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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Me too but they can be damn infuriating, especially if watching with someone else - "There's one", "Damn, missed it". "Theres another one", "Where?", "It's gone now". "Theres another one", "Aaaaaaaargh!!!" :D



    LOL :lol: I definitely see the truth in that.

  2. I drive mom's '01 Dodge Caravan. I think top speed is 125mph, but I could be wrong. Doesn't matter much anyhow because I'm not allowed to find out fast she'll go. For the average drive though, when the AC is off it's pretty quick for a 4cyl, but when the AC is on, forget it - a snail can go faster. lol


    I like to go fast. I need a Mustang...

  3. Well I need it for the center artwork of a t-shirt I'm gonna attempt to make. So it has to be fairly large, or I have to be able to enlarge it without it getting too blurred.


    Thanks for the link! I'm really diggin' the heart with cupid's arrow through it on page 3. :)

  4. Does anyone have any clip art of a big red heart? I found a few while searching the net, but they are small and when I try to enlarge them they get super blurry. One with a dagger through it would be best, but I can work with a plain ol' heart. lol I'd be forever grateful if anyone can help lil' ol' me. :)

  5. I do not have one and I will not get one. People who walk around talking with that idiotic blue tooth earphone thingie should be taken out and summarily shot. People who sit at restaurants shouting into their cell phones while they have the phone on speakerphone should suffer the same fate. There is nothing in this world more intrusive and annoying to me than people talking on a cell phone totally oblivious to those around them. I have no interest in your phone conversation. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to walk into a building and the entrance is blocked by some self-important yahoo yacking in his phone. The person can't just stand there and talk. No, the person has to wander about aimlessly and brainlessly while he's talking, blocking the entrance and bumping into those of us just wishing to get through the damn doors. Don't even get me started on the immature, pre-pubescent punks and sundry adult clowns who think text messaging is fun and/or an important way of communicating. What's worse is they text while driving, endangering me. I know in some countries in Europe you can legally buy and use a scrambler that will block the signals of cell phones. I believe many movie theaters over there use them. Unfortunately they're illegal here in the U.S. or no one within one hundred yards of me would EVER be able to get a signal. No one under 30 years of age should be allowed to own or operate a cell phone. You should be licensed to use one and to get said license a person should have to take classes in etiquette and manners and safety and pay $5,000 per year to obtain and keep the license. Cell phones, for some reason, turn many otherwise intelligent and courteous persons into selfish, dangerous cretins, jerks and morons.


    Wow, after all of that I feel a bit better now :lol:


    LOL I am so glad I do not fit into all that. Yes I have a cell phone and yes I do use it. But I don't talk when I drive, don't dare have a conversation in a restaurant or while I'm standing in line at the bank and don't even attempt texting while I am behind the wheel of a car. I had originally gotten it for emergencies (and I will say I thank God everyday for it for there have been many emergencies that it came in handy) and then my mom wanted one for emergencies as well. So we ended up getting a family plan. Then decided to get my dad one and kill the house phone since the family plan, for the 3 of us, was cheaper than our original phone bill. lol So all in all it worked out pretty fair. Cell phones aren't bad, but people abuse them in far too many circumstances.

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