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CCleaner does not respect my choice

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Since the update to 6.24 (free version) "custom clean-up" is longer possible.

As soon as you click "Run CCleaner", an advertising window for the Pro version comes up. If you click that away, a second advertising screen comes up. There it says very small "No, thanks".

After you click on that, as soon as you click on "Run CCleaner" again, the first advertising window comes back, followed by the second advertising window. And so you are in a loop. Analysing is still possible, but that's no use, of course.

So I say "No, thanks", but immediately afterwards the intrusive advertising for the Pro version returns. That's disrespectful.

How do I solve this, please?

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Yes, hazelnut,

When I searched for fellow victims, I found nothing, but later I discovered that this strange title "Hello and goodbye..." is also related to this issue.

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Have you tried reinstalling CCleaner from the Builds page?


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Has the reinstall fixed it for you?

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Are you actually clicking the "Run Cleaner" button with a mouse, or are you using keyboard "Alt+R", or similar keyboard navigation to select the "Run Cleaner" function?

Here's a topic were I was having the same issue until I realized it was caused by a change/bug in the way "Alt+Underline Access Keys" are handled in the new v6.24-


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3 minutes ago, Léon said:

Yes, I am actually clicking the "Run Cleaner" button with the mouse.

That's unfortunate. I really hope Custom Clean stays a free option.

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In fact it is quite simple: we get a proposal to try the Pro version. You say "No, thanks", but that decision is not received by the program.

The proposal is repeated as if it is the first time.

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Weird. I'm not getting the upgrade pop-up when I click the button with a mouse. It works as it always does for me.

I'm wondering if it's part of an A/B testing in v6.24. Some of us get a "Get Pro" tab, and some get an "Upgrade" tab. Some are gray, some green, and some are reddish-orange... When I updated over top of v6.23, I had a green "Get Pro" tab, but after uninstalling/reinstalling it, I got a red "Get Pro" tab.

I'm also curious to see what the upgrade pop-up says for you as well. For some, the second option down on the left says "Custom Cleaning" and for others "Advanced Cleaning".

Could you post a screenshot of your CCleaner that shows both the "Get Pro/Upgrade" button, along with the upgrade pop-up, like so? -


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1 hour ago, SumGuy said:

I'm wondering if it's part of an A/B testing in v6.24. Some of us get a "Get Pro" tab, and some get an "Upgrade" tab. Some are gray, some green, and some are reddish-orange... When I updated over top of v6.23, I had a green "Get Pro" tab, but after uninstalling/reinstalling it, I got a red "Get Pro" tab.

Common now i read all threads i know my explaintion enough to recognize you pulling it like yours. 🤪




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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34 minutes ago, Nergal said:

Common now i read all threads i know my explaintion enough to recognize you pulling it like yours. 🤪

😏 Who, me? Naw, you deserve all the credit 😅
I'm just getting discombobulated with all the cross-linking. They sure flubbed this update, huh?

I do hope we get an answer in the next day or so. It'd be pretty bizarre for them to make Custom Clean a paid option. 

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24 minutes ago, Léon said:

Will there be any response from CCleaner?

Is the problem being investigated or looked into?

There has been no answers yet from admin about our request to them for information on this.


Support contact





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34 minutes ago, Léon said:

Will there be any response from CCleaner?

Is the problem being investigated or looked into?

Uninstalling CCleaner and reinstalling it is curing this 'Upgrade' issue for other users by installing the 'normal' CCleaner, - try it again.

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You may just have been unluckly last time and got given the 'variant' again.

Try the 'slim' installer this time, 3rd one down on the builds page.
PS. It's the installer that's 'slim', not the CCleaner that it installs.

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Hello nukecad,

What do you mean with the 'normal' CCleaner?

Reinstalling I already tried. I guess it was the normal CCleaner.

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The slim installer was the very first one I tried. That one introduced the problem into my life.

For the reinstall I chose the normal one.

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Have you tried again?

As I said, others have reported that uninstalling/reinstalling gives them the 'normal' CCleaner again.
Although I suppose you could be unlucky and randomly get a variant again, so try another uninstall/reinstall - TBH I've been reinstalling several times to try and deliberately get a bugged one, but it's given me the normal CCleaner Free every time up to now.

3 hours ago, Léon said:

What do you mean with the 'normal' CCleaner?

The problem appears to be with a 'variant' version that was/is being put out randomly to a selection of users. (without any notice that it is a variant).

You can spot it by that Orange, sometimes Green, 'Get Pro' button being there instead of the Grey 'Upgrade' that everyone else sees.
(and of course by the fact that it doesn't work properly).

'Normal' Capture.JPG

Variant(s) variant.JPGvariant2.JPG

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The problem with a complete uninstall would be that lots of Firefox cookies that I excluded from cleaning need to be "configured" again.

I already made a screenshot of them.

Would you advise a complete uninstall to start with?

By the way, I just installed 6.23 (surprised that it is possible) and now custom cleaning works again. (I thought: "Just wait for a solution to come").

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For the cookies:

Go to Options>Cookies and right click anywhere in the 'cookies to keep' list.
'Export' them to a text file.
After the reinstall do the same and 'Import' them.

However if you are happy with 6.23 until this mess is sorted out then stay with it, remember to turn off the automatic updation in Options>Updates.

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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