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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. It has a large opening in the back and I have it about 3in from the wall. I just finished watching a classic Jack Benny show with Humphrey Bogart in B/W complete with the Lucky Strike commercial on DVD and it has two more episodes for me to watch with one having Jane Mansfield that sure will gather my attention if not a few laughs. I'm going to see if I can trade in the DVD player for a combo DVD and VHS player when I have a bit more money.
  2. I have the opportunity to purchase a Pine TV cabinet shown below for $50.00 which would look good in my apartment. It would permit me to store and organize my collection of VHS tapes and DVDs making them easier to see as they are all jumbled up in a small computer desk right now. I don't have a 27in TV though only a 15in Toshiba with great picture and stereo sound. http://kingston.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-f...QQAdIdZ57405573
  3. http://www.opera.com/wsc/
  4. I doubt the ACDSEE product developers read the CCleaner forum so you should check its forum:http://forums.acdsystems.com
  5. A limited user account has its advantages especially if you share the system with multiple users. If you are the only user then having two or more accounts usually results in situations where some applications have to be installed for each user account and CCleaner comes to mind as it can only clean the current User ID account I believe. If you install the recommended security applications in your Administrator ID then the system will be safe from all but the very latest of malware that tries to exploit some newly un-patched exposure in your system.
  6. That sounds like IBM's RACF that I had to sell and support way back when. The auditors loved it but the Sys Progs hated it as they could not get into the MVS system to apply their magic tweaks without going through the Change Management System
  7. YoKenny

    Page File

    From what I have read its best to let the operating system handle the page file unless you are running Win9x/ME where sometimes tweaking the page file helps performance. This is a good reference: http://www.theeldergeek.com/sizing_the_page_file.htm
  8. Interesting is Triera Internet Broadband Network Services Slovenia. I'll bet the Help Desk is not somewhere in India where you have to talk to someone that sounds like Peter Sellers in "The Party" Give them a call and be patient but persistent and don't believe them if they say there is nothing wrong at their end so you have to re-install the operating system.
  9. YoKenny

    iPhone iWon't

    The last 10 years while working or so it seemed that every time I got a raise it put me into the next tax bracket so in effect my take home pay was the same and sometimes even less. The last two years I just slacked off so I didn't get a raise but there was a big push to "Downsize" at the time and I was "Made an offer I couldn't refuse" and took the pension and put it put 1/2 of it in a RRSP and the rest I took and went to live in Playa Del Coco Costa Rica for 7 months.
  10. One pass is enough unless you know of someone with very sophisticated data recovery software or you are afraid that the CIA, FBI or Interpol have you on their "Most Wanted" list?
  11. http://www.itnews.com.au/News/80088,spamme...ld-war-iii.aspx
  12. This Belarc Advisor Security Definitions Update installs the latest version of the Belarc Advisor's security definitions which includes all Microsoft security bulletins through July 10th, 2008. This update ensures that the System Security Status panel in the computer profile report reflects the true number of missing Microsoft Security Updates. More Info: Belarc Advisor Security
  13. Video works great with IE7
  14. YoKenny

    iPhone iWon't

    Ted Rogers is laughing all the way to the Cayman Islands.
  15. YoKenny

    iPhone iWon't

    iPhone iWon't No thanks. I'd rather endure a root canal than fork out the $$$ to Rogers to have a phone that probably will be inundated with Rogers propaganda: http://www.cbc.ca/consumer/story/2008/07/1...ex.html?ref=rss
  16. I have not seen that happen on my XP Home nor Pro systems. I don't use Defragler though as it does exhibit the symptoms you have experienced.
  17. What operating system are you using? Is it possible to create a Logout script that could be run when they Logout like in XP Pro?
  18. I'm running 3.2.66 BETA2 right now without problems.
  19. Do you mean like some kind of phishing expedition?
  20. I guess I'm lucky because CCleaner has not touched my file associations for IrfanView and I have run the Registry cleaner function.
  21. Oh durn! Do you mean that the email I received informing me that there is $25 million being held in a bank in Nigeria that had an owner that recently died with no relatives to claim it is false Gee I was slowly saving the meager $12,000 to send to secure the release of the funds
  22. I'm running Avast and I don't have a problem with Outlook Express ( OE ) on my XP Home nor Pro systems with its email handler active. It means that OE can not communicate with your ISP's mail servers. Possible causes incoming email port 110 POP3 setting is not set up correctly outgoing email port 25 SMTP is not set up correctly firewall not set up correctly to permit OE to connect to the Internet SP3 broke the Internet connection for ZoneAlarm and possibly other firewalls. ISPs have been known to change their email servers names so you should get in touch with your ISP Technical Support to have them help you resolve the problem. Google
  23. In HostsServer I have a small gif that is displayed instead of the message by going to Preferences and selecting Show icon in notification area and Enable log with Log referrer and I start it Automatically. In Server I select image then in Image I select Custom then choose an image I have in My Pictures Folder. Save in My Pictures Folder Now I see in place of the blocked site and I review the Log occasionally to see what is blocked. Its amazing how many times www.google-analytics.com is blocked as a referrer. The winapp2.ini has an entry to clean out HostsServer log. My usage is about 10MB but it hardly uses any CPU that I have been able to detect.
  24. Problems have been reported with ZoneAlarm stopping access to the Internet and other strange things after SP3 install, Are you running ZoneAlarm? Posting your messages in color and a weird font makes them had to read.
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