

  9. Not quite sure I believe much (or any) of it but here you go. lol




    Daydreaming all afternoon sounds heavenly to the Sheep. This creative, esoteric Sign needs plenty of time alone in which to feed its Muse. Sheep are generally most comfortable in their own minds (which other, more linear-thinking Signs may have trouble deciphering). This Sign makes a great craftsperson or artisan, or perhaps a teacher of New Age studies -- any occupation that allows its mind the full range of freedom. Sheep tend not to be very well-organized, precluding many more dry business endeavors. In fact, Sheep tend not to be very materialistic in general, finding plenty of riches in their own imagination. However, especially when in love, the Sheep can be quite a lavish gift-giver.



  10. just wonderin' cuz im a cat lover. tabbies mostly. no long haired cats mind you. horrible time combing and hairball cleanup. they are docile and better over dogs. meow!


    I love kitties!! :wub: I have 3. I used to have a long hair calico but she died 5 years ago at the ripe old age of 22. The three I have now are all short hairs between the ages of 3 and 17. I also have a dog who is 2 years old who thinks she's a cat. Gotta love her. But hey, pets make the world go 'round. :D

  11. The Scorpion

    October 24 to November 22


    Traditional Scorpio Traits


    Determined and forceful

    Emotional and intuitive

    Powerful and passionate

    Exciting and magnetic



    On the dark side....


    Jealous and resentful

    Compulsive and obsessive

    Secretive and obstinate

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