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humbnails on desktop and in folders gone after running Ccleaner.


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After running CCleaner all of the thumbnails on my desktop and in folder have been replaced by icons.   I've tried many of the tips for restoring thumbnail view and none have worked.  


Does CCleaner change something in the system to replace thumbnails with icons?   If so, how do I restore the thumbnails?

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On 23/04/2023 at 09:55, hazelnut said:

I had tried most of them with no luck.   One in that list that I had not tried is "Change The Default App".    It worked when I tried the first step which was right click on an icon and select open with another app.   When I opened it with an app that was different than my default (IrfanView)  the most of the other thumbnails on the desktop were restored.  I then repeated with another icon which restored more icons, and repeated that until all were restored.   I did not change my default app, so I may have the same issue when I run CCleaner again. 


Thank you for your help. 

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Good you got your thumbs back, but let's see if we can find out why they went missing.

Are you using Winapp2.ini?
If so is it up to date?

I believe that there was a bug in winapp2 earlier this year that would remove thumbnails.
A 'Restart' of the computer would bring them back as Windows rebuilt the cache on a Restart.



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Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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