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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Well, Santa skipped my house this year. :( It's ok though...he'll be back next year with a sleigh full of goodies!!


    But anyway, from mom and dad I got Pirates Of the Caribbean 3 DVD, a pirates calendar and 2 tropical/surf themed mousepads. And my brother gave me Shrek the Third DVD, a Pirates of the Caribbean book, a dolphin puzzle, 2 small sculptures (one of a dolphin and one of sea turtles), and a big framed picture of a tropical island. It was a good Christmas. :)

  2. Christmas in Sarajevo by The Transiberian Orchestra, hands down.


    Then there's Merry Fu*kin' Christmas by Mr. Garrison on the South Park Christmas cd (ok I love the whole album). And then there's the Twisted Christmas album with songs like Walkin' Round In Women's Underwear. Oh, and Ren and Stimpy's Christmas album. I've always been strange. haha :lol:


    Then there's the Christmas albums by the Beach Boys, Brian Setzer Orchestra, Michael Buble, Jimmy Buffet, etc. Yes, I have a lot of Christmas cds. LOL And I play every single one of them this time of year.

  3. Lu LU.


    I would assume that many forum members agree as well.


    Once in awhile you have to take chances. Sure, I am far from my family, but one day you have to decided on who you are going to live your life for? You or someone else? It was a tough decision, but not that tough.


    You got that right. But luckily, my family would follow so I wouldn't have to worry about being far from them. But I'd definitely set them up in their own cabana. I want mine to myself. haha

  4. Lu Lu and Andavari.


    There are always direct flights. The most expensive part is the travel to get here.Once in Costa Rica, you can live like a rock star.


    Imagine 50 cent beers and $5 a pound lobsters. Some people may say that it could get old, I don't think so.



    I have a cousin who goes to Costa every now and then for surf trips with his friends. He says the same thing...that everything is cheap and you can definitely live on little pocket money. He's invited me to go a couple times but I never have the money for the plane ticket, let alone a hotel room and food. I'll get to surf there eventually. B)

  5. Anywhere warm is preferable to ice and snow. However I do think my loathing of winter is age acquired because I used to love it as a child.


    I'll agree with you on that one. I've noticed myself not enjoying the cold winter weather as much anymore (yes it does get cold here every now and then...lol) and even my parents have said they don't miss the snow and ice and blustery winds from when we lived on Long Island. I'll admit, snow is pretty to look at and I do miss snowball fights and sledding, but I think going to the beach in December is much more enjoyable. lol

  6. My favorite author is Stephen King. But, with that being said, I'll read just about anything that strikes my interest. I've always been a book worm. Just don't ask me to remember what the books are about. I swear once I'm done with it, all brain retention of the subject is gone. LOL

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