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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Lulu prolly already went and I'm sure she had a fun time. I thought of it as a name like Kwik E Mart. It might be Chucky, I dunno, I never really looked.


    No it's Chuck E Cheese. lol


    And we haven't gone yet. We'll be going towards the end of September. Then a few weeks later we'll be doing the "grown up" party at Bahama Breeze. That'll be a good time as well. :)

  2. They're just starting off big first, then moving to something really big. They need a close to home test bed first for testing of needed life sustaining things such as growing food, producing their own water and oxygen, etc., as getting a steady supply from Earth would be too expensive and very impractical for sustained living off world. In short they need to be completely self sufficient without needing constant life lines from Earth.


    Also with the moon being so much closer it's possible a rescue mission could be launched if something went wrong like a broken return vehicle, if that were on Mars they'd be screwed.


    I watched that NatGeo program, and it was rather interesting, perhaps somewhat bold however it will one day be a necessity if an asteroid or comet hits the Earth, or a super volcano erupts devastating life world wide there could at least be Earthlings elsewhere in the solar system who could later re-colonize the Earth. Oh how nice it would've been to be born some thousands of years in the future!


    If you believe in reincarnation there's no need to worry, you'll be back someday.

  3. Why would we colonize the moon, when Mars is the best possible choice right now for colonization? Weird. Would be nice to live on another planet, and call a friend back on Earth: Me: "Hey how are you doing?" Friend: "Doing good, heard you moved. Where'd you move to?" Me: "Moved to Mars, it's awesome here." Friend: "Mars? Nice!" :lol:


    That would be one hell of a phone bill. lol

  4. I'll read anything by Stephen King. I love horror stories.


    But on the same note, I'll read just about anything. I'm re-starting Son of a Witch and soon hope to get my hands on the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Series books. I love the show True Blood on HBO so I'm quite curious about the differences in the books (and I know there's lots).

  5. Was just wondering if anyone uses WPE Pro. I wanted to download it for Yoville on Facebook (yes, I'm a dork lol) and just wanted to know if anyone has any nfo (good or bad) about using it. :)

  6. I'm a drop-out, unfortunately, though it's of my own doing. I decided, at the brilliant age of 14 (because every 14 year old is the most brilliant being alive, and God help you if you try to deny them their brilliance) that is was smarter to spend my high-school years completely coked up and partying. I decided being cool was far more productive than being smart. I went from an A average in grade 7 to a C- average in grade 8, to a complete failure in grade 9.

    Funny, how it works out like that, no? I'm going to be finishing high school this year, though. :D


    At least you got your life sorted out. Unfortunately, there are so many who don't. So props to you for finishing school! :)

  7. You can like bully them for their game tickets, the same way as for lunch money. And you can challenge them to a multiple player arcade game and beat them. I mean really horribly embarrassingly. :lol:


    NOW I remember why I want to go. :lol:


    Really though, with your friends along it'll be a trip with all the rugrats running around everywhere. And the food isn't that bad. It's okay. I'd eat it. But what you're really gonna be jonesing for is a bar. :mellow:


    Wellll we don't drink so that's not a problem. Just give me free refills on my soda and I'm happy. lol

  8. I'm sure every Chuck E Cheese is a bit different. It's just that they've gotten a bad rap on TV & stuff as a noisy romper room for kids. I'm sure you'll have a blast there. You'll be with friends. :D


    Well it *is* a place for kids so I would expect it to be loud and chaotic all the time (which actually makes me question why I want to go in the first place since I'm not fond of the little ones). It's gonna be a good day though; like you said, I'll be with friends. And if I have to toss some kids out because they get too damn loud, I will. :lol:

  9. You all like horribly awful pizza that's cheap, but you're really going for the kid rides. :lol:


    I've never been there so I have no idea what the pizza is like. If it's that bad we'll bring out own. lol But the games and stuff are what drew us in. That and the fact that you'll probably never see 30 year olds having a birthday party there again...ever. :D

  10. You're all cheap??? :huh:


    Or maybe just a fun bunch and like to play on the outside jungle gym. :lol:


    Pretty much...even on the cheap part. Haha!!


    Nah we're gonna do a "grown-up" party as well at Bahama Breeze. But I think secretly we're more excited about Chuck E Cheese. :lol:

  11. Hey lulu,

    Big 3-0

    Big 4-0

    Big 5-0


    Eh, overrated.


    I still dig Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, The Who.......then I feel like I'm in college again.

    ROCK ON! mjp


    LOL I know. My two best friends and I all turn 30 within weeks of one another. And only one of us is actually freaking out.......and I thoroughly enjoy teasing her about it. I'm evil I know. :P But hey, our birthday party is gonna be at Chuck E Cheese (yes I'm totally serious) so what does that tell you? LOL :D

  12. Nope that's not it either. All she was trying to delete was some pictures and MP3's. After consulting with a friend of mine who builds computers and such, I'm gonna have her unplug the spare drive and see what happens. He basically said that since it was the main drive from her old PC, that there could be some kind of conflict going on (even though it was set as a slave) OR the drive is shot (which could be the cause of the I/O error msg). If she could remember when she first saw the Windows - No Disk error message, it would help, but she says it's been there for "so long". But I wouldn't be surprised if the two were linked somehow.

  13. I'd say you should ask her to follow this thread to make sure her system is actually clean as some malware infections require specialized removal tools, and qualified help from a malware removal expert.


    Well, she has run TFC and Mbam (along with Spybot). But getting her to do the rest will more than likely not happen. She runs into problems anytime she tries to do anything out of the ordinary on her PC so she's very wary about certain things, even if they are meant to fix problems.



    If she finds some of her issues are from IE8, give this thread a look on blocking future installation of it - if she removes it.


    Thanks. She did remove it and her PC performance improved significantly. Now it's just those two errors she's trying to overcome.

  14. Ok so after uninstalling IE8, nothing has locked up but as she was attempting to delete/transfer stuff to her spare drive, it wouldn't let her access the drive. Still gives the I/O message from earlier.


    And now there is an old error message she says she used to get after boot up. It pops up on her desktop and says Windows - No Disk in the corner of the box and inside the box says Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c.


    Could the two be related??

  15. She did that. But it turns out a couple months back she tried to do a system restore and it still wouldn't work.


    Now she's trying to delete some files and she gets a message saying "The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error". She also gets the same error when she tries to transfer stuff to her spare hard drive.


    Any takers?

  16. About 3 days ago my friend did her routine virus scan/malware scan stuff. AVG and Housecall both detected a trojan so she cleaned it and everything was fine. M-bam detected 4 registry key infections (Adware.minibug) and removed them and everything was ok. In the midst of all this, she downloaded and installed some windows updates and the new IE8. Today she started having issues with programs not opening (AOL, AIM, MusicMatch) and her computer locking up, so she tried doing a system restore. None of the restore points worked. Then later it randomly rebooted and now she's at least able to get on AOL and use Windows Media Player. I'm wondering if all of this is due to the windows updates and the IE update (only because I had similiar problems on an old PC). So I'm wondering if she should uninstall those things or if anyone has an ideas for her?? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. :)

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