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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. perhaps one of the ever popular Real Life Pictures threads would be sufficient to end confusion.


    haha maybe.


    I actually look a bit like that, but I have 2 or 3 brow line things and my hair isn't parted in the same place :P

    So i see where people are coming from with the whole "kind of like a guy thing" being that I'm a guy ;)


    Hmmm. I still don't see it. But again, I'm probably just biased because I know the pic is of me. lol But hey, if you look a bit like me, then you must be pretty damn cute. :P:D

  2. Well if it's any consolation I didn't think there was any doubt they were girls eyes, could have been damn embarrassing if they weren't - thought they were quite cute lol


    Aww thank you. ;)


    As for me - 31 (though still get asked for ID when buying alcohol :rolleyes: )


    Yeah it happens to me too. But I'm not complaining one bit. :D

  3. Well, to me, you look a bit like a boy in that sig picture. But it's only a partial pic though.


    Gee thanks. Kill a girl's ego why don't ya!? Hehe kidding. :P I dont really see how I look kinda like a boy in the pic though. To me they look like girl's eyes. But then again maybe it's just because I know they're my eyes. :blink: I guess next time I'll just post a picture of my rear end. That would end all speculation....and probably get me banned in the process. LOL :lol:

  4. She is married to Kevin Kline who stars in A Fish Called Wanda


    K K Ken. I h h hate b b being r r run over by steam rollers.


    Missed this one before.....yep that's her hubby. He's an awesome actor. Totally loved him in "In and Out" and "French Kiss".

  5. Oh, i thought you were a boy. Something new again :D. Btw, is that you on that sig pic?


    YoKenny: I watched A Fish Called Wanda some weeks ago and it sure is a good movie. Otto is hilarious. B)


    Haha omg I can't belive you thought I was a boy! Don't worry, it's happened before. LOL And yes that's me in my sig picture. :)

  6. I'm a dark hair and dark eyes man myself.


    Phoebe Cates - Fast Times At Ridgemont High

    I go ga ga when I see her.


    She was definitely a head turner, very beautiful. Makes a girl like me jealous sometimes. haha

  7. Ol' John Belushi and I are the same age, well except he checked out about 25 years ago, still he was a funny guy.


    John Belushi was the man. Awesome comedian and all around fantastic performer. And the Blues Brothers...don't get me started.


    Oh yeah, one other thing, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, isn't the cyberworld fun! :blink:


    Haha yep! On a surfing forum I hung out on a few years back, some of the members and I did this thing where we told each other how we envisioned the others to look. Man, all of us were waaaaay off on our descriptions of of each other. It was hilarious.




    ps- blonde hair and blue eyes rock! :D

  8. It looks real nice out there right now and another 5-10cm ( 3-5in ) forecast for Sunday but the sidewalks will be treacherous until the next warm spell.


    Oh I'm sure it's beautiful. Though I don't know if I'd take it over the view I had today. My friends and I went to the beach....blue sky, nothing but sunshine and a ligh breeze. The waves we about 3-4 foot and glassy, but that water was too cold for me to go in. Still, you gotta love Florida in the winter time! lol


    That would make the orange growers a bit upset though and parking lots a lawyer's delight.


    Haha yup you got it! But oddly enough to produce those very sweet oranges, we need a good freeze. So some snow might help a bit.

  9. Oh yeah! Especially with the Avatars, kind of puts a picture in your mind plus the comments it can be interesting.


    Oh definitely. It's always fun finding out if your "picture" is what the person is really like though.


    BTW, my normal Avatar isn't Pong.




    LOL ok. But now that you mention it (even if it is off-topic) I really miss Pong...and I miss my Atari.

  10. 30, 31 soon.


    Edit. I read this post and i have to say, that i thought rridgely was much older (like 25-35) and hazelnut about that same age. Also thought that davey was much much younger.


    You and me both! Funny how we get this image of people in our heads and then we're totally wrong. It's nice to see a big diversity in the members though. Brings a lot of life and color to the forums. :)

  11. C'mon then guys, get your cameras out. Great thread LuLu.


    We used to have the traditional real Xmas tree until a few years ago. Even the kids (big kids) went off them, and now we have a small tree in front and back rooms.


    All my daughters efforts I hasten to add, and the second one is fibre optic and changes colour.


    Don't you just love Christmas, especially if you have young kids.



    Both look great! I like the fiber optic trees...thinking about picking one up for next year to use on our patio. :)

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